Pavlohrad (Ukrainian: Павлоград, also transliterated Pavlograd from Russian: Павлоград) is an industrial city of 103,000 people (2021) in central Eastern Ukraine.
Pavlohrad is one of the oldest settlements in Dnipropetrovsk oblast. The first references to it are from the 17th century.
From south to north the city is crossed by the river Vovcha.
[edit]It has hot summers and snowless winters with thaws.
Get in
[edit]It is 75 km east of Dnipro.
By train
[edit]The city has a railway junction Pavlograd-1 on the Kharkiv-Simferopol line of the Dnieper railway, from the station there is a branch to the city of Pokrovsk and Novomoskovsk. The Pavlograd-2 station is on the branch to Pokrovsk.
By car
[edit]The E50/M04 motorway passes through the city.
Get around
[edit]By public transport
[edit]Pavlohrad has a convenient public transport system:
- 9 bus routes
You can check information about public transport on DozoR[dead link] (in Ukrainian).
By taxi
[edit]Taxi is the easiest way of getting around the city. Some popular taxi companies include:
- OnTaxi (ОнТаксі).
[edit]- 1 Savior Cathedral aka Holy Mandylion cathedral (Спасский собор, Собор Спасо-Нерукотворного Образу), Lane Museum (пер. Музейный), 1, ☏ +380 5632 20-0600.
- St.Archangel Michael church (Костел Св.Архангела Михаїла, Костёл св.Архангела Михаила), 30 Proletarska st., 29 Vosstannya st. (near Assumption Church, the second house from the intersection with Vosstaniya). Built in 1899.

- Girls gymnasium (Женская гимназия, Жіноча гімназія), Radyanska, 64. Built in the 1880s. Now this is the Palace of Children and Youth.
- Assumption of the Virgin Mary church (Успенская церковь, Успенська церква), St. Kharkivska, 19. Azur colored facade, built in 1896.
- 2 Monument to Lenin (Памятник В. И. Ленину).
- 3 Walk of Fame former Central Alley (Аллея Славы, Центральная аллея).
- 4 Monument Joseph Kotin (Памятник Жозефу Котину).
- Lieutenant Rzhevsky Monument (Памятник поручику Ржевскому), Str. Zavodskaya (ул. Заводская), 44 (at the central entrance Pavlograd chemical plant).
- 5 Regional Museum (Краеведческий музей), Lane Museum (пер. Музейный), 8, ☏ +380 5672 6-0982.
[edit]- E. Zahavi Drama Theatre former Earl's Theatre (Павлоградский драматический театр имени Б. Е. Захавы), ul. Kharkiv, 65, ☏ +380 5632 64847. Zahavi Theatre, was erected in 1896 by Count Golenischev-Kutuzov, educator and poet. It was reestablished in 1974 as an amateur theater studio, and became a professional municipal theater in 2002.
[edit]- Restaurant "Melenda" (Ресторан «Меленда»), TC "Guliver", ul. Shevchenko
- Cafe "Jonathan" (Кафе «Джонатан»), TC "Guliver", ul. Gorky. edit
[edit]- Hotel "Zaman" (Гостиница «Заман»), ul. Dniprovskaya, 414-a . ☎ +38 (05632) 4-32-64, 4-38-47.
- Hotel "Chemist" (Гостиница «Химик»), ul. Factory, 35 . ☎ +38 (0563) 21-19-14, 21-12-77, 21-04-46. edit
- Motel "Style" (Мотель «Стиль»), ul. Dniprovskaya, 293-a