It lies approximately 15 km (9 mi) north of the Lake Balaton. It is the administrative center of the county (comitatus or 'megye') of the same name.
City districts
[edit]Belváros, Dózsaváros, Jeruzsálemhegy, Egyetemváros, Füredidomb, Cholnokyváros, Újtelep, Jutasi úti lakótelep, Bakonyalja, Jutaspuszta, Szabadságpuszta, Iparváros, Gyulafirátót, Kádárta.
Further territorial units: Veszprémvölgy, Reptér, Csatár
Get in
[edit]By bus
[edit]- 1 Bus Station (Autóbuszállomás Veszprém), Jutasi utca 4 (Center), ☏ +36 88 590751, +36 88 590750. M-Sa 06:00-18:00; Su 06:00-17:00. Pápa (hourly, one to one and half hour), Budapest (hourly, two hours) via Várpalota, Székesfehérvár (one hour), Balatonfüred (5 per day, ~1½ hours), Sopron (daily), Nagykanizsa (daily five) via Siófok and Fonyód. Luggage storage: M-Sa 06:00-17:35, Su and public holidays) 06:00-16:35, luggage storage fee: Ft 170 per hour.
By train
[edit]- 2 Train Station (Veszprém Vasútállomás), Jutasi út (N 2 km from Center). Direct trains to/from Székesfehérvár via Várpalota (East), Szombathely via Ajka, Sárvár (West), Győr via Zirc, Pannonhalma (north, the Cuha Valley Section is very nice).
By car
[edit]From Budapest take the M7 motorway, to Székesfehérvár then turning to #8 Main road. From Győr take main road #82, from Graz, Körmend main road #8, from Balatonfüred take main road #73. Tapolca can be approached from a main road #77.
Get around
[edit]- 1 Tourinform Veszprém, Óváros tér 2. (Downtown), ☏ +36 88 404548, [email protected]. May-Sep: daily 10:00-18:00. Infos about transport, sights, programs, events, accommodation, gastronomy. Free brochures, maps, E-Brochures. Gift shop.
Public transport
Veszprém public transport solved by a dense bus network, details, Balaton Volan, interactive map [dead link].
- 1 Bus Station - Papal Road round (05:10-18:10)
- 2 Railway Station - Downtown - Railway Station (05:04-21:35)
- 3 Haskovo turns - Csererdő (05:00 to 22:12)
- 4 Railway Station-Downtown - Vámosi Road turns (04:00 to 22:05)
- 5 Kádártai út – Tüzér u. (05:02–21:56)
- 6 Haszkovó turn – Vámosi út (04:58–22:30)
- 7 Haszkovó turn–downtown- Cholnokyváros - Haszkovó turn (05:15–22:05)
- 8 Haszkovó turn – Pápai út/Csatárhegyi út (05:21–17:53)
- 10 Cholnoky turn - Papal út (05:10 to 22:10, only on weekdays, especially in the morning)
- 11 Railway Station –Cholnokyváros- Vámosi út (05:15–21:50)
- 12 Bus station - Buhim Valley - Bus Station (07:00–16:00, weekdays only)
- 13 Kádártai – Dózsaváros - Kádártai út (05:08–20:18)
- 22 Bus station - Laci major (Veszprém-Szabadságpuszta) (05:10-22:30)
- 23 Bus station - Kádárta-Gyulafirátót, turn (04:35 to 22:25)
- 24 Bus station - Kádárta, railway stop (06:50 to 07:25, weekdays only )
- 32, 34 Cholnoky turn - Csererdő (05:10 to 22:10, during the holidays Cholnoky - Valeo)
- 35 Bus Station - Csererdő (05:15 to 22:10, weekdays only)
Some other lines runs only on special occasions.
[edit]Castle district
- 1 St. Michael's Cathedral (A veszprémi érsekség főszékesegyháza, Szent Mihály-székesegyház), Vár utca 27 (North end of Catle Hill), ☏ +36 88 328 038. May-Oct: 10:00-18:00. Masses: Basilica M-Sa 19:00, Su 09:00, 10:30, 19:00. Franciscan daily 07:00, Chapel of St. Anne M-F (during school time) 07:15, Su 10:00; Charles Church M-F 18:00, Sa 18:00, Su 8:00, 18:00, Rosary every day 17:30 (open half hour before mass). The principal cathedral of the Archdiocese of Veszprém. Founded 10th century (Romanesque) origin, Gothic crypt (end of 14th century). The external facade showin medieval details. Today's form of neo-Romanesque, rebuilt in 1907-1910, by architect Sándor Aigner. The church nave with flat paneled ceiling is covered.The column heads are designed model of the Árpád-era (10th-13th centuries) carvings, during the renovation in 1907-1910. Both side naves have two-altars. North side nave have (at the main entrance to the left) the Assumption and the St George's altars. The south nave (the main entrance to the right) have the St. Anne's and the St. Emeric altars. The church wall paintings made by Szirmay Anthony. The wall paintings depict, among other things, Saints of the Árpád dynasty, Great St. Gregory, St. John of Nepomuk and St. Augustine of Hippo, and the four evangelists. The glass windows St. Stephen, St. Margaret, Happy Ilona, Queen Gizella, St. Joseph and St. Gellert shown. There is a special relic: the Queen Gizella right forearm bones- In the main hall of the Gothic crypt placed the headstones of Bánáss Laszlo and Peter Beriszló bishops of Veszprém. A small room opening from here where Bishop Padányi Biró Martin in 1762 Baroque tomb is housed. Donation.
- 2 Gizella Chapel (Gizella-kápolna), Vár u. 16 (between the Archbishop's Palace and the High Provost Palace), ☏ +36 88 426088, [email protected]. Tu -Su 10:00-17:00. The city's oldest medieval building; the 13th-century Gothic. The 13th-century frescoes in Hungary include the oldest. The arch keystones and the dragon's chapters are unique. Ft 300.
- 3 St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Franciscan church and monastery (Szent István római katolikus, ferences templom és rendház), Vár u. 33, ☏ +36 88 426088. Closed. In addition Bíró-Giczey house. Baroque, 1723 to 1730. The facade is transformed and expanded with a tower in 1909. Inside ceiling painting was made in 1798-1801, a Bucher Xaver creation. Ányos Pál's tomb in the crypt, 1784. The benches carved in the end of the 18th century, copf style.
- 4 St. Emeric Roman Catholic Piarist Church (Piarista templom, Szent Imre-templom), Vár u. 12-14, ☏ +36 88 426-088. Between May and October: Tu-Su 10:00 -17:00, Monday holiday.. Built in 1823-1833, classicist style. Renewed in 1901. Equipment: five altars (classicist, around 1840)
- 5 Salesianum Archbishopric Tourism Centre (Szaléziánum Érsekségi Turisztikai Központ, Madaras ház), Vár u. 31., ☏ +36 88 580528, [email protected]. Jan-Feb: Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00; Mar-May: Tu-Su 10:00-17:00; Jun-Aug: daily 09:00-18:00; Sep-Dec: Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. The place got its name from Saint Francis de Sales (the patron saint of writers and journalists). Four levels exhibition area. Here can be seen: exclusive, frescoed halls, Violin Making Workshop. Herbal Garden. There is a cafe. The café offers: Wide selection of tea and coffee, soft drinks and refreshments. Halimba herbal teas. Daily offer fresh cakes. It is possible to taste the special archbishopric communion wine. Try the Pannonhalma Abbey's herbal liqueur and consume other hungaricums. At the interactive tables you get acquainted about housing services, the archdiocese and the city's history and programs. Also there is a Gift and Bookstore. (Holy Scriptures, prayer books, calendars, postcards, greeting cards, candles, CDs and DVDs).
