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Ranking of the richest African countries based on per capita income 2022

The ranking of the richest African countries based on per capita income in 2022 reveals many surprises. Based on economic statistics revealed by the economic magazine Visual Capitalist, Côte d’Ivoire is among the ten African economic powers in terms of income per capita.

The African ranking of rich countries by inhabitants in 2022 is dominated by Mauritius, according to revelations made by the economic investment magazine Visual Capitalist. According to the same statistical data, Côte d’Ivoire has considerably improved its per capita income in recent years, despite the context of the health crisis that has prevailed over the past two years.

In this Africa ranking of rich countries per capita in 2022, Mauritius occupies the first place with a per capita income estimated at 34000 dollars by VISUAL CAPITALIST. In the second position, we find South Africa, also the second African economic power in terms of gross domestic product.

According to the revelations made by the economic magazine, South Africa occupies the second place thanks to an annual income per inhabitant estimated at 10970 dollars, that is to say, three times less than Mauritius. Information that should not go unnoticed is the presence of Côte d’Ivoire in the top ten of the African ranking of rich countries by GDP in 2022.

Under the impetus of President Ouattara in recent years, the country occupies a tenth place in the ranking with a GDP per capita estimated at 1610 dollars. It should be recalled that Ivory Coast is considered, based on the Africa ranking of rich countries per capita 2022 established by VISUAL CAPITALIST, as the second richest country in all of West Africa, far ahead of the Republic federal government of Nigeria.

Preceded by Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria is content with 11th place in this 2022 ranking of African countries by GDP. In West Africa, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria are the three countries to have reached or even exceeded the 1000 dollar mark in terms of annual income per capita, according to Visual Capitalist.

Top 10 GDP ranking in Africa

– 10th in Ivory Coast with a per capita income estimated at 1610 dollars;
– 9th Angola with an income per capita estimated at 1620 dollars;
– 8th in Kenya with an estimated per capita income of 1700 dollars;
Ghana with a per capita income estimated at 1890 dollars;

– 6th in Egypt with a per capita income estimated at 3000 dollars;
– 5th Morocco with an income per inhabitant estimated at 3380 dollars;
– 4th Botswana with an estimated income per capita of 7880 dollars;

– 3rd Namibia with an income per capita estimated at 9320 dollars;
– 2nd South Africa with an estimated per capita income of $10,970;
– 1st Mauritius with an estimated income per capita of 34,000 dollars.

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