
Pápa is a baroque town with 30,000 residents (2018). It lies at the foot of the Bakony hills.There are 13 churches, old mills, the Esterházy Palace and charming residential streets, the famous baroque Main Square with the Parish Church, the Museum of Blue Dyeing, the collection of the nearly 500-year-old Reform College with Petőfi and Jókai memoirs, the Egyptian mummy, the Synagogue, and the charming houses of the baroque town center.
The Várkertfürdő thermal bath, spa and swim center, and the 5-star Thermal camping provide excellent medical, fitness and wellness services. The indoor swimming pool, the sports arena and the Lombard Pápa Stadium is the site of many sport events and competitions.
Get in
[edit]Pápa lies 155 km from Budapest, 45 km from Győr and 65 km from the Balaton.
- 1 Pápa Bus Station (Pápa Autóbusz-állomás), Szabadság utca 1 (Downtown). The local service provider is Bakonyvolan. Lines: Veszprém (hourly, 1-1½ hour), Székesfehérvár (between 08:00 and about 19:00, hourly, about 2 hours), Budapest (up to four direct, passing Komárom, Tata, Tatabánya (a dozen with change at Veszprém) per day, 3½ hours), Győr (between 06:00 and about 20:00, hourly, one hour), Sopron (three direct more via Győr, 2 hours), Keszthely (four direct, 2 hours), Nagykanizsa (two direct, 2 hours), Zalaegerszeg (five direct, but 2-3½ hours! Some with interchange are shorter.)
- 2 Pápa Train Station (Pápa Vasútállomás), Béke tér 2 (1.5 km N of centre), ☏ +36 1 444 4499. 24/7. - Trains from Budapest (six direct, 2 hr 50 min), Győr (between 06:00 and about 22:00, hourly, one hour or less), Veszprém (all need an interchange, bus better, 2-3 hours), Zalaegerszeg (five direct, 1½ hours, some with interchange are about the same time.)
Get around
[edit]- The local bus #1 is maybe the most important (north south direction) connecting the bus and train stations
- 1 Tourinform (Tourist Information office), Márton István u. 10., ☏ +36 89 777-047, fax: +36 89 777-048, [email protected]. M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa 09:00-12:00, Su closed. This office collects data of the available touristic suppliers from Pápa and area settlements, so is able to give you up-to-date tourist information about them. Spoken languages: English, German.
[edit]- Former Calvinist church. Built in 1936. It is the home of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Religious Art.
- 1 Franciscan church (Ferences templom), Barát utca and Kígyó utca corner, ☏ +36 89 324105. It was built in Baroque style, between 1678 and 1680.
- 2 Reformed church in Borsosgyőr (Borsosgyőri Református templom), Pápa-Borsosgyőr, Borsosgyőri utca. 1882.
- 3 Saint Stephen Church, Borsosgyőr (West). Roman Catholic Church
- Lutheran Church Pápa (pápai evangélikus templom). Built in 1884
- 4 Reformed church in Kéttornyúlak (kéttornyúlaki református templom, Református ótemplom), Fő utca 6, ☏ +36 89 324415.
- 5 Former Synagogue (pápai zsinagóga). In 1844 Papa’s local Jewish community began building a synagogue in the town’s predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Construction of the new synagogue was completed in 1846, and its opening service was officiated by Rabbi Leopold Löw (the rabbi is credited for being the first to introduce the Hungarian language into his services). The building was vadalized by the Nazis. Neo-Romanesque style.
- 6 Catholic Great Church of St. Stephen the Martyr (Szent István Vértanú, Katolikus nagytemplom), Fő tér (Main square), 11, ☏ +36 89 324-105. Daily 09:00-16:00. The symbol of the town. This was built according to the plans of Jakab Fellner between 1774 and 1786. It was decorated with frescoes by Franz Anton Maulbertsch. The size of the temple is: length 42 m, width 22 m, the height of interior 24 m, the height of tower 72 m.
- The 'White church' (Benedictine church, Bencés templom, Fehér templom), Fő utca (Main street), ☏ +36 89 324105. Built by the Paulites, later home of the Benedictine order, was completed by 1744. Its furnishing is valuable decorated with unique wood-carving. The 17th century so-called Black Christ can be found in its parvis.
[edit]- Museum of Blue-dyeing (Kékfestő Múzeum, Kluge-féle Kékfestő Üzem), Március 15. tér 12 (Opposite the Calvinist College), ☏ +36 (89) 324390. Apr 1-Oct 31: Tu-Su 09:00-17:00. Nov 1-Mar 31: Tu-Sa 09:00-16:00. The Dyer Museum or the former Dyer Fabrik of Kluge was the blue-dyeing workshop of the Kluge family which was one of the most significant in Central Europe. It was active until 1956, its original furnishings and equipment can still be seen. Adult/student Ft 800/600, photo/video Ft 300/1000, guided tour Ft 1000.
