Many Greek words have been borrowed into other languages, so you will find a lot of these words familiar, such as τραύμα (trauma, "injury") and σοφία (sofia "wisdom, knowledge"). Originally they were borrowed into Latin, which became the Romance languages. The changes Greek words underwent in Latin are different from those they underwent in Greek. For instance, in a rare case of someone actually returning a word he borrowed, κίνημα (kinema, motion) was borrowed into Latin as cinema, which in French acquired the meaning "movie", and was returned to Greek as σινεμά (sinema).
Greek has changed less in the last two thousand years than English has in the last five hundred. It still has three genders, five cases, and movable ν. Although the dative dropped out of use in Greek before the dative merged with the accusative in English, one can still form the dative of μπαγλαμάς (a stringed instrument smaller than the μπουζούκι), even though it belongs to a new declension. So if you know some Attic or Koine Greek and pronounce it as Modern Greek, though you will sound archaic, you will probably be understood.
Letters and Pronunciation
[edit]Following are the uppercase and lowercase versions of each letter, followed by its name in English (Latin) and Greek. (You can also see how the transliteration works)
Vowel Sounds
[edit]- VOWELS
- Α/α alpha (άλφα)
- as in pat
- Ε/ε epsilon (έψιλον)
- as in pet
- Η/η eeta (ήτα)
- as in reed
- Ι/ι iota (ιώτα)
- as in reed, though when followed by a vowel it can often be pronounced like y - example: its very name, it's either said as iota or yota.
- Ο/ο omicron (όμικρον)
- as in pot
- Υ/υ eepsilon (ύψιλον)
- as in reed
- Ω/ω omega (ωμέγα)
- as in pot
- ΑΙ/αι alpha-iota
- as in pet; If you want to pronounce AI as in British English "icon" use the ϊ; the same rule applies to all other diphthongs with the I letter.
- ΕΙ/ει epsilon-iota
- as in wheat
- ΟΙ/οι omicron-iota
- as in wheat
- ΥΙ/υι eepsilon-iota
- as in wheat
- ΟΥ/ου omicron-eepsilon
- as in pool
- ΑΥ/αυ alpha-eepsilon
- ΕΥ/ευ epsilon-eepsilon
- For the last two diphthongs: when followed by a voiceless consonant or a vowel or nothing (end of the word), the upsilon is pronounced as f resulting to 'af' and 'ef'; though, when followed by a voiced consonant the f is voiced as well making it a v.. so we have 'av' and 'ev'. (example: 'aura' and 'tau' in Greek are pronounced as 'avra' and 'taf'.
Consonants and such Clusters
- Β/β veeta (βήτα)
- V/v
- Γ/γ gamma (γάμμα)
- a voiced version of chi, as w in woman, but stronger. Before epsilon (γε) and iota (γι), as in yet and yiddish. Also see consonant clusters.
- Δ/δ thelta (δέλτα)
- as in those / Spanish soft d as in "nido" / Norse Ð/ð
- Ζ/ζ zeeta (ζήτα)
- as in zone
- Θ/θ theeta (θήτα)
- th as in thorn / Norse Þ/þ
- Κ/κ kappa (κάππα)
- as in kinetic
- Λ/λ lamtha (λάμδα)
- L/l
- Μ/μ mee (μι)
- M/m
- Ν/ν nee (νι)
- N/n
- Ξ/ξ ksee (ξι)
- X/x as in ax
- Π/π pee (πι)
- P/p as in ape
- Ρ/ρ rho (ρο)
- Spanish/Scottish R/r
- Σ/σ/ς sigma (σίγμα)
- S/s as in some. Before voiced consonants it gets voiced to z
- Τ/τ taf (ταυ)
- T/t
- Φ/φ fee (φι)
- F/f
- Χ/χ hee (χι)
- Scottish ch [loch] / like an H/h but with the tongue touching the palate
- Ψ/ψ psi (ψι)
- as in lips
- Γκ/γκ gamma-kappa
- as in gong
- γγ gamma-gamma
- as in gong
- γχ gamma-hee
- n+hee / like ngh in Buckingham: Μπάκιγχαμ
- Μπ/μπ mee-pee
- as in bumble / B/b. At the beginning of the word is read just as b. Inside the word is pronounced like mb
- Ντ/ντ nee-taf
- as in dander / D/d. At the beginning of the word is read just as d. Inside the word is pronounced like nd
All the above 5 diphthongs can be nasalized more or less depending to the speaker.
