How is the communication system in El Salvador? Here, Broadcast media include multiple privately owned national terrestrial TV networks, supplemented by cable TV networks that carry international channels; hundreds of commercial radio broadcast stations and two known government-owned radio broadcast station; transition to digital transmission to begin in 2018 along with adaptation of the Japanese-Brazilian Digital Standard (ISDB-T) (2022). What about Telecommuication systems and Internet? Explore this article to find out more.
More about communication in El Salvador
Internet country code .sv
Broadband - fixed subscriptions
Total 586,000 (2020 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 9 (2020 est.)
Internet users
Total 3.969 million (2021 est.)
Percent of population 63% (2021 est.)
Telecommunication systems
General assessment El Salvador is the smallest country in central America geographically, it has the fourth largest economy in the region; the country’s telecom sector has been restricted by poor infrastructure and unequal income distribution; there have been organizational delays which have slowed the development of telecom services; El Salvador’s fixed-line teledensity is substantially lower than the Latin American and Caribbean average; there has been a significant drop in the number of fixed lines since 2010, particularly in 2017, largely due to the substitution for mobile-only alternatives; about 94% of all telephony lines in the country are on mobile networks; mobile subscriptions are remarkably high considering El Salvador’s economic indicators, being about a third higher than average for Latin America and the Caribbean; the country was one of the last in the region to provide LTE services, mainly due to the inadequate provision of suitable spectrum; the multi-spectrum auction conducted at the end of 2019 has allowed MNOs to improve the reach and quality of their service offerings; El Salvador’s telecom legislation is one of the more liberal in Latin America, encouraging competition in most areas and permitting foreign investment; there are no regulations which promote wholesale broadband; the only effective cross-platform competition in the broadband market comes from the few cable operators; there has been some market consolidation in recent years (2021)
Domestic Fixed-line services, roughly 14 per 100, mobile-cellular competition now at 175 subscribers per 100 inhabitants (2021)
International Country code - 503; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean); connected to Central American Microwave System (2019)
Telephones - fixed lines
Total subscriptions 863,000 (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 14 (2022 est.)
Telephones - mobile cellular
Total subscriptions 11.509 million (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 182 (2022 est.)
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El Salvador is found in Central America