[edit]The origins of this town go back to the third quarter of the 13th century. It was founded by the Volfer family. In 1327 it was granted Royal status.
In the third wave of the great wars against the Turks in the 16th century, Kőszeg became the major flashpoint of the campaign of 1532. Under the leadership of the town and fort captain, Miklós Jurisich, a small garrison repelled the multiple outnumbered Ottoman army.
In 1695 the garrison and surrounding areas of Kőszeg fell into the hands of the Esterházy dukes, where it remained until 1931.
Kőszeg lost its leading role in the garrison county of Vas by the mid-19th century. In 2012, it was home to 12,000 people.
- 1 Tourinform Kőszeg, Rajnis utca 7 (At Jurisics Castle), ☏ +36 94 563120, +36 94 563121, +36 94 561556, +36 94 561557, fax: +36 94 563-120, [email protected]. Mid-Oct to mid-Apr: M-F 09:00-17:00; mid Apr- mid Oct: M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa Su 09:00-13:00. Services: accommodation brokerage, sales, bus- train ticket sales, tour guide and interpreter service, events ticket sales, gift and value of taxable sales, car rental, information service, information service, visa acquisition, money exchange, travel prospectuses, advice, road maps, hotel reservation.
Get in
[edit]By air
[edit]The nearest airports are in Vienna and Graz, each less than 100 km away.
By bus
[edit]- 1 Kőszeg Bus Station (Kőszegi Autóbusz-állomás), Liszt Ferenc utca 1 (Center), ☏ +36 94 561651, fax: +36 94 561652. International buses depart to Vienna and Oberpullendorf in Burgenland (weekly, 20 min) by Vasi Volán company.Domestic destinations: Szombathely (40 min, hourly), Sopron (60-80 min, two hourly, until around 20:00), Zalaegerszeg (1 hr 40 min, three direct per day and more with transfer), Kapuvár (1½ hr, five per day all must to cahange at Kópháza), Sárvár (1½ hr, five per day all must to cahange at Szombathely), Bük (Bükfürdő) (40 min, weekend daily seven, weekdays at least 14 per day, last one at 18:00 or on weekdays around 22:00. Győr (3-3½ hours depending on connection, change at Szombathely or Kópháza).

By train
[edit]- 2 Kőszeg Train Station (Kőszegi Vasútállomás), Vasútállomás utca (SW one km), ☏ +36 94 360-053, +36 99 577853 (For bus connection Győr-Sopron Railways Co. Call Center), [email protected]. Ticket office: Sa-Th 03:50-23:40; F 04:50-23:40. Regularly trains only to/from Szombathely (Ft 400, half hour, two hourly, until around 22:10).
By car
[edit]- By road from Szombathely (south), take highway 87. From Budapest first motorway #1 to Győr further to Kapuvár and Fertőszentmiklós. From Vienna, the A3 motorway further S31 highway. From Felsőpulya take B61 road and via Felsőőr and Rohonc coming to town.
By bike
[edit]- From north the bike paths are on the western shore of Lake Neusiedl.
- From Őrség ride on Ják-Vas mountain-Bucs-Bozsok-Cak route.
- From Bük via Csepreg on the roadside or from Olmod on the bike path.
Get around
[edit]By bus
[edit]- Suburban bus service operates between Szombathely and Köszeg, stopping every city stop on the route.
By Taxi
[edit]- Kőszeg, Várkör 61, ☏ +36 30 9377336.
[edit]- Parking payment is established in downtown and neighbourhood. Three zones. Ft 160-250 per hour per car, for bus pay extra. More about parking on web
- 1 Sacred Heart Church (Jézus Szíve Plébániatemplom), Fő tér, Győry János utca 1 (Center), ☏ +36 94 563 397, fax: +36 94 563398, [email protected]. Daily 08:00-17:00. Built in 1894 in Neo-Gothic style. Ludwig Schöne designed the parish church. Here was the former Korona Hotel. This is one of the largest buildings in the town even today. Masses.More in Hungarian [dead link] . German mass on Sundays morning Free.
- 2 Saint Emeric Church (Római Katolikus Szent Imre - Templom), Jurisics tér 12? (Center), ☏ +36 94 563397, fax: +36 94 563398, [email protected]. Masses weekdays at 18:00. Su 17:00 Croatian-language Masses every second Sunday.. Built between 1615 and 1618 for the Hungarian-speaking congregation of the town in Gothicising late Renaissance style. Former parish church.In 1640 and 1671 it was extended in Baroque style. The interior: the main altar maker jr. István Dorfmeister, 1805; the side altars are senior István Dorfmeister and Stephen Schaller's works in baroque style. More in Hungarian [dead link].
- 3 Lutheran Church (Evangélikus Templom), Várkör utca 44. (Center), ☏ +36 94 361145, fax: +36 94 361145, [email protected]. Summer masses at 09:00. Built in Baroque style in 1783. The church form is rectangular. An ornate plastered building with simple gable roof.
- 4 Roman Catholic Church of St. James (Római Katolikus Szent Jakab Templom), Jurisics tér (Center). This church, with Gothic and Baroque elements, built around 1400s. Inside there are three main frescos, of St. Christopher, the Mantled (or Robed) Mary, and the Three Magi. The Madonna statue standing on the main altar is from the 15th-16th century. In the crypt, local nobles and aristocratic families were buried since 16th century. More in Hungarian [dead link]
- 5 [dead link] Ruined Synagogue (Zsinagóga), Várkör 38 or 41? (Center). Closed, only from outside. Built in 1856 or 1880? in Romantic style. The front part of the building is dual tower tower-like. Circle-shaped. The dome is with skylight windows.
- 6 Reformed Church (Református templom), Táncsics Mihály utca 2 utca intersection (Táncsics Mihály utca and Kiss János utca intersection). György Csete architect works. Consecrated in August 1996. This is an organic-style church.
- 7 Former Dominican cloister and church (Korábbi Domonkos apáca zárda és temploma), Várkör 34. (Center), ☏ +36 94 563-397. Masses W Sa 18:00. Now the Kossuth Zsuzsa elementary school. The Dominican church (Queen of the Rosary) built in late romantic style, 1868. Later expanding around 1930 in neo eclectic style.
- 8 Lutheran Conventhouse (Ev. konventház), Gyöngyös u. 29 (Center). Build in classicist style, 1843
- 9 [dead link] Jurisics Castle (Jurisics Vár), Rajnis József utca 9. (Center), ☏ +36 94 360240. This monument contains both Gothic, Renaissance elements. Built in 13th-14th centuries. Adapted for the Baroque style in the 18th century. The Renaissance painting and sgraffito by windows and the north wing decorative Gothic painting are worth seeing. Adult Ft 1200, discounted (18>, 60<, disabled) Ft 800, Free: under 3 years, Family ticket: 3200.
- 10 Outer castle (külső vár), Jurisics Castle. Here was the former carriage house.
- Castle Museum (Vármúzeum), Jurisics Castle, Rajnis József utca 9., ☏ +36 94 360240, [email protected]. Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. The inner castle, now a museum and cultural centre. The local history museum is here. Adults/students, pensioners (<26 years, 62-70 years) Ft 1000/700.
- General Jurisics statue (Jurišićev, Jurisics Miklós szobra a kőszegi várban.), Jurisics Castle (at the entrance to the inner part of the castle). Sculptor: Sándor Mikus (1903–1982), made in 1963. Here you can also see the Esterházy family coat of arms on the castle wall.
- 11 Forintos bastion (Forintos bástya), Jurisics Castle, Várkör ~94 (Centre). It is part of the Jurisics Castle. Outside the town-walls stands the Forintos-bastion. Made in the 16th century.
- 12 Winemuseum in the Old Tower (Öregtorony, Zwinger, Kőszegi Borok háza), Várkör 54, ☏ +36 94 360240, [email protected]. F-Su 10:00-13:30 or by appointment.. Wine Museum. And also an exhibition about Köszeg city book-printing and press history between 1836 and 1920. Full-price Ft 400, 62-70 years old Ft 200.