- Any other consonant combination is pronounced like their English counterparts.
- Just remember which is the proper letter in English!
Notes on sounds, accents etc.
[edit]The accent (similar in usage as in Spanish), if written, is placed on the vowel of the tonic syllable, or onto the second vowel if there's a diphthong. If there's an accent at the first vowel of a diphthong, or a diaeresis on the second, then it isn't an actual diphthong and the two vowels are pronounced separately. The former occasion is the most common, but since words written in capital letters never get accents, the diaeresis is the only way to note the broken diphthong at all-caps phrases - English such example: naïve. (diairesis = two dots on top of iota or upsilon, Ϊ/ϊ - Ϋ/ϋ)
All vowels have the same short length. So yes, there are 2 ways to write 'e', 6 to write 'i' and 2 letters to write 'o'!
Diphthongs 'γγ' and 'γχ' are never found at the start of a word. Vowel diphthong 'υι' is very rare, virtually only in a couple words.
Greek language lacks a 'sh' sound. Consequently there are only simple unaspirated s, z, ts, j, x 's (no shame, pleasure, luxurious, chin etc.). Also, "ς" is the form of Sigma used only when it is the last letter of a word. Graphically it looks like English s.
The capital letters are more or less the same as those of the English alphabet. Although the small letters seem entirely different (and some of them are indeed) in people's handwriting they can be extremely close to English.
Note also that Greek punctuation differs a little: The Greek question mark (ερωτηματικό) is just like the Latin semi-colon ; . While the Greek semi-colon (άνω τελεία) is like the full stop "flying" just above the line •.
Greek people know they have a difficult language (for foreigners) and don't expect any tourist to know more than a couple words. And even while they think it's easy phonetically, they understand the problems foreigners have pronouncing it. You can say gamma as a hard 'g', chi as 'h', and rho as an unrolled English 'r', you can also say "au" or "eu" instead of "av" and "ev" and you'll be totally understood. People in no way expect you to be proficient in any aspect of Greek, so by studying a bit before visiting you can really impress people and win their hearts! Of course, it will require serious effort and dedication to learn to speak Greek fluently, as Greek grammar is admittedly more complex than it is in most other languages (much more demanding than German, for example, which is a language with relatively complex grammar). But still, you can master relatively easily the fundaments of communication and get your meaning across. And even if you don't, don't despair: almost all Greeks (but the oldest) can understand and speak English.
Phrase list
[edit]- Hello.
- Γεια σας. (YAH sahss) (means literally "your health")
- Hello. (informal)
- Γεια σου. (YAH soo)
- How are you?
- Τι κάνετε; (tee KAH-neh-teh?)
- Fine, thank you. (And you?)
- Καλά, ευχαριστώ. (Και εσείς;) (kah-LAH ef-khah-rees-TOH (keh eh-SEES?))
- What is your name?
- Πώς σε λένε; (pohs seh LEH-neh?)
- My name is ______ .
- Με λένε ______ . / Ονομάζομαι _____ .(Με LE-neh _____ . / Ono-MAH-zo-meh ____ .)
- Nice to meet you.
- Χάρηκα / Χαίρω πολύ. (HA-ree-ka / ΗEH-ro po-LEE)
- Please.
- Παρακαλώ. (pah-rah-kah-LOH)
- Thank you (very much).
- Ευχαριστώ (πολύ). (ef-hah-rees-TOH po-LEE)
- You're welcome.
- Παρακαλώ. (Pah-rah-kah-LOH)
- Yes.
- Ναι / Μάλιστα (polite) . (neh / MAH-li-sta)
- No.
- Όχι. (OH-hee)
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Συγγνώμη / Με συγχωρείτε . (See-GHNO-mee / Meh seen-ho-REE-teh)
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Συγγνώμη. (See-GHNO-mee)
- I'm sorry.
- Λυπάμαι. (lee-PAH-meh)
- See you later.
