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User:(WT-en) PeterW Voyage Tips and guide

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This is the imported user page of user PeterW on wikitravel.org/en. All contributions that this user had made on Wikitravel up until August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are labelled as "(WT-en) PeterW".
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    June 13 2006

    I am not a huge contributor but I will cease all actvities on this site until I have processed all the information about Wikivoyage having been sold to a company[1] (!), and then I will decide whether I continue.

    What information I have contributed, specifically on Malta is stuff that I'm convinced has real value above what is already out there and readily available. I have been in an unusual position to get to know about Malta which few other tourists visiting the island have had; the Maltese ofcourse also will have some of the same info but not the objective attitude and comparative knowledge of other Mediterrannean holiday destinations. I have voluntarily contributed this info thinking that I was giving it to a community of travellers rather than a commercial venture.

    I have still a lot which I could add, but the idea that any additions now contribute to the value of a product that some anonymous bunch of businessmen will be getting richer off really puts me off. This is why I also decided in the beginning not to contribute to World66, and I'm convinced that this is the same for many others. This is what made wikivoyage grow and get a lot of people wanting to cooperate and put energy into it.

    Regardless of what I think of going commercial I as of yet also don't understand why the founders didn't go commercial on their own, I'm certain that the contributors would've had more faith with them at the helm of a small company with a single core activity, namely this site.

    (WT-en) PeterW 04:47, 13 June 2006 (EDT)


    (Copypasted from elsewhere, I know it's lazy but hey, better than nothing)

    [[Image:DSC00008.JPG|thumb|Me slightly tipsy on the terrace outside Los Pilones, Amsterdam.]]

    Babel user information
    en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
    nl-N Deze gebruiker heeft het Nederlands als moedertaal.
    de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
    fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
    Users by language

    Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Date of Birth: 8.7.1978

    Occupation: IT, part time student political science

    Profile Summary: I grew up all over the place (see below) and am in that sense a real TCK (I sometimes need subtitles when I think..), and as such what better place than Amsterdam to live in, this relatively tiny place (800,000 people) is as cosmopolitan as many places many times larger.

    Languages spoken: English, Dutch, German, some French

    Travel experience: Born in Lebanon, lived there and in Australia, Germany and Sweden as a kid. Visited most of western Europe, some Middle East, some south Asia, across the atlantic only New England.

    Planned trips: Nothing outside Europe for the moment due to lack of time and funds.

    Wikipedia contributions: Visited Malta a lot as my parents live there right now, so I'm still working on adding as much as possible there. Also am working on some stuff for the Amsterdam article.


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