- 6 [dead link] Former Bishop (now Archbishop) Palace (Püspöki (ma Érseki) palota), Szentháromság tér/Vár u. 16-18.. May-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-17:00. Only guided tours!. Late Baroque, a Jakab Fellner creation.The Great Hall and Chapel frescoes are baroque from the 18th century. The Picture Hall preserve the paintings made of bishops and archbishop of Veszprém. The image, porcelain and furniture collections are very valuable. The wood-paneling Baroque Library Hall made in the second half of the 18th century. Its library has about 60,000 volumes counted. In the Archives of the Episcopal has got Hungary earliest original remained private document, the Guden's testament of 1079.
- 7 Queen Gizella Museum (Gizella Királyné Múzeum), Vár utca 35, ☏ +36 88 426088, [email protected]. In Tejfalussy House (Baroque, 1772). The collection include religious artifacts, bishop-prelate bequests, donations to the Queen. In the cellar is a valuable lapidary
- 8 Castle Gate (Heroic Gate) and Castle Museum (Várkapu (Hősi kapu)), Vár u. 3. (South part of the Castle). Daily 10:00-18:00. 15-17th centuries, rebuilt in memory of the World War I victims, The tower of its include the Castle Museum. Ft 600/400, Combined ticket (Heroes' Gate, and the Tower valid): Adult: Ft 800 Student pensioner: Ft 500.
- 9 [formerly dead link] House of Arts & the Csikász Gallery (Csikász Galéria, Művészetek Háza), Vár utca 17, ☏ +36 88 425204. M-Sa 10:00-18:00. Full price/reduced admission Ft 500/400 (2014), Castle Gallery temporary exhibitions full price/reduced admission Ft 500/400. Granary temporary exhibitions full price/reduced admission Ft 300/200.
- 10 Vass Collection (Modern Képtár- Vass László Gyűjtemény), Vár utca 5-7 (Castle), ☏ +36 88 561-310, [email protected]. M-Sa 10:00-18:00. In a listed building. Built in neoclassical style, circa 1820 Full price/reduced admission Ft 800/500.
- 11 Hungarian Construction Industry Museum - Brick Museum (Magyar Építőipari Múzeum - Téglamúzeum), Vár utca 29-31 (Castle), ☏ +36 88 578310, fax: +36 88 578310, [email protected]. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Tegularium - collection of the Hungarian 'stamped' bricks. Main unit: 'Stove-house' (Kályhásmester-ház), address=Szent István u. 07., hours=M-F 10:00-18:00, tel:+36 88 578310, fax: +36 88 578310
- 12 [formerly dead link] Dubniczay House, László Károly collection (Dubniczay-ház, László Károly gyűjtemény), Vár u. 29.. Baroque, 1751. Now offices and an exhibit place. The László collection include 20th century art, paintings, sculptures, graphics (mostly from Hungarin artists). Full price/reduced admission Ft 1000/600.
- 13 Fire Tower (Tűztorony, Vigyázó torony), Vár u. 9 (South end of Catle). Daily 10:00-18:00. Former called 'Protector Tower'. The base is medieval, the upper part made in 1814-1817 based on Tumler Henrik plans. From its balcony the whole city can be seen. The clock will ring every quarter hour and at every hour played a recruiting song of composer Anthony Csermák Adult Ft 400,Student pensioner: Ft 300.
- 14 Castle well (Várkút), Vár u. (before Gizella Chapel). 24/7. 41 meters deep water well, made in the end of the 16th century Free.
- 15 Former High Provost Palace (Nagypréposti palota), Vár u. 18. Now offices. A listed monument of medieval origin
- 16 Holy Trinity Column (Szentháromság-oszlop), Vár u.. baroque, 1750
- 17 [formerly dead link] King Stephen I and Queen Gizella statue (I. István király és Gizella királyné szobra), Vár utca (in the north stage of the Castle Hill). József Ispánki works, 1938
- 18 Former Grand Seminary (Nagyszeminárium, Államigazgatási Fõiskola), Vár u. 20 (Next to Archbishop's Library), ☏ +36 88 429 611. Three levels building. Originally operated as a seminary. Now the College of Public Administration. Priest educate Institute sacred in honor of St. Anne. The Seminary was built in 1873-1875 (Baroque) to replace the Lenthy's house, reconstructed (got plus one level) in 1933.
- 19 St. George's Chapel foundation walls (Szt. György-kápolna alapfalai), Vár u. (behind the Cathedral). Romanesque style, built in 10-11th centuries and rebuilt in the 13th century. Inside some fine mural remains (13th century) and fragment of Vetési bishop's tomb (red marble, 14th century). The chapel was a famous place of pilgrimage. At the entrance's the second step engraved (Latin) message can be read today: In limie no sedeto! Correctly written: In limine no sedeto!, meaning: "Do not sit on the doorstep!"
- 20 Former Chamber of Commerce building (Iparkamara épülete, egykori ipartestület székház), Vár u. 1. Now offices.
- 21 St John of Nepomuk Statue (Nepomuki Szt. János-szobor), Vár u. ~1. Listed monument. Late Baroque, 1785.
- 22 Listed Monument House (Műemlék Lakóház), Vár u. 5. Baroque, around 1780. Now there are offices
- 23 Havranek House (Havranek-ház), Vár u. 6, [email protected]. M-F 08:00-16:00. Protected Monument House [formerly dead link] . Baroque, 1775. Now Prosecutor's Office.
- 24 Simoga-house, The House of Arts (Műemlék Lakóház, ún. Simoga-ház, Művészetek háza), Vár u. 17. Protected Monument House, late Baroque, 1798. Outhouse in the yard next to the medieval city walls. The ruined courtyard's pavilion is Neo Classical, beginning of the 19th century. Now it is the House of Arts with exhibits and program more about this see above 'Museums' chapter.
- 25 Laszlo Lovassy economic technical school (Lovassy László közgazdasági technikum, volt piarista gimnázium), Vár u. 10 (Next to City Archives). Former piarist high school. Listed Monument, baroque, 1750-1778. Designed by Joseph Tiethardt. First floor in 1821, the second floor was built in 1893.
- 26 Residential house and archives (Lakóház és levéltár, volt piarista rendház), Vár u. 12. Former piarist religious house. Baroque. Built in 1769. Designed by Tiethardt József. Extended between 1884 and 1892. The wood door of the ground floor' old library made in the 18th century.
- 27 House of Bishops' staff (Püspüki alkalmazottak háza), Vár u. 14.. Just from outside. Baroque, 1775-1778. Designed by Jakab Fellner.
- 28 Listed Monument House (Műemlék Lakóház), Vár u. 15.. Just from outside. Neoclassical, circa 1820. Now it's an office.