- 13 Golden Unicorn Pharmacy Museum (Arany Egyszarvú Patikamúzeum), Jurisics Miklós tér 11. (Center), ☏ +36 94 360337, [email protected]. By appointment. First here was an Inn, the 'Golden Angel' (Arany Angyal vendéglő). Later remodelled, at the end of the 18th century, to a Jesuit pharmacy. After in the 20th century this restored building has been designed to a pharmacy museum. Exhibits include items from 17th-18th century, brought from different pharmacies of Vas county. Ft 600/300.
- 14 General House, Tower of Heroes (Tábornokház, Hősök Tornya, Jurisics Miklós Múzeum), Jurisics Miklós tér 6. (Center), ☏ +36 94 360240, [email protected]. Tu-F 10:00-17:00. About museum: Crafts and guilds permanent exhibition. About building: It was the house the generals of any garrison used to stay when visiting Kőszeg. Built in Renaissance style, the end of the 16th century Adults (up to 62 years old) Ft 600, 62-70 years Ft 300.
- 15 Black Saracen Pharmacy Museum (Fekete Szerecsen Patikamúzeum), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 3 (Center), ☏ +36 94 360980, [email protected]. On prior notice. Same building with Golden Unicorn Pharmacy Museum. Permanent exhibit: Küttel' history of family and house. The Black Saracen Pharmacy worked here since 1665. Matthias Herpius found this pharmacy. Built in the early Baroque style in the early 17th century. Substantially rebuilt in classicist style in the beginning of the 19th century. Slightly modified, extended towards the yard at the end of the 19th century in eclectic style. For adults/for students 600/300.
- 16 Post Museum of Kőszeg (Kőszegi Postamúzeum), Rajnis u. 3 (Center), ☏ +36 20 992-3806, +36 94 360373, [email protected]. April-October: W 14:00-18:00, Th F 14:00-20:00, Sa 11:00-18:00, Su 11:00-16:00. Groups on prior notice accept any time.. Permanent exhibitions: the Post History of Kőszeg; Postmen from around the World on Stamps; Post Carriages on European Post Roads; From the History of Letter Censorship. Ticket for adults/groups up to 20/students Ft 750/7500/375.
- 17 The temporarly place for the Hungarian Royal Crown (Koronabunker), Kálvária utca ? (End of Kálvária Street). Daily 13:00-17:00. It was a shelter place. Here hidden from Soviets the Hungarian Crown and moved to West, to U.S.A. At the end of the Second World War here was the last place (in Hungary) for the Hungarian Crown. In 1978 came back from U.S. finally to Hungary.
- 18 Sgraffito House (Sgraffitós-ház), Jurisics tér 7 (Center). Built around 1560. Extended in the 18th-19th centuries. Its façade was rebuilt in the Baroque style.
- 19 Forestry Museum of Stajer-house (Stájer ház Erdészeti Múzeum) (W five km. Kőszegi-Mountains), ☏ +36 94 329-977, +36 30 2260312, fax: +36 94 329-973, [email protected]. May-Sep: Th 10:00-16:00, Sa Su 10:00-16:00; Oct: Sa Su 10:00-16:00. Operated by the Forest School of the Forestry of Szombathely. The building is in the western part of the Kőszegi Protected Landscape Area. Permanent exhibition : The Sylviculture and Games of the Mountains of Kőszeg, [email protected] For adults/students Ft 210/110.
- 20 House of Arts, Art Nouveau House (Művészetek Háza-Szecessziós Ház), Chernel u.18. (Center). W-Su 14:00-17:00 (15:00-18:00). Temporary art exhibitions Free of charge..
- 21 Chernel Garden (Bechtold István Természetvédelmi Látogatóközpont Chernel-kert, Arborétum, Múzeum), Aradi vértanúk parkja, Arborétum utca 2, ☏ +36 94 563174, fax: +36 94 563174, [email protected]. May-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-17:00; Nov-Apr: Tu-F 10:00-16:00. Permanent exhibitions: The bird life; Natural values of the Kőszeg Mountains; Works of István Chernel, István Bechtold and Ernő Horvath scientists. Also here: collection of Protected plants (nature trail); Bird Protection model farm (demonstration with predator birds); Chernel Garden (Arboretum); Bird knowledge game (experience trail). And an Open-air nature historical exhibition. +email= [email protected] More in Hungarian Adult Ft 850, reduced Ft 450-650.
- 22 [dead link] Marzipan Tale World and Aerial Photos (Főnix-Ház - Szamos Marcipán Múzeum), Rajnis utca 9, ☏ +36 94 361258. Daily 09:00-18:00. A Marzipan Tale gallery. You can see (and buy) here Thumbelina, the ant and the grasshopper, the lamb of the golden fleece, Mattie, the Goose-boy, the Sleeping Beauty. 'Castles Landscapes Wines' ehibition can be see in the cellar (four rooms). Aerial Photos and 3D images of 70 Hungarian castle photographed by János Laszlo and Tamás Vigvári. Linked to these many wine regions and wines of Hungary. Ft 200 deposit fee for renting a 3D glasses. Adults/children (between 3-14 years) and pensioners Ft 400/300.
[edit]- 23 Watchtower (Óház-kilátó, Old-house lookout tower), Várhegy, Felsőerdő dülő (on Old-house peak (609 m a.s.l.)). A popular excursion place. Superb view. Monument
- 24 Church Primary School of Saint Margaret (Árpádházi Szt Margit Általános Iskola), Várkör 34 (Center).
- 25 Heroes Gate (Hősők Kapuja), Jurisics tér (Centre).
- 26 City Well (Városi kut), Jurisics tér (Centre). 24/7. 1766 remodelled in 1818-1824. Free.
- 27 Two-floor house (Egyemeletes lakóház, az egykori un. "Táblaház"), Schneller István u. 3 (Center). Only from outside. Former 'Boardhouse'. Beroque. Around 1726 More
- 28 Archives (Arcaded house, Vas Megyei Levéltár Kőszeg), Jurisics tér 2 (Center), ☏ +36 94 563155, fax: +36 94 563157, [email protected]. M Tu Th 08:00-15:45, F 08:00-13:00. http://muemlekem.hu/muemlek?id=9074 Built in 1774 This is the Town Archives since 1971. It used to be the Ball House. Official site
- 29 Jewish Cemetery (Zsidótemető), Temető utca 30 (W half km). April-mid Nov: daily 07:00-20:00, mid Nov-Mar: daily 07:00-17:00. The local Jewish community ceased in 1951. A part of the public cemetery
- 30 Synagogue school rabbi apartment (Rabbi lakás), Várkör, Hunyadi János utca 8? (Centre, next to former Jesuit Catholic high school). Nationalized in 1970. Now it is private property.
- 31 Bunker of Szálasi (Szálasi Bunker), Gyepű II - Szálasi Bunker (Kőszegi Mountain, from Kincs-hegy parking place follow the blue cross tourist path around 20 min walk). 24/7. Shelter of Hungarian Arrow Party Leader. Built between Nov 1944 and Jan 1945.
- 32 Albrechtinum (Albrechtinum, ma lakóház), Pék utca 19. (just off the Centre toward north). Former poor house. Built in the 18th century, remodelled in 1859, in eclectic style. Now dwelling house.
- 33 Liberation Monument in the Fekete Garden (Felszabadulási emlékmű), Rákóczi Ferenc utca and Munkácsy Mihály utca corner (Centre). 24/7. Sculptor: Tornay Endre András Free.
- 34 Maria column (Mária oszlop), Jurisics tér (Center). 24/7. This sandstone statue was erected in 1739 as one of the local symbols of the cult of the Virgin Mary supported by the Counter-Reformation. Removed in 1912. Then altered and erected again in 1977. Free.
- 35 City Hall with a Memorial of Statehood (Városháza az államalapítás 1100 éves évfordulós emlékművével), Jurisics tér, Városháza utca (Centre), ☏ +36 94 562511. The present form got around 1820. The frescoes on the façade were painted in 1712, some of which were renewed in 1884. - Inner garden with a sculpture made by Tornay Endre András. The Heroes’ Tower or Heroes’ Gate was built in 1932 in eclectic style
- 36 Column of Holy Trinity (Plague statue, Szentháromság oszlop), Fő tér (Center). 24/7. Free.