- Τα λέμε. (Ta LE-me)
- Goodbye.
- Αντίο. (AHN-dee-oh)
- I can't speak Greek [well].
- Δεν μιλώ (καλά) ελληνικά. (dhen mee-LOH KAH-lah eh-lee-nee-KAH)
- Do you speak English?
- Μιλάτε αγγλικά; (mee-LAH-teh ang-glee-KAH?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Μιλάει κανείς εδώ αγγλικά; (Mee-LAH-ee ka-NEES e-DHO ang-glee-KAH?)
- Help!
- Βοήθεια! (Voh-EE-thee-yah!)
- Good day. / Good morning.
- Καλημέρα. (kah-lee-MEH-rah)
- Good evening.
- Καλησπέρα. (kah-lee-SPEH-rah)
- Good night.
- Καληνύχτα. (kah-lee-NEEKΗ-tah)
- I don't understand.
- Δεν καταλαβαίνω. (dhen kah-tah-lah-VEH-no)
- Where is the toilet?
- Που είναι η τουαλέτα; (poo ΕΕ-ne ee too-ah-LEH-tah?)
- I love you
- Σ'αγαπώ (sa-gha-POH)
- You are beautiful/handsome
- Είσαι όμορφη/όμορφος. (EE-seh OH-mor-fee/OH-mor-fos)
- You have nice eyes
- Έχεις ωραία μάτια. (E-khees or-EH-ah MA-tiah)
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- Αφήστε με ήσυχο (male)/ ήσυχη (female). (a-FIS-te me EE-si-kho / EE-si-khee)
- Don't touch me!
- Μην με αγγίζεις! (meen meh ang-GEEH-zees)
- I'll call the police.
- Θα καλέσω την αστυνομία. (Tha kah-LEH-soh teen ah-stih-noh-MIH-ah)
- Police!
- Αστυνομία! (ah-stih-noh-MIH-ah)
- Stop! Thief!
- Σταματήστε τον κλέφτη! (Stah-mah-TIH-steh ton KLEH-ftee!)
- I need your help.
- Χρειάζομαι την βοήθειά σας. (hreeh-AH-zoh-meh teen voh-EEH-thih-AH sas)
- It's an emergency.
- Είναι επείγον. (EEH-neh eh-PEEH-ghon)
- I'm lost.
- Έχω χαθεί. (EH-hoh hah-THEEH)
- I lost my bag.
- Έχασα την τσάντα μου. (EH-hah-sah teen TSAHN-dah mooh)
- I lost my wallet.
- Έχασα το πορτοφόλι μου. (EH-hah-sah toh por-toh-FOH-leeh mooh)
- I'm sick.
- Είμαι άρρωστος/τη . (EE-me hah-ROHS-tos/tee )
- I've been injured.
- Είμαι τραυματισμένος/νη. (EEH-meh trav-mah-tees-MEH-nos/nee)
- I need a doctor.
- Χρειάζομαι γιατρό. (hree-AH-zoh-meh yiah-TROH)
- Can I use your phone?
- Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω το τηλέφωνό σας; (mboh-ROH nah khree-see-moh-pee-EEH-soh toh tee-LEH-foh-NOH sahs?)
[edit]The different forms of 1-4, 13, 14, 21, 23, 1000, are used with nouns of different genders.
