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User:(WT-en) Ferike333 Voyage Tips and guide

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This is the imported user page of user Ferike333 on wikitravel.org/en. All contributions that this user had made on Wikitravel up until August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are labelled as "(WT-en) Ferike333".
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    Üdvözlet! I am Feri from Hungary. I joined Wikivoyage in order to find some information on Morocco, where we had planned to go in 2009. I am here mostly to collect information about places I want to travel, and so far it has been much more than sufficient. I managed a one-week trip by car to Austria and Italy for my family in summer 2011, and I decided to pay it off to Wikivoyage. May any questions arise in you in connection with Hungary or Hungarians, feel free to contact me on my talk page; hope, I will be of help.

    I am pretty enthusiastic about sharing some travel tips (sites, eateries) based on my experience. I will try to categorize them somehow.

    My travels






    Actully, this is the place I live. I cannot tell the names of hotels I stayed at, but can mention one or two friends have lived in.

    To be honest, I am pretty unsure where to begin this part. First of all some basic details, as of 2011 I live near Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, thus visits to any other places of higher importance - including my hometown, Nyíregyháza - are considered trips, travels or excursions and have their place here therefore. On the other hand I would like to talk a wee bit about Budapest as well, as it might be the city of the most interest to you as a tourist in Hungary. It is and has always been the cultural and administrative centre of Hungary in its recent form and size ever since 1920. Formerly it shared this title with a number of other cities, namely Bratislava (Pozsony at the time) or simply Vienna (a little background knowledge of European history might be of help to understand the governmental structure of the Hapsburg Empire and later the dualist state of Austria-Hungary which is indeed a very important heritage of ours). Budapest is so charming for a tourist but every day... Ppl, mass, BKV (it may take hours to get to another point of the city)... During the Soviet occupation of Hungary in the socialist communist era, as a result of centralisation Budapest gained even more population and an even more important role in the Hungarian administration - this phenomenon is not unknown in the commnism in the least.

    But the castle is enchanting, I like the old city, the banks of the Danube, the bars, the Margaret Island in the heart of the city, the zoo, the Heroes' square, the whole 16th district and a lot of other places.

    Places I have been to


    1997, Greece


    It was my first journey abroad. I was 4 so I don't remember many things. I know we lived in a tent, ate lots of fish and the sea was beautiful.

    2001, Slovakia


    I went skiing to Slovakia as a member of a school-organised camp. I went with my mum. I don't know the exact place I just remember we had to walk a lot.

    2003, Slovakia


    We went skiing with the family and friends. My experiences were more times better. It was good. But I was so young...

    2004, Tunisia


    It was my first plane journey. We travelled with Tunis Air. We lived in Djerba island in hotel Abu Navas Djerba. I liked being there. I tride riding a camel. We made a trip to the desert. We left the island by ferry. We visited the Mos Eisley city wich is known from the Star Wars. We saw a cave-house, collected sand from the desert. We went home through the Roman Road which was built in the ancient Roman Empire and works until today. In the hotel the food was delicious, we could try what real Arabic foods are like.

    2004, Germany


    2005, Egypt


    It is my first trip I really remember. We went by a plane of Travel Service. It was a three-hour-long trip to Hurghada. We lived in Sea Gull Beach Resort. I remember I wondered that everything is written in three languages and with three different kind of scripts (Arab - Arabic; English - Latin; Russian - Cirillic). There were a lot of Russian people at the hotel. We took an underwater trip so we could wonder the coral reef what was beautiful but unfortunately we were taken to an artificial part of it. Of course we made a whole-day trip to Cairo where we saw the Egyptian Museum which was beautiful although it was very dirty. We had lunch on a ship called Fryday's (?). The food was grilled chicken with salad and the most delicious ice-cream I've ever eaten. In the afternoon we visited a papyrus store where we bought some papyrus and our names were written with the ancient Egyptian scripts. Lastly went to the Great Gizan Pyramids which were really nice and great. However I didn't know there was't any glamour in the Gizan pyramids, only in Luxor. No prob, I already know :)

    2006, Germany


    2006, Romania


    I won a trip to Transylvania. It is a very kind memory to me (and for every Hungarian) because this part of Romania belonged to Hungary before the 1920s and even now lots of Hungarians live in for instance Harghita or Covasna county (actually these two countis are rather Hungarian than Romanian, you can't find anyone who doesn't speak Hungarian). It was beautiful. The Carpatians are fascinating. They have wonderful little salty lakes here in which it's very refreshing to take a bath. But on the other hand it was a bit foreign as although Szeklers or Székelys say they are Hungarian, they've always had an own culture, customs, etc. (I mean Székely gates or just the dialect). Just a few places to mention: Sovata (Szováta) - where we lived Praid (Parajd) - next to Sovata, there is a salt mine Farkaslaka (I don't remember its Romanian name) Arad - where we visited the 1848 Freedom Fight memorial Deva (Déva) - there is a home for mostly Hungarian orphans we gave presents to And a lot of places I don't remember or just don't write here as I don't want to make this list longer:P

