Quechua (Kechua or Runasimi) is a Native American language spoken primarily in the Andes of South America. It is unrelated to functionally all other languages on the planet, and therefore the grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary can be challenging for the foreigner.
Pronunciation guide
[edit]Quechua was, and remains a primarily oral language, with relatively little written material considering the number of people who speak it. That's due to Spanish dominance in those areas, as well as the socioeconomic situation of many Quechua-speakers. Quechua is also complicated due to its diversity dialect-wise, with multiple dialects with different pronunciation.
[edit]- a
- like "a" in "cat" ; (IPA: æ)
- i
- either like "i" in "bit" (IPA: ɪ), or like "e" as in "bed" (IPA: ɛ)
- u
- either like "oo" as in hook (IPA: ʊ), or "ough" as in "thought" (IPA: ɔ)
[edit]- ch
- like "ch" as in "chat" ; (IPA: tʃ)
- chh
- like "ch" as in "chat", followed by a puff of air ; (IPA: tʃʰ)
- ch'
- ejective "ch" ; (IPA: tʃ')
- h
- like "h" as in "hat" ; (IPA: h)
- k
- like "k" as in "king" ; (IPA: k)
- kh
- like "k" as in "king", followed by a puff of air ; (IPA: kʰ)
- k'
- ejective "k" ; (IPA: k')
- l
- like "l" as in "lamp" ; (IPA: l)
- ll
- no exact equivalent in English, similar but distinct from "y" as in "yes" ; (IPA: ʎ)
- m
- like "m" as in "map" ; (IPA: m)
- n
- like "n" as in "night" ; (IPA: n)
- ñ
- like "ny" as in "canyon" ; (IPA: ɲ)
- p
- like "p" as in "plan" ; (IPA: p)
- ph
- like "p" as in "plan", followed by a puff of air ; (IPA: pʰ)
- p'
- ejective "p" ; (IPA: p')
- q
- not found in English ; (IPA: q)
- qh
- like "q", followed by a puff of air ; (IPA: qʰ)
- q'
- ejective "q" ; (IPA: q')
- s
- like "s" as in "sat" ; (IPA: s)
- sh
- like "sh" as in "share" ; (IPA: ʃ)
- t
- like "t" as in "tear" ; (IPA: t)
- th
- like "t" as in "tear", followed by a puff of air ; (IPA: tʰ)
- t'
- ejective "t" ; (IPA: t')
- y
- like "y" as in "yes" ; (IPA: j)
- w
- like "w" as in "we" ; (IPA: w)
Phrase list
[edit]Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.
[edit]Most of these are the Cusco dialect
Common signs
- Hello.
- Rimaykullayki.:Napaykullayki.
- Hello. (informal)
- . ( )
- How are you?
- Allillanchu toray? (Formal) Imaynallan kakusanki? Imaynallam kaskanki? (informal) Imaynallataq kausakusanki? (formal)
- Fine, thank you.
- Allillanmi kashani. ( )
- What is your name?
- Imam sutiyki? (Cusco-Collao) Imataq sutiyki?
- Imashutitac canqui? ("EE-mah-shoo-TEE-tahk CAHNG-ee." = Ecuadorian Kichwa)
- My name is ______ .
- Nuqaq sutiy ______ .:______ sutiymi.
- ______-qa sutiymi.
- Nice to meet you.
- Anchatam kusikusani riqsisuspayki.
- Please.
- Allichu.:Ama hina qaychu.
- Thank you.
- Solpayki. (formal) Urpichay sonqoy. (formal)
- Añay. (informal):Yusulpayki. (informal)
- You're welcome.
- Hinallatapas. Ama llakikuychu.
- Yes.
- Arí
- No.
- Manam.
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- ( ).
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Pampachariway.
- Sorry.
- Pampachaykuway.
- Goodbye
- Tupananchikkama. (lit. "until we meet again") Rikunakunakama. (lit. "until we meet again") Cayacaman. (lit. "until later"). Tinkunanchikkama. (lit. "I'll see you later, farewell")
- I can't speak Quechua [well].