- 37 Írottkő Peak and Lookout Tower (Írottkő , Geschriebenstein) (meters from Austrian border; first go to Velem village (SW 5 km) and further toward west parallel with Bozsoki Creek by walk one hour or so). Open for visitors. Here is the highest peak of Transdanubia. 883 m a.s.l Built in 1913
- 38 [dead link] The 1956 uprising memorial (1956-os forradalom és hazánkból elmenekültek emlékére), Kethelyi út. (near to #87 main road, N one km). 24/7. After the 1956 Hungarian Revolution was crushed around 200,000 citizens left Hungary, more than 180,000 people went toward Austria. For many, Köszeg boundary was the last memory of the homeland. Free.
- 39 the Giant Horse-chestnut Tree (Óriás gesztenyefa), Királyvölgyi utca (W 500 m). 24/7. A piece of tree that is more 500 years old. More in HUngarian Free.
- 40 Lower Gate Tower (Alsókapu-torony), Városház utca (Centre). Here was the most defended part of the town.
- 41 Saint Florian Statue (Szent Flórián szobor), Várkör ~57 (Taverna Flórián). 24/7. This late-baroque statue of St. Florian was completed in 1810. Free.
- 42 Ady Endre Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Ady Endre utca (Center). Only from outside. #6 #9 #12.
- 43 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca (N 500 m). Only from outside. #2; #16.
- 44 Gyöngyös Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Gyöngyös utca (Center). Only from outside. #3; #9; #11; #13; #15; #28.
- 45 Győry János Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Győry János utca (Center). Only from outside. #2; #4; #6; #8; #9; #10; #12.
- 46 Hegyalja Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Hegyalja utca (Centre). Only from outside. #13; #15; #17; #29; #30; #32; #33; #34.
- 47 Kiss János Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Kiss János utca (Centre East). Only from outside. #2; #8; #25.
- 48 Kossuth Lajos Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Kossuth Lajos utca (Centre). Only from outside. #9; #11; #13; #15; #17; #18; #19.
- 49 Rákóczi Ferenc Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Rákóczi Ferenc utca (SE half km). Only from outside. #4; #7; #11; #14; #16; #18; #20; #28; #30; #32; #34; #38 #40; #44; #48 #52-54; #68; #72; #73; #79; #84; #91; #95; #104; #116; #118.
- 50 Sziget Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Sziget utca (N 300 m). Only from outside. #5; #11; #12; #16; #18; #19; #20; #23; #27; #29.
- 51 Temető Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Temető utca (W 200 m). Only from outside. #2; #4; #6; #10; #12; #15-17; #33; #39.
- 52 Várkör Street, Monument Houses (Műemlék Lakóépületek), Várkör (Center). Only from outside. #3; #5; #16; #18; #19; #21; #33; #36; #39; #42; #53; #54; #59; #60-63.
- 53 Former Dreiszker’s Sanatorium (Szanatorium), Kálvária utca 14 (N half km). It is now an Old People’s Home. It was built in eclectic style in 1894.
- 54 Chernel Palace (Chernel Palota), Chernel utca 10 (Centre). Baroque. Built in 1766. Decorated arches on the second floor.
- 55 Jurisich Miklós High School (Jurisich Miklós Gimnázium), Hunyadi utca 10, ☏ +36 94 360131. Benedictine boys' school. Made in 1908. Since 1944 German High Command headquarters, then became a military hospital. In 1948 it was nationalised. Official site.
- 56 Lauringer House with a trade sign (Lauringer ház cégtáblával), Várkör 69 (Centre South). Built in Eclectic style in 1900s. Now here is Savaria Travel Agency on the ground floor.
- 57 National School for Children with Special Needs (Dr. Nagy László EGYMI), Kiss János u. 31. (E 300 m), [email protected]. Since 1856 a military boarding school was here. 1945-1956 Soviet Military Hospital. The Special school established in 1958. Some to 'Do' option see down.
- 58 Lutheran Secondary School (Evangélikus Szakközépiskola), Árpád tér/Rájnis József u. 1. (Centre). Dwelling house and wedding hall, former evangelical school, built in late Renaissance style, in 16-17th centuries.
- 59 Institute for Social and European Studies (Társadalomtudományok és Európa-tanulmányok Intézete), Chernel utca 14 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563055, fax: +36 94 563055, [email protected]. First Szvetics- and later Sigray House. Listed building. Renaissance, 17th-century origin. Rebuilt in the 18th century in Baroque. The rooms on the second floor are stucco decorated.
- 60 Csörgő family Residential-press house (Csörgő-féle Lakó-présház), Hegyalja u. 31. (NW 10 min walk). 1810
- 61 Kelcz-Adelffy Orphanage (Kelcz-Adelffy Árvaház), Kelcz Adelffy utca 3 (Center). A monument building. Founded Jesuits in 1749, reconstructed in 1781. Since 1930 it was the Teachers’ Training College. Now it is empty.
- 62 Education Centre of the Dominican Sisters (Domonkos Iskola), Gyöngyös utca 2 (Centre). Dominican nuns established in 1868. It was an elementary school for girls. Rebuilt in 1929. Since 1995 it is the Zsuzsanna Kossuth religious primary school.
- 63 Former Bittner Ballroom (Bittner Bálterem), Schneller István utca 2 (Centre). Build in 1792, by Antal Haffenscherer
- 64 Former Sigray family palace (Sigray Palota), Chernel utca 12 (Centre). Built in 1700s. From the 1810s housed the offices of judiciary. See more in 'do' chapter
- 65 Former Palace of Justice of Transdanubian District (Berthoni house, Dunántúli Kerületi Tábla Bíroság), Rájnis József u. 6. (Centre). This is a monument building. Built in 1724,in Baroque style. Remodeled in modern style.
- 66 Hosztody House (Hosztody-ház), Rájnis József u. 5 (Centre). The building was home of the colonel of the cavalry stationing in the town in 17-18th centuries. This is a monument building.
- 67 Benedictine monastic quarters (Bencés rendház), Rájnis József u. 2 (At Táblaház utca corner). This house and the adjacent secondary school were the largest buildings in the inner town. It was built as a Jesuit monastery, in 1677-1681, in early Baroque style, according to the Italian Pietro Orsolini’s plans. More about the secondary school
- 68 Former home of Judge Ignác Hazatius (Hazatius Ignác rohonci szolgabíró háza), Chernel K. utca 3. (Centre). Only from outside. This is a monument building.
- 69 Nádasdy Tallián House with the Corner Tower (Nádasdy-Tallián-ház, Sarkos bástya, városfal), Chernel u. 12. (Centre). Only from outside. The Corner Tower (1592) was part of the medieval City Wall. Now here are a School of Music, offices, apartments
- 70 Millrace (Malomárok), Kiss János utca ~32 (Near to Gyöngyös creek). The scene of an early 20th-century historical novel.
- 71 Torkos House (volt Torkos László Háza), Chernel u. 2. (Centre). Only from outside. This is a monument building. Built in the Middle Ages and restored in the 18th century in the Baroque style
- 72 Model of the medieval town (Középkori városmakett), Jurisics tér corner (Centre). 24/7. Free.
- 73 MÁV Boarding School (MÁV Gyermekotthon), Felső körút 4 (NE 500 m). Here is the former railway workers’ orphanage, which now houses the MÁV boarding school
- 74 Bath Tower remains (Fürdős-torony, Fishing Gate), Bem József uca (Centre). Only from outside. Protection work of the former city wall
- 75 Upper Gate remans (Felső Kapu), Rajnis utca (Centre). Only from outside. Protection work of the former city wall
- 76 Molczer Tower (Screw-, Clock-, Spiral-, Gypsy-, Prison- Tower, Csigás-, Czigány-, Börtön torony), Kelcz Adelffy utca, Várkör 42. (Centre). Only from outside. Protection work of the former city wall. Built in 1529. A monument
- 77 Old Bastion and city wall (Öregbástya), Várkör utca, 57 (Centre). Only from outside. Protection work of the former city wall
- 78 Lombai tower (Lombai torony), Schneller I. u. 2. (Centre). Only from outside. A wooden tower remains
- 79 Fox Cape or Hangman’s Tower (Rókafok, Hóhár/Hóhér-torony), Várkör 25 (Centre). Only from outside.
