Fakaofo - Introduction

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Where in the World is Fakaofo found? Fakaofo is the capital of Tokelau (Tokelau), situated in the Polynesia subregion of Oceania. In Fakaofo, the currency used is New Zealand dollar ($), which is the official currency used in Tokelau. The Latitude, Longitude cordinates of Fakaofo are , .

About Fakaofo

Fakaofo, formerly known as Bowditch Island, is a South Pacific Ocean atoll located in the Tokelau Group. The actual land area is only about 3 km2 (1.1 sq mi), consisting of islets on a coral reef surrounding a central lagoon of some 45 km2. According to the 2006 census 483 people officially live on Fakaofo (however just 370 were present at census night). Of those present 70% belong to the Congregational Church and 22% to the Catholic Church.

Fakaofo Current Weather

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Parameter Value
Wind Wind
Pressure Pressure
Humidity Humidity
Visibility Visibility
UV Index UV Index
Precip Precipitation