- 1
- ένας/μία/ένα (EH-nahs / MEE-ah / EH-nah)
- 2
- δύο (DHEE-oh)
- 3
- τρεις/τρια (trees / TREE-ah)
- 4
- τέσσερις/τέσσερα (TESS-a-reess / TESS-a-rah)
- 5
- πέντε (PEN-deh)
- 6
- έξι (EH-xee)
- 7
- επτά (ep-TAH)
- 8
- οκτώ (okh-TOH)
- 9
- εννέα (en-EH-ah)
- 10
- δέκα (DHEH-kah)
- 11
- έντεκα (EN-deh-kah)
- 12
- δώδεκα (DHOH-dheh-kah)
- 13
- δεκατρείς/δεκατρία (dheh-kah-TREES / dheh-kah-TREE-ah)
- 14
- δεκατέσσερις/δεκατέσσερα (dheh-kah-TESS-eh-rees / dheh-kah-TESS-eh-ra)
- 15
- δεκαπέντε (dheh-kah-PEN-deh)
- 16
- δεκαέξι (dheh-kah-EX-ee)
- 17
- δεκαεπτά (dheh-kah-ep-TAH)
- 18
- δεκαοχτώ (dheh-kah-okh-TOH)
- 19
- δεκαεννέα (dheh-kah-en-EH-ah)
- 20
- είκοσι (EE-koss-ee)
- 21
- εικοσιένας/εικοσιμία/εικοσιένα (ee-koss-ee-EN-ahs / ee-koss-ee-MEE-ah / ee-koss-ee-EH-nah)
- 22
- εικοσιδύο (ee-koss-ee-DHEE-oh)
- 23
- εικοσιτρείς/εικοσιτρία (ee-koss-ee-TREES / ee-koss-ee-TREE-ah)
- 30
- τριάντα (tree-AHN-dah)
- 40
- σαράντα (sah-RAHN-dah)
- 50
- πενήντα (peh-NEEN-dah)
- 60
- εξήντα (ex-EEN-dah)
- 70
- εβδομήντα (ev-dhoh-MEEN-dah)
- 80
- ογδόντα (ogh-DHON-dah)
- 90
- ενενήντα (en-en-EEN-dah)
- 100
- εκατό (eh-kah-TO)
- 200
- διακόσιοι/διακόσιες/διακόσια (dhyah-KOH-syah)
- 300
- τριακόσιοι/τριακόσιες/τριακόσια (tryah-KOH-syah)
- 1000
- χίλιοι/χίλιες/χίλια (KHEE-lee-ee / KHEE-lyehs / KHEE-lyah)
- 2000
- δύο χιλιάδες (DHEE-oh khee-lyAH-dhes)
- 10,000
- δέκα χιλιάδες (DHEH-kah khee-lyAH-dhes)
- 1,000,000
- ένα εκατομμύριο (EH-nah eh-kah-to-MEE-ryoh)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- number _____ (...)
- half
- μισός/μισή/μισό (mee-SSOHS / mee-SSEE / mee-SSOH)
- less
- λιγότερος/πιο λίγος/λιγότερη/πιο λίγη/λιγότερο/πιο λίγο (lee-GHO-teh-rohs / lee-GHO-teh-ree / lee-GHO-teh-roh)
- more
- περισσότερος/πιο πολύς/περισσότερη/πιο πολλή/περισσότερο/πιο πολύ (peh-ree-SSOH-teh-rohs / peh-ree-SSOH-teh-ree / peh-ree-SSOH-teh-ro)
[edit]- now
- τώρα (TOH-rah)
- later
- αργότερα (ar-GHOH-teh-rah)
- before
- πριν (preen)
- morning
- πρωί (proh-EE)
- afternoon
- απόγευμα (a-POH-yev-ma)
- evening
- βράδυ (VRAH-thee)
- night
- νύχτα (NEE-htah)
Clock time
[edit]- one o'clock AM
- μία η ώρα το πρωί(...)
- two o'clock AM
- δύο η ώρα το πρωί(...)
- noon
- το μεσημέρι (toh mess-ee-MEHR-ee)
- one o'clock PM
- μία η ώρα το απόγευμα(...)
- two o'clock PM
- δύο η ώρα το απόγευμα(...)
- midnight
- τα μεσάνυχτα (tah meh-SAH-neekh-tah)
- noon
- μεσημέρι (12.00 : δώδεκα το μεσημέρι, δώδεκα το βράδυ/τα μεσάνυχτα)
[edit]- _____ minute(s)
- _____ λεπτό/λεπτά (lep-TOH/TAH)
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ ώρα/ώρες (OH-rah/res)
- _____ day(s)
- _____ μέρα/μέρες (MEH-rah/res)
- _____ week(s)
- _____ εβδομάδα/δες (ev-dhoh-MAH-dhah/dhes)
- _____ month(s)
- _____ μήνας/μήνες (MEEN / MEE-nes)
- _____ year(s)
- _____ έτος/χρόνος/χρονιά/έτη/χρόνοι/χρονιές
[edit]- today
- σήμερα (SEE-meh-ra)
- yesterday
- χτες (khtes)
- tomorrow
- αύριο (AHV-ree-oh)
- this week
- αυτή την εβδομάδα (...)
