Icelandic nouns are declined in four cases, two numbers, and the presence of the definite article. Verbs have person and number, which is used with pronouns.
Most Icelanders are able to speak English as well, so learning Icelandic is generally not necessary to communicate. Nevertheless, attempts to speak Icelandic are very much appreciated by the locals.
Pronunciation guide
[edit]Although Icelandic looks very formidable with its strange characters "þ" and "ð" and many accented vowels, once the basic rules have been learned, pronunciation is fairly straightforward. Note that stress always falls on the first syllable of any word.
[edit]Some vowels in Icelandic can have accent marks which modify the sound of each vowel. Vowels can come in long or short forms. In Icelandic, all vowels can be long or short. Vowels are long when they are in single syllable words, or when they form the penultimate syllable in two syllable words.
- A a
- (Short) like "a" in "land", (long) like "a" in "car"; or like "ow" in "now" when followed by "ng" or "nk".
- Á á
- Like "ow" in "now".
- E e
- (Short) like "e" in "met", (long) like "ea" in "bear".
- É é
- Like "ye" in "yes".
- I i
- (Short) like "i" in "bit", (long) same "i" but lengthened; or like "ee" in "meet" when followed by "ng" or "nk".
- Í í
- Like "ee" in "meet".
- O o
- (Short) like "o" in "hot", (long) like "or" in "door".
- Ó ó
- Like "o" in "snow".
- U u
- (Short) like "u" in "put", (long) the same short "u" but lengthened; or like "oo" in "moon" when followed by "ng" or "nk".
- Ú ú
- Like "oo" in "moon".
- Y y
- Same as Icelandic "i": (short) like "i" in "bit", (long) same "i" but lengthened; or like "ee" in "meet" when followed by "ng" or "nk".
- Ý ý
- Same as Icelandic "í": like "ee" in "meet".
- Æ æ
- Like "i" in "mile".
- Ö ö
- (Short) like "ur" in "fur" but shorter, (long) like "ur" in "fur"; (do not pronounce the "r").
[edit]- B b
- Always like "p" in "speak".
- D d
- Always like "t" in "sting".
- Ð ð
- Like "th" in "that", (only occurs in medial or final position).
- F f
- Like "f" in "fish", or like "v" in "van" when between vowels; or when before "l" or "n", like "p" in "speak".
- G g
- Like "k" in "skill", but similar to Hungarian "gy" when before e, i, æ, j, or y; it is lost after "á", "ó", "u" when followed by "a" or "u" in the next syllable or when at word end.
- H h
- Like "h" in "hat", or like "k" when before a consonant; (never silent like "honour").
- J j
- Like "y" in "yes".
- K k
- Like "k" in "kill" when word-initial, but similar to Hungarian "ty" with a puff of air when before e, i, æ, j, or y as word-initial; otherwise like the usual case for "g".
- L l
- Like "l" in "like".
- M m
- Like "m" in "me".
- N n
- Like "n" in "nurse".
- P p
- Like "p" in "push" when word-initial, or like "f" in "far" when before "s", "k", or "t"; otherwise pronounced like "b"
- R r
- Trilled, like Spanish and Italian "r".
- S s
- Like "s" in "sun"; (never like "z" in "zero").
- T t
- Like "t" in "take".
- V v
- Like "v" in "value".
- X x
- Like "x" in "axe".
- Þ þ
- Like "th" in "thing" (never occurs at the end of a word).
Common diphthongs and letter combinations
[edit]- au
- Like "ur" in "fur" (do not pronounce the r) followed by "ee" in "see" but with no intervening "r" - "u(r)-ee", similar to "oy" in "boy".
- ei, ey
- Like "ay" in "say".
- gi, gj
- Like "gy" in "drag-you" at word start; like "y" in "yes" in word middle or at word end.
- hv
- Like "kv" in "lock vent".
- kk
- Like "chk" in Scottish "Loch Carron".
- ll
- Like "tl" in "settle". Similar to Welsh "ll" (double L) but more aspirated (has more air to it).
- ng
- Like "nk" in "thinker", not "ng" in "finger".
- nn
- Like "dn" in "hard-nosed" when after "á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "æ", "au", "ei", or "ey"; or like "nn" in "tunnel" after "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y" or "ö".
- pp
- Like "h" and "p" fused together, similar to "hop" without the "o".
- rl
- Like "dl" in "riddle" similar in form to Welsh "ll" (double L) but said harder.
- rn
- Like "dn" in "hard-nosed".
- tt
- Like "h" and "t" fused together, similar to "hut" without the "u".
