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Talk:Probolinggo Voyage Tips and guide

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Contradictory statement


    Halo Gsarwa, sebaiknya saya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia karena mungkin hanya Anda yang mengerti soal topik ini. Sejujurnya saya agak terganggu dengan kalimat ini:

    Probolinggo is famous for its small, sweet green mangoes, known as mangga manalagi. Some people call also as mangga arumanis. Because the mature mango still has green skin, so press softly to the skin, it is soft or hard and smell the mango. Suggestion, eat only a half mango, because is big mango and has a lot of fiber content.

    Di kalimat pertama dikatakan bahwa mangga tersebut kecil (small), namun di kalimat terakhir, yang kelihatannya Anda yang tulis, dikatakan mangga tersebut besar (big). Sebetulnya manakah yang benar? Juga soal kalimat kedua, apa yang sesungguhnya ingin Anda katakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Saya kurang bisa menangkap arti dari tulisan Anda dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut. Saya menawarkan untuk menterjemahkan penuangan pemikiran Anda di sini sesuai dengan kaidah grammar Bahasa Inggris.


    Hello Gsarwa, it is better to use Bahasa Indonesia because it looks like it's only you who have a good understanding of this topic. Honestly I'm disturbed with this sentence:

    Probolinggo is famous for its small, sweet green mangoes, known as mangga manalagi. Some people call also as mangga arumanis. Because the mature mango still has green skin, so press softly to the skin, it is soft or hard and smell the mango. Suggestion, eat only a half mango, because is big mango and has a lot of fiber content.

    In the first sentence, it is said that the mango is small, but in the last sentence I assume you edited, the mango is big, which one is right? Also about the second sentence, what do you want to say in Bahasa Indonesia? I can help with English translations.

    Silahkan reply dalam bahasa apapun yang menurut Anda nyaman menggunakannya/ Please reply in any language you feel comfortable to use. Othello95(talk), 07:43, 12 September 2014 (UTC).Reply

    You are very neat, sorry that I do not delete 'small' in the original sentence and I'm just add sentence and say 'big'. Small and big is relative, Indonesian people say small for its kind of mango, but I know that American and European more likely smaller mango fruit as Mangga Gedong, so I mention Probolinggo mango is big. That all the sentences certainly made you confuse and made contradictory. I have corrected it, but certainly you can edit for more deserve English. Thank you so much.Gsarwa (talk) 16:13, 15 September 2014 (UTC)Reply
    Baik. Terima kasih atas klarifikasi Anda. Namun mohon jelaskan kalimat kedua ini karena Anda belum menjawab pertanyaan saya: Because the mature mango still has green skin, so press softly to the skin, it is soft or hard and smell the mango. Apa tujuan mangga tersebut ditekan dengan lembut (softly) dan apa hubungannya dengan "it is soft or hard and smell the mango"?
    Allright. Thank you for your clarification, but please explain the second sentence, you have not answered my question yet: Because the mature mango still has green skin, so press softly to the skin, it is soft or hard and smell the mango. What is the purpose of "so press softly to the skin" and what is the relation with "it is soft or hard and smell the mango"? Othello95(talk), 16:55, 12 September 2014 (UTC).Reply
    Sorry, I think you has known it, but maybe in your hometown in Indonesia, mango is not so familiar. Mango mature still in the tree is soft and smell good, immature mango can be made 'mature' by put in a drum closed and give acetylene (karbit), but the mango smell is not so hard and also the mango itself is rather hard, maybe sweet near the skin but not so sweet near the seed or sweet near the big side (bongkot) but not so sweet near the small side (pucuk).Gsarwa (talk) 03:25, 16 September 2014 (UTC)Reply


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