- 29 Vetési-pillars (Vetési-oszlopfõ), Vár u. 27 (before). 24/7. Here you can see the Vetési bishop's coat of arms. Late Gothic, Renaissance, 1467. The original is in the museum, replaced by a copy Free.
- 30 Listed Monument House (Műemlék Lakóház), Vár u. 23. Just from outside. Eclectic, 1888
- 31 Economics Technicum (Közgazdasági technikum, egykori agg papok háza), Vár u. 21. A former house for very old priests and later Small Seminary. Baroque, 1770-1778. Designed by Jakab Fellner.
- 32 Forner Prebendal house, (so called. Bíró Márton's house) (volt Kanonoki ház, ún. Bíró Márton háza), Vár u. 31. Baroque; the ground in 1733, the second floor was built in 1772. Now here is the Nature Conservation Inspectorate Office.
- 33 Dravezt House (VEAB headquarters. MTA Veszprémi Területi Bizottsága (VEAB) székház, Dravezt-ház), Vár u. 37 (north end of Castle), ☏ +36 88 428859, [email protected]. Monument building [formerly dead link] Baroque, 1769-75. Modified to guest house with conference rooms. Now, Veszprém Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. - At the top level a two-room suite and six double rooms waiting for the hotel guests. Single/double from Ft 6000/11 000. (2013)
- 34 Kormendy House (Körmendy-ház), Vár u. 39 (Northern end of the Castle). Cannot be visited. Former apartman house. Monument building [formerly dead link] built in Baroque style, in 1701-1725. Rebuilt in 1823 and then around 1870. Now part of the College of Public Administration
Other areas
- 35 Saint Ladislaus Parishchurch (Szent László plébánia), Völgyhíd tér 4 (W 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 325-225, [email protected]. Until 1799, this place was a cemetery. The church was built in 1902, Neo-Romanesque style. Masses mobilphone= 20/823-12-05. Farewell: June 27
- 36 Parish of the Saint Margaret of the Árpád dynasty (Árpád-házi Szent Margit plébánia), Szent Margit park 1. (East of Castle Hill), ☏ +36 88 428661. Masses. Neo-Baroque, single transept church built in 1938 designed by Laszlo Irsy Irsik. 43 m long, 17 m wide, 41 m high with tower building - Farewell: Jan. 18
- 37 [dead link] Regina Mundi parish (Regina Mundi plébánia), Dózsa György utca 9 (S of Castle Hill), ☏ +36 88 327609, [email protected].
- 38 Our Lady of Hungary Parish - Mindszenty Memorial Church (Magyarok Nagyasszonya plébánia - Mindszenty Emléktemplom), Ady Endre utca 31. (E 1 km), ☏ +36 88 328 408. Summer Mass schedule: M-Sa 19:00; Su 8:30 (June 30 to Sep 1 ), 09:00 (only in Jul and Aug), 10:00 (Jun 30 to Sep 1), 19:00 (Sep 1 to May 31), 20:00 (only in June, July, August). Winter Mass schedule: M-Sa 18:00, Su 8:30, 10:00, 19:00. Total capacity: up to 450 persons (church space 350 people, gallery 50 people, side chapel 50 people). Built in 1991-92. Significant liturgical space ironworks: door with the tabernacle of the eternal candle (flanked by two angels) and the background (the four Evangelists, and Holy Spirit) and the altar (Ω A two legs of the table, the table grape samples around the edge crosses), ornaments and chandeliers. All are Hummel Giselle goldsmith works. - The church bells: Big Bell (St. Joseph bell with a relief of St Joseph and the Christ Child, the bell weight: 420 kg), Little Bell (Bell of St. Charles of Borromeo, with a relief: Bishop of St Charles Borromeo, 2009, the bell weighs 115 kg. Poured: Nicholas Gombos golden wreath master bell-founder). Three 17 meter-high, each 450 mm in diameter, total 6310.3 kg, steel pipe holds the church's 17 meters high cross. Official Site. Farewell: October 8

- 39 Reformed church of quarter "Jeruzsálemhegy" (Jeruzsálemhegyi református templom), Jeruzsálemhegy, Dózsa György út 22 (West 0.5 km, Bátorkeszi István park area), ☏ +36 88 425-871, [email protected]. (1784)
- 40 Haiszler Chapel (Mártírok úti temetőkápolna, Alsóvárosi temetőkápolna; Haiszler-kápolna), Mártírok útja (Cemetery). Chapel in cemetery of Martyrs' Street. Built: classicist style, in 1830-1831
- 41 St. Anna Chapel (Szent Anna-kápolna), Ranolder János tér 16, ☏ +36 88 328038. Masses and weddings are held, but the chapel itself is not open to visitors. Veszprém oldest, -in its original condition,-surviving church. Built in the Baroque style, in 1724. This is a Roman Catholic Church.
- 42 [dead link] Ruins of St. Miklós Church (Szent Miklós-templom romjai), around Elizabeth grove (SE 0.5 km from Center). 24/7. A medieval Church. From the Elizabeth grove facing to the direction of Károly Eötvös County Library can be see an old stone stairs leading to Calvaey Hill. Here can we find the ruins of St. Miklós Church. Free.
- 43 Károly Church (Károly-templom, Feltámadt Üdvözítő-templom), Mártírok útja, 2 (Next to Ferenc Csolnoky hospital). Daily mass at 18:00, sundaes also at 08:00. (summer), one hour earlier in winter. Also Greek Catholic Divine Liturgy held in the church.
- 44 Church and school of the 'English ladies' (angolkisasszonyok temploma és iskolája, Regina Mundi Szűz Mária neve templom, Regina Mundi Világ Királynője Templom), Iskola u. 5-6, ☏ +36 88 327609, +36 20 8232674 (mobile). Masses M-Sa 17:30 (Litany), 18:00; Su 9:00, 11:00, 17:30 (Litany), 18:00. Designed by Szentirmai (Schönbeck) József. The Regina Mundi Queen of the World Church built in 1860, neo-Gothic style. Former called Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. The base is built of sandstone. The frame and stairs of the entrance carved red stone of Balatonalmádi. In niches of the main facade are Virgin Mary, St. Stephen and St. Emeric sculptures. The Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Lourdes twin chapels built in 1885.
[edit]- 45 "Bakony House", ethnographical museum (Bakony Ház Néprajzi Múzeum), Erzsébet sétány 3. (Next to Lackó Dezső Museum). not open for indefinite period. A branch unit of Veszprém County Museum. - Open air museum. The House was constructed in 1935. Three exhibit rooms. Adult/Student-Senior: Ft 500/300 (2013).
- 46 Lackó Dezső Museum (Laczkó Dezső Veszprém Megyei Múzeum), Erzsébet sétány 1 (Center), ☏ +36 88 426 081, +36 88 788191, fax: +36 88 426-081, [email protected]. Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. The whole house (permanent + temporary exhibitions), Adult/Student-Senior Ft 800/400, Permanent exhibition: Adult/Student-Senior: Ft 500/300, A temporary exhibition Adult/Student-Senior: Ft 500/300, Photographic permits Ft 290, Video Ft 400, guided Tour for adults: Ft 3000 (up to 20 people) (2014).
