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Living abroad Voyage Tips and guide

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    Living abroad raises a number of issues that don't affect short-term travel. Visas and insurance for short-term visits often don't allow longer stays, you won't want to stay at a hotel, you may be taxed locally, you may need a local bank account and so on. This article discusses some of these issues and provides summaries and pointers for other ones.



    Where to go depends on why you are going to live abroad. There is some advice for specific circumstances in the articles about working abroad, studying abroad, etc. Generally, you may want to choose a destination where you can handle linguistic and cultural issues, where the climate is pleasant, the costs of living aren't too high and where you can feel safe. There may be additional issues such as with visas.


    See also: Visa

    Tourist visas seldom allow for long stays. They usually don't allow work or even volunteering, or allow them with strict limitations. Also studying may be prohibited, although exceptions usually apply for short-term or part-time courses. If you are allowed a visa-free stay, that stay may have the same limitations. Thus you will mostly need a visa specific to what you are going to do; see the articles about working abroad, studying abroad, etc., linked below.

    Culture shock

    Main article: Culture shock

    When first arriving in a new culture, you'll probably have a "honeymoon" period, when the new culture seems fascinating and exciting. It may last for just a few days or for several weeks. Don't assume you won't experience culture chock just because you didn't on shorter visits. Although places where the culture and language are similar to yours in general are easier, slight differences may be sufficient to cause irritation and difficulties in making friends.

    For most people, it will be more sensible to take things slowly, rather than diving straight into a partly unknown culture. It may make sense to start your life abroad in a place where there are many expatriates, where life as a foreigner is easier, then consider other areas when your language skills and knowledge of the country are better.


    See also: Second homes, Working abroad#Accommodation

    For long stays, tourist lodging is probably too expensive. If you move for work, studies or volunteering, your employer or host organisation may be able to provide or help you find somewhere to stay at least until you have settled. If you are moving to your spouse's country, they and their family probably know how to find housing, but there may still be issues with your status as (co-)owner or tenant and how you are taxed.

    Usually you have the choice of whether to stay in housing for temporary stay (such as student housing or apartment hotels), to stay in long-time rentals, or to buy an apartment or house of your own. There may be restrictions on foreigners buying property, and in a few countries renting as foreigner is difficult. While owning your housing allows more flexibility in tweaking it to your liking and avoids most of the risk to get evicted, there are severe legal and financial risks in buying, see Second homes.

    When choosing a place, you may need to allow space for whatever visitors you expect and to consider getting furniture that gives you flexibility in accommodating visitors, such as a couch that folds out into a bed. Or perhaps just choose a place with a good cheap hotel nearby.

    In some countries, there are legal restrictions on foreigners buying property. For example, in Thailand or the Philippines, a foreigner cannot own land but can own a condominium. In Indonesia, a foreigner can buy a place, but only above a minimum price which varies by region. It is fairly common to avoid the restrictions by putting the place in the name of a local partner; typically this works just fine, but it can get quite messy if the relationship goes sour and they are the legal owner of the house you paid for.

    Some visa deals require you to deposit or invest a sizeable amount of money. Buying property may count as such an investment, if it satisfies some conditions.

    When considering what to rent or buy, check what is included in the deal. Is the kitchen furnished? Do you need to redo electricity or sewage? What about internet access?

    You will certainly want to check many aspects of the location of your to-be home: is the neighbourhood safe and nice? Is it close to your workplace and to services? Is there public transport? Is parking expensive? Where's the school or daycare centre for your (potential) children? Some of these concerns may differ considerably from those in your home country.


    See also: Retiring abroad#Moving, Working abroad#Moving

    When planning your move, allow for shipping costs and consider which things might be better bought at the destination than shipped. As a general rule, furniture and appliances are better bought on site than shipped. This reduces shipping costs, avoids difficulties with different electrical systems, and often means you have a warranty that applies where you are. However, there are plenty of exceptions; you need to work out which of the exceptions apply to you. Consider what things you need for feeling at home and what essential things might be hard to find or too expensive to buy at the destination.

    Social security and healthcare

    See also: Retiring abroad#Health, Working abroad#Social security, Working abroad#Healthcare

    Any social security and health insurance you may have at home may not cover expenses abroad. Also, do not assume that just because out-of-pocket healthcare costs tend to be low in a country you visited, that means that residential health insurance premiums for foreign residents will also be inexpensive. Even countries that guarantee health coverage for citizens may allow insurance companies to jack up rates for foreigners who are above a certain age or have risk factors. Another issue is that if you are counted as a non-resident at home, this may have implications also when going back for a visit. Tax regulation, including for taxes for your income abroad and potential income from your home country, may be complicated, and may significantly affect your net income.


    See also: Working abroad#Children, Retiring abroad#Financial matters

    If you have children, there is much to think about. Will one parent be staying at home with them? Is there a good daycare system? Should you get an au pair? A local nanny or housekeeper? What are the schools like? Are there international schools? Is homeschooling an option? Is the area safe and healthy? Who will become their friends? How will you help them maintain their friendships with peers back home, and with new friends after leaving?

    If you or your partner might give birth abroad, in addition to making sure you can do that safely, check what you need to do for your baby to become a citizen of your country and possibly of the country where you are living. Or not – dual citizenship might make them eligible for conscription or otherwise change their rights and obligations in less favourable ways.


    See also: Working abroad#Taxes, Retiring abroad#Financial matters, Retiring abroad#Taxation, Second homes



    If you are feeling homesick, you may want to find out which shops and restaurants offer a taste of home or something adjacent to it. You might also want to listen to radio stations or podcasts from home. Some of these may be blocked where you are; in that case, consider using a VPN on your computer or phone to make its location appear to be in your home country.

    Many countries offer free or low-cost language instruction in the local official language. Take advantage of such programs, and if you want to hasten your acquisition of language skills in the local language if it's different from ones you already know, consider using whatever knowledge you already have, with the knowledge that you will make mistakes, people may laugh or look at you funny, but you will learn by doing.

    See also

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