- 80 Former Henrik Berger Inn (Berger Fogadó), Rohonci utca 4/Rákóczi Ferenc utca 79 (Centre). Only from outside.
- 81 National Oskola (Nemzeti Oskola), Kelcz Adelffy utca 13 (Centre). Only from outside. The school building was completed in 1842. This was a Sunday school, an art school, and a music school. A monument
- 82 National or Trivial School, Kelcz Adelffy utca 4 (Centre). Only from outside. Build in 1650s. A monument.
- 83 Lutheran Upper School for Girls (Evangélikus-felső leányiskola, Konventház), Gyöngyös utca 31 (Centre North). Only from outside. It was unveiled in 1899, according to Ludwig Schöne’s plans. It was maintained by the Transdanubian Diocese. A monument.
- 84 Early Baroque House (Lakóház), Chernel u 11 (next to the General House). Only from outside. A monument
- 85 Bartha Cottage (Bartha Villa), Királyvölgyi u (Centre). Only from outside. This building part of the 'Explore notable people in Kőszeg' tour. Bartha was a Kossuth-prized painter, scenic designer, book illustrator.
- 86 Baroque House (Barokk lakóház), Rajnis József u. 12. - Várkör 51 (Centre). Built in Baroque, in the middle of 18th century. Here ws former the northern town bridge. Some remains of the Barbican defense works can be see in the basement.
- 87 Baroque Müller House (A korábbi Müller ház), Táblaház utca 1 (Centre). A monument. Built in Baroque style in the end of 17th century extended in the 18th century, and in the 1800s its facade was restored in the Classicist style.
Further afield
[edit]In Burgenland
[edit]- Lockenhaus (Léka), castle[dead link] of robber barons
- Eisenstadt (Kismarton) - gorgeous Eszterházy Palace
- Landsee (Lándzsér), huge castle ruin
- Forchtenstein (Fraknó) wonderful castle
- Skiing options in Austria (near tracks): Monichkirchen (55 km), Semmering (89 km), St. Corona (58 km)
In Vas County
[edit]- Bozsok, visit the Sibrik-Palace and ruins of the Batthyány Castle
- Cák, famous for wine cellars
- Csepreg, visit the St. Catherine's Chapel and Convent and the Schöller Castle
- Holdfényliget Adventure Park: 8-hectare fun sports and adventure park. 1200 m forest cableways, archery, horse riding, quad bike, rowing, nordic walking, playground, small train (Kőszeg 7 km)
- Kőszegszerdahely is a nice villege and the Gate of Irottkő Nature Park
- Spa Activities: Sarvar (42 km), Buk (23 km) spa and thermal baths, Lutzmannsburg (17 km) family Amusement Bath
- Tömörd connected with Kőszeg by the Countrywide Blue Tour to the Chernel Mansion and its park
- Velem main sights is the remains of medieval and ancient fortifications and the oldest fresco fragment in St. Vitus Chapel
[edit]- 1 Chernel Garden Arboretum (Chernel-kert Arborétum), Arborétum u. 2. (North-east of the city, located on the 'Címerpajzs dűlő' vineyard.), ☏ +36 94 362676. Museum open: M-Th 09:00-16:00, F 09:00-1300. The garden: Jun-Aug daily 08:00-16:00, Sep-May same like the museum and by appointment..
[edit]- 2 Boating Lake (Csónakázótó) (NW one km), ☏ +36 20 2858808, [email protected]. Beautifully landscaped, orderly, clean environment. The lake receives the refreshing water from a side of the Gyöngyös Creek. The lake was established at the foot of the Kőszeg mountain in 1978. Parking place. For permit look for Kőszegi Sport Fishing Association (W 17:00–19:00), or by telephone. Daily ticket Ft 2500.
- 3 [formerly dead link] Kőszeg-Lukácsháza reservoir (Abért Lake, Kőszeg-Lukácsháza víztározó, Abért-tó), Kőszeg, Lukácsháza, Kőszegdoroszló settlements (S 2 km, west of #87 main road, near to Kőszegfalva train stop), ☏ +36 80 630-013. Created by Gyöngyös creek. The lakes size 25 ha. Fishing allowed only on the Abért II. Lake [dead link]
- 4 Téglagyári Lake (Téglagyári-tó), Csepregi út (E two km), ☏ +36 20 2858787, [email protected]. 24/7. A clay pit lake. Romantic nature. Sizes: 1 ha area, depth: 2.5-3.5 meters. North, west and south sides are steep coast. Parking is possible on the waterfront, where billboards inform anglers about the necessary information. Fishes: Carp, Grass carp fish, catfish and pike. It is not uncommon for 1kg crucian. Ft 2500 Mor about fishing permit see at above..
- 5 The National School for Children with Special Needs (Dr. Nagy László Egységes Gyógypedagógia Módszertani Intézmény), Kiss János u. 31. (E 300 m), ☏ +36 94 360185, [email protected]. Swimming pool open: M-W 07:00-15:00, Th-F 12:00-20:00, Sa 10:00-18:00. There are a public swimming pool and other services (first must to call the CFO): two clay tennis courts, bituminous basketball and handball court Adult full day/swimming ticket (06:00-07:45) Ft 1 000/800; student/senior swimming ticket (06:00-07:45) Ft 800/700; children 3-6 years Ft 500, sauna: entry ticket+Ft 400.
- 6 Swimming Pool of Institute of Special Education (Kőszegi gyógyterápiás uszoda), Kiss János u. 31. There is a new indoor swimming pool, 25-m water pool. More see above.
[edit]- Europe House (Európa Ház, Sigray-palota), Chernel utca 12. scientific, cultural events, conferences, temporary exhibits
- Youth Club and Cinema (Ifjúsági klub és mozi korábban Bálház és városfal), Schneller István u. 2-4. Former so called Ball House. Built in Baroque style (end of the 18th century) its oldest parts made in the 16-17th centuries.
[edit]Near to Kőszeg start the Countrywide Blue Tour (in Hungarian: Országos Kéktúra, Kéktúra or OKT) is a part of the Hungarian section of the European Long Distance Walking Route E4. The route starts atop the Irottkő Mountain (884 m) on the Austrian-Hungarian border then cuts across Hungary eventually ending 1,128 km later at the village of Hollóháza by the Hungarian-Slovakian boundary.
- 7 Seven fountains (Hétforrás, Seven spring) (In the Kőszeg mountain, three hured m from state border). 24/. It was named after the seven Hungarian leaders. Alt.: 424 m a.s.l. Free.
- 8 Hills around Kőszeg. Sight: Hörmann-source. - Walking tour 'the hidden Kőszegi Mountain values' length: 31 km, altitude difference 1000 m. Hiking tours in and around of Kőszeg-Hills. Írottkő Park is located in the Hungarian and the Austrian side of the mountains Kőszegi natural environment, rich municipalities where the sights ideal targets for year-round hiking and biking hikers (Alpannonia route). Here you will find the highest point in Transdanubia (Irott-kő, 883 m)
[edit]- Concordia ball - Concordia bál - (on the last Saturday of carnival). Located: Kőszeg Castle
- Carnival tail - Farsang farka - (Shrove Tuesday). Location: Fő Street and the surrounding area. Costume contest, street party, fireworks night
- St George's Day - Szent György nap - (April 23). Craft fairs and musical show
- The Day of Birds and Trees - Madarak és fák napja - (April 22) Tours in the Nature
- Castle Theater[dead link] - Várszínház - Opera, operetta, classical music concerts, street theater productions, dance performances and folklore programs
- Eden Day - eden nap - Alpannonia Hiking boots Meeting(May)
- Historic siege game[dead link] - Félhold és telihold ostromnapok - (Augustus). Located: Fő Street and the Castle
- Seven Springs Picnic - Hétforrás Piknik - (Jul)
- Historia Memorial Marathon[dead link] - História emlék futás - 1532 m and 10 km distances
- Harvest and International brass band Meeting[dead link] - Kőszegi Szüret és Nemzetközi Fúvószenekari Találkozó - (three day s long, last weekend of Sept). Helye: fair area of Jurisics Square and events tent of Károly Róbert Square. Musical parade, fireworks
- Ursula's Day Fair[dead link] - Natúrpark ízei, Orsolya-napi vásár - (Autumn, two days). Located: Kőszeg Castle. Local products fair, local specialties, chestnuts roasting, tasting
- Savaria Historical Carnival (August): Roman costume parade for 3 days
- Itottkő trek -Írottkő Vándorlás - International Trekker Weekend (Sept).
