How is the communication system in Singapore? Here, Broadcast media include state controls broadcast media; 6 domestic TV stations operated by MediaCorp which is wholly owned by a state investment company; broadcasts from Malaysian and Indonesian stations available; satellite dishes banned; multi-channel cable TV services available; a total of 19 domestic radio stations broadcasting, with MediaCorp operating 11, Singapore Press Holdings, also government-linked, another 5, 2 controlled by the Singapore Armed Forces Reservists Association and one owned by BBC Radio; Malaysian and Indonesian radio stations are available as is BBC; a number of Internet service radio stations are also available (2019). What about Telecommuication systems and Internet? Explore this article to find out more.
More about communication in Singapore
Internet country code .sg
Broadband - fixed subscriptions
Total 1,509,700 (2020 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 26 (2020 est.)
Internet users
Total 5.369 million (2021 est.)
Percent of population 91% (2021 est.)
Telecommunication systems
General assessment A wealthy city-state, Singapore has a highly developed ICT infrastructure; government supported near universal home broadband penetration and free public access to wireless network; the government's telecommunication regulator, Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), issued awards in mid-2020 to telecom operators with the goal of having at least 50% of the city-state covered with a standalone 5G network by the end of 2022; government actively promoting Smart Nation initiative supporting digital innovation; government oversees service providers and controls Internet content; well served by submarine cable and satellite connections (2021)
Domestic Fixed-line is 32 per 100 and mobile-cellular 146 per 100 teledensity (2021)
International Country code - 65; landing points for INDIGO-West, SeaMeWe -3,-4,-5, SIGMAR, SJC, i2icn, PGASCOM, BSCS, IGG, B3JS, SAEx2, APCN-2, APG, ASC, SEAX-1, ASE, EAC-C2C, Matrix Cable System and SJC2 submarine cables providing links throughout Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, and Europe; satellite earth stations - 3, Bukit Timah, Seletar, and Sentosa; supplemented by VSAT coverage (2019 )
Telephones - fixed lines
Total subscriptions 1.906 million (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 32 (2022 est.)
Telephones - mobile cellular
Total subscriptions 9.351 million (2022 est.)
Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 156 (2022 est.)
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Singapore is found in South-Eastern Asia