- last week
- την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα (...)
- next week
- την επόμενη εβδομάδα (...)
- Sunday
- Κυριακή (kee-ree-ah-KEE)
- Monday
- Δευτέρα (dhef-TEH-rah)
- Tuesday
- Τρίτη (TREE-tee)
- Wednesday
- Τετάρτη (teh-TAR-tee)
- Thursday
- Πέμπτη (PEM-tee)
- Friday
- Παρασκευή (pah-rah-skeh-VEE)
- Saturday
- Σάββατο (SAH-vah-toh)
[edit]- January
- Ιανουάριος (Eea-NOOAH-reeos)
- February
- Φεβρουάριος (fe-VROOAH-reeos)
- March
- Μάρτιος (MAHR-teeos)
- April
- Απρίλιος (ah-PREE-leeos)
- May
- Μάϊος (MAH-yos)
- June
- Ιούνιος (ee-OOH-neeos)
- July
- Ιούλιος (ee-OOH-leeos)
- August
- Αύγουστος (AHV-ghoo-stos)
- September
- Σεπτέμβριος (sep-TEHM-vreeos)
- October
- Οκτώβριος (ok-TOH-vreeos)
- November
- Νοέμβριος (noh-EM-vreeos)
- December
- Δεκέμβριος (the-KHEM-vreeos)
Writing Time and Date
[edit]- Date
The date in Greek is written in the form of DD/MM/YY. For example Christmas Day of 2009 is written 25.12.09 or 25-12-09 or 25/12/09. Having said that, 9/11 in Greek means the 9th day of November.
- Time
Time is written and said either in twelve hour clock form in everyday speech or in twenty-four hour clock especially in timetables. AM is πμ (π(ρο) μ(μεσημβρίας)) and PM is μμ (μ(ετά) μ(εσημβρίας))
[edit]Greeks prefer all-Greek words to mixed Greek-and-Latin words. "Meter", "liter", and "gram" being Greek, they don't use Latin prefixes like "milli" with them. Instead they use the following:
- deci
- δεκατο (dekato)
- centi
- εκατοστο (ekatosto)
- milli
- χιλιοστο (hiliοsto)
Μικρο (micro) and νανο (nano), being Greek words, are used the same
The word λεπτο means both a euro cent and a minute of time. A second is δευτερολεπτο, δευτερο meaning second (the ordinal).
[edit]- black
- μαύρος/η/ο or μέλαν/μέλασα/μέλαν [archaic] (MAHV-ros/ri/roh or MEH-lan)
- white
- άσπρος or λευκός (AHS-prohs or leh-FKOS)
- gray
- γκρι or φαιός [archaic] (gree or feh-OHS)
- red
- κόκκινος/η/ο (KOH-kih-noh)
- red (blood)
- ερυθρός/ά/ό [archaic] (eh-ree-thrOHs)
- red (fire)
- πυρρός (not used as an expression) (peer-ROHS)
- blue
- μπλε or κυανός/ή/ούν [archaic] (bleh or kyah-NOHS)
- yellow
- κίτρινος/η/ο (KIT-ree-noh)
- green
- πράσινο (PRAH-si-no)
- orange
- πορτοκαλής/ή/ί(por-toh-kah-LEE)
- purple
- μωβ or ιώδης/ης/ες/ [archaic] (mov or yOH-thes)
- brown
- καφέ (kah-FEH)
[edit]Bus and Train
[edit]- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Πόσο κάνει ένα εισιτήριο για _____; (...)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Ένα εισιτήριο για _____, παρακαλώ. (...)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Που πάει αυτό το τραίνο/λεωφορείο; (...)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Που είναι το τραίνο/λεωφορείο _____; (...)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Σταματάει το τραίνο στο _____; (...)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Πότε φεύγει το τραίνο/λεωφορείο για _____; (...)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Πότε θα φτάσει το τραίνο/λεωφορείο στο _____; (...)
- I want to rent a car.
- Θέλω να νοικιάσω ένα αυτοκίνητο.
