How is the communication system in Guinea? Here, Broadcast media include

Government maintains control over broadcast media; single state-run TV station; state-run radio broadcast station also operates several stations in rural areas; a dozen private television stations; a steadily increasing number of privately owned radio stations, nearly all in Conakry, and about a dozen community radio stations; foreign TV programming available via satellite and cable subscription services 

(2022). What about Telecommuication systems and Internet? Explore this article to find out more.
More about communication in Guinea
Internet country code .gn
Broadband - fixed subscriptions
Total 1,000 (2020 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.01 (2020 est.)
Internet users
Total 4.9 million (2021 est.)
Percent of population 35% (2021 est.)
Telecommunication systems
General assessment The number of mobile subscribers grew strongly while revenue also increased steadily; fixed broadband services are still very limited and expensive, though there have been some positive developments in recent years; the landing of the first international submarine cable in 2012, and the setting up of an IXP in mid-2013, increased the bandwidth available to the ISPs, and helped reduce the cost of internet services for end-users; a National Backbone Network was completed in mid-2020, connecting administrative centers across the country; almost all internet connections are made via mobile networks; GSM services account for a dwindling proportion of connections, in line with the greater reach of services based on 3G and LTE (2022)
Domestic Fixed-line teledensity is less than 1 per 100 persons; mobile-cellular subscribership is just over 105 per 100 persons (2020)
International Country code - 224; ACE submarine cable connecting Guinea with 20 landing points in Western and South Africa and Europe; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean (2019)
Telephones - fixed lines
Total subscriptions 0 (2021 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (2021 est.) less than 1
Telephones - mobile cellular
Total subscriptions 13.795 million (2021 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 102 (2021 est.)
All Important Facts about Guinea

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Guinea is found in Western Africa