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Wikivoyage talk:FAQ Voyage Tips and guide

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    Conversation on spelling rules → Project:Manual of style

    Your spelling errors will be corrected by other peopel. This cracked me up -- I was just about to hit the "Edit" button when I got it. -- (WT-en) Evan 11:54, 16 Oct 2003 (PDT)



    Hello, Evan, I am so confused by item 1.11 - in connection with the WikiTravel logo that I see all the time in the top left hand corner of my screen (and many contributions in talk pages etc). Can you still hold it up? -- kuer.gee 06:18, 21 Oct 2004 (EDT)

    I just noticed the same thing. The logo clearly says "WikiTravel", but the FAQ and the title of oficial pages say "Wikivoyage". Any reason why this is? (WT-en) BayernMann 02:18, 18 Aug 2005 (EDT)
    The reason is that the logo has a mistake and we don't have the image source so we could fix it. This is one of the reasons why we just completed a Project:Logo contest for picking a new logo! (WT-en) Jpatokal 02:36, 18 Aug 2005 (EDT)

    Discussion page


    Swept in from the Project:Travellers' pub:

    I've noticed that some people (myself included) have started discussions for topics in the inappropriate places. Sometimes these topics are about not-very-popular articles or stub articles and need attention, but since anyone seldom visits the discussion page of these articles I propose that there be a Topics needing discussion page. The page should be a list that directs users to the page needing discussion. Any thoughts? -- User:(WT-en) Sapphire

    Project:Requests for comment :-). -- (WT-en) Colin 00:54, 12 Apr 2005 (EDT)
    Ah, I bow before your wise wisdom. I'm going to place a link on the page that welcomes new users as soon as find that. I wish I had known about it. (WT-en) Sapphire 01:12, 12 Apr 2005 (EDT)
    Also keep in mind that when you add stuff to a Talk page it shows up on Special:Recent changes which is how most of us follow along at home. So it's not like you need to wait until someone happens to check out that discussion page, it will pop up on our radar... Project:Requests for comment is good if you're not getting enough feedback and you want to point out a particular issue, but the discussion itself should still probably like on the article-in-question's talk page. HTH! (WT-en) Majnoona 09:08, 12 Apr 2005 (EDT)
    To make it easier to find I have added Project:Requests for comment to Project:Utilities. -- (WT-en) Huttite 08:23, 17 Jun 2005 (EDT)

    I have posted links to real nice short streaming home videos of Doi Suthep, Wararot Market, Khom Loy at the Loi Krathong festival and a Khantoke Dinner in Chiang Mai Thailand. I would store them here at Wiki but it doesn't suppot them. I have links to all my home videos posted on many forums and travel journal sites and everyone enjoys them. There are no advertisements or Spaming involved. These are just good home videos showing Chiang Mai, it's people and culture. They were removed and I was told that they links to videos were not allowed. With almost everyone on the plant now having broadband access I think it is a good idea to allow links to streaming video (no porn for sure). can this policy be changed? Randy Gaudet "Allthai"

    There are two issues here: one is that Wikivoyage doesn't do external links to other guides (like your site), and the other is the Project:Image policy: One of Wikivoyage's goals is to have Wikivoyage articles useful as printed pages. Use of other media files — like digital sound clips or video images — is therefore deprecated.
    I agree with you that this is a little extreme — but we'd need to work out a way to be able to clearly separate web-only content for this. (WT-en) Jpatokal 23:23, 10 Jan 2006 (EST)
    Until somebody comes up with a reasonable way to transfer TV quality video quickly over a dial-up connection - 32kb/s just doesn't cut it - I would be opposed to video links. Or else after everyone on the planet does gets true broadband (10Mb/s+ not just 128kb/s stuff, which is just 2-3 times as fast as dial-up.) at reasonable rates i.e. free unlimited usage. A lot of people on the planet don't even have a telephone, let alone a computer, or a telecommunications provider that even offers broadband in their area. Many that do, make do with a dial-up connection on a telephone line that cannot sustain true broadband. At present I use dial-up, and see no valid reason to change, it is cheaper than broadband and plenty fast enough for me most of the time - except when people assume everyone has broadband when they don't.
    However, I do think we should allow videos when they can be printed onto single sheet of paper and played. Unfortunately real time moving image printing technology only seems to be able to print 2 or 3 frames per picture using a special medium. A bit short for my liking, at present.... but give it a few years. -- (WT-en) Huttite 04:17, 11 Jan 2006 (EST)
    I wouldn't be opposed to a little floating box on the side that says "Click here to see video from the Wiggi-Wiggi-Wack Booty-Shaking Festival", as it's not too badly in your face (you need to click to activate it), and it could (hopefully) be trimmed out easily for a printed version. However, I don't pay Evan's bandwidth bills... (WT-en) Jpatokal 04:49, 11 Jan 2006 (EST)
    Wow I have broadband in Thailand and it is much cheaper than dial up. The problem here is that dial up times out often and you have to dial again and in Thailand you have to pay everytime you dial. My videos are 156 kbs and play very nicely. Too bad we can't post them here as I am getting more than 100 viewers to the videos everyday from other forum and journal sources. Anyway I understand but it is the way of the future and I would love to see streaming video clips by other travelers on Wiki. Randy Gaudet (allthai)



    I get a conflict every time I try to edit the Gangtok page. Even if I use the add listing form (for Eat section) on that page, I get a conflict. What's going on?

    This usually happens because a url or word you are trying to add, has been blacklisted. --(WT-en) Stefan (sertmann) Talk 12:04, 14 April 2009 (EDT)
    Wasn't you, but another user who added a blacklisted phone number before it was blacklisted - I've fixed it now, and you should be able to Plunge Forward. --(WT-en) Stefan (sertmann) Talk 12:10, 14 April 2009 (EDT)

    Suggest rewording the "came from Wikitravel" question


    I suggest the question "Is it true that Wikivoyage's content came from Wikitravel?" be rephrased to "Is it true that Wikivoyage's original content came from Wikitravel?", ie, add the word "original". Nurg (talk) 10:10, 30 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

    Certainly that would put a better PR gloss on things. But are these supposed to be examples of genuine questions - or fake questions that we would like to answer? (I already saw in the history that some awkward questions were "censored"). To give a simple answer to your suggestion: I agree with your proposed change. -- Alice 20:50, 30 December 2012 (UTC)



    In these edits some non-questions and a "meaningless paragraph" were removed. I think they made sense for the Tone. What do others think? --LPfi (talk) 11:39, 18 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

    And this one. --Comment by Selfie City (talk | contributions) 11:48, 18 July 2020 (UTC)Reply


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