[edit]- How do I get to _____ ?
- Πώς πηγαίνω στο/στην/στον(depending on gender) _____ ; (pos pi-GEH-no sto/stin/ston)
- ...the train station?
- ...σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό; (...)
- ...the bus station?
- ...στάση του λεωφορείου; (...)
- ...the airport?
- ...αεροδρόμιο; (...)
- ...downtown?
- ...κέντρο; (...)
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...ξενώνα για νέους; (...)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ...το _____ ξενοδοχείο; (...)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...τον Αμερικανό/Καναδό/Αυστραλό/Βρετανό πρόξενο; (...)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Πού υπάρχουν πολλά ... (...)
- ...ξενοδοχεία; (...)
- ...restaurants?
- ...εστιατόρια; (...)
- ...bars?
- ...μπαρ; (...)
- ...sites to see?
- ...αξιοθέατα; (...)
- Can you show me on the map?
- Μπορείτε να μου δείξετε στον χάρτη; (...)
- street
- οδό (...)
- Turn left.
- Στρίψτε αριστερά. (STREEP-steh ah-riss-teh-RAH)
- Turn right.
- Στρίψτε δεξιά. (STREEP-steh dheh-xee-AH)
- left
- αριστερά (ah-riss-teh-RAH)
- right
- δεξιά (dheh-xee-AH)
- straight ahead
- ευθεία (eh-fthee-ah)
- towards the _____
- προς το/τον/την _____ (...)
- past the _____
- μετά από _____ (...)
- before the _____
- πριν από _____ (...)
- Watch for the _____.
- Προσέξτε το _____. (...)
- intersection
- διασταύρωσις (...)
- north
- βορράς (vor-RAHS)
- south
- νότος (NOH-toss)
- east
- ανατολή (ah-nah-TOH-lee)
- west
- δύση (DHEE-see)
- uphill
- προς τα πάνω (...)
- downhill
- προς τα κάτω (...)
[edit]- Taxi!
- Ταξί! (Ta-XI)
- Take me to _____, please.
- Πηγαινέ με στο/στην/στον _____, παρακαλώ. (...)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Πόσο θα μού στοιχίσει για να πάω στο
_____? (...)
- Take me there, please.
- Πήγαινέ με εκεί παρακαλώ. (...)
[edit]- Do you have any rooms available?
- Έχετε δωμάτια διαθέσιμα? (...)
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Πόσο έχει το μονόκλινο/δίκλινο; (...)
- Does the room come with...
- Στο δωμάτιο συμπεριλαμβάνεται και ... (...)
- ...bedsheets?
- ...σεντόνια; (...)
- ...a bathroom?
- ...ένα μπάνιο; (...)
- ...a telephone?
- ...τηλέφωνο; (...)
- ...a TV?
- ...τηλεόραση; (...)
- May I see the room first?
- Μπορώ να δω πρώτα το δωμάτιο; (...)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Έχετε κάτι ποιο ήσυχο; (...)
- ...bigger?
- ...μεγαλύτερο; (...)
- ...cleaner?
- ...καθαρότερο; (...)
- ...cheaper?
- ...φθηνότερο; (...)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Εντάξει, θα το πάρω. (...)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- Θα μείνω για _____ νύχτα(ες). (...)
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Μπορείτε να μου συστήσετε ένα άλλο ξενοδοχείο; (...)
- Do you have a safe?
- Έχετε χρηματοκιβώτιο; (...)
- ...lockers?
- ...θυρίδες; (...)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Συμπεριλαμβάνεται πρωινό/γεύμα; (...)
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Τι ώρα ειναι το πρωινό/γεύμα; (...)
- Please clean my room.
- Παρακαλώ καθαρίστε το δωμάτιό μου. (...)
- Can you wake me at _____? | Μπορείτε να με ξυπνήσετε στις _____; (...)
- I want to check out.
- Θέλω να φύγω. (...)
[edit]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- Δέχεσθε αμερικανικά/αυστραλιανά/καναδικά δολάρια; (...)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- Δέχεσθε βρατανικές λίρες; (...)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Δέχεσθε πιστωτικές κάρτες; (...)
- Can you change money for me?
