[edit]Get in
[edit]Get around
[edit]See and do
[edit]- 1 Saint Rosalia Church of Felnémet (Szent Rozália R. k. templom), Eger, Szarvaskői Road off, Sánc street 5/a (Felnémet (a suburb north of Eger), Eger-Felnémet train stop 500). A monument in Hungary, Identifier: 5627. This is the Parish church of Felnémet. The church was built on the site of Medieval church. It was ordered by Gabor Erdődy and Ferenc Barkóczy Bishops, in 1715, and from 1746 to 1750, the architect was an Italian painter. A nave nave, towered church. The main facade look toward west. On sides of the tower are St. Roch and St. Sebastian sculptures made by Mihaly Singer. At north side of the sanctuary is a two-storey vestry with circular floor plan staircase. The nave covered with 'Chests barrel' vault. The choir. located on the western side of the nave. Equipment made in 18th century. Organ was taken in 1896 by an Austrian firm of organ builders, known generally as Rieger.
- 2 Egerszalok. A hot water source, Egerszalók-Lake
- 3 Feldebro (Feldebrő). Romanesque lower church with crypt, in 11th century
- 4 Felsotarkany (Felsőtárkány). State Forest Railway and Lake of Felsőtárkány
- 5 Noszvaj. De la Motte Palace
- 6 Szarvaskő. Castle ruin
[edit]- 1 Mount Eged Cross (Nagy Eged-hegyi Kereszt). If the weather is nice, you can hike up to the hill looming above the city of Eger, the Nagy-Eged. The lookout tower is in bad condition and closed, but the view is still excellent. The trail starts on the left, before the end of Eger sign, on VécseyVölgy street. Follow the red marks, count with 3 hours up and down from the trailhead.

- 2 Bükk National Park. This 431-km² park can be found in the border of the village of Felnémet. The park headquarters is in the old parish building (next to north from the church). Mountainous and forested, Bükk is Hungary's largest national park. The country's longest (4,000 metres) and deepest (245 metres) cave, Istvánlápa, is located in the park. Bükk National Park is home to 90 species of nesting birds, some considered endangered.