    2007, Spain


    Notice that I have never been on the continental part of Spain, I was in the Canarias. We lived in the Hotel Lago Taurito in Turito, next to Mogán on Gran Canaria. The hotel was in a beautiful bay. And it was the first (and last) time I've seen the ocean. I love big waves. The cuisine of the hotel was delicious. I remember my brother ate Guaspacco (Is my spelling correct?) every day.

    2008, Austria


    2008, Germany


    2008, Switzerland


    2008, Greece


    2008, Austria


    2009, Austria


    It was a great camp from June 28 till July 4, organized by the father of a former class mate of me. We traveled by bus to Wolfgang lake (Wolfgangsee). We stayed in the youth hotel of Strabl on Ischler street. We visited the gymnasium of Bad Ischl every day. We saw Sankt-Gilgen, Bad Ischl, Strobl, St. Wolfgang, etc. We've been all around the lake. We had a one-day trip, too, when we visited the secong biggest waterfall of Austria (don't remember its name) and numerous other lakes. It was wonderful, I want to go back, just hope the weather will be much better next time.

    2009, United Kingdom


    Already fixed. By couch through Austria, Germany, Belgium and France to Barnstaple or -stable, Cornwall. It is organised by my school. We are going to live with local families. In the end of the excursion we will spend a day in London. I start today (July 10), we are going to travel with no stop until tomorrow evening, when we take a few hours with sightseeing in Brussels. On Saunday I'll arrive. I arrive home on the 23.

    2009, Croatia


    It was our family vacation in 2009. Actually, the first one I reservated. We stayed in an aparthotel in Vinjerac which is called Apartments Niko, which was recommanded by a friend and his family (actually including my German teacher who told me to speak a lot of German with the staff because they speak it with a great fluency - he was right). The aparthotel is a part of a family business. The staff were two sisters who were waitresses and receptionists, a father who was a waiter, a mother who was the chef, a Slavonian lady who's the mom's best friend and was a cook, a bartender, a dishwasher, and a couple of maids. The biggest surprise was that everybody spoke at least one other language than Croatian. I was absolutely satisfied with everything. The staff's style is unique. When we arrived, we found no one at the reception, but after 2 or 3 minutes we found a maid, who was absolutely kind and rang up one of the sisters. She arrived immediately. She introduced herself and shook hand with all of us and showed us our room. We went down to have lunch. (The family enterprise also included a restaurant.) There we met the papa, who gave us the menu and for a big surprise: it was Hungarian (right, sometimes a bit funny, in one case totally rediculous, but simplified a lot). In addition, he said he understood the name of the dishes in Hungarian, (but if we have question, he asked to speak German). I chose a natur cutlet, but my gourmet family's choice was much more exciting. My brother ate blue mussels, my mom ... and dad ... . The meals were served by the other sister we met there. She was also kind, and maybe a bit more talkative (which means we talked a lot - I learnt a very important new German word: Ausrede). By the way, she lives opposite our room. The dinner was plentiful and delicious which meant a soup or some other hors-d'œuvre, a well-prepared mixed salad, and wish with potato or meat whixh you chose every day, and a dessert which was either fruits or some cakes made by the best friend of the mum, who has lots of Slavonian recipes, some were by her great-grandma. Next day, we found out it's the usual amount, so we better omitted lunch.

    2010, Austria


    From June 27 to July 3. It was planned to be the last sequel of the camp series in Germanophony I've visited for 3 years, because my teacher was about about to retire. The location of this camp was Saalbach in Salzburg district. We traveled by bus, with the Hungarian coach company Pizolit Busz Hungarian, English, German, Russian. We stayed at (Jugendhotel Saliterhof German, English, Hungarian) by family Altenberger. There were bedrooms for 2 to 8(?) persons - bunk and single and double beds. We had half board at the hotel which consisted of a smorgasbord breakfast - a choise of bread, buns, homemade marmalades, honey, and numerous types of salami, ham, other cold cuts and a large variety of cheese. We had lunch packs for lunch made from these materials. The dinner usually contained soup or some other kind of entrées, a main meal with a lot of salads that were chosen by us and some kind of dessert often made of selfgrown or self-gathered materials. The most notable places we visited inculde the Waterfalls of Krimml, the Hochalpenstrasse built by Adolf Hitler, both in Austria, the St. Bartholomew's Church in Berchtesgarden on an inlet of the Königssee in Bavaria.