- Collection of Coat of arms - and gun history (Címer- és fegyvertörténeti gyűjtemény), Fő tér 23.
- Church History and Church Art Museum of the Reformed Church of Transdanubian District ('Papensiana', Dunántúli Református Egyházkerület Egyháztörténeti és Egyházművészeti Múzeuma), Március 15. tér 9, ☏ +36 89 324240, fax: +36 89 324240, [email protected].
- Gránátalma Pharmacy museum (lit. pomegranate) Pharmacy museum, Patikamúzeum). The former Gránátalma (pomegranate) Pharmacy.
- 7 Esterházy-mansion ([email protected]), Fő tér 1, ☏ +36 70 3141959. There is a very nice reading hall of the library and a former mansion chapel, St. Joseph's Chapel (Szent József-kápolna). Part of the National History Museum
- Mill Collection Edvy (Edvy Malom Gyűjteményes Kiállítás), Gyimóti út 91, ☏ +36 30 6414092, fax: +36 89 778815, [email protected]. An open air exhibition. Mill buildings, mill yard, milling machines, milling techniques, brief historical overview of Tapolca Creek, locks, the role of impoundment, tool exhibition (carpenter, carpentry, joinery and miller professions
- The College. It was built between 1895 and 1899. Today a secondary school of six and four classes and the Pápa Reformed Collection (library, archives, museum) can be found there.
- Corvin House (Korvin-ház), Korvin János utca 9., ☏ +36 89 777047. The oldest building in the town.
- Pápa Reformed Theology Academy (Nátus, Pápai Református Teológiai Akadémia, Református Nőnevelő Intézet), Március 15. tér. Formerly women's boarding-school called "Nátus".
- Grammar School of Pápa Reformed College (Pápai Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma), Március 15. tér 9 (Center). Pápa has been the centre of the Transdanubian Reformed Church, whose famous college was founded in 1531. Its spirituality has had a significant role in the life of the town since then.
- The Old college, Petőfi Sándor 13. Beside it there is a plaque on the house where Sándor Petőfi, Hungary's National Poet, at one time dwelt.
- Footed Home (Lábasház), Fő tér 12., ☏ +36 89 777047.
- Ferenc Vály's house in Pápa, Vály Ferenc lakóháza Pápán (Jókai út 20.) Váli's house.jpg
- Kenessy-Szondy house (Kenessey–Szondy ház), Fő tér 23., ☏ +36 89 777047.
- Zichy House (Zichy ház), Fő tér 21, ☏ +36 89 777047.
- Castle Gardens (Belső Várkert), Szent I. út, ☏ +36 89 777047. Nature conservation area
- 8 Millennium Memorial Park (Millenniumi Emlékpark).
- Town Hall (Városháza), Fő utca 12, ☏ +36 89 515000.
- Guild Hall of Honeycake Makers (Volt Bábsütő Céh háza), Corvin János utca 13., ☏ +36 89 777047.
- Tapolcafő - moor meadows (Tapolcafői - láprétek), Tapolcafő, South from Tapolcafő, on the Hwy #83, ☏ +36 89 777047. Nature conservation area
- Hungarian Defense Papa Airbase (Magyar Honvédség Pápa Bázisrepülőtér).
- World War I Memorial Pápa, Esterházy Károly utca. Memorial of the 7th Hussar. Art by Miltiádész Manó, inaugurated in 1935.
- 9 Saint Joseph chapel. 2005
- St Florian Statues, Flórián and Szent István utca corner. A Baroque Rococo statue. It was made in 1753, ordered by Count Franz Esterházy. The sculptor was the same craftsman who made the statue of St. John of Nepomuk. The figure of the saint is on a cloud which is surrounded by putto heads. Angels are on both sides. The right angel takes a flag, the left has a water jug and extinguishes a burning house, while looking at the sky. The pedestal of the statue is decorated with heraldic crown of Esterhazy, Around the pedestal is a rectangular, pierced stone lattice made in rococo style. The statue was originally toward a little north and stood in front of house No. 12 Szent István út. (Here was former the Győr- or No10 Gate of the Pápa fort.)
- Statue of St John of Nepomuk (Nepomuki Szent János szobor), Szent István utca. It was made in 1753, in Rococo style ordered by Count Franz Esterházy. The sculpture composition is different from the usual one. It is showing the killing of the Saint. An armored soldier standing on a stone bridge and with a stick strikes to St. John of Nepomuk, who turning into the water from the bridge. At the foot of the bridge are puttos. The statue decorated with moderate gold plating and stand in a high pedestal, at the top of the monument is a crown of the Esterházy family coat of arms and framed by rectangular, rococo style, stone lattice.
