Pronunciation guide
[edit]Unlike its closest relatives Tongan and Samoan, Niuean does not contain the glottal stop (indicated by an apostrophe).
[edit]A, Ā, E, Ē, I, Ī, O, Ō, U, Ū
Diacritics (bars) indicate a longer vowel sound.
[edit]- F
- like fin (IPA: f)
- G
- like sing (IPA: ŋ)
- H
- like hello (IPA: h)
- K
- like skit (IPA: k)
- L
- light L (higher-pitched, non-dental), like British light (IPA: l)
- M
- like milk (IPA: m)
- N
- like nose (IPA: n)
- P
- like spin (IPA: p)
- T
- like still (IPA: t). After E or I, like seem (IPA: s).
- V
- like very (IPA: v)
- R
- rolled/trilled R (loanwords only, can be pronounced as l; IPA: r)
- S
- like seem (loanwords only, can be pronounced as t; IPA: s)
Phrase list
[edit]- Hello.
- Fakaalofa lahi atu! ( )
- How are you?
- Malolo nakai a koe?
- Yes I'm Fine, thank you.
- E Malolo, fakaaue.
- What is your name?
- Ko hai e higoa haau? ( )
- My name is ______ .
- Ko ______ e higoa haaku. ( )
- I live in Tonga/Samoa/Australia/New Zealand.
- Nofo au i Tonga/Samoa/Ostalia/Niusilani.
- Nice to meet you.
- . Mitaki kua feleveia a taua
- Please.
- Fakamolemole.
- Thank you.
- Fakaaue lahi.
- You're welcome.
- ( )
- Yes.
- E
- No.
- Nakai./ Naha
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- (Fakamolemole la. )
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- (Tulou )
- I'm sorry.
- Fakamolemole la. ( )
The Niuean language has six different ways to say goodbye depending on number of people and whether they are staying or leaving. |
- Goodbye (one person)
- Koe kia!
- Goodbye (two or more people)
- Mua kia( 2 People) :Mutolu kia! (more than 2 people)
- I can't speak Niuean [well].
- Ai mitaki e Vagahau Niue haaku.
- Help!
- (Lagomatai !)
- Look out!
- (Ono ono atu )
- Good morning.
- Monuina e pogipogi. ( )
- Good evening.
- Monuina e afiafi. :
- .Have a good sleep
- Mohe taha
- And you too
- Pihia ni kia koe
- I'm thinking of you.
- Manamanatu au kia koe
- Good night.
- Monuina e po.
- Have a good day
- Monuina e aho
- I don't understand.
- Ai maama e au.
- Where is the toilet?
- Ko fe e falevao? :( Where are you going?
- Fano ki fe a koe?
- How long are you staying?
- Fiha e leva e nofo haau?
- Where are you staying?
- Nofo i fe a koe?
- Let us both go.
- Hau ke o a taua.
- Leave it
- Siaki (C-R-kee) / toka
- Do it again
- Liu la ke taute foki.
- Let's go fishing
- Hau ke o hi (hee) ika (e - ka)
- Did you see that!
- Kitia (kee-C-R) nakai e koe!
- Hold this for me please.
- Tòtò ena e fakamolemole.
- Do you want me to take this for you?
- Fia loto nakai a koe ke uta e au e na e mahaau?
- When do you want this work done by?
- Mogofe ka fia loto a koe ke fakaoti e gahua e?
- Yes that's right, that's true.
- E hako, e mooli.
- Left hand.
- Faahi hema.
- Right hand.
- Faahi matau.
- Lets go dancing.
- Hau ke o koli.
Are you warm?
Mafana nakai a koe?
it is cold isn't it.
Makalili kaà ( ma-ka-lee-lee ka-R)
The plane is here.
Kua hau tei e vakalele.
Sing to me.
Lologo mai la kia au.
Happy Birthday to you.
Kia monuina e aho fanau haau/haao
Happy Birthday song.
Kia monuina e aho 2x
Kia monuina e aho fanau ha (name)
Kia monuina e aho fanau!
Do you want me to sing to you?
Fia loto nakai a koe ke lologo au kia koe?
Your voice is so nice.
Mitaki haia e leo haau.
Dont you forget me.
Ua nimo e koe au.
