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Srednja Dobrava Voyage Tips and guide

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    Srednja Dobrava is a small village on a plain between Jelovica plateau and the Karavanke range. It is peaceful, yet close to the popular tourist sights. Bled is 15 km away.


    Srednja Dobrava

    Get in


    By train


    Get off at Podnart (4.4 km or 50 min on foot), at Otoče (1.5 km or 20 min on foot) or at Globoko (2.6 km or 35 min on foot).

    By bus


    There is a bus connection from Kranj to Kropa (your stop at Lipnica) twice a day and more frequent lines from Radovljica to Podnart.

    By car


    From the motorway Ljubljana-Jesenice take the exit Brezje, then turn towards Globoko, cross the Sava River and go through Mišače uphill to Srednja Dobrava. You may access Dobrava also via exit Radovljica or exit Podtabor. Follow the sign Kropa first, then take the sharp uphill exit to Srednja Dobrava 2 km before Kropa.

    Dobrava is accessible by road from four directions:

    1. from the south from the road from Kranj to Kropa,
    2. from the north from the highway or the old route from Kranj to Radovljica via the Brezje (Dobro Polje) exit,
    3. from the north from the road from Radovljica to Kropa at the Lipnica exit, and
    4. from the south from the road from Kranj to Kropa at Podnart exit.

    Get around

    Map of Srednja Dobrava


    • 1 War Monument. West of the church in the middle of the village, there is a monument to 18 residents who died as Partisans or were shot in retribution by the Germans during the Second World War. Relatives dug up the remains of the fallen partisans with their own hands after the war elsewhere in the battlefields, in August 1945, and transported them by carts to the Dobrava graveyard.
    • 2 1941 memorial plaques, Srednja Dobrava 7 (50 m SE of the church). There are two memorial plaques on the Firebrigade building: to the teacher Stane Žagar, who was the central figure of the resistance against the German occupation in 1941, and to 23 families deported to forced labour camps to Germany in December 5, 1941. Six people died in exile. Stane Žagar organised armed resistance against the German occupiers. He formed the Jelovica battle group in July 29, 1941. He died in the battle in March 27, 1942, close to Škofja Loka, together with 14 Partisan comrades.
    • 3 Partisan printing facility, Mišače 16 (1.2 km, 15 min). Memorial plaque to the illegal printing facility in 1943 at the house pri Pogvajnu. The mimeograph machine printed radio news and poems for the resistance. The activity ended tragically on April 7, 1943 when someone betrayed it to the Germans. One activist was killed when the Germans attacked the partisan bunker in the basement, two others were wounded. One of the wounded obeyed the plea of the other one and killed him. The survivor was captured by the German police and executed two days later in Begunje. Also the landlord Pogvajn was taken to Begunje and killed. His family was deported to Weisenburg, Bavaria.
    • 4 Entrance into the Štolm Tunnel (W of Zgornja Dobrava). This tunnel, which served for iron ore digging, dates back to the 18th century (1.3 km, 15 min on foot).
    • 5 Stovc viewpoint (2.3 km, 30 min on foot). Walk from Srednja Dobrava to the edge of the plain to the SE to the view point Stovc to see the Upper Sava Valley and the Karavanke mountain range. Zgornjesavska Valley rests in the utmost Northwestern part of Slovenia, close to the borders with Austria and Italy. The valley is embraced by the peaks of the Julian Alps in the SW and the Karavanke Mountains in the NE. The Julian Alps can be seen from the Srednja Dobrava fields, too.
      If this isn't enough, you may continue along the edge of Dobrava plateau to the path which descends to the Sava river and follow the path along the right river bank to the bridge in Globoko. And return to Srednja Dobrava from there.
    • 6 Ojstra peč viewpoint (2 km, 25 min on foot). Walk from Srednja Dobrava to Zgornja Dobrava and through the wood to the Vreče view point (Ojstra peč Sharp rock) and back. From the jotting out view point you can see Radovljica, the Sava valley 100 m beneath and the Karavanke mountain range. If you proceed walking further to the left, you arrive at another view point (called Zjavka) with a picnic place, from where you can admire the village Kamna Gorica.