- 47 Town Hall (Városháza), Óváros tér 9 (Center), ☏ +36 88 549100, +36 88 549210, [email protected]. M W 07:30-16:00.
- 48 [formerly dead link] Posa-house (Pósa-ház), Óváros tér 3 (Center). A 18th century house with the Rococo garret-roofed house
- 49 County Hall (Megyeháza), Belváros, Megyeház tér 1 (Center), ☏ +36 88 564-136, fax: +36 88 564139. Protected monument building Built [formerly dead link] on site of the former Salt House, in 1885-1887. The ground floor cuboid building stone carved pilasters imitation, on the upstairs are Giant order half columns and pilasters decorated with statues by Joseph Rona.
- 50 The former Lord Lieutenant’s Residence (egykori főispáni lak), Megyeház tér 3 (Next to the County Hall). Today the Veszprém County Employment Center

- 51 [formerly dead link] St. Stephen's Valleybridge (Szent István völgyhíd, a Viadukt), Veszprémvölgyi út and Kittenberger Kálmán utca (West). 24/7. Commonly known as the Viaduct. Hungary's first and one of the largest and most beautiful arched viaduct, symbol of the city. Designer: Robert Folly Free.
- 52 Margaret ruins (Margit-romok, Szent Katalin Domonkos Apácakolostor romjai), Dózsaváros, Margit tér (N 0.3 km of Castle Hill). Locals called called Margaret ruins. Formerly: St. Catherine Dominican Nunnery ruins. Bertalan, bishop of Veszprém was founded in 1240. From 1246 to 1252 St. Margaret, the daughter of IV. Bela King was a resident of the monastery before to the Island of Rabbits (present-day Margaret Island, Budapest) have been moved.
- 53 Cseresznyés Mansion (Cseresznyés kúria), Budapest út 1 (opposite Hotel Veszprem).
- 54 Meggyesi Mansion (Meggyesi kúria), Budapest út 3 (opposite Hotel Veszprem).
- 55 Art Nouveau buildings of the Old Town Square (Óváros tér szecessziós épületei), Óváros tér (Center). #7 banking house; #26 office and shop; #8, 19, 20, 22, 25 office buildings; #24 office buildings (OTP Bank); #1, 2, 4, 5, 6 residential buildings; #3 Posa-house; #9 Town Hall
- The renovated City center and inner courtyards (A felújított Belváros és belső udvarai).
- 56 Archives of Veszprém County (Veszprém Megyei Levéltár), Török Ignác utca 1. (N 1 km of Center), ☏ +36 88 887 200, [email protected]. Customer Service: Tu, W, Th 9:00-15:00.
- 57 Bridge of Fejesvölgy (Fejesvölgyi kőhíd), Fejesvölgy u. (SW). 24/7. Free.
Further afield
- 58 Herend porcelain manufactory and Museum (German: Herrendorf), Kossuth Lajos u. 140., Herend (NW-W 15 km). Apr 14-Oct 25: daily 09:00-16:30; Oct 27-Apr 11: Tu-Sa 09:00-15:30. There is a Roman Catholic church in town with a porcelain window. Adult Ft 1700, senior Ft 1400, student Ft , family (2 adults, 2 children) Ft 3600; museum only: adult Ft 500, retired/student Ft 200..
- 59 Nemesvámos (Former: Vámos, Veszprémvámos) (SW 5 km). St Máté Roman Catholic Church (Kossuth Lajos utca 24., Copf style), Roman Villa-farm excavation and exhibition site (at limit of Nemesvámos, Baláca wilderness area); Betyár Inn (Veszprém út); Barrow; Reformed Church (Kossuth Lajos utca, built in Baroque style in 1740, expanded in 1790)
- 60 Szentgál (W 15 km). St. Gál Roman Chatolic Church (Fõ utca 70), Calvinist Church (Fõ utca 103, Baroque), Yew grove conservation area (east 3 km. Area: 103 ha, with 120 thousand trees, this is the second biggest number (Yew) in Europa), Country House with peasant civilian décor (Malom u.), Szentgáli-kőlik [formerly dead link] (lit. Szentgál Stone Hole, a Mecsek mountain rock cavity. Closed. Visit only with permission. Length: 420 m. Depth: 42 m. Part of the Balaton Uplands National Park)
- 61 Városlőd (German: Waschludt) (W 20 km). Reformed House of Prayer, St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church (Szabadság tér 2., 1747-50), Local History Collection, German Minority Folk House, Calvary, majolica
- 62 Pannonhalma (Former: Győrszentmárton) (By train or by bus a couple per day). Benedictine Archabbey (Márton-hegyi Apátság, part of the World Heritage list. Sights: the Basilica and the Crypt, the Library, the Millennium Monument, the Arboretum (Botanical Garden) and Herbal Garden, the Porta Speciosa and the Cloisters, the Baroque Refectory, Our Lady Chapel, Collections. Open late Mar–Apr: Tu-Su cash-desk 09:00–16:00; May: daily cash-desk 09:00–16:00; Jun-Sep: daily 09:00–17:00; Oct-early Nov: Tu-Su 09:00–16:00; mid-Nov-Mar: Tu-Su cash-desk 10:00–15:00. Visitors are asked to leave the building in 1½ hours after the closure of the cash-desk. Tickets: Full price/reduced Ft 2000/1000 with audio guide, Full price/reduced Ft 2500/1500 including tour in foreign languages Organ Concerts: 2000 p.p. full price/reduced Ft 2500/1500 to the Botanical Garden including tour. Guided tour with tasting Benedictine herbal chocolate/liqueur (1 snifter/3 snifters) Ft 1700/1500/2500). Főbíró House (Petöfi Sándor utca, 9); Holocaust Memorial and Synagogue (Szabadság Square, 1880s); Klement Krizosztom memorial stone (Dózsa György utca 1); Granary (at the beginning of Mátyás király utca, 1800s); Majorsági buildings (Mátyás király utca 1, partly built in 1650), Roman Catholic Church (Váralja 1 / a, Found in 6th century, remodeled in 1734 and 1880, the final shape and style in 1960); St. Stephen's relief (Petofi Sandor utca 61, 1896); Formerly convent of Saint-Vincent (Szabadság tér, 21. 18th century, Baroque building ), Cemetery (Rák utca, founded in 1759); City Hall (former village hall, Dózsa utca 10, Secession, 1910s. To Do: take a tour in the Pannonhalom Protected Area (7042 ha)- Tourinform Office (comprehensive tourist information. Address: Váralja u. 3., Tel./fax:+36 96 960 072, E-mail: [email protected] Sep to May: M-F 09:00-17:00, Jun-Aug: M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa 10:00-15:00).