- Μπορείτε να μου χαλάσετε/αλλάξετε χρήματα; (...)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Πού μπορώ να χαλάσω/αλλάξω χρήματα; (...)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Μπορείτε να μου χαλάσετε μια ταξιδιωτική επιταγή; (...)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Πού μπορώ να χαλάσω μια ταξιδιωτική επιταγή; (...)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Ποια είναι η τιμή συναλλάγματος; (...)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Πού υπάρχει μια Αυτόματη Ταμειακή Μηχανή (ATM); (...)
[edit]- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Ένα τραπέζι για ένα άτομο/δύο άτομα, παρακαλώ. (...)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Μπορώ να έχω έναν κατάλογο, παρακαλώ; (...)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Μπορώ να επισκεφθώ την κουζίνα; (...)
- Is there a house specialty?
- Yπάρχει καμιά σπιτική σπεσιαλιτέ; (...)
- Is there a local specialty?
- Υπάρχει καμιά τοπική σπεσιαλιτέ; (...)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Είμαι χορτοφάγος. (...)
- I don't eat pork.
- Δεν τρώω χοιρινό. (...)
- I only eat kosher food.
- Ακολουθώ εβραϊκή διατροφή. (...)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Μπορείτε να το μαγειρέψετε ελαφρά, παρακαλώ; (...)
- fixed-price meal
- γεύμα συγκεκριμένης τιμής (not used as an expression) (...)
- à la carte
- à la carte (...)
- breakfast
- πρωινό (...)
- lunch
- μεσημεριανό (...)
- tea (meal)
- απογευματινό (?) (not used as an expression) (...)
- supper
- βραδυνό (...)
- I want _____.
- Θέλω _____. (...)
- I want a dish containing _____.
- Θέλω ένα πιάτο που να περιέχει _____. (...)
- chicken
- κοτόπουλο (...)
- beef
- βοδινό (...)
- fish
- ψάρι (...)
- ham
- ζαμπόν (...)
- sausage
- λουκάνικο (...)
- cheese
- τυρι (tee-REE)
- eggs
- αυγά (ahv-GHAH)
- salad
- σαλατα (sah-LAH-tah)
- (fresh) vegetables
- (φρέσκα) λαχανικά (FREH-ska) lah-ha-ni-KA
- (fresh) fruit
- (fresh) fruit (...)
- bread
- αρτος (AHR-toss), ψωμι (psoh-MEE)
- toast
- φρυγανιά (...)
- noodles
- φιδές (...)
- rice
- ρύζι (oh-REE-zah)
- beans
- φασόλια (fah-SOH-lia)
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Μπορώ να έχω ένα ποτήρι _____; (...)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Μπορώ να έχω ένα φλυτζάνι _____; (...)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Μπορώ να έχω ένα μπουκάλι _____; (...)
- coffee
- καφές (...)
- tea (drink)
- τσάι (...)
- juice
- χυμός (...)
- (bubbly) water
- ανθρακούχο νερό (...)
- water
- νερο (neh-ROH)
- beer
- μπύρα (...)
- red/white wine
- κόκκινο/λευκό κρασί (...)
- May I have some _____?
- Μπορώ να έχω λίγο _____; (...)
- salt
- αλάτι (...)
- black pepper
- μαύρο πιπέρι (...)
- butter
- βουτυρο (VOO-tee-roh)
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Συγνώμη, σερβιτόρε; (...)
- I'm finished.
- Τελείωσα. (...)
- It was delicious.
- Ήταν εξαιρετικό. (...)
- Please clear the plates.
- Παρακαλώ αδειάστε τα πιάτα. (...)
- The check, please.
- Το λογαριασμό, παρακαλώ. (...)
[edit]- Do you serve alcohol?
- Σερβίρετε οινοπνευματώδη; (...)
- Is there table service?
- Υπάρχουν σερβιτόροι; (...)
- A beer/two beers, please.
- Μία μπύρα/δύο μπύρες, παρακαλώ. (...)
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Ένα ποτήρι κόκκινο/λευκό κρασί, παρακαλώ. (...)
- A pint, please.
- Pint does not exist in Greece
- A bottle, please.
- Ένα μπουκάλι, παρακαλώ. (...)