Phrase list
[edit]Note: you should take time to learn the alphabet rather than rely on the pronunciation guides within the brackets. Also note, the hyphens (-) serve only as a means to help you break down pronunciations, they do not represent where a pause should be, and the pronunciation should be read without pausing on the hyphens.
Common signs
- Hello.
- Halló. (Halló. )
- Hello (informal).
- Sæll, (Saill, (to a man)):Sæl, (Sail, (to a woman))
- Hi.
- Hæ. (Hai. ):Common amongst younger generations.
- How are you?
- Hvað segirðu gott? (Hvad: secird:u cott? )
- Fine, thank you.
- Ég segi allt gott, þakka þér fyrir. (Éc seci allt cott, thakka thér fyrir. )
- What is your name?
- Hvað heitirðu? (Hvad: heitird:u? )
- My name is ______ .
- Ég heiti ______ . (Éc heiti ______ . )
- Nice to meet you.
- Komdu sæll, (Komdu saill, (to a man) ):Komdu sæl, (Komdu sail, (to a woman))
- Please.
- Gjörðu svo vel, (cjörd:u svo vel, (to one person)):Or; Gerið þið svo vel, (Or; cerid: thid: svo vel, (to multiple persons))
- Thank you.
- Þakka þér fyrir. (thakka thér fyrir. )
- Thanks, (informal)
- Takk. (Takk. )
- You're welcome.
- Ekkert að þakka. (Ekkert ad: thakka. )
- Yes.
- Já. (Já. ):Or; Jú (Or; Ju )
- No.
- Nei. (Nei. )
- Excuse me, (getting attention).
- Afsakið. (Afsakid:. )
- Excuse me, (begging pardon).
- Fyrirgefðu. (Fyrircefd:u. )
- I'm sorry, (didn't hear).
- Ha? (Ha? (said with a falling intonation, as there were an exclamation mark)):Or; Hvað segir þú? (Or; Hvad: secir thu? )
- I'm sorry, (regretful).
- Því miður. (thví mid:yir. )
- Goodbye, (informal).
- Bless. (pless. )
- I can't speak Icelandic [well].
- Ég tala ekki íslensku [svo vel]. (Éc tala ekki íslenscu [svo vel]. )
- Do you speak English?
- Talarðu ensku? (Talard:u enscu? )
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Er einhver hér sem talar ensku? (Er einhver hér sem talar enscu? )
- Help!
- Hjálp! (Hyawlp! )
- Look out!
- Varúð! (Varud:! )
- Good morning.
- Góðan daginn. (cód:an dacinn. )
- Good evening.
- Góða kvöldið.(cód:a kvöldid:.)
- Good night.
- Góða nótt. (Coh-da no-ht. )
- Good night, (to sleep).
- Sofðu vel. (So-vdhu vel. )
- I don't understand.
- Ég skil ekki. (Éc skil ekki. )
- Could you speak more slowly?
- Gætirðu talað hægar? (caitird:u talad: haicar? )
- How do you say _____ in Icelandic?
- Hvernig segir maður _____ á íslensku? (Hvernic secir mad:yir _____ á íslenscu? )
OK. :Allt í lagi. (Allt í laci. ):Or; Ókei (Or; Ócei )
- Where is the toilet?
- Hvar er klósettið? (Hvar er klósettid:? )
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- Farðu í burtu. Or just "farðu" (Fa-rthu i bur-tu. )
- Don't touch me!
- Ekki snerta mig! (Ekki snerta mic! )
- I'll call the police.
- Ég kalla á lögregluna. (Éc kalla á löcreclyna. )
- Police!
- Lögregla! (Löcrecla! )
- Stop! Thief!
- Stopp! Þjófur! (Stopp! thjófyir! )
- I need your help.
- Ég þarf þína hjálp. (Éc tharf thína hjálp. )
- It's an emergency.
- Það er neyðartilfelli. (Thadh er nei-thartilfelli. )
- I'm lost.
- Masculine: Ég er týndur. (Yeg er teen-tur.) Feminine: Ég er týnd. (Yeg er teen-t.)
- My bag is missing.
- Taskan mín er týnd. (Taskan mín er teen-t. )
- My wallet is missing.
- Seðlaveskið mitt er týnt. (Sed:laveskid: mitt er ti:nt. )
- My purse is missing.
- Buddan mín er týnd. (pyddan mín er teen-t. )
- I'm sick.
- Masculine: Ég er veikur. (Éc er veicyir.) Feminine: Ég er veik. (Éc er veic)
- I've been injured.
- Masculine: Ég er særður. (Éc er saird:yir.) Feminine: Ég er særð. (Éc er saird:.)
- I need a doctor.
- Ég þarf lækni. (Éc tharf laicni. )
- Can I use your phone?
