Halabja is a city in Iraqi Kurdistan and the capital of Halabja Governorate. It is about 718 km (446 mi) northeast of Baghdad and 14 km (9 mi) from the Iranian border and it was established in 2014, splitting off from Sulaymaniyah Governorate and becoming the fourth governorate in Northern Iraq. Halabja is quite a dreary town, understandable given its history, however it is a bustling place with a market area and attractive parks on the outskirts of the city. People are very friendly; many come to pay their respect at the national monument for the victims of the Halabja gassing. Nevertheless, many have yet to discover Halabja’s natural beauty and various types of fruit and vegetation. The local people are pleased and welcoming to foreigners.
From Sulaimania directly leaving from Halabja Garage, near Family Mall. Make sure the minibus goes to "old" Halabja (Halabja Shaheed) and not to "new" Halabja (Halabja Taza). You can get off next to the monument or walk back from the garage. The bus fare is 3500 IQD.
35.18592345.9741531Martyrs' Monument and Cemetery, Yadgaree Street 964,، Halabjah. The chemical bombardment of Halabja town by the Ba'ath regime on March 16th, 1988 led to more than 5,000 dead and 10,000 wounded or disabled as well as the destruction of the town. The monument and the cemetery are a symbol of Kurdish resistance and hope in the face of dictatorship. The site serves as a reminder and details the crimes against the Kurdish people as an eternal remembrance that will never die.
35.16208645.9838992Gullan Park, Yadgaree Street 964,، Halabjah. Gullan Park is an attractive green picnic area 5 km east of Halabja city. The park is known for its fresh water springs, orchards and high trees. There is also a play area for children.
35.20309445.9607033Halabja Sports Center and Stadium, Yadgaree Street 964,، Halabjah. The Halabja sports center offers a wide range of sporting activities and a world class Stadium. Visitors are welcome to come along and enjoy sport with the locals.
35.30034546.0651314Ahmad Awa, Yadgaree Street 964, Halabjah. Ahmad awaAhmad Awa is a resort that is known for its springs and waterfalls; the resort attracts half a million visitors per year from all over Kurdistan and Iraq. There are many facilities such as cafeterias and restaurants as well as newly built cabins for tourists who choose to stay the night and enjoy the cool atmosphere of the surrounding environment.
35.20256646.1692075Twila. Twila is about 100 km to the east of Sulaymaniyah. It is known as the heart of Horman. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, which ensure perfect climactic conditions. It is covered by snow during autumn and winter. It is home to the shrines of Horaman and Sheikh Osman Siraj Eldin Naqshibandi, who lived and died there in Twila between 1868 and 1780.
35.2241146.0705916Byara. Byara Shrines is an old village about 98 km northeast of Sleimani. The site accommodates several shrines of spiritual sheikhs, such as the shrine of Sheikh Ala'addin Naqshabandi. Thousands of followers visit the village each year to pay homage to the Sheikh. The people of the area are famous for their handmade crafts such as knitting klash (Kurdish folkloric shoes) and weaving traditional Kurdish clothing.
Sulaymaniyah is an easy 1-1½ hour drive. Described as the center of education and culture in Kurdistan. The city features the best museums in Iraqi Kurdistan, good hotels and a number of pleasant parks including Chavvy Land.
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