    • Cycling - there are marked paths for cyclists, one of them running through Sr. Dobrava
    • Hiking - climbing to the Vodice meadow (1 hour from Kropa) with the hospitable guest house Partizanski dom Vodiška planina; hiking to the Talež hut (45 min, good food), starting under Bodešče at the bridge over the Sava River
    • Walking uphill from Lipnica (factory Iskra) to Brezovica and along the range Barigla to the church St. Primus and Felicijan on Jamnik
    • Renting a raft at Tina rafting centre on the Sava near Radovljica
    • Swimming in the Sava near Bodešče, or in the lakes Bled and Bohinj, or in the pools in Kropa, Radovljica, Tržič, etc.
    • Mountaineering, e.g. climbing the highest Slovene mountain, Triglav, from Rudno polje (6 hours); there are mountain lodges on the way where you can have a meal, but for overnighting early reservations are recommended.



    There are shopping centres in Lesce, Kranj and Jesenice. Local food products: honey, plum brandy (Schnaps), cider, and meat products.



    There are many homey restaurants nearby offering fish, pizzas, continental, Mexican, Chinese, Slovenian cuisine. At Srednja Dobrava there is a fairly good restaurant Marička, closed on Tuesdays. Mlin at Kamna Gorica, Jarm in Kropa, Jošt with Serbian dishes at Podnart, Moby Dick at Črnivec, and many more a bit farther.



    Though the old hospitality is slowly dying out, you may be offered beer, wine, juice, biscuits by the locals after contacting them.


    • 1 Apartment Hladnik, Srednja Dobrava 3a, +386 4 228729, . Check-in: 3pm, check-out: 11am. The family house (only the upper apartment is available for letting) is located in the middle of a big garden, with parking facilities for 4 cars and a shed for one car. The apartment consists of a kitchen, a pantry, a bathroom, a toilet, a sitting room (it turns into a sleeping room with 2 beds at night), a sleeping room, a study, a hall, a balcony and a terrace. From the balcony you can see the church on Jamnik, the mountain above Kropa and a great deal of Jelovica plateau. €45 EUR per night/4 people + 1 extra bed.
    • 2 Green Park Camping Mišače, Mišače 1, +386 41 756 173, .
    • 3 Edita Krč, Zgornja Dobrava 50, +386 41 505 766, . Check Booking.com or AirB&B for the prices.

    Go next

    • 1 Kropa (3.3 km, 5 min). There is an iron forging museum worth visiting. Slovenska peč (a blast furnace dating back to late Middle Ages) at the far end of the town is a starting point for a one-hour hike to Vodiška planina (1118 m) or for a biking tour to Jamnik. Kropa (Q1005154) on Wikidata Kropa on Wikipedia
    • 2 Jamnik (8 km, 15 min). At Jamnik (831 m) you should walk 10 minutes to the picturesque St. Primož & Florian church, from where a major part of Gorenjsko is to be seen. From Jamnik you can reach Vodiška planina (1118 m) within an hour, via the marked mountain path. Jamnik (Q2180573) on Wikidata Jamnik, Kranj on Wikipedia
    • 3 Dražgoše (13 km, 25 min). This village (3 km from Jamnik) was the place of the first big German Nazi-Slovene Partisan battle in January 9–11 1942; the Germans burnt down the village and killed 40 villagers. Visit the big monument dedicated to the battle near the main road. Dražgoše (Q2637382) on Wikidata Dražgoše on Wikipedia
    • 4 Radovljica (9 km, 15 min). You can access Radovljica via Globoko–Mošnje or via Kamna Gorica–Lancovo. Stroll around the old town, visit the Museum of epiculture, have an ice cream at Vidic's sweets-shop or lunch at gostilna Avguštin. You can cycle to Radovljica via the hanging bridge over the Sava river. Radovljica (Q604194) on Wikidata Radovljica on Wikipedia
    • 5 Begunje (9 km, 15 min). There was a German prison during World War II where 1000 political inmates were executed. Visit their graves in the castle park and in the Draga Valley, 2 km north to the town, adjacent to the ruins of the castle Kamen (stone). Begunje is a starting point for hiking tours to St. Peter's church (839 m, 30 min), Begunjščica (2060 m, 3 hr). Begunje na Gorenjskem (Q814409) on Wikidata Begunje na Gorenjskem on Wikipedia
    • 6 Bled (15 km, 20 min). To get to Bled via Mišače–Globoko–Mošnje–Radovljica–Lesce may be a bad choice. At weekends and in high season you should escape traffic jam by setting off early or choosing a less crowded but narrow and partly dusty access via Kamna Gorica–Lancovo–Bodešče–Ribno–Selo. Parking in Bled could be a problem. Free short-time parking is available at the Bled cemetery, 600 m away, north to the lake. Circle the lake on foot or by bike (6 km, 1½ hr). You can swim at its western coast in Zaka, where a foothpath to Osojnica and Ojstrica hills (a beautiful viewpoint, 250 m ascent, 45 min) starts. Or ride to Bled by bike. Bled (Q202852) on Wikidata Bled on Wikipedia
    • Bohinj (41 km, 47 min). Near Lake Bohinj parking is expensive, so park in Bohinjska Bistrica (or there is a free car park on the grassy area on the right some kilometers before the lake) and switch onto a bike. Don't expect a friendly attitude towards tourists from the locals. Eating is recommended at Ema restaurant at Srednja vas. If you order malica ('today's special', till 13:00 at weekdays), you will get a lunch quantity of good food at a low price. There are too many hiking, mountaineering and biking destinations and sports in Bohinj to list them here, so consult the local brochures and Uskovnica.