- Mana quichuatachu rimani. ("MAH-na kee-chwah-TAH-choo par-LAH-nee" in Ecuadorian Kichwa)
Manam [allinta] runasimitachu rimani. - Do you speak English?
- Inglés-simita rimankichu?
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Kaypichu huk inglés simi rimaq kan?
- Help!
- Yanapaway! Yanapaykuway!
- Look out!
- Paqtataq! (roughly Cuidado!)
- Good morning.
- Allin punchay.
- Good day.
- Allin punchaw.
- Good afternoon
- allin jatun punchay
- Good evening / Good night.
- Allin chisi tuta.
- Good night (to sleep)
- Allin tuta.
- I understand.
- Yuyachasani.
- I don't understand
- Mana umay yuyachanchu.
- Where is the toilet?
- Maypi hishpana wasi? Maypi akana wasi?
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- Sapallaña kaq munasani! (lit. "I want to be alone")
- Don't touch me!
- Ama apihuaychu ! ( !)
- Call the police.
- Wardiyata waqyay!
- Police!
- ! ( !)
- Stop! Thief!
- ! sua ! ( ! !)
- I need your help.
- yanapaway nokjata . ( .)
- It's an emergency.
- . ( .)
- I'm lost.
- chincasca kashani . ( .)
- I lost my bag.
- . ( .)
- I lost my wallet.
- . ( .)
- I'm sick.
- Unqusqa kashani. ( .)
- I've been injured.
- . ( .)
- I need a doctor.
- Hampiqta necesitakunim. ( .)
- Can I use your phone?
- ? ( ?)
[edit]- in Ecuadorian Quichua, followed by Cusco-Collao
- 1
- shuc
huk - 2
- ishcai
iskay - 3
- quimsa
kinsa - 4
- chuscu
tawa - 5
- pichca
pisqa - 6
- sucta
suqta - 7
- canchis
qanchis - 8
- pusac
pusaq - 9
- iscun
hisqun - 10
- chunca
chunka - 11
- chunca shuc
chunka hukniyuq - 12
- chunca ishcai
chunka iskayniyuq - 13
- chunca quimsa
chunka kinsayuq - 14
- chunca chuscu
chunka tawayuq - 15
- chunca pichca
chunka pisqayuq - 16
- chunca sucta
chunka suqtayuq - 17
- chunca canchis
chunka qanchisniyuq - 18
- chunca pusac
chunka pusaqniyuq - 19
- ishcai iscun
chunka hisqunniyuq - 20
- ishcai chunca
iskay chunka - 21
- ishcai chunca shuc
iskay chunka hukniyuq - 22
- ishcai chunca ishcai
iskay chunka iskayniyuq - 23
- ishcai chunca quimsa
iskay chunka kinsayuq - 30
- quimsa chunca
kinsa chunka - 40
- chuscu chunca
tawa chunka - 50
- pichca chunca
pisqa chunka - 60
- sucta chunca
suqta chunka - 70
- canchis chunca
qanchis chunka - 80
- pusac chunca
pusaq chunka - 90
- iscun chunca
hisqun chunka - 100
- pachac
pacha - 200
- ishcai pachac
iskay pacha - 300
- quimsa pachac
kinsa pacha - 1,000
- huaranca
waranqa - 2,000
- ishcai huaranca
iskay waranqa - 1,000,000
- ( )
- 1,000,000,000
- ( )
- 1,000,000,000,000
- ( )
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- ( )
- half
- chaupi ( )
- less
- pisiwan ( )
- more
- astawan
[edit]- now
- kunan, kunallan, kunitan ( )
- later
- caya
- before
- ñaupaq ( )
- morning
- tutamastin
- afternoon
- chisinkuy ( )
- evening
- ch'isi pacha ( )
- night
- tuta
Clock time
[edit]- one o'clock AM
- huk uras/pacha
- two o'clock AM
- iskay uras/pacha
- noon
- chunka iskayniyuq uras/pacha
- one o'clock PM
- huk uras/pacha
- two o'clock PM
- iskay uras/pacha
- midnight
- chaupi tuta
[edit]- _____ minute(s)
- phasmi(kuna)
- _____ hour(s)
- uras
- _____ day(s)
- p'unchaw(kuna)
- _____ week(s)
- simana(kuna)
- _____ month(s)
- killa(kuna)
- _____ year(s)
