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Budakeszi Voyage Tips and guide

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    Budakeszi (German: Wudigeß) is a town in Pest County in the Budapest metropolitan area. It is located beyond the János Hill at the western city limits of Budapest, about 12 km (7.5 mi) west of the Zero Kilometer Stone in the city center.



    Budakeszi was first mentioned about 1270, it was completely devastated during the Ottoman Siege of Buda in 1541. In the aftermath of the Ottoman defeat at the 1683 Battle of Vienna, the depopulated area was re-settled with "Danube Swabian" (most of them actually descending from Lorraine, the Palatinate and Alsace) immigrants by the order of the Habsburg King Leopold I. Budakeszi was for centuries a predominantly "Schwabian" (ethnic German) village.

    Get in


    By bus


    To Budakeszi from Budapest:

    • From Széll Kálmán tér  M2  by  22  or  22A  to 1 Budakeszi, városháza, or by  222  to 2 Széchenyi utca (gimnázium).
    • From Kelenföld vasútállomás  M4  by  188  or  188E  to Budakeszi, városháza.

    To Nagykovácsi from Budapest:

    • From Hűvösvölgy by  63  to 3 Nagykovácsi, községháza.

    Get around


    Take a walk. All sights are within walking distance from any bus stops after you arrived beside the town limit, but if you are tired easy can you take two-three stops by local bus.

    By bus


    Local bus lines in Budakeszi, Nagykovácsi and Remeteszőlős are operated by BKK. Budapest-passes are not valid beyond the administrative boundaries of Budapest. Tickets can be purchased at vending machines (also passes), at the drivers and at many newsstands. Available tickets and passes:

    • Metropolitan area ticket (valid between Budakeszi, Nagykovácsi+Remeteszőlős and the first bus stop within Budapest): 250 Ft.
    • Single ticket (valid for the whole line): 350 Ft in advance, 450 Ft from the driver.
    • Metropolitan area local pass (valid within Budakeszi or Nagykovácsi+Remeteszőlős): 5200 Ft per month.
    • Metropolitan area pass (5 km, valid between Budakeszi or Nagykovácsi+Remeteszőlős and the first bus stop within Budapest): 5940 Ft per month.
    • South Buda zone pass (10 km, valid between Budakeszi, Budaörs, Diósd, Törökbálint and the first bus stop within Budapest): 9580 Ft per month.

    Public transport map of Budakeszi. Public transport map of Nagykovácsi, Remeteszőlős.