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please.
- _____ and _____, please. (...)
- whiskey
- ουίσκι (...)
- vodka
- βότκα (v-O-tka)
- rum
- ρούμι (ro-E-mi)
- water
- νερό (neh-rO)
- club soda
- σόδα (sO-da)
- tonic water
- tonic water (...)
- orange juice
- χυμός πορτοκάλι (...)
- Coke (soda)
- Κόκα Κόλα (kOka kOla)
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- Έχετε bar snacks; (...)
- One more, please.
- Ένα ακόμα, παρακαλώ. (e-na akOma, para-ka-lO)
- Another round, please.
- Μια από τα ίδια, παρακαλώ. (...)
- When is closing time?
- Πότε κλείνετε; (pO-te ...)
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- To έχετε αυτό στο δικό μου νούμερο; (...)
- How much is this?
- Πόσο κάνει αυτό? (...)
- That's too expensive.
- Αυτό είναι πολύ ακριβό. (...)
- Would you take _____?
- Δέχεστε _____; (...)
- expensive
- ακριβός/ή/ό (depending on gender)(...)
- cheap
- φθηνός/ή/ό (...)
- I can't afford it.
- Είναι υπερβολικά ακριβό για εμένα. (...)
- I don't want it.
- Δεν το θέλω. (...)
- You're cheating me.
- Με εξαπατάτε. (...)
- I'm not interested.
- Δεν ενδιαφέρομαι. (..)
- OK, I'll take it.
- Καλώς, θα το πάρω. (...)
- Can I have a bag?
- Μπορώ να έχω μία τσάντα; (...)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- Κάνετε αποστολές (στο εξωτερικό); (...)
- I need...
- Χρειάζομαι... (...)
- ...toothpaste.
- ...οδοντόκρεμα. (...)
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...οδοντόβουρτσα. (...)
- ...tampons.
- ...σερβιέτες. (...)
- ...soap.
- ...σαπούνι. (...)
- ...shampoo.
- ...σαμπουάν. (...)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...παυσίπονο. (...)
- ...cold medicine.
- ...φάρμακο για κρύωμα. (...)
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...φάρμακο για το στομάχι. (...)
- ...a razor.
- ... ξυραφάκι. (...)
- umbrella.
- ...ομπρέλα. (...)
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ...αντιηλιακό. (...)
- ...a postcard.
- ...καρτ-ποστάλ. (...)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...γραμματόσημα. (...)
- ...batteries.
- ...μπαταρίες. (...)
- ...writing paper.
- ...χαρτί. (...)
- ...a pen.
- ...ένα στυλό. (...)
- ...English-language books.
- ...Αγγλόφωνα βιβλία. (...)
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...Αγγλόφωνα περιοδικά. (...)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...αγγλόφωνη εφημερίδα. (...)
- English-Greek dictionary.
- ...ελληνικο-αγγλικο λεξικο. (eh-lee-nee-KOH ang-glee-KOH LEX-ee-koh)
[edit]- Ι want to rent a car.
- Θέλω να ενοικιάσω ένα αυτοκίνητο. (...)
- Can I get insurance?
- Μπορώ να έχω ασφάλεια? (...)
- stop (on a street sign)
- stop (...)
- one way
- μονόδρομος (...)
- yield
- παραχώρηση προτεραιότητος (...)
- no parking
- Απαγορεύεται η στάθμευση (...)
- speed limit
- όριο ταχύτητας (...)
- gas (petrol) station
- πρατήριο βενζίνης (...)
- petrol
- βενζίνη (...)
- diesel
- diesel (...)
[edit]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Δεν έκανα τίποτα επιλήψιμο. (...)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Ήταν μια παρεξήγηση. (...)
- Where are you taking me?
- Που με πηγαίνετε? (...)
- Am I under arrest?
- Συνελήφθην? (...)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Είμαι Αμερικανός/Αυστραλός/Βρετανός/Καναδός πολίτης. (...)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Πρέπει να μιλήσω με τον American/Australian/British/Canadian πρέσβη/πρόξενο. (...)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Θέλω να μιλήσω σε δικηγόρο. (...)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Μπορώ απλά να πληρώσω ένα πρόστιμο? (...)