- wata(kuna)
[edit]- today
- cai puncha (lit. "this day")
kunan - yesterday
- qayna p'unchaw
- tomorrow
- paqarin
- this week
- kay simana
- last week
- qayna simana
- next week
- q'aya simana
- Sunday
- domingo p'unchaw
- Monday
- lunes p'unchaw
- Tuesday
- martes p'unchaw
- Wednesday
- miércoles p'unchaw
- Thursday
- jueves p'unchaw
- Friday
- viernes p'unchaw
- Saturday
- sábado p'unchaw
[edit]- January
- Qhaqmiy killa / Iniru
- February
- Jatunpuquy killa / Phiwriru
- March
- Pacha puquy killa / Marsu
- April
- Ariwaki killa / Awril
- May
- Aymuray killa / Mayukilla
- June
- Inti raymi killa / Jawkaykuskiy killa / Hunyu
- July
- Anta situwa killa / Chakrakunakuy killa / Hulyu
- August
- Qhapaq situwa killa / Chawawarki killa / Chakrayapuy killa / Awustu
- September
- Unu raymi killa / Tarpuy killa / Sitimri
- October
- Qoya raymi killa / Pawqar waray killa / Uktuwri
- November
- Ayamarq'ay killa / Nuwimri
- December
- Qhapaq inti raymi killa / Disimri
Writing time and date
[edit]- black
- yana
- white
- yuraq
- gray
- uqi
- red
- puka
- blue
- anqas
- yellow
- q'illu
- green
- q'umir
- orange
- q'illu-puka
- purple
- kulli
- brown
- ch'umpi
[edit]Bus and train
[edit]- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Hayqataq huk bulitu niska ...paq?
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, huk bulitu ...paq.
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Maytataq rin qay lata suythu mula?
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Maytaq lata suythu mula...paq?
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Qay lata suythu mula sayanchu ...chay (sullqa) llaqtapi?
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Hayq'aqtaq lluqsinqa lata suythu mula...chay (sullqa) llatapaq?
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Hayq'api chayanqa qay lata suythu mula ...chay (sullqa) llaqtata?
[edit]- How do I get to _____
- Imaynataq chayasaq ... :
- ...the train station?
- ...lata suythu mula wasita?
- ...the bus station?
- ...lata mula wasita?
- ...the airport?
- ...lata pajaru wasita?
- ...downtown?
- ...chawpi llaqtata?
- ...the youth hostel?
- ...warma puñuna wasita?
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ...puñuna wasi?
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- ...yuyaychiquk misti Amerikanu/Canadianu/Australianu/Britanicu wasita?
- Where are there a lot of...
- Maypitaq kan achka... :
- ...hotels?
- ...puñuna wasiquna?
- ...restaurants?
- ...mikhuna wasi/wasiquna? (lit. "food house(s)" -- "mikhuna" = "food" & "wasi" = "house")
- ...bars?
- ...aqha upyana wasi/wasiquna?
- ...sites to see?
- ...munay rikhunaquna?
- Can you show me on the map?
- Rikuchiwanqimanchu mapa nisqapi?
- street
- k'iqllu
- Turn left.
- Lloqueman kutiriy
- Turn right.
- pañaman kutiriy
- left
- lloque
- right
- paña
- straight ahead
- Chiqan ñawpaqman
- towards the _____
- paypaq chay...
- past the _____
- pasasqa chay...
- before the _____
- ñawpaq chay...
- Watch for the _____.
- Qhaway chay ...
- intersection
- Chimpapuray
- north
- Chincha
- south
- Qulla
- east
- Anti
- west
- Kunti
- uphill
- Wichayman
- downhill
- Urayman
[edit]- Taxi!