- 63 Zirc (Take a train or a bus (5+ per day)). Agricultural Engineering Collection (Szabadság u. 10. Tel: +36 88 595-000, 595-010, E-mail: [email protected], Open: Sep-Jun: M-F 07:00-14:00, the afternoon and on weekends by prior arrangement, Admission: free); Arboretum of Zirc [dead link] (Damjanich u. 19, Tel:+36 88 414-569,+36 87/555-291, [email protected] Open from May-Aug: 09:00-19:00, Sep-Nov and Mar-Apr: 09:00-17:00, also open on Monday, closed Nov-Mar, other days by appointment (min.15 people), Professional guidance: Ft 4500/group, Admission: Adults Ft 600 student, teacher, retired Ft 500); Hungarian Natural History Museum, Natural History Museum of Bakony (Rákóczi tér 1, Tel:+36 88 575300, Fax:+36 88 575301, E-mail:[email protected], Open: from 15 Mar to 14 Nov: Tu-Su 09:00-17:00; 15 Nov to 14 March: Tu-Su 10:00-16:00, closed on Mondays. Admission adults Ft 500, students, teachers Ft 250); Zirc Cistercian Abbey Visitor Centre (Rákóczi tér 1, Tel:+36 88 593675, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Open May-Oct: Tu-Sa 09:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00, Su and Holidays: 12:00-17:00 (closed on Mondays). Entrance fees: Church History Exhibition/Abbey church with the Ruin garden/Church History Exhibition and the Abbey with Ruins garden: adult Ft 1200/500/1500, youth (6-18 years) Ft 800/300/900, senior citizens (62 years) Ft 800/300/900, photo ticket- without flash only for private use Ft 300/300/300 ); Reguly Antal Museum and Folk Art House [dead link] (Rákóczi tér 10. Tel:+36 88 415-422, E-mail: [email protected], Open: M-Sa 09:00-17:00, Su 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00. Admission: adults Ft 300, students, pensioners, teachers Ft 150; Guidance Ft 1000/group, available by appointment); Reguly Antal Museum Library part of the National Széchenyi Library (Rákóczi tér 1., 65,000 volumes, is an extremely valuable incunabula, rare books and periodicals. Special artistic value furniture. Tel: +36 88 593-800, fax: +36 88 593-801, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Open from Mar 14-Apr 14: Tu-Su 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00, Nov 15-Mar 14: Tu-F 10:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00. Admission: adults Ft 500, students, retired Ft 250 ). Other attractions: Gothic pillar Stack+ Baroque statue of St. Emeric (Köztársaság út 2), Baroque church (I. András tér. Tel.: +36 88 593-675, can be visited by prior arrangement). Zirc's Area nature trails, natural values: Hosszúrét Leisure Park (Zirc, sports courts and horse track) Pinter-Mountain Nature Trail (Zirc, Tel.+36 88 591510). The Arboretum's nature trails, with a new playground, (Zirc). Eperkés Mountain Nature Trail (Located: Olaszfalu. Tel. +36 88 777-927, Area: 82 ha, circa. 4.5 km long and about 150 m altitude difference, information boards help you to find ); Alsópere-wilderness Arboretum (Alsópere, near the Park hotel). Szarvaskút: a source, where the water potable and cool. Pénzesgyőr: Szömörke Valley, Judith source, Altar Stone. Bakonyszentlászló: Devil meadow. Dudar: alpine cliff caves, fossil sites, Devil's Hole. Bakonynána: Gaja gorge, Roman bath, caves. Gézaháza: devil and stone ditch. Borzavár: Kőris Mount Lookout (709 m a.s.l.). Eplény: Amos Mountain Vacation Forest and Nature Trail (+36 88 591510). Csesznek: rock-climbing escarpment, Kőmosó gorge with caves. Bakonyszentkirály: János Bottyán source. Porva - Csesznek - Vinye: Cuha Creek Valley Nature Trail (Győr-Veszprém Railway Line#11). Porva: Szépalmapuszta Arboretum (+36 88 468888)
- More options in Veszprém County
[edit]- 1 Library of Veszprém County (Eötvös Károly Veszprém-megyei könyvtár), Komakút tér 3 (Center, near to Petőfi Theatre), ☏ +36 88 424011, fax: +36 88 560610 (/105), [email protected]. Tu-F 10:00-18:00, Sa 10:00-16:00. Services: National Audiovisual Archives (NAVA)-point, using the American Corner, using the British Council English Language Resource Center, using a reading machine for the blind and visually impaired computer use +phones=+36 88 560610, +36 88 560620
Climbing, walking
- 2 Elizabeth Grove (Erzsébet-liget), Erzsébet-liget (Center, off Mártírok útja). 24/7. Walk up to the former Calvary Hill and see the Free.
- 3 Gulya Hill (Gulya-domb). A great viewpoint. Easy walk from the City center Free.
- 4 St. Benedict Hill (Benedek hegy) (Right north from northern Castle Hill). A great viewpoint
- 5 Kittenberger Kalman Plants and Wildlife Park (Veszprém Zoo's, Kittenberger Kálmán Növény- és Vadaspark, Veszprémi állatkert), Kittenberger K. u.15 (West 0.5 km), ☏ +36-88-566-140. Dec-Feb: 09:00-15:00/09:00-15:30; Mar: 09:00-15:30/09:00-16:00; Apr: 09:00-17:00/09:00-17:30; 09:00-18:00/09:00; May-Sep: 18:00; Oct: 09:00-16:30/09:00-17:00; Nov: 09:00-15:30/09:00-16:00 (weekdays/weekends). Adult/pensioner/student/child/family (2 adults + 1 child) Ft 2300/1550/1750/1500/5500 (2014).
[edit]There is a new cycling route runs from the beginning of the main road # 73 until the city center. Also good place for cycling around the Gulya Hill
Fitness and Wellness
[edit]- 6 Colonia Center, Lahner György. út. 4/1 (300 m from Train Station), ☏ +36 88 785 540, [email protected]. M-F 07:30-21:00, Sa Su 10:00-20:30. Services: Aqua Pad, Aqua Fitness, squash, gym, sauna park, Colonia Bath, 'ViziMano' Baby swimming, massage, solarium, Maugli Playhouse, Colonia Cafe, MMA Combat Sports. squash Ft 1000-1700 per hour, gym Ft 900, solarium Ft 600 per six mins plus Ft 100 per min, pool Ft 1600 per three hours, Aqua Pad Ft 3000 per half hour, massage Ft 2000 per half hour.
- 7 [dead link] Veszprém Arena (Veszprém Aréna), Külső-kádártai út (in the North Eastern part of Veszprém, just 500 metres away from the roundabout by Külső-Kádártai út, near the main road 82, heading to Győr. Bus # five and # thirteen stops 300 metres from the hall at the Kádártai utca terminal.), ☏ +36 88 688503, +36 88 688500, fax: +36 88 688505, [email protected]. ticket contact: Tel: +36 88 688-504. Opening hours: Tu-F 11:00-17:00. Before events: opening by two hours. Built in 2007-2008, based on the adapted plans of Zlatorog Arena (Celje, Slovenia). Cost: around €16 million. Hungary's second largest country sports and event hall. The arena is able to host any sort of sporting or cultural events, such as basketball or volleyball matches, martial arts shows, concerts, exhibitions and conferences. It also has a separated lounge, that is capable alone to organize smaller events, be it a party night or a wedding. The entire area of the hall is accessible for the disabled.