- Kőszegi harvest - Köszegi szüret - (Sept): 3-day program series, vintage carnival, music programs
- Velem village chestnut Days - Velemi Gesztenye Napok (October): folk art exhibition and fair, chestnut roasting, arts and crafts exhibition
- Martin's geese daily routine - Marton Nap -(November)
- Advent in Köszeg Natur Park - Advent a Natúrparkban - (Nov-Dec)
- Current events
[edit]- 1 Commercial and Credit Bank (Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank), Fő tér 4 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 562 150, fax: +36 94 562160, [email protected]. M 08:00-17:00, Tu-Th 8:00-16:00, F 08:00-15:00.
- 2 OTP Bank, Kossuth Lajos utca 8. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360118, fax: +36 94 562260. M W 08:00-17:00, Tu Th 08:00-15:00, F 08:00-13:00.
[edit]- 3 Tesco hypermarket (Tesco Kőszeg hipermarket), Pogányi út 7. (S two km), ☏ +36 20 8270000. Daily 06:00–22:00. Services: Wi-Fi, credit card payment, ATMs, meat countertop, fresh bakery products, F & F clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, Home delivery.
[edit]- Coop supermarket (Coop szupermarket). Supermarket chain.
- 4 3. sz. Forrás Coop ABC, Várkör út 20.-22. (Centre), ☏ +36 30 3001685, [email protected]. M-F, Sa.
- Mini Coop grocery store, Rákóczi u. 4, ☏ +36 94 363-868.
- No. 126. Coop super, Rohonczi u. 37-39., ☏ +36 94 360209.
- No 128. Coop abc, Pék u. 20, ☏ +36 94 360284.
- 5 Penny Market (Penny Market diszkontáruház), Rákóczi Ferenc utca. 2917/6 Hrsz. (near to train station), ☏ +36 29 339-345, [email protected]. M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-20:00. Discount store chain.
- 6 Spar supermarket (Spar szupermarket), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 80-82 (Centre), ☏ +36 20 8237924, [email protected]. M-F 06:30-21:00, Sa 06:30-17:00, Su 08:00-15:00. Supermarket chain.
[edit]- 7 Alexandra Bookstore (Alexandra Könyvesbolt - Kőszeg), Fő tér 23 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 561542, +36 72 777100 (Call centre), [email protected]. Hungarian book store chain. Books in foreign languages, maps, albums, music CDs, DVDs, softwares, games, gift, engineering goods, fine wines.
- 8 Városkapu bookshop (Városkapu könyvesbolt), Városház u. 5 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563275, [email protected]. M-F 09:00-18:00.
[edit]- 9 DM drogeriemarkt, Pogányi út 7. (Tesco Kőszeg Hypermarket), ☏ +36 94 561550, [email protected]. M-Sa 09:00-19:00, Su 09:00-17:00. Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner.
[edit]- 10 Julia Flower (Júlia Virág), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 5 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360110, [email protected]. M-F 09:00-17:30, Sa 08:00-12:00. A branch of Margareta Flower Saloon. (Other 3 units in Szombathely). Dutch and Hungarian flower parade.
[edit]- 11 Borudvar (Borudvar Vinotéka), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 6 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 364128, [email protected]. M-F 8-17. Local wines can be bought 1.5; 3; 5; 9; 12 even 18-liter bottles! Natural apple juice and grape juice (must) is available throughout the year both made on Köszeg foothills grown apples. Prodacts of the local 'Rézangyal' and ' Martin és Lányai' Pálinka Houses (quality brandies). Traditional sparkling wines and excellent Illy coffee. Multi-language books about the region, Dolce Presente handmade chocolates, sweets; Köszeg postcards and souvenirs.
- 12 [dead link] Point gift and craft shop (Pont ajándék- és kézművesbolt), Táblaház u. 1 (Cent), ☏ +36 94 362028, +36 94 563-224, +36 30 9971320 (mobile), +36 30 4746486 (mobile), [email protected]. Daily 10:00-17:00. Big selection of gifts and handmade products.
- 13 Városkapu Souvenir (Városkapu Ajándékbolt), Városház u. 1 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 561606, +36 30 6847373 (mobile), [email protected]. M-Sa 09:00–17:00, Su 10:00-17:00. Goods: 23-carat 'gold' images, Ajka Crystal, Table Decorations, Borsa hand-made fruit desserts, Clayre - Eef kitchen textil, Decor candles, Dream Light - wonder tapers, Easy Life (Italian porcelain), Gilde (glass art), Porcelains (Goebel, Hollóházi, Kalocsa, Zsolnay). Eternal Birthday Calendar, 'Vanilla' Ceramic .
[edit]- 1 Ibrahim Cafe, Restaurant & Ice Cream (Ibrahim Kávézó, Étterem & Fagylaltozó), Fő tér 17 (Next to Hotl Portre), ☏ +36 94 360854, [email protected]. Street terrace with 80 seats, cafe 25 seats, second floor 30 seats, garden place 40 seats, restaurant 40 seats. 40 types of ice cream. Menu: Soups/starters Ft 420-690/900-2700; fish/veggie dishes Ft 1100-2300/1100; deer/beef dishes Ft 1400-2000/1500-3600; pork/poultry dishes Ft 850-1500/800-1500, salads/desserts Ft 400-450/400-1000, breakfast Ft 600-850; salad dishes Ft 1200-1500. Drinks: wines (1dl) Ft 190, bottled beers (0.5 L) Ft 430-700, draft beers (0.5 L) Ft 550, Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 2500-3600, spirits (4 cl) Ft 900-1300. Cocktails (4 cl) Ft 900. Ice cream sundaes Ft 600-1300.
[edit]- 2 Várkör Confectionery (Várkör Cukrászda, - Fagyizó), Várkör 10, ☏ +36 94 360638. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00.
Fast food
[edit]- 3 Garabonciás Pizzeria, Jurisics tér 7 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360050, +36 20 361 6380 (mobile), +36 30 409 4213 (mobile), [email protected]. There is space for 50 people in 3 eight-person boxes, 4 four-person tables, and at the bar. Also takeaway and delivery. Tomato-based pizzas (more than two dozen) 26cm, 32cm, 46 cm Ft 800-1300, 900-1400, 2200-2700; tomato, sour cream, bechamel-based and vegetarian pizzas (a dozen) 26cm, 32cm, 46 cm Ft 1000-1200,1100-1350, 2500-2800; mustard, cheese, spaghetti-based pizzas and special pizzas (more than a dozen) 26cm, 32cm, 46 cm Ft 1050-1350/1200-1550/2700-2800; desire pizzas/toppings (more than two dozens) Ft 900-2900/100-250. Spaghettis/salads Ft 1500-1600/1200-1300. Wines (1 dl); Champagnes (7.5 dl) Ft 1100/1900; short drinks (4 cl, more than two dozen) Ft 250-700; draft beers (4 dl)/bottled beers Ft 400/350-450; soft drinks, juices (2 dl), energy drinks Ft 220-500; coffees, teas Ft 210-300.