- Má ég nota símann þinn? (Má éc nota símann thinn? )
[edit]NOTE: The numbers 1 to 4 have three gender forms in Icelandic, and this gender form changes depending upon whether the number is attached to a masculine, feminine, or neuter word. Only numbers one to four have these gender forms. In addition the numbers one to four change for the four grammatical cases; however, all numbers below are in their nominative (or natural) forms.
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- númer _____ (numer)
- half
- hálfur (hálfyir )
- third
- þriðji (thrid:ji )
- quarter
- fjórðungur (fjórd:yncyir )
- less
- minni (minni )
- more
- meiri (meiri ):
[edit]- Examples
- (m) Einn maður (aynn madh-ur) "one man".
- (f) Ein kona (ayn kon-a) "one woman".
- (n) Eitt barn (ay-ht barn) "one child".
- 1
- einn, ((masculine):ein (aynn), (feminine):ein (ayn), (neuter):eitt )
- 2
- tveir, (tveir, ):tvær, (tvair, ):tvö, (tvur, )
- 3
- þrír, (thrír, ):þrjár, (thrjár, ):þrjú, (thrju, )
- 4
- fjórir, (fjoh-rir, ):fjórar, (fjoh-rar, ):fjögur, (fjohur, )
- 5
- fimm (fimm )
- 6
- sex (sex )
- 7
- sjö (syur )
- 8
- átta (ohw-ta )
- 9
- níu (nee-u )
- 10
- tíu (tee-u )
- 11
- ellefu (ellefu )
- 12
- tólf (toe-lv )
- 13
- þrettán (threttán )
- 14
- fjórtán (fyohrtán )
- 15
- fimmtán (fimmtán )
- 16
- sextán (sextán )
- 17
- sautján (sautján ):Or, seytján (used mostly by elders)
- 18
- átján (awtján )
- 19
- nítján (neetján )
- 20
- tuttugu (tuttycu )
- 21
- tuttugu og einn (tuttycu oc aynn )
- 22
- tuttugu og tveir (tuttycu oc tveir )
- 23
- tuttugu og þrír (tuttycu oc thrír )
- 30
- þrjátíu (thrjátee-u )
- 40
- fjörutíu (fjörutee-u )
- 50
- fimmtíu (fimmtee-u )
- 60
- sextíu (sextee-u )
- 70
- sjötíu (sjötee-u )
- 80
- áttatíu (awh-ta-tee-u )
- 90
- níutíu (nee-utee-u )
- 100
- hundrað (hyndrad: )
- 101
- hundrað og einn (hyndrad: oc aynn )
- 200
- tvö hundruð (tvö hyndrud: )
- 300
- þrjú hundruð (thrju hyndrud: )
- 1000
- þúsund (thoosynd )
- 2000
- tvö þúsund (tvö thoosynd )
- 100
- hundrað þúsund (hyndrad: thoosynd )
- 1,000,000
- milljón (mil-yohn )
- 1,000,000,000
- miljarður (mil-yar-dhur )
- 1,000,000,000
- billjón (bil-yohn )
[edit]- 1st
- fyrsti (fir-sti )
- 2nd
- annar (annar )
- 3rd
- þriðji (thri-dhyi )
- 4th
- fjórði (fjórd:i )
- 5th
- fimmti (fimmti )
- 6th
- sjötti (sjötti )
- 7th
- sjöundi (syur-unti )
- 8th
- áttundi (ohw-unti)
- 9th
- níundi (nee-unti)
- 10th
- tíundi (tee-unti)
- 11th
- ellefti (et-lev-ti)
- 12th
- tólfti (tohlv-ti)
- 13th
- þrettándi (thre-tawn-ti )
- 14th
- fjórtándi (fyohr-tawn-ti )
- 15th
- fimmtándi (fimm-tawn-ti )
- 16th
- sextándi (sex-tawn-ti )
- 17th
- sautjándi (syur-tawn-ti ):Or, seytjándi (Or, seytawndi )
- 18th
- átjándi (ohw-tawn-ti )
- 19th
- nítjándi (nee-tawn-ti )
- 20th
- tuttugasti (tutty-casti )
- 21st
- tuttugasti og fyrsti (tuttycasti oc fir-sti )
- 30th
- þrítugasti (thrítycasti )
- 40th
- fertugasti (fertycasti )
- 50th
- fimmtugasti (fimmtycasti )
- 60th
- sextugasti (sextycasti )
- 70th
- sjötugasti (syur-ty-casti )
- 80th
- áttugasti (ohw-ta-casti )
- 90th
- nítugasti (nee-ty-casti )
- 100th
- hundraðasti (hyndrad:asti )
- 101st
- hundraðasti og fyrsti (hyndrad:asti oc fyrsti )
- 100th
- tvöhundruðasti (tvöhyndrud:asti )
- 1,000th
- þúsundasti (thusyndasti )
- 2,000th
- tvöþúsundasti (tvöthusyndasti )
- 100,000th
- hundrað þúsuntasti (hyndrad: thusyntasti )
- 1,000,000th
- milljónasti (mil-yohn-asti )
- 1,000,000,000th
- milljarðasti (mil-yar-dasti )
- 1,000,000,000,000th
- billjónasti (bil-yohn-asti)
[edit]- now
- núna (noo-na )
- early
- snemma (sne-ma )
- late
- seint (saynt )
- before
- áður en (awdh-ur en )
- later
- seinna (say-na )
- morning
- morgunn (morcynn )
- afternoon
- eftirmiðdagur (eb-tir-midh-tak-ur )
- evening
- kvöld (kvöld )
- night
- nótt (noht )
Clock time
[edit]Iceland runs on the 24 hour clock as does most of Europe. For more details see Writing time and date (below).