Until we meet again
To liu ke feleveia a taua.
Hold my hand.
Tòtò la e lima haaku.
Lets go for a ride/cruise to no where in particular.
Hau ke o neva
Lets go for a walk.
Hau ke laka hui.
Hau ke o hui.
You did that on purpose!
Taute poaki e koe!
Don't lie to me!
Ua pikopiko mai a koe kia au!
Lies (not truth)
Piko-piko (pee-ko pee-ko)
Climb up
Totoli hake
What is the matter?
Koe hā?
Its raining now.
To tei e uha
Look for...
Kumi (koo-mee) e....
Have you seen my bag?
Kitia nakai e koe, e kato haaku?
Get ready!
Left foot
Hui hema
Right foot
Hui matau
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- . (Toka la au .)
- Don't touch me!
- (Ua fota au !)
- I'll call the police.
- To hea au e leoleo.
- Police!
- Leoleo!
- Stop! Thief!
- Tu ma tagata kaihaa!
- I need your help.
- (Manako au keheatai haau.)
- It's an emergency.
- ( )
- I'm lost.
- . (Galo tei au.)
- I lost my bag.
- . (Galo e kato haaku.)
- I lost my wallet.
- . ( Galo e kato tupe haaku.)
- I'm sick.
- . ( Gagao au.)
- I've been injured.
- . (Pakia tei au .)
- I need a doctor.
- . ( Manako au kehe ekekafo.)
- Can I use your phone?
- ( Maeke nakai au ke fakaaoga e foni haau?)
- Drive slowly at night, beware of coconut crabs/uga's or you will squash them.
- Fakaholo fakasekiseki he po neke mapela e tau uga!:My head hurts
- Mamahi e ulu haaku.
- You give me a headache.
- Mamahi ulu foki a koe.
[edit]- 0
- Nakai( )
- 1
- Taha ( )
- 2
- Ua ( )
- 3
- Tolu ( )
- 4
- Fa ( )
- 5
- Lima ( )
- 6
- Ono ( )
- 7
- Fitu( )
- 8
- Valu ( )
- 9
- Hiva ( )
- 10
- Hogofulu ( )
- 11
- Hogofulu ma taha ( )
- 12
- Hogofulu ma ua ( )
- 13
- Hogofulu ma tolu ( )
- 14
- Hogofulu ma fa ( )
- 15
- Hogofulu ma lima ( )
- 16
- Hogofulu ma ono ( )
- 17
- Hogofulu ma fitu ( )
- 18
- Hogofulu ma valu ( )
- 19
- Hogofulu ma hiva ( )
- 20
- Ua hogofulu ( )
- 21
- Ua hogofulu ma taha ( )
- 22
- Ua hogofulu ma ua ( )
- 23
- Ua hogofulu ma tolu ( )
- 30
- Tolu hogofulu ( )
- 40
- Fa hogofulu ( )
- 50
- Lima hogofulu ( )
- 60
- Ono hogofulu ( )
- 70
- Fitu hogofulu ( )
- 80
- Valu hogofulu ( )
- 90
- Hiva hogofulu ( )
- 100
- Taha e seau ( )
- 200
- Ua e seau( )
- 300
- tolu e seau( )
- 1,000
- ( )
- 2,000
- ( )
- 1,000,000
- ( )
- 1,000,000,000
- ( )
- 1,000,000,000,000
- ( )
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- ( )
- half
- ( )
- less
- ( )
- more
- ( )
[edit]- now
- mogonei:Start
- Kamata
- later
- magaaho atu
- before
- magaaho fakamua / to
- early dawn
- ko moa ( )
- morning
- mogo/magaaho pogipogi ( )
- mid afternoon
- pale laa ( )
- late afternoon
- motua e aho ( )
- evening
- afiafi ( )
- dinner time
- mogo/maaaho kai afiafi ( )
- night
- (Po)
Clock time
- one o'clock AM
- Hola taha ke mogo pogipogi( )
- two o'clock AM
- Hola ua ( ke mogo pogipogi)
- noon
- Tupou laa ( )
- one o'clock PM
- ( )
- two o'clock PM
- ( )
- midnight
- Tuloto po ( )
- half past
- Hafa e ( )
- quarter past
- Kuata he mole ( )
- quarter to
- Kuata ke ta ( )
[edit]- _____ minute(s)
- (tau)minisi
- _____ hour(s)
- (tau)tula
- _____ day(s)
- (tau)aho
- _____ week(s)
