Weather Information for Kineshemskiy Pogost

Check below the current weather condition in Kineshemskiy Pogost. You will see the current temperature in Degrees Celcius as well as other weather parameters like the wind speed, humidity, Precipitation and more

Kineshemskiy Pogost, Russia
2024-09-16 23:26


Temperature:14.3°C |
Feels like:14°C |
Other weather information:
Parameter Value
Wind Wind 8.3 km/h
Pressure Pressure 1032 mb
Humidity Humidity 70%
Visibility Visibility 10 km
UV UV Index 1
Precip Precipitation 0
Kineshemskiy Pogost Current Weather breakdown

Based on the information we have, the current weather of Kineshemskiy Pogost, Russia is Clear. The temperature at this moment is 14.3°C (57.8°F) . That said, this temperature feels like 14°C and the wind speed is 8.3 km/h while we have a current pressure of 1032 mb

Under these conditions, the current UV index is 1 and the visibility is 10 km while the precipitation is 0