- one o'clock AM
- klukkan er eitt (klykkan er ay-ht )
- two o'clock AM
- klukkan er tvö (klykkan er tvö )
- noon
- hádegi (hádeci )
- one o'clock PM
- klukkan er þrettán (klykkan er threttán )
- two o'clock PM
- klukkan er fjórtán (klykkan er fyohrtán )
- midnight
- miðnætti (midh-nigh-hti )
- _____ minute (s)
- _____ mínúta (meen-oo-ta ):Plural; mínútur (meen-oo-tur )
- _____ hour (s)
- _____ klukkustund (klykcyistynd ):Plural; klukkustundir (klykcyistyndir )
- _____ day (s)
- _____ dagur (dacyir ):Plural; dagar (dacar )
- _____ week (s)
- _____ vika (vika ):Plural; vikur (vicyir )
- _____ month (s)
- _____ mánuður (mánud:yir ):Plural; mánuðir (mánud:ir )
- _____ year (s)
- _____ ár (awr )
[edit]- Today
- í dag(í dac)
- Yesterday
- í gær(í cair)
- Tomorrow
- á morgun(á morcyn)
- Sunday
- Sunnudagur (Synnydacyir )
- Monday
- Mánudagur (Mánydacyir )
- Tuesday
- Þriðjudagur (Three-dhjyu-dacyir )
- Wednesday
- Miðvikudagur (Midh-vee-ku-dacyir )
- Thursday
- Fimmtudagur (Fimm-ty-dacyir )
- Friday
- Föstudagur (Föstydacyir )
- Saturday
- Laugardagur (Laycardacyir )
[edit]Note: months are only capitalised when they are the first word of a sentence.
- January
- janúar (yan-oo-ar )
- February
- febrúar (fep-roo-ar)
- March
- mars (mars)
- April
- apríl (ap-reel )
- May
- maí (ma-ee (similar to migh in "might"))
- June
- júní (ju-nee )
- July
- júlí (ju-lee (similar to Jole in "Jolene") )
- August
- ágúst (ácust )
- September
- september (septemper )
- October
- október (octóper )
- November
- nóvember (nóvemper )
- December
- desember (desemper )
Writing time and date
[edit]DATE: The date in Iceland is written in the format, as in Europe. The days and months are normally only capitalised at the start of a sentence, otherwise they are entirely in lower case. A full stop/period (.) is placed after the date in Icelandic.
- miðvikudagur 14. apríl 2007 (Midh-vee-ku-dacyir fyohr-tawn-ti ap-reel)
- Wednesday 14th April 2007
TIME: The time in Iceland is written in the 24 hour format, as in most of Europe (not including UK or Ireland), with 00.00 being midnight and 12.00 being midday. The colon (:) is not used as the digit seperater, but rather the fullstop, or period, (.) is used. Note: the term "half-past the hour" in Icelandic is more like "half to the [next] hour" (see examples below).
- Examples of time
- Written: klukkan 07.05
- Spoken: "klukkan er fimm mínútur yfir sjö" (klykkan er fimm meen-oot-yir yfir suyr )
- Written: klukkan 13.30
- Spoken: "klukkan er hálftvö" (klykkan er halwv-tvu )
- Sometimes "klukkan" can be shortened to "kl."