    Golden jackal in Budakeszi Wildlife Park
    • 1 Budakeszi Wildlife Park (Budakeszi Vadaspark) (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark)  22A ), +36 23 451-783, . Apr–Oct: M–F 09:00–17:00, Sa Su 09:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: M–F 09:00–15:30, Sa Su 09:00–16:00. The animal world represented by bustards, goshawks, kestrels, eagle owls, ravens, domestic animals, pheasants, grey partridges, foxes, raccoon dogs, wild cats, mouflons, different deer, wild-boars. The flora include many types of trees, shrubs, protected herbs, all are the natural flora of the Buda Hills. Adult: 1900 Ft; senior, student: 1200 Ft; children: 900 Ft. Budakeszi Game Preserve (Q20819836) on Wikidata
    • 2 Dinosaur Park (Dinó Park) (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark)  22A ), +36 30 329-4800, . Apr–Oct: Sa Su 09:00–18:00; Nov–Mar: Sa Su 09:00–15:30. Nearly 2-hectare park with 25 lifelike dinosaurs. Adult: 3800 Ft; senior, student: 2400 Ft; children: 1800 Ft. Tickets are also valid for the Budakeszi Wildlife Park.
    • 3 Budakeszi Arboretum (Budakeszi Arborétum), +36 20 312-4037, . Mar Oct: 09:00–17:00; Apr–Sep: 09:00–18:00. Flora specials. Adult: 1000 Ft; senior, student: 700 Ft. Budakeszi Arboretum (Q22114883) on Wikidata
    • 4 Budakeszi Local History Collection and Heritage Museum (Budakeszi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény és Tájház), Fő utca 127 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), +36 20 519-5755, . M Th Sa 10:00–14:00. The exhibition shows the traditional culture and furnitures of the local Swabian minority. Adult: 300 Ft; senior, student: 150 Ft.
    • 5 Queen of Angels Church (Pilgrimage Church of Makkosmária, Angyalok királynéja templom, Makkosmáriai kegytemplom), Makkosi út 163 (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Erdő utca  22A ), +36 23 451-882, . According to tradition, in 1731, a local resident, after miraculous healing an image of Mary painted. Then put it to an oak tree where Mary face had appeared. It became a popular place of pilgrimage. In 1768 was dedicated the church to the Trinitarian monastery, which belonged Óbuda Kiscell Trinitarian monastery. The church facade decorated with two corner statues and memorial plaques. Now a popular tourist attraction, because it is located next to the Makkos meadow, an excursion place. The pilgrimage church and the house is managed by the Dominican Order, and is still a popular pilgrimage destination.... Makkosmária kegytemploma (Q1163909) on Wikidata
    • 6 Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church (Havas Boldogasszony római katolikus templom), Fő utca (Budakeszi, városháza  22A ), +36 23 451-831, . Built between 1761–1766 in Baroque style.
    • 7 Chapel of Helper Saints (Segítő szentek kápolnája), Fő utca 239 (Erkel utca  22A ). Built in 1774, a Baroque votive chapel. The builder was the Frankhauser family.
    • 8 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária-kápolna), Jókai utca (Gyógyszertár  22A ). There are two plaques on the wall. One commemorates the German population relocations anniversary. The other one commemorates to builder of the chapel. In front of the building, there is the Holy Trinity Column, and a beautiful stone cross from 1892 which shows praying Saint Mary.
    • 9 Hungarian National Anthem Statue (Magyar Nemzeti Himnusz-szobor), Szarvas tér (Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark)  22A ). This artwork reminiscent the Hungarian national anthem, the poem of Kölcsey Ferenc. Inaugurated in 2006, created by Mária Majzik, a Hungarian Heritage Prize-winning artist. The marble, limestone and bronze statue of a god figure compositions in the middle you can see it is surrounded by radial form of the poem text. The four meter high item include nine relief. Twenty one bells is over it, where the National Anthem is played on holidays and 'normal' ringing on every Sunday at noon. Free to visit.
    • 10 Giant Sequoias (Óriás mamutfenyők), Pászti Gyula-pihenő (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ). Nature conservation area for two Giant Sequoia trees (Sequoiadendron gigantea), both are same age and size. Free to visit.
    • 11 Hidegvölgy Forester House (Hidegvölgyi erdészlak), +36 20 984-6593, . Snack bar: Sa Su 09:00–16:00. Rest area. Good starting point for a trip to Nagy-Kopasz hill. Just follow the marks of the Aconite Nature Trail (Sisakvirág tanösvény). Free to visit.

    Further afield

    Nagy-Szénás hill near to Nagykovácsi

    In Nagykovácsi:

    • 12 Assumption Roman Catholic Parish Church (Nagyboldogasszony római katolikus plébániatemplom), Kossuth Lajos utca, Nagykovácsi (Nagykovácsi, Tisza István tér  63 ). In 1715, founded the parish and named to Immaculate Conception. The present parish church built between 1742 and 1746 in Baroque style. Since 1813, its title changed to Assumption. Our Lady Church, Nagykovácsi (Q12354119) on Wikidata
    • 13 Teleki-Tisza Mansion (Teleki-Tisza-kastély), Kossuth Lajos utca 2–4, Nagykovácsi (Teleki-Tisza-kastély  63 ), +36 20 380-0806, . 10:00–18:00. Built around 1840 in Classicist style. The park is free to visit, but the mansion building cannot be visited. Teleki–Tisza Mansion (Q16523233) on Wikidata
    • 14 Nagy-Szénás, Nagykovácsi (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Nagykovácsi, községháza  63 ). One of the biggest hill in Buda Hills, nice view to the surrounding hills. Free to visit. Nagy-Szénás (Q26231695) on Wikidata

    In Remeteszőlős:

    • 15 István Örkény's Phone Booth (Örkény István telefonfűlkéje), Vénusz utca, Remeteszőlős (Rácski telep  63 ). In 2013 a telephone booth was erected to commemorate István Örkény writer. On the door of the booth is a life-size portrait of Örkény, with the text of his biography. When the handset in the booth is lifted, one of his one-minute short story is played. Around the memorial, there is a park with a barefoot walkway. Free to visit.
    • 16 Remete Valley (Remete-szurdok), Remeteszőlős (Rácski telep  63 ). Protected nature area. Free to visit.






