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Chimbote Voyage Tips and guide

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    Chimbote is a city on the Northern Coast of Peru. It is home to a prosperous fishing industry.

    Preparing salted fish in Chimbote

    Get in


    Chimbote has a modern bus 'Terminal Terrestre' 5 km south of the city. The best lines from Lima are Linea, Cruz del Sur and CIVA, with reclining seats and clean services. A cheaper option is Tres Estrellas.

    Get around


    It is not necessary to leave the 'Terminal Terrestre' to change buses. You need a taxi if you have to go into the City (US$2).



    There's a fish cannery in the town, and unfortunately, the whole place smells like it.










    • Hotel Chimu (Ex Tourist Hotel). On the Plaza 28 de Julio, near the boardwalk. The best hotel in town, it costs around US$60 a night.
    • Hotel Antonio's, 7th block of Av. Bolognesi.
    • Hotel Felipe, located on Pardo in front of the Plaza de Armas.

    Go next


    Chimbote has a modern bus 'Terminal Terrestre' 5km south of the city. There are frequent buses north & south along the Panamerican Highway. Day buses go to Huaraz via the spectacular Cañon_del_ Pato & Caraz at 08:00 with Turismo Huaraz, or via Casma & Callán Pass, & mainly night buses go via the paved road to Pativilca.

    You can catch a 06:00 Transportes Linea bus from Trujillo to catch the 08:00 bus from Chimbote up the spectacular Cañon del Pato to Huaraz in the day with TurismoHuaraz.

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