North Macedonia - Introduction

Here, we have some interesting facts about North Macedonia. North Macedonia (officially: Republic of North Macedonia) is a country in Europe, precisely in Southeast Europe, with a population of about N/A inhabitants today (2025-03-05). The capital city of Republic of North Macedonia is Skopje, and the official country TLD code is .mk. North Macedonia has cca2, cca3, cioc, ccn3 codes as MK, MKD, MKD, 807 respectively. Check some other vital information below.

North Macedonia , Coat of Arms
Common North Macedonia
Official Republic of North Macedonia
Common (Native) North Macedonia
Official (Native) Republic of North Macedonia
Alternative spellings MK, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of, Република Северна Македонија
Translations ⬇️
mkd Macedonian
User Country Flag


North Macedonia is located in Southeast Europe and has a total land area of 25713 km². It is bounded by Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Serbia and the capital city is Skopje

Region/Continent Europe
Subregion Southeast Europe
TimeZone UTC+01:00
Capital city Skopje
Area 25713 km²
Population 2025-03-05 N/A
Bordered Countreies Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Serbia
eng Male: Macedonian / Female: Macedonian
fra Male: Macédonien / Female: Macédonienne
Lat/Lng 41.83333333, 22
Historical data and more
The National Flag of North Macedonia

The flag of North Macedonia has a red field, at the center of which is a golden-yellow sun with eight broadening rays that extend to the edges of the field.

History section not found.
Name denar
Code MKD
Symbol den
Other info
Idependent yes, officially-assigned
UN Member country yes
Start of Week monday
Car Side right
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 MK
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 MKD
ISO 3166-1 numeric 807
International calling code +389
FIFA 3 Letter Code MKD
All Important Facts about North Macedonia

Want to know more about North Macedonia? Check all different factbooks for North Macedonia below.

North Macedonia is found in Southeast Europe