    2010, Slovakia-Hungary


    This bike tour was organised by my Hungarian and Geography profs. My class was the axis of those representing the recent students of my secondary. We took a train on the 2nd of August from Budapest Keleti Station to Győr (Raab in German), Hungary, from where we rode around 30 km to Lipót, where we were lodged in out own tents in a camping. Lipót is famous for its bakery, which is now found all around Hungary, which has granted the same quality their products for a very long time. The next day we cycled north up to Bratislava (known as Pozsony in Hungarian and Pressburg in German). We crossed the border at Rajka, and we took cc 75 km that day. Our camping was in the outskirts of the city - probably the biggest camping I've ever been to - and had a lot of taverns in it. The next day we went to the castle of Bratislava and saw the downtown. Later in the afternoon we travelled to Dunajská Streda (Dunaszerdahely; Niedermarkt), where we stayed at the camp site of the bath Slovakian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, English. As a visitor of the campsite we were granted free entry to the bath as well. Some local friends of mine later took us to a very cosy tavern in the outskirts of the town, near the bath. They served a wide variety of food as well as drinks. As for Slovakian shots, Šligovica and Borovička are maybe the best choice, but they are rather famous for their cheap, quality beers such as Zlatý Bažant, or somewhat less known: Topvar. Next morning we went to visit the hydroelectic power plant of Gabčikovo (Bős; formerly known as Beš in Slovakian), and later we carried on with further 110 km of bicycling to Komárom (first we rode through the Slovakian part of the citym Komárno (Révkomárom; the entire city was formerly called Szőny in Hungarian and both sides are still called Komorn in German)) where we had an accommodation in a camping outside the town. Unfortunately due to the 70 mm of rain in two days all of our stuff were soaked inside and outside our tent. We lingered for another day in the town, where we saw Europe's only horse theatre and a lot of other things in both sides of the city. Unfortunately the fortress system of the city was closed for the public due to some kind of oldsmobile organisation, so we saw a lot of exciting cars there at least. Afterward we continued travelling on the Slovakian side, following route 63 to Stúrovo (Párkány; Gockern). On the way we visited the Roman castle of Iža (Izsa) known as Castellum Romanum. We stayed at a camping in Esztergom (the Hungarian side of Stúrovo, known as Ostrihom in Slovakian and Gran in German) right on the banks of the Danube. In the evening we visited a number of pubs in both city centers.

    2010, Luxembourg


    This jouney is going to be an international student conference on a number of subjects I will tell you more about. Our journey was originally scheduled to be held in April 2010 but due to the unfortunate long-lasting eruption of the Icelandic volcano. Finally It took place from 8 to 14 October 2010.

    2010, Rome


    This trip is going to be the second part of an exchange trip. We are going to visit back the Italians who spent a w

    2011, Cracow


    Class excursion

    2011, Paris


    Summer trip

    2011, Northern Hungarian Great Plain and the Zemplén mountains


    Bike tour

    2011, Croatia


    Summer vacation

    2011, Copenhagen


    Planned students' conference

    2011, Luxembourg



    I want to visit




    Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg



    Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne



    Dublin, Cork, Belfast (UK)



    Paris, Marseille



    L.A., NY, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Miami

    Pubs, Restaurants, etc...

      • In Budapest
    • Andersen - Danish pub and restaurant [1] - is a pub in the
    • Ibolya
    • Kelta söröző
    • Moszkva bisztró - is a bistro right above the Moszkva tér (Moscow square) subway station. It can also be reached via streetcar line number 4-6.
    • Négy Szürke restaurant, café, bar website - is a restaurant daytime and is a bar in the night. It's easily reachable via underground or tram. It is just for a couple of minutes walk from Moszkva tér. It is especially well-located for those residing in Buda. The place is very clean and hygenic, the waiters are friendly and helpful, however the bar is rather pricey.
      • In Csömör
      • In Nyíregyháza
    This is the imported user page of a user from pre-Wikimedia Wikivoyage or Wikitravel, who did not opt-in to the transfer of their data. All contributions that this user had made on pre-Wikimedia Wikivoyage or Wikitravel before August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are prefixed with "(WV-en)", or "(WT-en)" respectively.


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