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Wikivoyage:Template index Voyage Tips and guide

You can check the original Wikivoyage article Here

    The MediaWiki software used to run Wikivoyage offers the ability to automatically generate sophisticated HTML using templates. Templates are faster than typing manually and keep common page elements uniform in appearance throughout the site. New templates should be discussed before being created or modified.

    The list below shows most of the templates that are currently available, along with brief explanations of how and where to use them, or you can see a complete list of all pages in the Template namespace.

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{Stub}} Displays a message stating that the article is a stub; it should be added to the bottom of the article.
    This article is a stub and needs your attention; it does not make use of an article skeleton but it should. Please plunge forward and help it grow!
    Displays a message stating that the article is at outline status; it should be added to the bottom of the article.
    This city travel guide to Template index is an outline and needs more content. It has a template, but there is not enough information present. Please plunge forward and help it grow!
    Displays a message stating that the article is at usable status; it should be added to the bottom of the article.
    This city travel guide to Template index is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.
    Displays a message stating that the article is at guide status; it should be added to the bottom of the article.
    This city travel guide to Template index has guide status. It has a variety of good, quality information including hotels, restaurants, attractions and travel details. Please contribute and help us make it a star!
    Displays a message stating that the article is at star status; it should be added to the bottom of the article.
    This city travel guide to Template index is a star article. It is a high-quality article complete with maps, photos, and great information. If you know of something that has changed, please plunge forward and help it grow!
    {{Starnomination}} Displays a message stating that the article has been nominated for promotion to star status; it should be added to the top of the article directly below the {{Pagebanner}} template.
    {{Destarnomination}} Displays a message stating that the article is under review after having been proposed to lose its star status; it should be added to the top of the article directly below the {{Pagebanner}} template.
    {{Starpotential}} Displays a message informing readers of the article's unsuccessful star nomination and the reasons why it did not pass the review; it should be placed at the top of the article's discussion page.
    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{Confused|[[Sibu]], [[Sarawak]]}} Displays a message informing readers of the potential for confusion between the article's subject and some other place, perhaps with a similar name.
    Not to be confused with Sibu, Sarawak.
    {{Disamb}} Displays a message identifying the page as a disambiguation page; it should be added to the bottom of all disambiguation pages.
    This article is a disambiguation page. If you arrived here by following a link from another page you can help by correcting it, so that it points to the appropriate disambiguated page.
    {{Otheruses|Paris}} Displays a message informing readers of the existence of other similarly-named places, for use on pages that would normally require disambiguation but meet the "most famous" exception, such as Paris and Denmark; it should be added to the top of the article where it will create a link to the disambiguation page(s) enumerated in its parameter(s).
    For other places with the same name, see Paris (disambiguation).
    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{Soft redirect|meta:Main Page}} Creates a "soft" redirect to a page on a different wiki. #REDIRECTmeta:Main Page
    This page is a soft redirect.

    Further information

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{See also|Category:Templates}} Displays a message informing readers of other pages containing information related to the article's subject; it should be added to the top of pages or page sections.
    See also:
     | ineffable travel experiences
     | UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
    Displays a message informing readers of the existence of another article with more detailed information about a topic; it should be added to the top of pages or page sections.
    For more information on ineffable travel experiences, see the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage article.
    {{Main|California}} Displays a message pointing the reader to the main article dealing with a certain topic; it should be added to the top of page sections.
    Main article: California

    Article notices

    These notices are used to indicate that an article needs attention due to some problem:

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{delete}} Indicates that an article qualifies for speedy deletion. This notice should be added to the top of the article.
    {{vfd}} Indicates that an article has been recommended for deletion. This notice should be added to the top of the article.
    This page has been nominated for deletion. After taking a look at the deletion policy, please add your opinion to Wikivoyage:Votes for deletion. Please do not remove this notice until the discussion is complete. If you are the author of this article, this nomination is not a critique of your work, but is instead a notice that the article title or subject may not meet Wikivoyage's article criteria, or that the content might belong in another Wikivoyage article.

    {{copyvio|url}} Used on pages that contain copyright violations. This notice should be placed at the top of an article. It is generally preferred to just remove copyrighted information and then leave a note on the talk page indicating where the content came from and why it was removed.
    {{merge|destination}} Indicates that an article does not meet the article criteria and that its content should be merged into the destination article. This notice should be placed at the top of an article.
    {{merge from|destination}} Indicates that content from another article should be merged into the article. This notice should be placed at the top of an article or section.
    {{style}} Indicates that a page does not conform to the manual of style. This notice should be placed at the top of the relevant article or section.
    Optionally, the suggested remedy may be specified after a vertical bar character e.g.: {{style|[[Units#Avoid_orphaned_units]]}}, in which case the subsequent default text of "Please use the article's talk page to ask questions if you are not sure why this tag was added and whether it is safe to remove it." will not display.
    {{advert}} Indicates that a page contains extensive touting and hyperbole. This notice should be placed at the top of an article.
    {{movetodistrict}} Content on a huge city main page needs to be split off into districts. This notice should be placed at the top of the section that needs work.
    {{movetocity}} Content on a region page needs to be moved to the respective city articles. This notice should be placed at the top of the section that needs work.
    {{districts discussion}} Discussion on the Talk page is under way for defining new districts. This notice should be placed at the top of the city article that has a districts discussion taking place.
    {{regions discussion}} Discussion on the Talk page is under way for defining new regions. This notice should be placed at the top of a regions article that has a regions discussion taking place.
    {{translate|fr}} Identifies that a more complete article exists in another language version of Wikivoyage; encourages the user to help with translation. Placed at the top of an article.
    {{transcription|standard}} Indicates that content in a phrasebook does not match Wikivoyage's romanization standards.

