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Wae Rebo Voyage Tips and guide

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    Wae Rebo is a village in Flores, Indonesia.



    A traditional village, mostly untouched by technology living in round huts that signify the unity of their village. Their English is not good so consider hiring a guide (Rp 200,000) to guide you up to the village and translate. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing covering shoulders and knees. The handshake is important here, shake hands say hi, your name and touch your chest with your right hand.

    During their traditional new year celebration the village of around 200 inhabitants accept 400 visitors (during last celebration, November 2015) and presumably returning family members.

    Get in


    The only way to get to the village is to hike. For a fit person this hike is about 3 hours on small paths through the jungle. Bring lots of water. The path starts in Denge and is very obvious. Follow the largest trail and you will eventually end up in the village. There are numerous shortcuts but if you are unsure just stick to the main path. The first 1/3 of the hike is along a road that is under construction and not covered by trees so best start early before it gets warm. Right where construction ends there is a stream of water, upstream 20 m there is a small basin where you can cool down.

    To get to Denge follow the Flores highway west from Ruteng about 20 minutes and follow the sign towards Wae Rebo. The road will become progressively worse as you travel further from Ruteng. From the highway to Denge is about 2-3 hours of spectacular views and crappy roads. It is passable by car and scooter but consider being one person per scooter as the road is very bad. Google maps will find the way to "Gereja St. Petrus dan Paulus Denge" which is right below the path to Wae Rebo.

    There is a second way to get to Denge, following the coast from the west but the roads are even worse. It is however shorter in time if you come from/are going to Labuan Bajo. It is passable by scooter (not car) but expect to cross rivers without bridges, boulder fields with some semblance of road and other obstacles. 1 person per scooter is recommended. The road is mostly obvious, just follow the largest road along the coast.

    The path starts at -8.806970, 120.303034 and is clearly marked. There is a homestay (Rp 200,000 per person include three meals) 50m to the west of the start and a "lodge" further down towards the coast.

    Get around




    The village is located at about 1200 m altitude and has a spectacular view. Stay up late and see the most clear night sky you can imagine.



    When you enter the village start by heading to the biggest hut in the middle for the mandatory welcome ceremony. (And a Rp 50,000 donation for a group of 4). After this you can enter pretty much any hut and receive a warm welcome and tea/coffee.



    Wae Rebo is known for its coffee production which you can buy here.







    Most people hike up in the morning stay a night and hike back down the following morning. Sleeping in the village costs Rp 325,000 per person and includes three meals a day.



    There is no cellphone reception in Wae Rebo or the surrounding areas villages. There is a VHF radio in Wae Rebo for emergencies.

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