    By bike



    • 7 Vodiška planina above Kropa, Kropa 180 (1118 m high, 1 hr on foot from Kropa), +386 41 559 423. There are several marked paths to Vodiška planina (meadow Vodice): a) from Kropa, b) from Slovenska peč (old furnace for melting iron ore) at the end of Kropa, c) from Jamnik, d) from above the quarry. The mountain cottage is open all year round. (Q20521284) on Wikidata sl:Vodiška planina nad Kropo on Wikipedia
    • 8 Pusti grad in Zgornja Lipnica (5 km, 2 hours on foot). Castle ruins 12.–16. century. Lipnica Castle (Q3403231) on Wikidata Lipnica Castle on Wikipedia
    • Partisan monuments roundtrail (4 h, 850 m ascend). Lipnica. Here Stanko Podlipnik, the first partisan of the area, was killed on 10. 9. 1941. Go uphill past the homestead Miklavžovc along the marked path till the end of the forest road, past the signed trail for Vodice, 200 m further. Trace the sign K spomenikom (to the monuments) and follow the steep tractor road. After 20 minutes the signs will lead you to the monument stone just above the upper edge of the quarry, dedicated to the illegal communist party conference in 1936 that took place there. After another 20 minutes you can reach another monument located some 100 m higher, dedicated to the meeting when a decision to start an armed resistance against nazi occupation on the 20th of July 1941. Another 20 minutes of following the signs brings you to the top of the mountain (1139 m) with the monument dedicated to the forming of partisan battle group Jelovška četa (Jelovica troop formation) that occurred on 29 July 1941. Stane Žagar, a teacher at Srednja Dobrava, was among the first partisans. Descend to the guest house Partizanski dom na Vodiški planini, where you can have a delicious meal (jota, golaž, ričet, štruklji) and a friendly welcome by the landlady Hajdi. In August 5th 1941 Cankarjev bataljon (battle group named after the writer Ivan Cankar) was formed in the vicinity, you can reach the monument after 15 minutes, if you turn south from Vodiška planina.
      A marked path runs along the edge of the mountain Kropa (Kroparska gora) to Jamnik (1 hour from Vodiška planina). Along the path there are another two monuments: Anton Jelovčan and Ciril Osterman were killed on March 20th 1945. The second one is dedicated to the partisan illegal print site Meta.
      Six partisan monuments are located at Jamnik and its vicinity: to the village, burnt on February 27th 1944, at st. Primož, to the war hero Lojze Kebe - Štefan, to the villager Katrašnik, and to the victims Janez Gartner and Franci Hlebce.
      Descend to Kropa along the paved road using the marked shortcuts. Close to Slovenska peč there are three partizan monuments, additional 4 in Kropa and 2 in Lipnica.
      You may shorten the whole way by driving through the quarry (you have to 'check in' at the entrance for your safety) to the end of the forest road, however, somebody will have to bring the car back after finishing the tour.
    • 9 St. Mary's pilgrimage church at Brezje, Brezje (5 km, 1 hour). Saint Mary of Help Basilica, Brezje (Q11812869) on Wikidata sl:Bazilika Marije Pomagaj, Brezje on Wikipedia
    • 10 Mošnje Villa rustica (3,5 km, 45 min). Antique Roman country villa from the 1st century, discovered when constructing the highway.
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