- Written: kl. 20:45
- Spoken: "klukkan er korter í níu" (klykkan er korter ee neehu )
NOTE: the words that describe the later pm hours of the time are rarely ever used, when speaking of them it is common just to say, example: "átta" (eight)instead of "tuttugu"
[edit]- black
- svartur (svartyir )
- white
- hvítur (hvítyir )
- gray
- grár (crár )
- red
- rauður (raud:yir )
- blue
- blár (plár )
- yellow
- gulur (cyilyir )
- green
- grænn (crainn )
- orange
- appelsínugulur (ahp-el-see-nu-cyilyir )
- purple
- fjólublár (fjólyplár )
- brown
- brúnn (prunn )
[edit]Note: there are no trains in Iceland. There are two kinds of bus: rúta, is a long distance coach; strætisvagn (or strætó, as it is commonly known) are the buses found in towns. Bus and train
- Where does this bus/coach go?
- Hvert fer þessi strætó/rúta? (Kvart fer thessi straitó/roo-ta?)
- Where is the bus/coach to _____?
- Hvar er strætóinn/rútan til _____? (Kvar er straitóinn/rutan til _____? )
- Does this bus stop at _____?
- Stoppar þessi strætó hjá _____? (Stoppar thessi straitó hyaw _____? )
- Does this coach stop in _____?
- Stoppar þessi rúta í _____? (Stoppar thessi ruta ee _____? )
- When does the bus/coach leave?
- Hvenær fer hann/hún? (Hvenair fer hann? -- SKIP HÚN)
- When does the bus/coach leave for _____?
- Hvenær fer strætónn/rútan til _____? (Hvenair fer straitónn/rutan til _____? )
- When does the bus/coach arrive?
- Hvenær kemur hann/hún? (Hvenair kemyir hann/hun? )
- When will the bus/coach arrive in _____?
- Hvenær kemur strætónn/rútan í _____? (Hvenair kemyir straitónn/rutan ee _____? )
[edit]- How do I get to _____ ?
- Hvernig kemst ég til _____? (Hvernic kemst éc til _____? )
- Where is _____?
- Hvar er _____? (Kvar er _____? )
- ...the bus stop?
- ...strætóstopp? (...straitóstopp? )
- Sometimes; ...strætisvagnastopp? (Sometimes; ...straitisvacnastopp? )
- ...the bus station?
- ...strætóstöðin? (...straitóstöd:in? )
- Sometimes; ...strætisvagnastöðin? (Sometimes; ...straitisvacnastöd
- in? )
- ...the coach station?
- ...biðstöðin? (öd:in? )
- Sometimes; ...stoppistöðin? (...stoppistöd
- in? )
- ...the airport?
- ...flugvöllurinn? (...flycvöllyirinn? )
- ...downtown?
- ...niður í miðbæ? (...nid:yir í mid:pai? (pai is similar to English "Bye", but shorter))
- ..the youth hostel?
- ...farfuglaheimilið? (...farfyclaheimilid:? )
- ...the guest house?
- ...gistihúsið? (...cistihusid:? )
- ...the British consulate?
- ...breska ræðismannsskrifstofan? (...preska raid:ismannsskrifstofan? )
- Or, the American consulate
- ...bandaríska ræðimannsskrifstofan? (...pandaríska raid:i-mans-skriv-sto-van? )
- Or, the Canadian consulate?
- ...kanadíska ræðimannsskrifstofan? (...ka-nad-ee-ska raid:i-mans-skriv-sto-van? )
- Or, the Australian consulate?
- ...ástralska ræðimannsskrifstofan? ( raid:i-mans-skriv-sto-van? )
- Where are there ...
- Hvar eru ... (Kvar eru ... ):...a lot of hotels?
- ...mörg hótel? (...mörc hótel? )
- ...a lot of restaurants? :...mörg veitingahús? (...mörc vay-tin-ka-hoos? )
- ...a lot of bars? :...margar krár? (...marcar krowr? )
- ...a lot of sites to see? :...margir ferðamannastaðir? (...marcir ferd:amannastad:ir? )
- Can you show me on the map?
- Gætiru sýnt mér á kortinu? (caitiru si:nt mér á kortinu? )
- street
- stræti (straiti )
- turn left
- fara til vinstri (fara til vinstri )
- turn right
- fara til hægri (fara til haicri )
- left
- vinstri (vinstri )
- right
- hægri (haicri )
- straight ahead
- beint áfram (bay-nt aw-fram )
- towards the _____
- til _____ (til )
- past the _____
- framhjá _____ (fram-hyaw )
- before the _____
- á undan _____ (aw yn-tan )
- opposite (the)
- á móti _____ (aw móti )
- Watch for the _____.
- leita að _____. (lay-ta adh: )
- intersection
- gatnamót (catnamót )
- north
- norður (nord:yir )
- south
- suður (sud:yir )
- east
- austur (ayistyir )
- west
- vestur (vestyir )
- uphill
- upp í móti (ypp ee móti )
- downhill
- niður í móti (nid:yir ee móti )
[edit]- Taxi!