- (tau)faahitapu
- _____ month(s)
- (tau)mahina
- _____ year(s)
- (tau)tau
[edit]- today
- Aho nei. ( )
- yesterday
- Ine afi. ( )
- tomorrow
- A pogi. ( )
- this week
- Tapu nei. ( )
- last week
- Tapu kua mole. ( )
- next week
- Tapu ka hau. ( )
- Sunday
- Aho Tapu ( )
- Monday
- Aho Gofua ( )
- Tuesday
- Aho Ua ( )
- Wednesday
- Aho Lotu ( )
- Thursday
- Aho Tuloto ( )
- Friday
- Aho Falaile ( )
- Saturday
- Aho Faiumu ( )
- January
- Ianuali :February
- Fepuali
- March
- Masi ( )
- April
- Apelila ( )
- May
- Me ( )
- June
- Iuni (ee- u -nee )
- July
- Iulai (u -lai )
- August
- Aokuso ( )
- September
- Sepetema ( )
- October
- Oketopa ( )
- November
- Novema ( )
- December
- Tesemo ( )
[edit]- Spring
- Vaha Tau Tupu ( )
- Autumn
- Vaha Tau Mateafu ( )
- Winter
- Vaha Makalili ( )
- Summer
- Vaha Mafana ( )
- Hurricane season
- Vaha To Afa ( )
- Drought
- Vaha To Laa ( )
- Christmas
- Vaha Kilisimasi ( )
- End of the year
- Kamataaga he Tau ( ):RELIGION
- Jesus Christ
- Iesu Keriso
- Prayer
- Liogi
- Church
- Tapu
- (also means taboo in context to warnings)
Writing time and date
[edit]- black
- lanu uli ( )
- white
- lanu tea ( )
- grey
- lanu efuefu ( )
- red
- lanu kula ( )
- blue
- lanu moana ( )
- yellow
- lanu ago ( )
- green
- lanu lau futi ( )
- orange
- lanu fuamoli ( )
- pink
- lanu lau mame ( )
- purple
- lanu fuahoi ( )
- brown
- lanu kakī( )
[edit]- How much is a ticket to _____?
- (fiha e tau he tiketi ke fanau ki...)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- (Taha ni e tiketi, fakaaue)
- Where does this bus go?
- (fano ki fe e bus e)
- Where is the bus to _____?
- (kofe e bus ke...)
- Does this bus stop in _____?
- (Tu ki fe e bus e?)
- When does the bus for _____ leave?
- (Fano mogofe e bus?)
- When will this bus arrive in _____?
- ( Hau mogofei e bus?)
[edit]- How do I get to _____ ?
- ( Maeke fefe ke hoko ke_________?)
- ...the bus station?
- ( )
- ...the airport?
- (Fale vakalele? )
- ...downtown?
- Ki (kee) Alofi?
- ...the youth hostel?
- ( )
- ...the _____ hotel?
- Ke hotela
- Ke hotela______________?
- ...restaurants?
- Tau fale kai?
- ...bars?
- Tau fale inu?
- ...sites to see in Niue?
- ( kitia mena i Niue?)
- Can you show me on the map?
- (Fakakite mai la e map?)
- Do you have one?
- (Fai nakai a koe? )
- straight ahead
- ( tonu)
- towards the _____
- ( ke he)
- past the _____
- ( mole ke he)
- before the _____
- ( )
- Watch for the _____.
- (Ono ono ke kitia e ___________. )
- intersection
- ( )
- north
- ( Tokelau )
- south
- (Toga )
- east
- ( )
- west
- ( )
- uphill
- ( )
- downhill
- ( )
[edit]- Taxi!
- ( )
- Take me to _____, please.
- ( fakamolemole uta la au ki_________.)
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- (Fiha e tau ke fano ki__________? )
- Take me there, please.
- (Fakamolemole fakafano la au. )
[edit]- Do you have any rooms available?
- (Fai poko nakai a koe ke nofo au? )
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- ( fiha tau he poko ke nofo taha/pòke ua tagata?)
- Does the room come with...