[edit]- Alpokalja Restaurant (Alpokalja Panzió Étterem), Szombathelyi út 8, ☏ +36 94 360056. See more at 'sleep' part
- Bécsikapu Restaurant (Bécsikapu Étterem), Rajnis József utca 5, ☏ +36 94 563122, +36 94 563123, fax: +36 94 563 123, [email protected]. Daily 11:00-22:00. Soups/starters Ft 400-2300/400-1100; fish/salad/beef dishes Ft 1400-230/1500-1750/1800-3300; Vegetarian dishes Ft 1400-1600; pork/goose, turkey, chicken/wild boar, deer dishes Ft 1900-2300/1900-3300/2200-2700; pickles Ft 400.
- 4 Boszorkánykonyha Restaurant, Jurisics Miklós tér 13. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 364532.
- 5 Csikar Inn and Restaurant (Csikar Csárda), Alsó körüt 12, ☏ +36 94 362444. See more at 'sleep' part
- 6 Columbus Restaurant (Columbus Étterem Panizió), Alsó körüt 19, ☏ +36 94 563470. See more at 'sleep' part
- [dead link] Golden Ostrich Restaurant (Arany Strucc Étterem), Várkör utca 124, ☏ +36 94 563 329. See more at 'sleep' part
- Kék Huszár Restaurant (Kék Huszár Étterem), Várkör u. 60-62, ☏ +36 94 360850, [email protected]. Daily 11:00-21:00. Soups/starters Ft 350-950/850-1700; fish/deer dishes Ft 2000/2200; pork/poultry dishes Ft 1700-1800/1500-1700, salads/desserts Ft 500-550/400-500, mineral water (0.33 l) Ft 100-300, soft drinks, juices (2-3.5 dl) Ft 240-320 ,teas, coffees 230-450; aperitifs 8cl 400-650, run wine (1 dl) Ft 110, bottled beers (0.5 l) Ft 4000-700, draught beers (0.5 l) Ft 840; champagne (0.75l ) Ft 2000. Wi-Fi.
- 7 Taverna Flórián Restaurant and Coffee-Shop (Taverna Flórián Étterem), Várkör utca 59. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563072, [email protected]. Closed on Mondays. Restaurant: Tu 17:00-22:00, W-Su 11:00-22:00, Coffee-Shop: Tu-Su 9-22:00. Show kitchen, cozy background music. If you want some very different, it is your place. Taste of the menu: Duck liver cake, Minty peas soup, Örségi pumpkin seed oil salad, Rose duck breast with ratatuille in red wine reduction. [email protected] Soups/starters Ft 1300-1900/1900-2200; salad dishes/desserts Ft 800-1600/1200-1900, mains Ft 1200-3800.
[edit]- 1 Poncichter Cellar (Poncichter Borpince/Poncichter Borozó), Várkör u.54. (Centre), ☏ +36 30 9936880, [email protected]. M-Th 08:00-21:00, F Sa 08:00-22:00, Su 08:00-21:00. Drinks: quality dry red wine made in Kőszeg neighborhood, two white wines - and rizlingszilvánit and olaszrizling from Balaton Uplands direct from vineyard. In addition to: beers, soft drinks, spirits, tea, coffee
- 2 Relax Café & Pub, Jurisics tér 5 (Centre), ☏ +36 203604846, +36 702226910, fax: +36 94. Elegant, sophisticated cocktail bar.
[edit]- 1 AACS downtown Pension (Belvárosi AACS Panzió), Várkör 30 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563190, fax: +36 94 563191, [email protected]. 14 rooms, 40 people. Rooms with mini bar, telephone, TV, WC, shower/bath. Services: parking, garden, coffee bar, breakfast room, hair salon, pedicure and beauty. On the basement level housed a pizzeria.
- 2 Alpokalja Pension (Alpokalja Panzió), Szombathelyi u. 8-10 (SE 1 km), ☏ +36 94 563251, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Rooms with a shower and a refrigerator. Free WiFi, a garden with barbecue facilities and a 24-hour reception. Single/double/triple Ft 8000/10 000/13 000 (main season Jul-Aug), extra bed Ft 2500, breakfast/dinner Ft 1200/2300.
- 3 Alpok Tava Guesthouse (Alpok Tava Vendégház), Kőszegfalva, Vasút u. 24. (SE 3½ km, Kőszegfalva train stop 300 m), ☏ +36 30 4150984, +36 70 7744722, [email protected]. Three apartments with microwave, refrigerator, cable TV, free WIFI access, kitchen, bathroom (shower, toilet), terrace. Parking in the yard. Services: outdoor barbecue (kettle provided) , table tennis, badminton sets, skittles and table football. Pets are welcomed. Single/double Ft 4500/8500.
- 4 Andalgó Hold Guesthouse (Andalgó Hold Vendégház), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 22 (Centre), ☏ +36 20 3565971 (ask for Mrs. Nagyné Gere Krisztina), [email protected]. 2-4 bed ensuite rooms with TV. well-equipped kitchen and dining room Ft 3000 p.p..
- 5 Ciklámen Holiday Home and Tourist Hotel (Ciklámen Üdülő és Turistaszálló), Ciklámen tér 1. (W 2½ km), ☏ +36 94 361824, +36 94 362-892, +36 70 6118376, [email protected]. Seven rooms with bath. Capacity 43 people. Single/double Ft 7500/8000, breakfast/lunch/dinner Ft 550/950/950, for groups Ft 2700 (adult) p.p., 'key house' with kitchen using Ft 2900 p.p..
- 6 Columbus Pension and Restaurant (Columbus Panzió), Alsó körút 19 (At train station), ☏ +36 94 563470, +36 94 314721, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Pension has 6 guest rooms with television, bathroom, internet access. There is also garden place with playground, as well as a jacuzzi and sauna. Restaurant: Appetizer/courts of the seabed/dessert Ft 800-1500/1600-2000/500-650; Dishes with Colombus recommendation/hamburger menus Ft 2000-2200/600-850; Noodles/pizzas (20+) Ft 1200-1500/from 650; Salad dishes/soups Ft 1500-1700/500-800; traditional dishes/traditional salads Ft 1200-1500/400; trimmings (10+)/venison Ft 400/2100-2500. Takeaway. Delivery. Double Ft F10 000.
- 7 Csikar Inn Pension (Csikar Csárda & Panzió), Alsó körút 12. (E 800 m), ☏ +36 94 362-444, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Pansion: 21 rooms (bathroom, TV, mini bar, telephone) 54 persons. Services: parking: 50 cars, bowling and fitness room, sightseeing, hiking tours to explore area attractions, horse riding (nearby). Double/triple/quad Ft 10n400/13 300/15 800-16 600 Breakfast is included. Half board +Ft 2000.
- 8 Dora Guesthouse (Dora Vendégház), Várkör 67 (Centr3), ☏ +36 30 2160846, +36 30-3968249, [email protected]. Check-in: flexible, check-out: flexible. 50 m² apartment include two connecting double rooms, bath, small dining area and kitchen (coffee maker, microwave, fridge, electric kettle, electric stove, etc.) Extra beds can be ensured. All year open. Free shuttle from train station. Mail address: Vadvirág u.11. Single/double/triple/quad Ft 7400/7800/10 200/12 600. 7th night is free.
- 9 Family Guesthouse (Família Vendégház), Kórház u. 28. (E one and half km), ☏ +36 30 956-5226. 3 double rooms with bathroom, equipped with TV. Services: kitchen, living room, garden place (outdoor cooking with kettle, grilling), Swedish massage, hot meals from Columbus Restaurant (see above) daily menu, a la carte, burgers or pizza to order with free delivery. Room for 2 people: Ft 6800. Apartment for 6 people: Ft 15 800-17 400. Only one night stay 30% surcharge. The apartments' 7th night is free.
- 10 [dead link] Felső-erdei Guesthouse (Felső-erdei Vendégház), Felsőerdő út 28. (Szabó-hegy) (SW 1½ km), ☏ +36 30 3877528 (Mr. Csánits Ákos), +36 30 2474180 (Ms. Nagy Réka), [email protected]. 2 rooms, equipped kitchen and bathroom, terrace. In its garden has kettle cooking and bacon baking opportunity. The house has a television, refrigerator and a microwave. Upon request, guided biking tour and ski school is also available. [email protected]
- 11 Fecskefészek Guestrooms (Fecskefészek Vendégház), Vasút utca 4. (S 2 km), ☏ +36 20 5440616, +36 30 4150984 (English and German). Reserving only by phone. Two apartments. Both apartments have: equipped kitchen (gas stove and/or microwave, refrigerator, coffee maker, electric water boiling), two bedrooms with double beds + sofa bed, bathroom with shower, terrace, TV. Services: parking in the yard, bacon frying-stewing pot options in garden, skittles and free Internet access. Ft 3900 p.p. one night + 20%, discounts to less than 14 years old or over 62 years, also after third night or returning guests.