- Sed Cinema (Pannon Theatre) (Séd Filmszínház (Pannon Várszínház)). Programs: musicals, classical and lighter musicals, lectures
- 8 Petőfi Theatre (Petőfi Színház), Óvári Ferenc utca 2 (S of Castle Hill, Center), ☏ +36 88 564220, fax: +36 88 420 046, [email protected]. Ticket office (in the theater foyer), Tel: +36 88 424235. Email: [email protected], Open M-F 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00, and performances by the end of the first break of the day of the performance. Weekends open one hour before performances. Stephen Medgyaszay designed, in Art Nouveau style. This theatre was the first reinforced concrete structure theater in the country. It was built in 1908. Reconstructed in 1984-1988. Listed Monument. +phones=+36 88 564230, +36 88 564240 prose Ft 3500, Premier, and musical guest play Ft 3 300-3 800, retired Ft 2800, student Ft 2500, children's lecture Ft 1600. Featured performances Ft 8 000-10 000 (2014).
- 9 Latinovits and Bujtor Theatre (Latinovics Zoltán Játékszín), Iskola utca. 2 (Center), ☏ +36 88 422 440, [email protected]. A branch unit of the Petőfi Theatre Adult Ft 2500, student/retired Ft 2000, BonBon ticket Ft 1200.
- 10 Kabóca Puppet Theatre (Kabóca Bábszínház és Gyermek Közművelődési Intézmény), Dózsa György út 2. ( volt Dimitrov) (CCenter), ☏ +36 88 590150, [email protected]. Summer office is open on Wednesdays 09:00-14:00. Moved to a new place: Community Centre and Library Veszprem +email= [email protected] season ticket for five sessions Ft 2600 (2014/15).
- Veszprémfest, cultural event
- Gizella Days Festival (Gizella-napok Művészeti Fesztivál), located: Community Centre. Date: May
- Veszprém Summer Festival, part of it the Vivace International Choir Festival, located: mostly the Community Centre. Date: 1st half of Aug
- Veszprem Gala Games Festival (Veszprémi Ünnepi Játékok), concerts in the Castle. Date: Aug
- Street Music Festival (Utcazene Fesztivál). Amateur artists. Several days long.
- "Spring Games" (Tavaszi Játékok) International Children's - Youth and Sports and Arts Festival
- Veszprém Beer Festival (Sörfesztivál) - end of Jun/early Jul
- Veszprém Spring Festival (Veszprémi Tavaszi Fesztivál)
- Festival of Dance (A Tánc Fesztiválja), National and International Contemporary-Art Meeting (organized by the Pannon Theatre)
- Veszprém Spring Festival (Veszprémi Tavaszi Fesztivál)
- Kabóciádé Children's Festival (Kabóciádé Gyermekfesztivál)
- Cell-Cup International Handball and Cultural Festival (Cell-Cup Nemzetközi Kézilabda és Kulturális Fesztivál)
- Camera Hungaria Television Festival Program (Kamera Hungária Televíziós Műsorfesztivál)
- Pannonfíling Film Festival (Pannonfíling Filmfesztivál),
- "Veszprem Games - Children's Island" (Veszprémi Játékok - Gyerek Sziget), International Children's - Youth and Art Festival
- English-Language Drama Festival (Angol Nyelvű Drámafesztivál)
- Ars Sacra Festival (Ars Sacra Fesztivál) - Sept
[edit]Shopping centres
- 1 Balaton Plaza, Budapest u. 20-28 (E 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 590690. Plaza: shops: M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-19:00; food center: daily 10:00-22:00; CBA Supermarket: M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-19:00; Cinema City Cinema: daily open 30 minutes before the first show aired, Closing: 20 minutes after the last show aired. Others: Mocha Bar: M-Th 08:00-22:00, F Sa 08:30-24:00, Su 10:00-22:00; Orange Café & Bar: M-Th 09:00-23:30, F Sa 09:00-13:00, Su 09:30-22:30; Alexandra book store: M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-19:00; Plaza Pharmacy: M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-19:00 (from 2 July 2012); UPC Customer Service: M 09:00-20:00, Tu-Sa 09:00-19:00, Su 10:00-16:00. Shops: gifts and flowers; shoes, bags; fashion; jewelry; electronics; food, bakery; lingerie; photo, optics; book; cosmetics; furnishings; sports goods, sports apparel; beauty products. Services: hand car wash; Mister Minit (shoe repair, key cutting, sharpening, engraving, stamps making), Plaza Pharmacy (free blood pressure and blood sugar measurement; Homeopathic consultation; dermocosmetic advice), Pólóügynökség (T-shirt printing); UPC (cable TV, phone and internet service). Cinema City Lake (four-screen multiplex cinema). movie tickets: full price tickets 2D/3D Ft 1 420/1 770 (without glasses: Ft 1,540); students, children's tickets, first performance Ft 1110/1470 (without glasses: Ft 1,240); Telekom Contact cards 15% off.
- 2 Belvárosi (Theatrum) Shopping Center (Belvárosi (Theatrum) Üzletház), Szeglethy u. 1 (Center), ☏ +36 88 402241, fax: +36 88 402221, [email protected]. M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa Su 08:00-16:00. Services: gift shops; acupressure, massage; banking; insurance; fashion and fitness store; fashion stores; extreme sports store; jewelry stores; photocopying; hairdressing and beauty salon; photo studio; curtain salon; medical equipment; medicinal mushroom centre, real estate agency; cafe; arts and crafts; bookstore, watchmaker & shop; paper, stationery, forms; computer specialists and service; telephone service.
- 3 StopShop!, Dornyai Béla út, 4 (#8 connecting road and Almádi út intersection, -Near to Cholnoky the bus station, where several bus stops only 500 meters away). International SPAR supermarket, Intersport (sporting clothing and equipment); Cosmos City; Brendon (baby); Libri (books); Fressnapf (pets); Players Room (video game); Euro Family, New Yorker (fashion); C & A (clothing); Takko Fashion (fashion); Humanic (shoes); XXL Mode (fashion); Vögele (fashion); dm (cosmetics, household); Ciklámen Pharmacy
- 4 Tesco Hypermarket (Tesco Veszprém Hipermarket), Külső-Kádártai út (NE 2.2 km), ☏ +36 20 827 0000. 08:00-24:00. Other unit: Mártírok u. 13.
- 5 Obi DIY Store (OBI Barkácsáruház), Külső-Kádártai út 1 (NE), ☏ +36 306 88 576 180, [email protected]. Daily 08:00-20:00.
[edit]- 6 Lidl Supermarket, Simon István utca 4 (SE 1.5 km), ☏ +36 40 789000. Daily 07:00-20:00.
- 7 Aldi Supermarket, Észak-keleti útgyűrű 6. (NE 2 km). Other unit Dornyai Béla utca 5
- 8 Real Food store (Reál Élelmiszer üzlet, Z+D Diszkont Veszprém), Aulich L. u. 2/1. (NE 2 km), ☏ +36 88 325-370. Hungarian Food store chain. More units: Gerenda u. 1., Házgyári út 14/A., Március 15. u. 1/c., Tizenháromváros tér 1.
- 9 SPAR (SPAR éruház), Jutasi út 18. (Center-NE), ☏ +36 20 823 7201, [email protected]. M-F 06:30-21:00, Sa 07:00-17:00, Su 08:00-13:00. More units: Cholnoky lakótelep 16., Cserhát lakótelep. 6., Dornyai Béla u. 4.