- sullqa mula.
- Take me to _____, please.
- Ama jinallachu qay, pusawaychik ...ta.
- How much does it cost to get to _____?
- Hayq'aq chaninqan chayanaypaq ...paq?
- Take me there, please.
- Ama jinallachu qay, pusawaychik chayman.
[edit]- You are unlikely to find a hotel anywhere in the Andes run by monolingual Quechua/Quicha speakers. Spanish will most likely suffice in such situations.
- Do you have any rooms available?
- Qanchu maypipas hapinapaq puñuna wasi?
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Hayqataq uq/iskay runapaq?
- Does the room come with...
- Hamunchu :
- ...bedsheets?
- sawnayuq?
- ...a bathroom?
- hispana wasiyuq?
- ...a telephone?
- karu rimanayuq / tilifunuyuq?
- ...a TV?
- karu qhawanayuq?
- May I see the room first?
- Atiymanchu ñawpaq riquyta?
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Qanchu aswan ch'inlla?
- ...bigger?
- aswan jatun?
- ...cleaner?
- aswan pichasqa?
- ...cheaper?
- aswan pisi chaniyuq?
- OK, I'll take it.
- Allin, qayta japisaq.
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- Qaypi qasaq ...tuta(kuna)
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Huk hutelta yuyaychawanquimanchu?
- Do you have a safe?
- Qanchu huk harkasqa?
- ...lockers?
- ...armariukuna?
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Tutamanta/punchay miqhuna chaypi kachkanchu?
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- Tutamanta/punchay miqhunata hayqaqtaq aypunqaqu?
- Please clean my room.
- Ama jinallachu qay, jallchay nuqhaq puñuy wasita?
- Can you wake me at _____?
- Willayquwanqimanchu ...?
- I want to check out.
- Riquyta jawata munanim.
[edit]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- uyaqunquichu misti Americanu qullquikunata?
- Do you accept British pounds?
- uyaqunquichu Britanicu librakunata?
- Do you accept euros?
- uyaqunquichu Eurukunata?
- Do you accept credit cards?
- uyaqunquichu tarjita qullquikunata?
- Can you change money for me?
- Atichipuay tikrachimuayta nuq'apaq qullquita?
- Where can I get money changed?
- Maypitaq atiyman tariyta qullqui tikrachipuaqta?
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- Atinquichu tikrachipuyta huk bulitu thasquinapak nuqhapak?
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Maypitaq atiyman tariyta huk bulitu thasquinapak tikrachipuananpak?
- What is the exchange rate?
- May chay tikrachipuy chanin?
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Maypi qan huk cajiru autumaticu niska?
[edit]- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, huk hanparata ukpaq/isqaypaq.
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- Ama hina qaychu, rikuchihuay imas qan mikhunapaq?
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- Atiymanchu rikuyta mikhuna wasipi?
- Is there a house specialty?
- Qanchu aswan allin mikhuna wasichayquimanta?
- Is there a local specialty?
- Qanchu Aswan allin mikhuna suyuchayquimanta/llaqtachayquimanta?
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Mana aychatachu mikhunim.
- I don't eat pork.
- Mana khuchi aychatachu mikhunim.
- I don't eat beef.
- Mana waka aychatachu mikhunim.
- I only eat kosher food.
- kushir mikhunallata mikhunim.
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Ama hina qaychu, wayq'uquy manam wirayuqta? (pisi unthuwan/wirawan/unthuchisqawan)
- fixed-price meal
- ( )
- a la carte
- ( )
- breakfast
- Tutamanta mikhuna
- lunch
- paraqin mikhuy / payquy
- tea (meal)
- ( )
- supper
- Punchay mikhuna
- I want _____.
- ____-ta munanim.
- I want a dish containing _____.
- ...yukta mikhunata munanim.