- Taxi! (Taxee! )
- Take me to _____, please.
- Keyrðu mig til _____, gjörðu svo vel. (Keyrd:u mic til _____, cjörd:u svo vel. )
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Hvað kostar farið til _____? (Kvad: kostar farid: til _____? )
- Take me there, please.
- Keyrðu mig þangað, gjörðu svo vel. (Keyrd:u mic thancad:, cjörd:u svo vel. )
[edit]- Do you have any rooms available?
- Áttu laus herbergi? (Ow-tu layis herperci? )
- I'd like a single/double room.
- Gæti ég fengið einsmanns herbergi/tveggjamanna herbergi.(caiti éc fencid: aynsmanns herperci/tveccjamanna herperci.)
- Does the room come with...
- Kemur það með... (Kemyir thad: med:... )
- ...bedsheets?
- ...rúmfötum? (...rumfötym? )
- ...a bathroom?
- ...klósetti? (...kloh-seh-tee? )
- ...a telephone?
- ...síma? (...see-mah? )
- ...a TV?
- ...sjónvarpi? (...syohn-varpee? )
- ...a bath/shower?
- ...baði/sturtu? (...pad:i/styirtu? )
- May I see the room first?
- Má ég sjá herbergið fyrst? (Má éc syaw herpercid: fyrst? )
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Ertu nokkuð með rólegri herbergi? (Ertu nokcud: med: rólecri herperci? )
- ...bigger?
- ...stærra herbergi? (...stairra herperci? )
- ...cleaner?
- ...hreinna herbergi? (...hreinna herperci? )
- ...cheaper?
- ...ódýrara herbergi? (...ódi:rara herperci? )
OK, I'll take it. :Allt í lagi, ég tek það. (Allt í laci, éc tek thad:.)
- I will stay for _____ night (s). .
- Ég dvelst hér í _____ nótt/nætur. (Éc dvelst hér í _____ nótt/naityir. )
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Getur þú mælt með öðru hóteli? (cetyir thu mailt med: öd:ru hóteli? )
- Do you have a safe?
- Ertu með öryggishólf? (Ertu med: öryccishólf? ):...lockers? :...hirslur? (...hirslyir? )
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Er morgunmatur/kvöldmatur innifalinn? (Er morcynmatyir/kvöldmatyir innifalinn? )
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Hvenær er morgunmaturinn/kvöldmaturinn? (Hvenair er morcynmatyirinn/kvuldmaturinn? )
- Please clean my room.
- Getur þú þrifið herbergið mitt? (cetyir thu thrifid: herpercid: mitt? ):Can you wake me at _____? | Getur þú vakið mig klukkan _____? (Getur thu va-ki-d mig klukkan ...)
- I want to check out.
- Get ég skráð mig út núna?. (cet éc skrád: mic ut nuna?. )
[edit]- How much does it/that cost?
- Hvað kostar það? (Hvad: kostar thad:? )
- Where's the bank?
- Hvar er bankinn? (Hvar er pankinn? )
- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- Tekur þú bandaríska/ástralska/kanadíska dollara? (Tecyir thu pandaríska/awstralska/kanadíska dollara? )
- Do you accept British pounds?
- Tekur þú bresk pund? (Tecyir thu presk pynd? )
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Tekur þú greiðslukort? (Tecyir thu creid:slykort? )
- Can you change money for me?
- Getur þú hjálpað mér að skipta peningum? (cetyir thu hjálpad: mér ad: skipta penincym? )
- Where can I get money changed?
- Hvar get ég skipt peningum? (Kvar cet éc skipt penincym? )
- Can you change a traveler's cheque for me?
- Getur þú skipt ferðatékka fyrir mig? (Cetyir thu skipt fer-dha-thyek-ka fyrir mic? )
- Where can I get a traveler's cheque changed?
- Hvar get ég fengið ferðaávísanir? (Kvar cet éc fencid: fer-dha-aw-vees-anir? )
- What is the exchange rate for?
- Hvað er gengið á ___? (Hvad: er cencid: aw ___? )
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? ?
- Hvar er næsti hraðbanki? (Hvar er naisti hrad:panki? )
[edit]- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Get ég fengið borð fyrir einn/tvo. (cet éc fencid: pord: fyrir aynn/tvo. )
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Get ég fengið matseðil? (cet éc fencid: matsed:il? )
- Is there a house specialty?
- Hver er sérréttur ykkar? (Hver er syer-ryet-ur ihk-kar? )
- Is there a local specialty?
- Er hægt að prófa einhvern staðarrétt? (Er haict ad: proh-va ayn-kvern stad:arrétt? )
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Ég er grænmetisæta. (Éc er crainmetisaita. )
- I don't eat pork.