- 12 Forrás Guestrooms Kőszeg (Forrás Vendégház Kőszeg), Szabó-hegy,Forrás út 38 (W 1 km, Located in the resort area of the Kőszeg-Mountains), ☏ +36 94 563025, +36 30 4283310 (mobile), [email protected], [email protected] . Four rooms, two bathrooms, a full-equipped kitchen, 2 large living-rooms with cable TV. In its garden is a pond with a small thatched-roofed garden house. In the garden can find an open-fire facility suitable for making grilled and stew-pot food. Capacity: 15 beds. The guesthouse is let out to only one group at one time. Up to five persons Ft 16 000-17 000. Six to ten persons Ft 22 000-24 000. Surcharges, discounts: only one night: 50 % extra charge, only two nights 25 % extra charge .The 8th night is free of charge. Oct-Mar the 4th night is free of charge also. In heating season Ft 5000/night is to be paid.
- 13 Golden Ostrish Hotel, Restaurant, and Cake shop (Strucc Szálló, Étterem, Cukrászda), Várkör út 124 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360 323, fax: +36 94 563 330, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. A monument. The Ostrich hotel is the former White Horse inn. This is one of the oldest hotels in Koszeg, and even Hungary. It is operated as an inn since 1597. Hotel with beauty salon. Capacity 35 beds. Buffet breakfast, free parking, free high speed internet access, free use of hotel bicycles. Restaurant: phone=+36 94 563 329 capacity 120 persons, separate hall plus 35 person. The medieval vaulted halls and floral cozy terrace with view to one of the most beautiful squares in Hungary. Soups/starters Ft 400-1000/800-1300; Perch, trout, tuna/speciality dishes Ft 1500-2000/1800-2600; pork/chicken, turkey dishes Ft 1100-1450/1100-1450, pasta Ft 00-1000, salads/desserts Ft 500-1100/400-600. Cake shop with 35 seats. Daily fresh products from own bakery. phone=+36 94 563 345. Single/double Ft 7400/12 500 breakfast included. ,
- 14 Gyöngyvirág Pension and Camping (Gyöngyvirág Panzió), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 6. (North just a couple mins by walk), ☏ +36 94 360454, fax: +36 94 364 574. Rooms three categories all with TV. 5 rooms with washbasin, shared shower up to four people per room. 6 two-bed rooms with private shower, lavatory blocks, three of which have a private balcony. Four studio rooms for 2-4 persons with patio or balcony. Two studio rooms for 2-4 persons without balcony. Studios with shower, dining room with kitchenette. Extended continental breakfast 08:00-10:00 (optional). Services: lunches, dinners can be organized in nice restaurants, all floors are equipped with communal fridge, sauna can be used for a fee, secured parking in the garden, playground, kitchen, garden barbecue, stew pot cooking facilities. Camping: open mid Apr-end of Oct 25 tent and 10-12 campers places. Free services: barbecue, kitchen, enclosed bicycle storage Room with shared shower Single/double/triple/quad Ft 5400/6900/8800-9200/10 800-11600; room with shower and balcony Ft 6900/8800; room with shower, without a balcony 6400/8300; Studio with balcony for two/three/four people. Ft 9800/12 200/14 600; Studio without balcony for two/three people. Ft 9300/11 200, apartment with bathroom and balcony for two/three/four people. Ft 10 800/13 200/15 600 + breakfast Ft 800 p.p., spare bed Ft 2000 p.p., sauna: Ft 2000 per hour. Camping: Car Ft 400 per night. Tent: up to four persons Ft 500 per night, over four persons Ft 600 per night, Caravan Ft 700 per night, Camper Ft 950 per night, Adult Ft 1150 per night, children under14 years Ft 350 per night, student under/over 18 years Ft 550/950 per night. Electrical connection Ft 400 per night.
- 15 Downtown apartman (Belvárosi apartman), Szűk utca 1/A (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360-264. Apartment has 5 beds and a cot in two rooms. Equipped kitchen. The bathroom include: sink, shower and washing machine. Toilet is in a separate room. +36 20 9185674 Double Ft 8800, Easter, May 1st-I, Aug 20, Oct 23 and Christmas premium price.
- 16 Hársfa Pension (Hársfa (Linden) Panzió), Panoráma körút 1 (SW half km), ☏ +36 94 561500, +36 30 2372436 (mobile), [email protected]. Check-in: 12:00-22:00, check-out: 11:00. Doubles with bathroom (sink, shower, toilet), TV, wifi. Double Ft 8800 for one night, Ft 7800 more nights (per room), extra bed Ft 3000-3400, Advance 20% of the accommodation fee. Continental breakfast Ft 1000 p.p.
- 17 Hotel Írottkő, Fő tér 4. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360-373, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00-22:00 or coming later, please notify in advance, check-out: 11:00. 50 rooms all with private bathroom, telephone and television. Services: 24-hour concierge, elevator, in the lobby free wireless Internet, bicycle rental. Alsothere is a wellness, a café, a restaurant and a summer garden, hairdresser, pedicure and massage therapist, as well as bank branches and ATM. Parking: Ft 250 fee per night, the parking permission card (caution Ft 2000) valid for daylight and night. Breakfast is included in the room price (07:00–10:00). Restaurant with 60 seats. Famous for local specialties and vegetarian dishes. Soups/starters Ft 400-1100/300-800; children's menu (three courses)/salad dishes Ft 990/1300-1500; hake, catfish, perch/beef dishes Ft 1300-1900/1700-2700; pork/chicken, turkey dishes Ft 1000-1700/1100-1600, pastas/veggies Ft 700-1200/900-1000; salads/desserts Ft 400/500-700. Try the local special spirit 'Irotttko palinka' (quince, pears, plums, apples and grapes 44% alcohol content). Phone=+36 94 562451, open daily 11:00-22:00. Wellness: free for guests: Finnish sauna, tepidarium, infrared sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, fitness room. For fee: Aloha massage parlor, skin rejuvenating peeling treatments, salt chamber (Ft 600/45 min), a hair salon, manicure, pedicure. Phone to massage =+36 94 562453. Open daily 08:00-11:00 and 14:00-21:30 Double Ft 16 000-22 000.
- 18 Kasper Guesthouse (Kasper Vendégház), Királyvölgyi utca 26. (N 500 m), ☏ +36 94 563-375, +36 30 743-0788, [email protected]. Check-in: 12:30, check-out: 11:30. 3 rooms, 12 beds. Free WiFi, free parking, child-friendly. One double room and two apartments with TV, radio, fan, fridge, fully equipped kitchen Single/double Ft 8000/10 500.
- 19 Kóbor Macska Pansion (Kóbor Macska fogadó), Várkör 100 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 362273, +36 30 9276543 (mobile), fax: +36 94 362273, [email protected]. About the building: built in Baroque style, 18th century origin, the Neoclassical facade, made in circa 1830. About the accommodation: Services: free parking, pet-friendly. 14 rooms, 43 people. Languages spoken: Hungarian, German. High season (mid Apr-end of Aug) rooms with shower, WC, TV and double bed (6 rooms)/triple room (4 rooms)/quadruple room (2 rooms) Ft 9800/12 600/13 800-14 600; breakfast +Ft 750. Late season all room price around 10% off.
- 20 Kóczián House (Kóczián Pihenőház), Várkör 70-70/ A (Centre), ☏ +36 94 361-877, +36-30 426-2059 (Mobile), [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Five rooms. Apartments with kitchenette, cable TV, and a shower. Free pick up from train station +email: [email protected] Single/double double + extra bed Ft 5900/8800/10 800. Apartment with four-bed/five-bed/six-bed Ft 16 600/19 000/21 800 (2014). Mar-Jun: 7th night free, discounted workdays in low season. One night stay surcharge Ft 1000.