    Pilgrimage Church of Makkosmária




    Hungarian National Anthem Statue
    • 1 CBA, Fő út 36 (Erkel Ferenc utca  22A ), +36 23 535-078. M–Sa 06:00–20:00. Supermarket.
    • 2 Prima, Dózsa György tér 1/a (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ), +36 23 535-571. M–Sa 06:00–21:00, Su 07:00–18:00. Supermarket.
    • 3 Spar, Márity László út 20 (Zichy Péter utca  222 ), +36 20 823-7973, . M–F 07:00–20:00, Sa 07:00–17:00, Su 08:00–16:00. Supermarket.
    • 4 Tesco, Bianka utca 1 (Budakeszi, Tesco áruház  22 ), . M–Sa 06:00–22:00, Su 08:00–20:00. Hypermarket.
    • 5 Zone Bevásárlópark, Bianka utca 1 (Budakeszi, Tesco áruház  22 ). M–F 09:00–19:00, Sa Su 09:00–18:00. Shopping center. Services: pharmacy, clothes store, shoe store, drug store.
    • 6 CBA, Kossuth Lajos utca 56, Nagykovácsi (Nagykovácsi, községháza  63 ), +36 26 389-505. M–F 06:00–20:00, Sa 06:00–16:00, Su 07:00–14:00. Supermarket.


    This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
    Budget Under 1700 Ft
    Mid-range 1700 Ft2700 Ft
    Splurge Over 2700 Ft



    In Budakeszi:

    • 1 Keszi Bistro, Dózsa György tér 1/a (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ), +36 30 564-5557. M–Sa 06:00–20:00, Su 08:00–16:00. Food bar. Lunch menu: 990 Ft.
    • 2 Trafik Burger, Pátyi út 1 (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ), +36 70 212-0990, . 11:00–22:00. Fast food bar. Hamburger: 1300 Ft.



    In Budakeszi:

    • 3 Il Forno, Fő utca 88 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), +36 20 364-4151, . 11:00–22:00. Italian pizzeria. Pizza: 1950 Ft.
    • 4 Pizza Porta, Fő utca 38 (Erkel Ferenc utca  22A ), +36 23 450-183, . 11:30–22:00. A true Tuscan style restaurant and pizzeria with indoor garden and comfortable environment. 2290 Ft, pizza: 1750 Ft.

    In the surroundings:

    • 5 Kiskamra Falatozó, Bánya utca 5, Nagykovácsi (Nagykovácsi, községháza  63 ), +36 26 376-238, . 11:30–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 1890 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft, hamburger: 1790 Ft, lunch menu: 1050 Ft.
    • 6 La Terazza Pizzeria, Kossuth Lajos utca 39, Nagykovácsi (Diófa utca (Posta)  63 ), +36 26 356-429, . Tu–Sa 12:00–21:00. Italian pizzeria. Pizza: 1990 Ft.
    • 7 Nagyszénás Menedékház, Kossuth Lajos utca 65, Nagykovácsi (Nagykovácsi, községháza  63 ), +36 26 599-599, . 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2290 Ft, pizza: 1890 Ft hamburger: 1690 Ft, buffet lunch: 1590 Ft, lunch menu: 1090 Ft.


    Characteristic houses on Fő utca

    In Budakeszi:

    • 8 Stadt Restaurant and Cafe, Fő utca 57 (Erkel Ferenc utca  22A ), +36 23 451-327, . 09:00–22:00. Familiar environment. Weekly menus and a la cart. Hot teas are available in winter. In summer, on the terrace, ice cream and cold, seasonal refreshments are served. Lot of different meat and fish plates. Specialties: Mexican tortillas. 2650 Ft, hamburger: 1990 Ft.
    • 9 Tom Yum, Fő tér 5 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), +36 23 952-017, . 11:00–22:00. Thai restaurant. 2980 Ft.
    • 10 Vadaspark Restaurant (1.5 km (0.93 mi) walk from Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark)  22A ), +36 1 275-2436, . M Th–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. Many wild dishes like wild boar stew and fried pheasant. 2550 Ft.