- Ég borða ekki svínakjöt. (Éc pord:a ekki sveen-a-kjöt. )
- I don't eat beef.
- Ég borða ekki nautakjöt. (Éc pord:a ekki nautakjöt. )
- I only eat kosher food.
- Ég borða aðeins gyðinglega [=Jewish] réttfæðu. (Éc pord:a ad:eins cyd:incleca [=Jewish] réttfaid:u. )
- breakfast
- morgunmatur, or morgunkaffi (morcynmatyir, or morcynkaffi )
- lunch
- hádegisverður (hádecisverd:yir )
- tea (meal)
- kaffi (kaffi)
- miðdegismatur (meal)
- (Midd:ecismatur, the same as "kaffi", but for those that do not want to associate coffee with a meal.)
- supper
- kvöldmatur (kvöldmatyir )
- I would like _____.
- Get ég fengið _____?. (cet éc fencid: _____?. )
- I want a dish containing _____.
- Ég vil fá rétt með _____. (Éc vil fá rétt med: _____. )
- chicken
- kjúklingi (kjuklinci )
- beef
- nautakjöti (nautakjöti )
- fish
- fiski. (fiski. )
- putrified shark
- kæstum hákarl. (caistym HOW-karl. )
- meat
- kjöti (kjöti )
- ham
- svínslæri (svínslairi )
- sausages
- pylsum (pylsym )
- cheese
- osti (osti )
- eggs
- eggjum (eccjym )
- salad
- salati (salati ):(fresh) vegetables((ferscu) grainmeti): ):(fresh) fruit((ferscu) ávöxtum):
- bread
- brauð (praud )
- toast
- smurt brauð (smyirt praud: )
- noodles
- núðlur (nud:lyir )
- rice
- hrísgrjón (hríscrjón )
- beans
- baunir (paynir )
- May I have a glass of _____?
- Get ég fengið glas af _____? (cet éc fencid: clas af _____? )
- May I have a cup of _____?
- Get ég fengið bolla af _____? (cet éc fencid: polla af _____? )
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- Get ég fengið flösku af _____? (cet éc fencid: flöscu af _____? )
- coffee
- kaffi (kaffi )
- milk
- mjólk (mjólk )
- tea (drink)
- te (te )
- juice
- safi (safi ):(bubbly) water water :sódavatn (sódavatn )
- water
- vatn (vatn )
- beer
- bjór (pjór )
- red/white wine
- rauðvín/hvítvín (raud:veen/hveetveen )
- May I have some _____?
- Get ég fengið _____? (cet éc fencid: _____? )
- salt
- salt. (salt. )
- black pepper
- svartur pipar (svartyir pipar )
- butter
- smjör (smjör )
- chocolate
- súkkulaði (sukcyilad:i )
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Afsakið, þjónn? (Afsakid:, thjónn? )
- I'm finished.
- Ég er búinn að borða. (Éc er puinn ad: pord:a. )
- The meal was delicious.
- Máltíðin var ljúffeng. (Máltíd:in var ljuffenc. )
- Please clear the plates.
- Getur þú tekið diskana? (cetyir thu tekid: diskana? )
- The check, please.
- Get ég fengið reikninginn? (cet éc fencid: reicnincinn? )
[edit]- Do you serve alcohol?
- Seljið þið áfengi? (Seljid: thid: áfenci? )
- Is there table service?
- Þjónið þið til borðs? (thjónid: thid: til pord:s? )
- A beer/two beers, please.
- Get ég fengið bjór/tvo bjóra?. (cet éc fencid: pjór/tvo pjóra?. )
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Get ég fengið glas af rauðvíni/hvítvíni?. (cet éc fencid: clas af raud:veeni/hveetveeni?. )
- A pint, please.
- Get ég fengið hálfs lítra bjór?. (cet éc fencid: hálfs leetra pjór?. )
- In a bottle, please.
- Get ég fengið það í flösku?. (cet éc fencid: thad: ee flöscu?. )
_____ (hard liquor) and _____ and _____ :Get ég fengið_____ og _____?. (cet éc fencid:_____ oc _____?. )
- whiskey
- viskí (viskee )
- vodka
- vodka (vodka )
- rum
- romm (romm )
- water
- vatn (vatn )
- club soda
- sódavatn (sódavatn )
- tonic
- tónik (tónik )
- orange juice
- appelsínusafi (ahp-el-see-yi-safi )
- Coke (soda)
- kók (coyk )
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- Eigið þið snarl? (Eicid: thid: snarl? )
- One more, please.
- Get ég fengið annan?. (cet éc fencid: annan?. )
- Another round, please.