- 10 Nagygyimót aircraft graveyard. A few dozen decommissioned fighter aircraft parked in the grass, unsupervised.
- 11 Döbrönte (German: Dewerenten) (S 14 km of Pápa, take a bus). Castle Szarvaskő, - Sorrowful Virgin Parish Church ( built by the Somogyi family in 1815, designed by Charles Moreau, the architect of the Viennese József Kornhausel.) The village is surrounded by Bakony Mountain, nice tours, take a comfortable walk to the Ödön Source.

[edit]- 1 City Sports Hall (Városi Sportcsarnok), Várkert út 4. (Center), ☏ +36 89 510-301. Open 08:00-22:00.
- Jókai Mór the Culture and Recreation Centre (Jókai Mór Művelődési és Szabadidő Központ Színházépülete,), Erzsébet liget 1, ☏ +36 89 313-905, +36 89 324-242, +36 89 320-274, fax: +36 89 313-905, +36 89 324-242, +36 89 320-274, [email protected]. 07:00-22:00. Theater. Mobile:+36 30 845-53-93
- 2 Malom-Lake, (Malom-tó Horgász és Szabadidőpark), Igali utca 739/10 (SE 4 km), ☏ +36 30 5740141, [email protected]. Open from March. Fishing
- 3 Perutz stadium (Perutz stadion), Várkert utca 2 (next to City Sports Hall). Place for the local football club
- 4 Varkert Bath (Várkertfürdő Pápa), Várkert utca 5 (Center East), ☏ +36 89 512 600, fax: +36 89 512-601, [email protected]. Thermal spa with 38°C sitting pool, 34°C adventure pool with swim-out, toddler's pool, black hole slide and many services. Swimming pools (indoor): a 25 m in length, six track waveless swimming pool (2 m depth) and a three track waveless swimming pool (a meter of depth). Swimming pools (outdoor): five pools are there (toddler's, "Big Foot", family sitting, adventure, pool with slide and a giant pool with diving-board). Medical Center with facilities. Wellness services.
[edit]- Knuckle and Wine Festival of Pápa (Pápai Csülök Cicege és Borfesztivál)
- New Wine Festival of St. Martin's Day (Szt. Márton Napi Újbor Ünnepe) - Nov 7-11;
- Candlelight Advent (Gyertyafényes Advent - Pápa) - Nov 30-Dec 21
- Toy Festival (Pápai Játékfesztivál)
[edit]- 1 Kattani Gyros és Ételbár (Eötvös), ☏ +36 89 320 888.
- 2 Gólyafészek Restaurant (Stork's Nest), ☏ +36 89 313 850. daily 11:00–22:00.
[edit]- 1 Arany Griff Hotel, Fő tér 15. (Center), ☏ +36 89 312-000, fax: +36 89 312-005, [email protected]. 8 rooms and one apartment. The two- and three-bed rooms with shower, cable TV, free Internet access provides. Ft 5400/5900 all tax included.
- 2 Caesar Pension (Caesar Panzió), Kossuth Lajos utca 32 (Center), ☏ +36 89 320320, fax: +36 89 320640. Six double rooms. Room facilities: bathroom with shower, integrated hair dryer, LCD television, phone, minibar, electric kettle, alarm clock, air conditioning. Services: breakfast, free Internet throughout the inn, Free closed parking within 100 m, e-mail, fax transmission facilities, laundry service. Single/double superior Ft 6400/10000, extra bed 1500, breakfast Ft 900.
- 3 Edvy Mill Inn Baroque Mansion (Edvy Malom Fogadó Barokk Udvarház), Gyimóti út 91 (East), ☏ +36 30 6414092, fax: +36 89 778815, [email protected]. Sgl/ dbl superior Ft 10 900/13 500, single/double pinewood room Ft 6600/8900.
- 4 Erkel Pension and Pub (Erkel Vendégház és söröző), Somlai utca 69. (S 1 km), ☏ +36 89 315045, fax: +36 89 315045, [email protected]. Two-bed room Ft 6800, triple Ft 9700, four-bed room Ft 11 200 all tax included.
- 5 Esterházy Open Air School (Esterházy Erdészeti Erdei Iskola és Oktatási Központ), Szent István út 28 (Center), ☏ +36 89 513200, +36 30 2688992, fax: +36 89 513211, [email protected]. Three rooms. Mostly for small school group.