- ( )
- ...bedsheets?
- (kafu mohega?)
- ...a bathroom?
- (fale kaukau )
- ...a telephone?
- (telefoni )
- ...a TV?
- (TV )
- May I see the room first?
- (maeke mua au ke kitia e poko )
- Do you have anything quieter?
- ( Fai mena nakai ne ai leo lahi?)
- ...bigger?
- (Poko Lahi )
- ...cleaner?
- ( tagata fakamo-opo-opo?)
- ...cheaper?
- (nakai tau uka):Tau mukamuka?
- OK, I'll take it.
- (E mitaki, homo mai kia au/ E mai kia au)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- (Nofo au ______po )
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- (Fai hotela foki nakai ke nofo ki ai? )
- Do you have a safe?
- ( Fai sefè nakai?)
- ...lockers?
- ( fai loka nakai?)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- ( )
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- (Hola fiha e breakfast? )
- Please clean my room.
- (fakamolemole, fakamea la e poko haaku, fakaaue lahi)
- Can you wake me at _____please?
- fakamolemole, faka-ala la au e hola______?
- I want to check out.
- (oti tei e nofo haaku fia loto e au ke o)
[edit]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- (maeke nakai au ke fakatogi he tau tupe Amelika, Ositalia ETC...)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- ( )
- Do you accept euros?
- ( )
- Do you accept credit cards?
- ( Fakaoga nakai e tau credit cards?)
- Can you change money for me?
- (maeke nakai a koe ke hiki tau tupe haaku)
- Where can I get money changed?
- (fano e au ki fe ke hiki tau tupe haaku)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- ( )
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- ( )
- What is the exchange rate?
- (‘’ ‘’)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- (ha nefe e ATM?)
- A table for one person/two people, please.
- ( fakamolemole, fai laulau nakai ke lata mo taha tagata/ ke lata mo e ua tagata?)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- (Fakamolemole, fia loto au ke kitia e menu.
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Maeke nakai au ke kitia e paito?
- Is there a house specialty?
- ( )
- Is there a local specialty?
- ( )
- I'm a vegetarian.
- ( )
- I don't eat pork.
- (Ai kai au e puaka )
- I don't eat beef.
- (Ai kai au e povi )
- Excuse me i only eat kosher food.
- Fakamolemole kai ni au e tau kai ne ai tapu ke tino, tau kai tunu tauteute meà.
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- ( fakamolemole fakatote e ________ e.g butter oil)
- fixed-price meal
- ( )
- a la carte
- ( )
- breakfast
- (kai pogipogi)
- lunch
- ( Kai lanisi -pronounced laa-nee-see)
- tea (meal)
- ( )
- supper
- ( )
- I want _____.
- (fia loto e au ke...)
- I want a dish containing _____.
- (Fia Loto au ke kai ne fai____ )
- chicken
- (moa )
- beef
- (povi )
- fish
- (ika )
- ham
- (puaka )
- sausage
- (tosisi )
- cheese
- (siisi ) C- E -C
- eggs
- (fua moa )
- salad
- (salati )
- (fresh) vegetables
- (vesetapolo )
- (fresh) fruit
- (fua lakau )
- bread
- (falaoa )
- toast
- (tosi )
- noodles
- (nudolo )
- rice
- (laisi )
- beans
- (fua pine )
- May I have a glass of _____?
- (tamai la e kalase _____ )
- May I have a cup of _____?
- (tamai la e kapiniu _____ )
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- (tamai la e lupo _____ ?)
- coffee
- (kofi )
- tea (drink)
- (ti ) Cee
- juice
- (huhua )
- (bubbly) water
- ( valavai fisi)
- (still) water
- (vai )
- beer
- (pia )
- red/white wine
- (kula/sea uaina )
- May I have some _____?
- (Maeke nakai au ke fai________? )
- salt
- (masima )
- black pepper
- ( pepa uli)
- butter
- (pata )
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- (fakamolemole la)
- I'm finished.
- (oti tei au)
- It was delicious.
- (homo/mitaki koa tau kai)
- Please clear the plates.
- (uta tau palesi fakaaue lahi)
- The check, please.
- (fakamolemole, mai la e tohi totogi)
[edit]- Do you serve alcohol?
- ( )
- Is there table service?
