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Talk:Jaú National Park Voyage Tips and guide

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    Travel Warning WARNING: An anonymous user has attempted to change the following discussion dozens of times since 2008. See Project:Using talk pages#Etiquette to understand why changing someone else's comment on a talk page is unnacceptable. Continuing to change this comment may result in the blacklisting of the responsible company from Wikivoyage. If you have specific concerns please discuss them on this page, but do not change someone else's comments.

    Moved from Project:Plunge forward by (WT-en) Evan


    for Get in JAU NATIONAL PARK, over the jungle in the amazonian. the operator ECO-DISCOVERY TOURS is Illegal agency, never paid their taxes and also is highly risk for every tourist to get dessapointed for the poor organization and but conditions for operate those areas, also the tourist pay a lot and the guide work for that, and the owner of eco-discovery never pay to those people, that is reason those guides operator are working now for different other companies. (geros tour, Amazon riders tours, ecoplanet, green planet, swallows adn amazons.

    so, we think this medium is serious and need as soon change the false information about Eco-discovery tours. (illegal agency tourism operator) —The preceding comment was added by (WT-en) (talkcontribs)

    I've removed the listing, which is quoted below. --(WT-en) Evan 14:00, 26 June 2006 (EDT)
    Tour contact: Eco Discovery Tours: Manaus – Amazonas – Brazil' Rua dos Andrade 452, first floor, Manaus-Center. Meeting Point with Internet, Nice atmosphere. regional snacs, local guides, cheap international phone calls.

    www dot ecoviagem dot com.br/agencia-turismo/amazonas/manaus/eco-discovery-tours.asp

    members dot virtualtourist dot com/vt/lm/1ddc/?i=0.

    RESPONSE TO THE INFORMATION ABOVE FROM (WT-en) Robertwolfgangschuster

    • 1. The Eco Discovery Tours is a legal Travel Agency since 08 October 1999 at the Junta Comercial do Estado do Amazonas – JUCEA sob ração social ECOLOGIA E DESCOBERTA TURISMO LTDA with the “nome fantasia Eco Discovery Tours” in the municipal district of Manaus Amazonas Brasil.
    • 2. A agency is registered at Ministerio da Industria e Comercio e do Turismo ( govermental Industrial and tourist agency ) as >agencia de viagens e turismo< with the nunmber 23706.00.41.7 at 15 may 2000.
    • 3. Last tax paid to the Manaus municipal goverment on 09 january 2006 R$ 277,19 at the bank >Caixa economica federal< agency PMMANAUS.
    • 4. It seems to me that you got your information from a free lance guide (i dont’n want to mention his name, but the last month he organized trips with several travellers using the name of Eco-Discovery Tours)  !!
    • 6. The leadig package of the Eco Discovery Tours the last 9 years is the Tour to the nacional park of Jaú e mentioned in several internetional guide books like Lonely Planet, Letsgo, bradt travel guide,rough guide. 情報ノート etc and is administrated of a brasilian, a british and a dutch manager, (registered in the social contract of the employment)
    • 7. The Eco Discovery Tours is the only agency which atually is contracted by all others agencys to make the Jaú tour.

    see www dot receita dot fazenda dot gov.br/PessoaJuridica/CNPJ/cnpjreva/Cnpjreva_Solicitacao.asp CNPJ  : 03444880000183 (with this number you can get the oficial information of brazilian federal goverment about he legality of the employment)

    park15 dot wakwak dot com/~kimamasekairyoko/Joho/Joho08Brasil.htm

    Please excuse my bad english, but I am Austrian and natural german speaker. Visit my home page, you will see that my branch is more related with chucrute e smoked fish, but I am living in Manaus and know the real situation here. Because of the world cup this year and the strong Real currency we have less travellers and it is a survival question for everybody even for a legal agency which has to pay workers, office rent, tax, marketing ... It is rational that some workers guess that they earn few money. Buisness is not easy for nobody at Brazil.

    No, I won't. Really, the whole point of the page this came from, Project:Plunge forward, is that people need to change the pages themselves. If you think that this listing needs to be in the page, please just add it back. --(WT-en) Evan 17:45, 6 July 2006 (EDT)

    Robert, it sounds like you have a good point and that anonymous person's information was incorrect. Please, change the article yourself. If they come back and have some more to say on the matter, they can post it here. Please don't insist that I, Evan, must edit the page. You can do it yourself perfectly well. --(WT-en) Evan 11:55, 12 July 2006 (EDT)


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