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Wikivoyage:Italian Wikivoyage Expedition Voyage Tips and guide

You can check the original Wikivoyage article Here

    The Italian Wikivoyage Expedition is an expedition to create an Italian-language version of Wikivoyage, per the Project:Language version policy.



    Italian is spoken by more than 70 million people worldwide -- mostly in Italy and Switzerland.

    An Italian-language Wikivoyage would serve Italian-speakers by providing travel guides in their native language. In addition, native Italian speakers could provide travel information about destinations in Italy and elsewhere that could be translated to other languages.



    This Expedition has the following goals:

    • To collect a good base of Italian-speaking users willing to take this project further.
    • To choose a go-between who can keep users on the English-language site up-to-date on developments on Italian Wikivoyage, and vice-versa
    • To translate the interface files for Wikivoyage into Italian
    • To launch the new Italian-language Wikivoyage.
    • To translate help, policy, and navigation pages and create the infrastructure necessary to make Italian Wikivoyage useful and friendly for new Italian-speaking contributors.
    • To make Italian Wikivoyage an integrated part of the Wikivoyage family.



    The Language version policy lists the steps necessary to get a Italian-language Wikivoyage in place.

    Gathering a team of users


    To get this project started, we need at least 5 Italian-speaking users willing to help start the Italian Wikivoyage. This means helping to translate the interface files, create content on the new Wikivoyage, and to create the necessary infrastructure to make Wikivoyage welcoming and useful for the next wave of contributors.

    If you're interested, please create a user account on this (English) Wikivoyage, and sign the list below. To sign, edit this page and just type ~ 4 times, like "~~~~".

    More than 5 users are welcome to sign up, but we need at least 5 to get started.



    Part of the process of having a language version is having a single person responsible for reporting on issues in the larger Wikivoyage community to the Italian language version, and reporting on issues in the Italian language version to the larger community.

    The go-between should be conversant in English and Italian, experienced with Wikivoyage in other languages, and willing to make monthly reports and be an active participant in the Italian Wikivoyage community.

    Previous language versions have picked a go-between by voting. See Project:Romanian Wikivoyage Expedition and Project:French Wikivoyage Expedition for details.

    Choosing a go-between


    In order to make a successful, integrated Italian Wikivoyage, we need to choose one of the five users who put their names down, and make them a go-between. The role of the go-between will be to act as a liaison between English and Italian Wikipedia, and therefore, he must be able to:

    • Write English and Italian well
    • Understand Wikivoyage ideals, guidelines, goals and policies
    • Make monthly reports about Italian Wikivoyage to English Wikivoyage
    • Make monthly reports about English Wikivoyage to Italian Wikivoyage
    • Contribute actively in Italian Wikivoyage

    The go-between will be chosen by voting

    The five candidates for go-between are the users listed below. If you would like to vote one of these people, please put your username next to their name, in the Votes for section. If you would like to make a vote against someone, please write your username next to their name in the Votes against line and then a reason for this. To win, a go-between must have two votes for them, and no votes against them. Only people who nominated themselves under the "Gathering a team" section can vote. And remember, you cannot vote for yourself.

    Pick a user who you would like to see as go-between:

    Language interface file


    MediaWiki, the software that runs Wikivoyage, uses a language interface file to make the links and names and prompts and stuff readable in other languages. We need to customize a new version to work for Italian Wikivoyage.

    We can collaboratively do this at Project:LanguageIt.php. It's started off with the Wikipedia language file, and we can use the English Project:Language.php file as a reference for things that need to be changed. It's mostly just changing the name of the site (Wikipedia -> Wikivoyage), the name of the license, and the names of some important pages.


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