- 10 [formerly dead link] Csalán Local Producers Market (Csalán Helyi Termelői Piac), Kossuth utca (the area between the Centrum department store (Centrum áruház) and the 'House of Lords' (Lordok Háza)). F 14:00-18:00. Mainly the seasonal products available, which are produced in the period just Veszprém County.
- 11 Market Hall (Piac és Vásárcsarnok), Jutasi út 2 (near bus station), ☏ +36 88 427 744, [email protected]. M-F 06:00-18:00; Sa 06:00-14:00; market days: Tu F, but any day of the week may be sold; mushroom testing: Tu F 05:30-13:30, Sa 05:30-9:30. Industrial goods sales market on Tuesdays and Fridays parking lot next to the Market Hall.
- 12 Flea market (Bolhapiac), at the corner of Házgyári út ~No.8-10 (NW 2 km), ☏ +36 30 5448538. Sa from 07:00.
[edit]Antique shop
[edit]- 13 Antique Herend Porcelain Store (Antik Herendi Porcelánbolt), Buhim u. 1 (Center), ☏ +36 88 327-643.
- 14 Óváros Antique Gallery (Óváros Antik Galéria), Óváros tér 26 (Center), ☏ +36 70 3602117, +36 20 9463359, [email protected]. Furniture; silver, gold; weapons; graphic art; musical instruments; real estate; ceramics; stone artifacts, garden ornaments, lamps and chandeliers; ethnography; clocks; watches; porcelain and glass; sculpture; textiles, carpets, upholstery.
- 15 Patina Antique Shop (Patina Antik Régiségbolt), Kossuth Lajos utca 1 (Center), ☏ +36 88 412057.
Antique book shop
[edit]- 16 Kiss Downtown Antique Book Shop (Belvárosi Kiss Antikvárium), Kossuth u. 6. (Center), ☏ +36 30 3847-852. used book trade
- 17 Utas Antique Book Shop (Utas és holdvilág Antikvárium), Szabadság tér 13 (Center), ☏ +36 30 421 4826. M-F 09:00-17:30, Sa 09:00-12:00. Used book and record trading
[edit]- 18 DÉK, Szeglethy József utca, 1 (Center), ☏ +36 20 2353280. On the ground floor. Tokaji artisan wines and sweets specialties offering.
- 19 Kék-Jácint Flower-Gift Shop (Kék-Jácint Virág-Ajándék Bolt), Szabadság tér 12, ☏ +36 88 329640, [email protected]. M-F 09:00-16:30, Sa 09:00-12:00.
[edit]- 1 Panda Buffet and Pizzeria (Panda Büfé és Pizzéria), Egyetem u. 12, ☏ +36 20 2553922, [email protected]. Su-Th 11:00-21:40, F 11:00-13:40.
- 2 Chianti Restaurant (Chianti Étterem), Csermák Antal utca 13. (S 1 km), ☏ +36 88410385, [email protected].
- 3 [dead link] Oli e Gino Pizzeria and Restaurant (Oli e Gino Pizzéria és Étterem), Egyetem u. 19./A (S 0.7 km), ☏ +36 88 422711, fax: +36 88 421436, [email protected]. Daily 09:00-22:00. pizzas (32 cm Ø) Ft 900-1700 plus toppings Ft 200-400, starters Ft 700, meals Ft 1500-1800, roast Ft 1300-1600, salads Ft 1300-1700, desserts Ft 500-600 (2014).
- 4 Fejesvölgy Café (Fejesvölgy Kisvendéglő), Vámosi út 2. (SW 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 423979, [email protected]. Hungarian cuisine and local specialties Appetizers Ft 600-2400, soups Ft 600-1400, fishes 1400-3600, poultry Ft 1600-3200, pork Ft 1200-3600, beef Ft 1300-5200, salads Ft 500-3400, desserts Ft 700-1000.
- 5 [dead link] Pannonia Restaurant, Silvereye Internet Café (Silvereye Internet Kávézó, Pannónia Étterem), Virág Benedek u. 4, ☏ +36 88 406961. Daily 11:00-22:00. Pizza takeaway and delivery. Pizzas (25 types) Ft 900-1050, steaks (ten types) Ft 1200, pastas Ft 950, vegetarian dishes Ft 900-1200, salads Ft 400-1200, desserts Ft 600.
- 6 McDonalds (étterem), Brusznyai Árpád utca 16-18. (Center), ☏ +36 88 561 840. 07:00-23:00. McDrive, McCafé, McReggeli, parking, Wi-Fi, birthday events, playground
[edit]- 1 Restaurant and Brewery (Óváros Vendéglő és Söröző), Szabadság tér 14. Daily 10:00-22:00. Hungarian cuisine.
[edit]- 2 Marica Music Café (Marica Kávéház), Kossuth Lajos utca, 5 (Center), ☏ +36 88 788 314.
- 3 Koko Patisserie (Koko Cukrászda), Március 15. utca 3 (NE 1.5 km), ☏ +36 88 560 050. Summer M-Sa 10:00-19:30, Su 10:00-19:00. Winter daily 10:00-19:00. Hungarian traditional cakes. Modern, healthy, light, cooked creamy and fruit cakes, pies. A wide selection of home-made ice creams. Other unit: Kossuth Lajos u.8. (Downtown pedestrian street.)
[edit]- 1 Malomvölgy Education and Recreation Centre (Malomvölgy Oktatási és Szabadidő Központ), 8227 Felsőörs, Hóvirág u. 28. (S 10 km), ☏ +36 87 799-005, fax: +36 87 799-009, [email protected].
- 2 Pannon University, Central College (Pannon Egyetem Központi Kollégium), Egyetem u. 12. (S 0.5 km), ☏ +36 20 5151375, [email protected]. Open Jul-Aug. Single/double/triple Ft 5 300/6 800/9 000, dorm (three bed) Ft 2950, apartments with kitchen and bath single/double Ft 7 200/10 000 (2014).
[edit]- 3 Hotel Jade - Hotel Ezüsthíd, Korona köz 3. (SW 1 km), ☏ +36 88 579180, fax: +36 88 579181, [email protected]. Double/triple Ft 16800/18000 plus bed Ft 5000, Apts Ft 22800.
- 4 Pension Baláca (Baláca Panzió), Baláca sor 21. (S 2 km), ☏ +36 88 799100, fax: +36 88 799101, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Single/double/triple Ft 13400/16800/20200 plus bed Ft 3000-3400.
- 5 Pension Éllő (Éllő Panzió), József Attila utca 25 (S 1 km), ☏ +36 88 420-097, [email protected]. Single/double/tpl Ft 10.900/12.800/16.200 included breakfast and all tax.
- 6 Pension Promedicum (Pro Medicum Panzió), Nárcisz utca 2 (S 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 444-644, [email protected]. Single/double (with breakfast) Ft 12 900/15 700.
- 7 Oliva Garden Grill Restaurant and Pension (Oliva Étterem Grillkert és Panzió), Buhim u. 14-16 (Center), ☏ +36 88 561900, [email protected]. Single/double room (breakfast included) Ft 14 300/16 700.
