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User talk:Sbb1413 Voyage Tips and guide

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    Topic categories


    I noted that you changed the breadcrumb of Arid region safety (Stay self → Hot weather) and created Category:Hot weather. Has this been discussed somewhere? Is it part of a bigger project?

    The hierarchy of Stay safeSevere weatherHot weatherArid region safety isn't very clear; the articles don't have sections according to the subarticles (at least not consistently), nor is there a list of subarticles near the top of the articles. I think there is room for improvement, where the additional categories may make sense, but I think there should be some place where the hierarchy is explained or discussed.

    Having the hierarchy implicitly defined by breadcrumbs and categories has the risk of these being silently changed in inconsistent ways (I don't know whether your change was a possibly inconsistent ad hoc one, and don't know any easy way to check), and when this has happened, there really is no way to see what the intended structure is, or how different people changing it in different ways thought.

    Could you please explain what you are doing, perhaps at some appropriate subject talk page, or in the Pub.

    LPfi (talk) 14:41, 27 January 2024 (UTC)Reply



    Wikivoyage:Be fair#Political disputes uses the Kashmir conflict as an example. It looks OK to me, but I wonder how an Indian might see it. Pashley (talk) 19:23, 9 February 2025 (UTC)Reply

    Although the whole Kashmir is included in Indian maps, people here know that Pakistan has control on parts of Kashmir (called Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) in India), and POK is off-limits for Indian travellers. So, Indian travellers would usually travel the parts of Kashmir controlled by India. So, the example looks fine. Sbb1413 (he) (talkcontribs) 02:30, 10 February 2025 (UTC)Reply


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