- 6 Happy Day Pension, Határ u. 30. (West), ☏ +36 30 937 5258, fax: +36 89 778887, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 11:00. Services: Internet, TV, fridge, free parking. Double Ft 5900, extra bed Ft 1500 (all tax incl.), breakfast Ft 990, pet Ft 1250, apartment Ft 15 000.
- 7 Hársfavirág Restaurant and Guesthouse (Hársfavirág Vendégház), Vasvári Pál utca 16 (Near Bus Station), ☏ +36 20 9150211, fax: +36 89 311301, [email protected]. Capacity (persons): 24. Six rooms. Services: bus parking, thermal water, medical facilities, fishing facilities, Sat TV, money exchange, Wi-fi/WLAN, playground. Single/double/triple/quad Ft 5000/7000/9000/11 000.
- 8 Hotel Villa Classica, Bástya utca 1. (Center), ☏ +36 89 512200, fax: +36 89 512201, [email protected]. Mobil: +36 30 467 93 95 Standard room for one/two/three persons Ft 22 900/24 900/31 000. Superior room for one/two/three persons: Ft 26 900/29 900/36 000, Apartment for one/two/three persons: Ft 30 900/34 900/41 000.
- 9 Muskátli Guesthouse (Muskátli Vendégház), Fütőház u. 2/B (Near train station), ☏ +36 20 9780539, [email protected]. Six rooms for 13 persons. Single/double/triple Ft 2500/5000/7500.
- 10 Napsugár Apartment, Bocsor István utca 109 (South), ☏ +36 30 9399308, [email protected]. 4 rooms. Services: bedclothes provided, heated room, refrigerator, kitchenette, well equipped kitchen, washing facility, satellite TV channels, parking in a closed garden, television, open fireplace, barbecue, Wi-Fi/WLAN Ft 4000-11 000.
- 11 Pápa Komáromi utca, Komáromi út 14 (SE 3 km), ☏ +36 30 220 8300, fax: +36 89 318798. In schooltime six rooms, holiday time over 20 rooms. Services: 24-hour reception, bus parking, catering, fishing facilities, medical service, horse riding, guarded parking, TV room, hiking, Wi-Fi/WLAN, football ground, parking in a closed garden. Dorm beds (three, four, five beds) Ft 2400-3000 p.p..
- 12 Bandi Apartman, Szent László u. 13-15. (Center), ☏ +36 30 385 3875, [email protected]. One room and one apartment. Bedding, refrigerator, kitchen with equipment, pets are allowed, satellite TV. Double Ft 12 000, apartment Ft 17 000.
- 13 Thermal Camping (Várkert Termál Camping, Kemping), Várkert utca 7 (East), ☏ +36 89 320735, fax: +36 89 320735, [email protected]. Hungary's only five-star campsite. More than 200 plots over 100 m² each with 16A power connector, water, and sewage connection. Services: twenty eight toilets, twenty four showers, eighteen washbasin, fourteen wash stall, one baby bath, changing table, and even two toilet and shower for handicapped guests, plus two chemical toilets, fourteen dishwashing, four suitable for textile washing basin, washing machines, dryers, irons. Siesta: 12:00-14:00 - Café, grill, sports ground and playground, sporting goods and bicycle rental Prices for main season Apr-Oct: plot fee Ft 2490, adults (over 14 years) Ft 1515, children (4 years) Ft 1010, pets Ft 630, electricity Ft 1105, Resort tax Ft 430, (Nov-Mar: 10% discount). The camping guests are eligible for discounted daily tickets Várkertfürdőben. Adult: Ft 1200, Pensioner, student day ticket: Ft 1100, Children (4-14 years) day ticket: Ft 900.
- 14 Viktória Restaurant and Pension (Viktória Étterem És Panzió), Vízmű u. 7/c (south), ☏ +36 89 314442, fax: +36 89 510474, [email protected]. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Three double rooms, Ft 6900, two single Ft 5400 all tax incl.
- 15 Zsófia Guesthouse (Zsófia Vendégház), Veszprémi út 57 (South), ☏ +36 20 9374551 (Mobil), fax: +36 89 777089, [email protected]. Massage from Ft 1800, horseback riding Ft 2500/hour, bike rental Ft 1,500/day, skeet Ft 4500. All rooms have double bed, shower, lavatory, toilet, satelite TV, internet with Wi-fi, water heater, micro and fridge. Single/double Ft 6400/7300-8300 all tax included.
Further afield
[edit]- Pajtás Apartments, Fő utca 57, Döbrönte (near the Castle), ☏ +36 30 366-0010, +36 30 632-4273, +36 89 351-072 (after 18:00). Ft 2500-3000/person/night.