    In the surroundings:

    • 11 Kislábos Restaurant, Kolozsvár utca 21-23, Nagykovácsi (Diófa utca (Posta)  63 ), +36 20 477-8753, . M–F 12:00–15:00, Sa 12:00–16:00. Gluten-free and lactose-free restaurant (lunch menu only). Lunch menu: 2400 Ft.
    • 12 Stübli Restaurant, Kossuth Lajos utca 109, Nagykovácsi (Nagykovácsi, Tisza István tér  63 ), +36 26 262-287, . M–Sa 12:00–22:00, Su 12:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2900 Ft, hamburger: 2500 Ft, lunch menu: 1290 Ft.





    In Budakeszi:

    In the surroundings:


    Dwelling buildings on Pátyi út

    In Budakeszi:

    • 11 Amnesia Pub, Táncsics Mihály utca 2 (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ). 05:00–22:00.
    • 12 Betyár Pub, Fő tér 1 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), . 17:00–01:00.
    • 13 Polgári Pub, Fő utca 176 (Budakeszi, városháza  22A ), +36 23 655-865, . M–F 17:00–00:00, Sa 18:00–00:00. Billiards, darts, table football, terrace and own parking.
    • 14 Prosit Bar and Cafe, Fő utca 141 (Gyógyszertár  22A ). 12:00–00:00.
    • 15 Sugár Pub, Viktória utca (2.5 km (1.6 mi) walk from Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ), +36 30 990-6118, . Tu–Su 15:00–22:00.
    • 16 Szürke Bika Pub, Erdő utca 72 (Gyógyszertár  22A ). 08:00–20:00.

    In the surroundings:


    This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
    Budget Under 14,000 Ft
    Mid-range 14,000 Ft24,000 Ft
    Splurge Over 24,000 Ft


    • 1 Eva Rooms, Esze Tamás utca 6 (Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark)  22A ), +36 70 456-1471. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 12,470 Ft.
    • 2 Margaréta Guesthouse, Fenyő utca 15 (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ), +36 23 451-922. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. 10 rooms. Double room: 12,505 Ft.
    • 3 Muskátlis Apartment, Hársfa utca 20 (Budakeszi, Dózsa György tér  22A ). Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Apartment for two persons: 12,190 Ft.
    • 4 Pergola Guesthouse, Temető utca 8 (Budakeszi, városháza  22A ), +36 23 451-742. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 14:00. 4 rooms, 2 apartments. Single room: 9000 Ft, double room: 12,000 Ft.


    Nagykovácsi from a nearby hill


    • 7 Design Apartment, Szent Flórián utca 15, Nagykovácsi (Teleki-Tisza-kastély  63 ), +36 70 290-8807, . Apartment for two persons: 26,905 Ft.
    • 8 Kardos Villa, Szarvas utca 31, Nagykovácsi (2 km (1.2 mi) walk from Teleki-Tisza-kastély  63 ), +36 20 335-6777, . Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 11:00. Apartment for one person: 29,700 Ft, for two persons: 39,900 Ft.



    Budakeszi's postal code is H-2092, and its telephone area code is 23.

    • 2 Budakeszi Post Office, Fő tér 3 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), +36 23 451-500, . M 08:00–18:00, Tu–F 08:00–16:00, Sa 08:00–12:00.
    • 3 Gáspár Nagy Town's Library (Nagy Gáspár Városi Könyvtár), Fő utca 108 (Gyógyszertár  22A ), +36 23 451-136, . M Th 10:00–18:00, Tu 10:00–19:00, F 10:00–17:00. Internet usage: 3000 Ft per year + 150 Ft per hour.
    • 4 Nagykovácsi Post Office, Kossuth Lajos utca 26, Nagykovácsi (Diófa utca (Posta)  63 ), +36 26 389-144, . M 08:00–17:00 Tu–Th 08:00–15:00, F 08:00-18:00.

    Go next

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