- 21 Mathias Guestrooms (Mathias Vendégház Apartman), Jurisics tér 10 (Centre), ☏ +36 20 9805898, +36 1 3702515, [email protected]. Two rooms (2+1 bed and 2+2 beds) bed linen are provided, refrigerator, satellite TV. Double Ft 19 300, 6-person Ft 27 500.
- 22 Mohás Guesthouse (Mohás Vendégház), Mohás út 83 (SW 2 km), ☏ +36 94 364621, [email protected]. Two x 5-bed apartment, one 2+4 bed apartment, one triple, one 4-bed loft apartment, two rooms with shower, TV and small terrace. (2 x 2 bed). Apatments with equipped kitchen, shower and terrace. Nordic walking, ski and snowboard lessons! Payment cash or bank card. Sauna Ft 1000 per hour. +phone=+36 30 9279035. Apartment for two Ft 10 800, until one year Ft 1000, between 1-6 Ft 500, 6-18 or over 62 years Ft 4500 p.p. in room, Ft 5000 p.p. in apartment min. two person, 18-62 year Ft 4900 and 5400 p.p..
- 23 [dead link] Pont Guesthouse and craftsmen's gallery (Pont Vendégház és Kézműves galéria), Táblaház utca 1. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563224, [email protected]. There is an apartment and five guestrooms, all with a bathroom and a toilet. Services: computer and wifi access, bikes and other sports equipment storage, babysitting and program-organizing. +phone=+36 30 4746486. Rooms: one suite, three doubles and two singles. +phones=+36 30 9971 320, +36 30 4746 486. Souvenirs available from craftsmen's gallery (on first floor). Suite for two/three/four people Ft 11 800/14 700/17 600. Double room Ft 8800, single room/for two Ft 5700/7600 for one night extra charge Ft 500.
- 24 Portré Hotel & Bar, Fő tér 7 (at Heroes Gate , Centre), ☏ +36 94 363170, fax: +36 94 363170, [email protected]. A small hotel with six rooms. Four twins, a triple and a two bed room. Transfer to airports Budapest Ft 38 000, Vienna Ft 25 000; Graz Ft 25 000 (all max 3 people) +phone=+36 94 513800. In the bar try local Dreher beer on drought and a good selection of bourbons, malts and other local and international liqueurs. Restaurant: soups/starters Ft 500-800/600-1300; Pastas/veggie dishes Ft 1000-1400/1000-1100; pork/poultry dishes Ft 1300/1300, salads Ft 600-1100. Aperitifs 4 cl 600-700, mineral water (0.33 dl) Ft 200-400, soft drinks, juices (2-3.5 dl) Ft 200, open wines per dl Ft 100-160, drought beer (5 dl) Ft 400-500, bottled beer Ft 400-800. Single/double Ft 9000/14 000.
- 25 Rohonc Guesthouse (Rohonci Vendégház), Rohonci utca 24 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 361430, +36 30 6922363, [email protected]. Rooms three double and an apartment with three beds. All rooms with shower, toilet, television, mini-bar. Also there is a common breakfast room. The apartment has a kitchen/dining room. Closed parking in the yard, bicycle rental, free Wi-Fi. Double/triple Ft 8800/14 700, one night prices. For longer staying discounted (10-20%).
- 26 Sziget Guesthouse (Sziget Vendégház), Sziget u. 3. (N 300 m), ☏ +36 94 360001, +36 20 3675083. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Parking in closed yard. One single and two doubles. Bankcard usable. Free Wi-Fi. All rooms with mini-kitchen, fridge, bathroom, toilet. In the garden can be using cauldron for cooking and barbecue. Free train station shuttle. Single by agreement. Double one night/two nights/three or more nights Ft 11 800/9800/8800 per night per room. Four-bed apartments One night/two nights/three or more nights Ft 17000-21 000/14 000-17 300/12 400-15 600 per night per apartment. Extra bed Ft 2500-2900. Up to three years free. 7th night free in shoulder season, 4th night free in low season.
- 27 Juliette Guesthouse (Zsüliett Vendégház), Rákóczi Ferenc utca 66 (S 300 m), ☏ +36 30 9165144, [email protected]. Three rooms, all with toilet, bath, TV. Common kitchen/dining room Apartment for 2-4 people Ft 20000, single/double Ft 5000/8000. Breakfast available: Ft 700.
- 28 Wild Flower Guesthouse (Vadvirag Vendégház), Kőszegfalva, Vadvirág u. 4 (S two km), ☏ +36 20-363-28-23, [email protected]. Capacity eight people. Large garden, fully equipped kitchen (refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, electric stove, etc.), bathroom (shower + corner bath tub), living room with television, a terrace and enclosed vehicle storage. Services: body and foot massage, manicure and pedicure, scooter rentals, bicycle. Riding equestrian centre, 500 meters from the house. 1-3/4/5 people Ft 11 400-12 000/15 400-16 000/16 800-18 000; 6/7/8 persons Ft 18 800-20 400/21 800-23 800/25 000-27 000, one night surcharge 30 percent, 7th night free except Jul Aug..
Stay safe
[edit]Emergency Call:
- Police 107 or 112
- Ambulance 104
- 2 Municipal Police station (Városi Rendőrkapitányság), Rómer Flóris u. 8. (Centre South), ☏ +36 94 360101.
Stay healthy
[edit]- 3 Central Emergencí Medical Service (Központi orvosi ügyelet), Munkácsy Mihály utca 17 (Near the bus station), ☏ +36 94 360178. Workdays: 17:00-07:30, Public holidays: all day.
- Ambulance Station (Mentőállomás), Hegyalja u. 13., ☏ +36 94 360161.
[edit]- Küttel Pharmacy (Küttel Gyógyszertár), Kossuth Lajos u. 12 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360066, +36 94 563078, [email protected]. M-F 08:00-17:00, Sa 08:00-11:00. Pharmacy chain.
- 4 St. Benedict Pharmacy (Szt. Benedek Gyógyszertár), Kossuth Lajos utca 9, ☏ +36 94 361450, fax: +36 94 361450, [email protected]. M-F 7:30-18:30, Sa 07:30-12:30. After hours (emergency): 3 shifts per week in the evening until 21:00.
- 5 Saracen Pharmacy (Szerecsen Gyógyszertár), Rákóczi u. 39 (Centre), ☏ +36 94 563-060, +36 20 2360823 (mobile), [email protected]. M-F 08:00-18:00, Sa 08:00-12:00.
[edit]Post Office
[edit]- 6 Post Office #1 (Kőszeg 1 posta), Várkör 65 (Center), ☏ +36 94 360094, +36 94 361078, [email protected]. M-F 08:00-16:00, Sa 08:00-11:00.
- 7 Post Office #2 (Magyar Posta #2), Rohonci u. 37 (S 500 m), ☏ +36 94 360914, [email protected]. M-F 10:00-12:00 and 12:30-18:00.
[edit]- 8 Chernel Kalman Public Library (Chernel Kálmán Városi Könyvtár), Várkör 35–37. (Centre), ☏ +36 94 360259, fax: +36 94 563045, [email protected]. In the school terms Tu W F 08:30-17:30, Th 08:30-19:00, Sa 08:30-13:00. In the summer break Tu W F 08:30-17:00, Th 08:30-17:00, Sa 08:30-12:00. 81,000 books, 4400 bound journals, 5,500 audio materials and film collection. Services without membership: photocopying, printing, scanning, use of computer and Internet, sending and receiving fax, using documents only in the library, events, exhibitions. Membership fee over 16 years Ft 1600/year, Visitor ticket (by name) free, Internet use: -library members Ft 100/hour, 10-occasion season ticket Ft 800/piece, non-members Ft 200/half an hour, Ft 300/hour.
Go next
[edit]- Sopron, the "jewellery box of the country"
- Szombathely, the centre of Vas County