- 8 [formerly dead link] Two Lotti Villa Medicinal Pension (Két Lotti Villa Gyógypanzió), József A. u. 21 (Center), ☏ +36 88 566520, [email protected]. Reception, wheelchair access rooms, catering (breakfast on site and delivery), sports training site, family event venue, BBQ Facilities,manicure and pedicure (by appointment), massage, guarded parking, sauna, social games, naturopath, courses, Wi-Fi/WLAN, high chair for babies Single/double Ft 7 900/11 700.
- 9 HotelVeszprém, Budapest u. 6. (SE 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 424677, fax: +36 88 424076, [email protected]. Services: 24-hour reception, wake-up service, safe, telephone in rooms, breakfast-room, free Wi-Fi in the lobby area of the hotel and in some rooms. Continental breakfast Apts single/double/triple/quad Ft 10 900/16 600/19 800/23 600; bath room with TV single/double/triple Ft 8 900/11 800/16 000; bath room without TV single/double/triple Ft 8 100/11 700/16 300; shower room (shared toilet on the floor) Sgl/dbl/tpl Ft 6 400/9 600/13 500; room with washbasin (shared bathroom, toilet on the floor) single/double/triple Ft 5 400/8 600/11 700 (2014, all tax included).
- 10 Hotel Magister, József Attila u. 34/2. (S 0.5 km), ☏ +36 88 623000, fax: +36 88 623009, [email protected]. 24/7. Services: reception 24/7, air conditioned well-equipped conference room, lounges with TV, wireless internet connection on every floor, internal connected telephone in every room, common kitchens, buffet, fitness room, huge parking space, bicycle container, fire place, basketball backboard, boarding facility, washing machine on every floor. Single/double/triple Ft 7 900/11 000 dorms (two bed) Ft 5700.
- 11 Völgyikút Wellness Pension (Völgyikút Wellness Ház), Kopácsi u. 2 (E 0.3 km), ☏ +36 88 688800, [email protected]. Nine aircon rooms. Finnish saunas, infrared saunas, steam room, jacuzzi pool and gym free of charge. Single/double/triple Ft 13 400/16 800/23 000.
- 12 Kádárta Café Pension (Kádárta Vendéglő Panzió), Külső Kádártai út 9 (NE 0.8 km of Veszprém Arena), ☏ +36 88 458413, [email protected]. The inn is above the restaurant. 6 double rooms and two apartments for four persons. Each room has a private bath, cable TV and Internet connection. Smoking is not permitted in the rooms. Single/double/triple/quad Ft 7 000/10 000/14 400/17 000, extra bed Ft 2600, breakfast (on request): Ft 1000.
- 13 Betekints Hotel and Restaurant (Betekints Hotel & Étterem), Veszprémvölgyi út 4. (West), ☏ +36 88 579280, fax: +36 88 579289, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Room prices include: buffet breakfast, spa complex and the Camera guarded, enclosed parking. The hotel consists of two parts, the buildings of the hotel and the guesthouse, offering 38 rooms of different categories. Services: Internet access: line and wireless Internet in the rooms and in the public areas. (ask the receptionists for access code), Minibar (The fridge of the room is only available for the drinks of the hotel). Air-con rooms. Restaurant (breakfast from 07:00–10:00, there is a possibility to take away a breakfast bag), other time: 11:30–15:00 and 18:00-23:00, wellness and fitness services (steam cabin, Finnish and infra sauna, mashed-ice machine, solarium, varied massage services and cosmetics treatments, adult and child swimming pool, Jacuzzi and the bar in the pool area ensure the body-soul comfort. Gym lessons. Open Su-Th 07:00-21:00, F Sa 07:00-22:00), laundry, ironing and dry-cleaning (on demand – for extra charge), pet (can be brought into only in superior rooms or in the deluxe apartment), facultative programs (bike-renting,for extra charge, please indicate your demand on weekdays 24, on weekends 48 hours before, hiking, walking). Standard single/double Ft 25 300/29 000, superior szoba Ft 29 900, apartment Ft 35 900, junior suite Ft 36 500, delux apartment Ft 45 700, Pótágy: Ft 6 600 (all tax included, 2014), half board Ft 4 500/day, Full board Ft 8 000/day.
- 14 Hotel Gizella and Restaurant (Gizella Hotel és Étterem), Jókai Mór u. 48. (Right north of the Castle), ☏ +36 88 579490, fax: +36 88 579491, [email protected]. 23 double rooms (9 superior, 10 standard and 4 attic rooms) and 5 suites all bathroomed, serves the guests' comfort equipped with a television, a telephone, a minibar, an air conditioning. The car park is locked but not supervised (free). Free Wi-Fi. Double room (1 person) Mansard/Standard/Superior Ft 14 900/16 900/18 900. (2 persons) Mansard/Standard/Superior Ft 19 200/21 300/23 300, Suite (1 person/2-4 persons) Ft 24 900/29 500 all tax included and with buffet breakfast.
- 15 Hotel Villa Medici and Restaurant (Villa Medici Hotel és Étterem), Kittenberger Kálmán utca 11 (Center), ☏ +36 88 590070, fax: +36 88 590-070, [email protected]. Restaurant services: cooking school, Chaine des Rotisseurs, business lunch, International kitchen, gourmet menu, traditional Hungarian dishes, pub. Wellness services: massage, island of peace, light- and aromatherapy, treading pool, vinotherapy, chocolate massage, Indian head massage, steam cabine. Wedding, Honeymoon other events. Free parking. Buffet breakfast. Free wireless high speed internet. Welcome drink. Unlimited use of the wellness facilities (indoor pool, sauna, Kneipp foot bath, jacuzzi, steam room). Standard double (1 person/2 persons) Ft 24 400/26 000, double (1 person/2 persons) Ft 27 000/28 800.
- 16 Hotel Historia & Restaurant Historante (Hotel Historia), Toborzó u. 11-13. (Center), ☏ +36 88 577000, fax: +36 88 577009, [email protected]. Cosy restaurant, meeting room for 60 people, basement hall (wine pub) for 70 persons and wellness department. Services: car rental, room service, tickets (cinema, theater, concert, zoo admission, etc.) oredering, running map, bike rental, clothes cleaning, program organization, wake-up service, restaurant table reservation, hairdressing salon, beauty salon, flower delivery, taxi/transfer. Historia room Ft 21 500-23 600/24 000-26 800; family room Ft 25 000-28 000/27 800/30 800; suite Ft 28 500-32 000/31 300-34 600.
[edit]- 2 Post Office (Magyar Posta), Kossuth Lajos utca 19 (Near the bus station), ☏ +36 88 424455, [email protected].
Go next
- Budapest - (by bus or by train one and half hour)
- Siófok - the unofficial capital of Europa second largest and one of the warmest lake, the Lake Balaton,
- Fonyód - the capital of Balton's lookouts, shoots pics or/and enjoy one of the ten city's, free beaches
- Győr - (by bus or by train one and half hour) - the biggest city in Northern Hungary, good for one day trip or for base to exploring all Northwest part of the country
- Székesfehérvár - (by bus or by train around half hour) - former royal capital
- Szombathely - open air museum
- Balatonfüred - (less than an hour by bus) more than two thousand years of history, beautiful location, carbonated medicinal sources and juicy, good local wines
- Tihany - Abbey, historical and cultural monuments, a unique natural environment, recreation offered by Lake Balaton.