- ( )
- A beer/two beers, please.
- ( )
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- ( )
- A pint, please.
- ( )
- A bottle, please.
- ( Mai e lupo, fakamolemole.)
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please.
- ( )
- whiskey
- ( wisikī)
- vodka
- (votokā )
- rum
- ( )
- water
- (Vai )
- club soda
- ( )
- tonic water
- ( )
- orange juice
- (Inu moli )
- Coke (soda)
- ( )
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- Fai snack nakai?
- One more, please.
- ('taha foki' 'fakamolemole')
- Another round, please.
- ('liu foki' 'fakamolemole')
- When is closing time?
- ('pa' 'hola fiha?')
- Cheers!
- ( kia monuina!)
Drink properly
Inu fakamitaki
Drink slowly
Inu faka-ene-ene
Dont be silly
Ua fakahekesia
Don't you drink again.
Ua liu a koe ke inu foki.
Stop your drinking
Oti la e inu haau.
You should go home now.
Lata a koe ke fano ki kaina mogonei ni.
i cannot see.
Ai maeke au ke kitia.
i am blind.
Kua pouli tei e tau mata haaku.
You are not allowed to drink and drive.
Tapu ua inu si fakaholo e motoka haau.
Do not be dumb to drink and drive.
Tapu ua hekesia ke inu mo fakaholo motoka.
Call someone to come and pick you up.
Hea ke taha ke hau ke piki a koe.
Do not drive reckless on the road.
Tapu ua fakaholo faanoa e puhalatu!
Do not drive fast on the road.
Tapu ua fakaholo mafiti (ma- fee-see) he puhalatu.
i drink to be happy.
Inu au ke fiafia.
come and drink with me.
Hau ke inu mo au.
Come let us drink.
Hau ke inu a taua.
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- ( Fai mena nakai ke lata mo au?)
- How much is this?
- Fiha e tau e mena e?
- That's too expensive.
- (Tau uka foki )
- Would you take _____?
- (Uta nakai e koe_____? )
- expensive
- ( tau uka)
- cheap
- ()
- I can't afford it.
- ( masiva foki)
- I don't want it.
- (Ai fia loto au)
- You're cheating me.
- ( )
- I'm not interested.
- (Ai manako au kia koe)
- OK, I'll take it.
- (E, uta fai au )
- Can I have a bag?
- (Maeke nakai au ke uta e kato)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- ( )
- I need...
- (Fia loto au ke... )
- ...toothpaste.
- ( )
- ...a toothbrush.
- (Kana nifo )
- ...tampons.
- . ( tau mena fifine)
- ...soap.
- (Moli kaukau )
- ...shampoo.
- ( )
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ( panadolo)
- ...cold medicine.
- ( )
- ...stomach medicine.
- Segavai manava
- ...a razor.
- ( )
- ...an umbrella.
- (Kalapiu
- ...sunblock lotion.
- ( )
- ...a postcard.
- ( )
- ...postage stamps.
- ( )
- ...batteries.
- ( )
- ...writing paper.
- (Pepa tohi )
- ...a pen.
- (Peni )
- ...English-language books.
- (Tohi vagahau palagi )
- ...English-language magazines.
- ( )
- ...an English-language newspaper.
- (Niusipepa vagahau palagi )
- ...an English-English dictionary.
- ( )
[edit]- I want to rent a car.
- ( )
- Can I get insurance?
- ( )
- stop (on a street sign)
- ( )
- one way
- (taha hala)
- yield
- ( )
- no parking
- ( )
- speed limit
- ( )
- gas (petrol) station
- (Fale Penesini )
- petrol
- ("penesini")
- diesel
- (Tīsolo )
[edit]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Ai fai mena au ne taute kua hepe.
- It was a misunderstanding.
- (Kua nakai tatai e tau maamaaga)
- Where are you taking me?
- (Ko e uta e koe au ki fe? )
- Am I under arrest?
- (Kua fakahala ka e koe au?)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- (Ko au ko e tagata mai i Amelika/Ausetalia/Peletania/Kanata...)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- (Manako au ke tutala ke he hukui mai he ofisa ... embassy/consulate)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- (Fia loto au ke tutala ke he loea)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- "(Maeke nakai au ke totogi e fakahala mogonei?)"