Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango) is in the Bogor Raya region in Western Java, Indonesia. The national park is centred on the two volcanoes Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango.
The national park is located between the cities of Bogor, Sukabumi, and Cianjur, about 60 km south of the national capital Jakarta. It is the most visited national park of Indonesia, because it can be accessed relatively easily from the densely populated Greater Jakarta area.
-6.78738106.980571Mount Gede and -6.7713106.9628912Mount Pangrango are two peaks of the same mountain complex, with Gede being 2,958 m high and Pangrango 3,019 m.
There are three official entry points to the national park. The main entrance is at the -6.74123107.004951Cibodas TNGGP visitor centre (park office), which is at the entrance of the botanical gardens of Cibodas (Kebun Raya Cibodas, see Puncak). Cibodas is a two- to three-hour drive from Jakarta if there is no traffic congestion, but often the journey takes much longer. To get to Cibodas by public transport, you can take a bus or minibus from Bogor or Cianjur. For more information on travelling to Cibodas, see the article on the wider Puncak mountain pass region.
Other official entry points are at -6.75762107.008292Gunung Putri (not far from Cibodas) and -6.84916106.9612163Selabintana (on the southern side near Sukabumi). Actually there are several other routes, but they are illegal/limited access routes, which have a higher risk because they usually do not have clear signs.
The national park is closed to visitors during the peak of the rainy season (January to March), as well as during national holidays. In addition, the park office may close the park when bad weather is forecasted.
To enter the national park, you need to apply for a permit at the visitor centre in Cibodas (only Indonesian nationals can apply for a permit online), officially at least two days before you plan to enter (but in practice it will still be possible on the day itself). The fee for the permit is Rp155,000 for foreigners, and you need to bring a copy of your passport. A permit is valid for 2 days and 1 night. Foreigners are required to hire a guide.
As of June 2019, entry fee is Rp470,000 for foreigners and Rp700,000 for a porter for a 2-day/1-night option. The entry fee is Rp270,000 for the waterfall.
A permit is not needed to enter the Situgunung Lake Recreation Area.
Wooden bridge across a river near Situgunung.-6.83194106.923063Situgunung lake. Small lake and recreation area near the Situgunung park entrance. Visiting this part of the national park does not require a long hike. (updated Nov 2016)
-7.183333107.6166674Cibeureum waterfall (Curug Cibeureum). Waterfall, about 1 hour trekking distance from the Cibodas gate. (updated Nov 2016)
At some climbing posts along the route starting at Gunung Putri, there are several small stalls selling water, coffee, tea, fruits, fried fritters, or other snacks.
A wide range of hotels is available in the Puncak pass area on the northern side of the national park, roughly in the area between the Cisarua and Cibodas park entrances. Hotels near the Selabintana park entrance on the southern side of the park can be found in Sukabumi.
There are dedicated camping areas along the main trekking routes throughout the national park.
There is a shelter at Kandang Badak, between the summits of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango, that can also be used to stay overnight. A water source is available.
Puncak — the touristic area around the mountain pass on the northern side of the national park.
Pelabuhan Ratu — Indian Ocean beach 50 km southwest of the national park.
This park travel guide to Mount Gede Pangrango National Park is a usable article. It has information about the park, for getting in, about a few attractions, and about accommodations in the park. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.
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