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Lot Voyage Tips and guide

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    Lot is in the Occitanie region of France. There are many caves and chasms, often containing cave art. 85 underground diving sites are listed there, which in this area makes it the second place in the world after the Yucatan (Mexico). The department is rich in paleontological sites, some of which are open to the public. The southwest of the department (the Lot Valley) is one of the oldest wine-growing regions in France. Cahors wines are known throughout the world.


    Map of Lot
    • 1 Cahors — a medieval cathedral town known internationally for its production of Cahors wine, and for its 14th-century medieval military bridge
    • 2 Figeac Figeac on Wikipedia — on the GR65 i.e. the Le Puy Route of Way of St. James; Jean-François Champollion was born here, there is a copy of the Rosetta stone on display, and a museum on him and on the history of writing
    • 3 Puy l'Eveque — walking itineraries for the region can take you to scores of beautiful villages, often fortified villages built by the French and English during the 100 Years War
    • 4 Rocamadour — built on the face of a cliff with a large number of buildings cantilevered over the edge

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    This region travel guide to Lot is an outline and may need more content. It has a template, but there is not enough information present. If there are Cities and Other destinations listed, they may not all be at usable status or there may not be a valid regional structure and a "Get in" section describing all of the typical ways to get here. Please plunge forward and help it grow!


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