- Annan umgang! (Annan ymcanc! )
- When is closing time?
- Hvenær lokið þið? (Hvenair lokid: thid:? )
- Cheers!
- Skál! (Scál! )
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- Átt þú þetta í minni stærð? (Átt thu thetta í minni staird:? )
- How much is this?
- Hvað kostar þetta? (Hvad: kostar thetta? )
- That's too expensive.
- Þetta er of dýrt. (thetta er of di:rt. )
- expensive
- dýr (di:r )
- cheap
- ódýr (ódi:r )
- I can't afford this.
- Ég hef ekki efni á þessu. (Éc hef ekki efni á thessu. )
- I don't want this.
- Mig langar ekki í þetta. (Mic lancar ekki í thetta. )
- I'm not interested.
- Ég hef ekki áhuga. (Éc hef ekki áhyca. )
- OK, I'll take it.
- Allt í lagi, ég tek það. (Allt í laci, éc tek thad:. )
- Can I have a bag?
- Get ég fengið poka? (cet éc fencid: poka? )
- Do you ship (overseas)? ?
- Getur þú sent þetta til ___? (cetyir thu sent thetta til ___? )
- I need...
- Mig vantar ... (Mic vantar ... )
- ...toothpaste.
- ...tannkrem. (...tannkrem. )
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...tannbursta. (...tannpyirsta. )
- ...tampons.
- ...túrtappa. (...turtappa. )
- ...sanitary pads.
- ...dömubindi. (...dömypindi. )
- ...soap.
- ...sápu. (...sápu. )
- ...shampoo.
- ...hársápu/sjampó. (...hársápu/sjampó. )
- ...conditioner.
- ...hárnæringu. (...hárnairincu. )
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ...verkjalyf. (...verkjalyf. )
- ...cold medicine.
- ...kveflyf. (...kveflyf. )
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...lyf við magaveiki. (...lyf vid: macaveiki. )
- ...a razor.
- ...rakvél. (...rakvél. )
- umbrella.
- ...regnhlíf. (...recnhlíf. )
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ...sólaráburð. (...sólarápyird:. )
- ...a postcard.
- ...póstkort. (...póstkort. )
- ...postage stamps.
- ...frímerki. (...frímerki. )
- ...batteries.
- ...rafhlöður. (...rafhlöd:yir. )
- ...writing paper.
- ...bréfsefni. (...préfsefni. )
- ...a pen.
- ...penna. (...penna. )
- ...English-language books.
- ...bækur á ensku. (...paicyir á enscu. )
- ...English-language magazines.
- ...tímarit á ensku. (...tímarit á enscu. )
- English-language newspaper.
- ...dagblað á ensku. (...dacplad: á enscu. )
- English-Icelandic dictionary.
- ...ensk-íslenska orðabók. (...ensk-íslenska ord:apók. )
[edit]- I want to rent a car.
- Get ég leigt bil? (cet éc leict pil? )
- Can I get insurance?
- Get ég fengið vátryggingu? (cet éc fencid: vátryccincu? )
- stop (on a street sign)
- stopp (stopp )
- one way
- einstefna (einstefna )
- yield
- biðskylda (pid:skylda )
- no parking
- engin bílastæði (encin pílastaid:i )
- speed limit
- hámarkshraði/hraðatakmark (hámarkshrad:i/hrad:atacmark )
- gas (petrol) station( station)
- bensínstöð (pensínstöd: )
- garage
- verkstæði (verkstaid:i )
- petrol
- bensín (pensín )
- diesel
- dísel (dísel )
[edit]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Ég hef ekki gert neitt rangt. (Éc hef ekki cert neitt ranct. )
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Það var misskilningur. (thad: var misskilnincyir. )
- Where are you taking me?
- Hvert eruð þið að fara með mig? (Hvert erud: thid: ad: fara med: mic? )
- Am I under arrest?
- Masculine: Er ég handtekinn? Feminine: Er ég handtekin? (pronounced identically; Er éc handtekin)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Ég er bandarískur/ástralskur/breskur/kanadískur ríkisborgari. (Éc er pandaríscyir/ástralscyir/prescyir/kanadíscyir ríkisporcari. )
- I demand to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Ég krefst þess að tala við bandaríska/ástralska/breska/kanadíska sendiráðið/ræðismannsskrifstofuna. (Éc krefst thess ad: tala vid: pandaríska/ástralska/preska/kanadíska sendirád:id:/raid:i-mans-skriv-sto-vyna.)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Ég vil tala við lögfræðing. (Éc vil tala vid: löcfraid:inc. )
- Can I just pay the fine now?
- Get ég ekki bara borgað sektina núna? (cet éc ekki para porcad: sectina noo-na? )