- chicken
- wallpa aycha, gallina
- beef
- waka aycha, carne
- fish
- challwa
- ham
- khuchi aycha, jamón
- sausage
- chicharrón
- cheese
- kisu
- eggs
- runtu
- salad
- ( )
- (fresh) vegetables
- asnapa
- (fresh) fruit
- ruru / wayu / phruta
- bread
- t'anta
- toast
- ( )
- noodles
- ( )
- rice
- arrus
- beans
- hawas, arwihas
- May I have a glass of _____?
- May I have a cup of _____?
- ( )
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- ( )
- coffee
- café
- tea (drink)
- maté
- juice
- ( )
- (bubbly) water
- ( )
- (still) water
- yaku, unu (Cusco)
- beer
- yaku uq'ana
- red/white wine
- ( )
- May I have some _____?
- Qapuwanmanchu ima/huk...?
- salt
- k'achi
- black pepper
- ( )
- butter
- wira
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Pampachaway, hampara aypuk.
- I'm finished.
- Tuquniña.
- It was delicious.
- Aswan allin sumaqmi! (lit. "Wonderful/Fantastic/Great/Beautiful!")
- Please clear the plates.
- Ama hina qaychu, maqchiy chuayta.
- The check, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, hayq'a chanin.
[edit]- Do you serve alcohol?
- yaku ukiana aypuna qanchu?
- Is there table service?
- Qanchu hanpara aypuna?
- A beer/two beers, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, huk/isqay yaku ukiana(kuna).
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- ( )
- A pint, please.
- ( )
- A bottle, please.
- ( )
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please.
- ( )
- whiskey
- ( )
- vodka
- ( )
- rum
- ( )
- water
- unu, yaku
- club soda
- ( )
- tonic water
- ( )
- orange juice
- ( )
- Coke (soda)
- gaseosa
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- ( )
- One more, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, huktawan.
- Another round, please.
- Ama hina qaychu, huk muyutawan.
- When is closing time?
- Ima hayka pachata wiskanqi.
- Cheers!
- ( )
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- Qanchu qay nuqhahinapaq?
- How much is this?
- qay hayk'am?
- That's too expensive.
- Qaypis ashqa.
- Would you take _____?
- ...apariwanquimanchu?
- expensive
- Ashqa.
- cheap
- Pisi.
- I can't afford it.
- Qayta mana uyaqunichu.
- I don't want it.
- Qayta mana munamnichu.
- You're cheating me.
- Qan yukachasiwanqui.
- I'm not interested.
- Mana.
- OK, I'll take it.
- Allin, qayta apakusaqmin.
- Can I have a bag?
- Qanmanschu huk wayaqa?
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- ( )
- I need...
- ____-ta necesitanim
- ...toothpaste.
- ( )
- ...a toothbrush.
- ( )
- ...tampons.
- . ( )
- ...soap.
- ( )
- ...shampoo.
- ( )
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- ( )
- ...cold medicine.
- ( )
- ...stomach medicine.
- ... ( )
- ...a razor.
- ( )
- ...an umbrella.
- ( )
- ...sunblock lotion.
- bloqueador
- ...a postcard.
- ( )
- ...postage stamps.
- ( )
- ...batteries.
- ( )
- ...writing paper.
- ( )
- ...a pen.
- qillqana
- ...English-language books.
- ( )
- ...English-language magazines.
- ( )
- ...an English-language newspaper.
- ( )
- ...an English-English dictionary.
- ( )
[edit]- I want to rent a car.
- Huk lata mulata mañaquyta munanim.
- Can I get insurance?
- ( )
- stop (on a street sign)
- sayay
- one way
- ukllapaq ñam.
- yield
- ( )
- no parking
- Ama sayana.
- speed limit
- phaway amachaq.
- gas (petrol) station
- Lata mulapak mikhuna wasin.
- petrol
- Lata mulapak mikhunan.
- diesel
- ( )
[edit]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- ( )
- It was a misunderstanding.
- ( )
- Where are you taking me?
- ( )
- Am I under arrest?
- ( )
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- ( )
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- ( )
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- ( )
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- ( )