    Warning notices

    Informational notices provide warnings and disclaimers about hazards or other vital pieces of information that travelers should be alerted to.

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{disclaimerbox|text of disclaimer}} A disclaimer is a sparingly-used message, normally containing editorial content about policy decisions. A disclaimer should generally be discussed prior to being added to an article.

    Here Tibet is used as a synonym for the Tibetan Autonomous Region (T.A.R.) of China not the historic Tibet in existence prior to the Chinese takeover. This is not a political statement. The strict restrictions on freedom of movement put on foreigners, sharply divides the T.A.R from ethnically Tibetan areas that form a geographic and cultural continuation of Tibet to the east of the T.A.R..

    {{cautionbox|text of caution}} Used for non-life-threatening warnings that could affect a traveler's possessions, finances, or health, and other notices that need presentation in an attention-grabbing format. It should be used sparingly—only if normal prose is insufficient for some reason.

    You can use the parameter "boldtext=" to change the word "NOTE" to something else.

    Caution Note: To avoid the unsavory, corrupt, and thoroughly untrustworthy booking services based in Kolkata, it is best to get a place to stay on arrival without advance reservation.
    {{warningbox|text of warning}} Used to call out information that is vital to a traveler's safety, such as recent damage from a natural disaster, political instability, or some other serious condition. Warning boxes should be sparingly used and placed either at the top of an article or within the article section that is related to the warning.
    Travel Warning WARNING: The effects of Hurricane Katrina severely damaged parts of New Orleans at the end of August, 2005, and it expected to take many months for the city to return to normality. As of Spring 2006, most services in the main travel centers (French Quarter, Central Business District, Garden District, and Faubourg Marigny) are back to normal; however, be prepared for contingencies if you're traveling outside the city center.
    {{VisaRestriction|text of information}} Information about visa restrictions.
    Travel Warning Visa restrictions:
    Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen block passports containing stamps or visas from Israel. If you intend to visit any of these nations, ask immigration to stamp a blank page, rather than your passport, when entering. Note that those countries will also search for Jordanian/Egyptian exit stamps from land borders with Israel and will likewise prohibit your entry if they find one.

    Template notices

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    <noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude> Inserts the documentation on a template page.
    <noinclude>{{experimental}}</noinclude> Used for experimental templates.
    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{discover}} Inserts the current "Wikivoyage Discover" factoids. Should be placed in the appropriate spot on the Main Page.
    • Belgaum got its name from Venugrama, meaning "bamboo village".
    • The Great Blacks in Wax Museum in East Baltimore showcases the history of African Americans through wax figures.
    • The Alor Setar Tower (pictured) signifies the rapid development in the state of Kedah, and functions as both a telecommunications tower and a tourist attraction.

    These notices are used to promote articles that are collaborations of the month:

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{cotm|date}} Indicates that a page is the current collaboration of the month. This notice should be placed at the top of the article's talk page.

    This article is the collaboration of the month for December 2009. Find out how it can be improved, and plunge forward to make this an article we can be proud of!

    {{pcotw|from-date|to-date}} Indicates that a page was previously a collaboration of the week. This notice should be placed at the top of an article's talk page.
    {{pcotm|date}} Indicates that a page was previously a collaboration of the month. This notice should be placed at the top of an article's talk page.
    {{current collaboration}} Used by other templates to create a link to the current collaboration of the month.
    {{cotmpromote}} Used by the Project page to promote the collaboration of the month. === ===
    • No active collaboration at the moment.

    Large events

    These are temporary templates for use on articles where large and significant events will be hosted. These templates should be deleted and removed from here once the event has passed.

    Host City for
    Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
    Venue one
    Venue two
    Cluster three
    Park four
    Olympics · Sochi 2014

    Content insertion

    These templates are used to standardize the look of specific Wikivoyage article content.

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{Infobox|title|description}} An infobox to highlight an interesting fact or notable piece of information within an article; should be used sparingly.
    Sample title

    Sample description

    {{Eatpricerange|budget|midrange|splurge}} Establishes the local baselines for classifying relative costs between Eat listings.
    This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
    Budget Under $10
    Mid-range $10-30
    Splurge Over $30
    {{Sleeppricerange|budget|midrange|splurge}} Establishes the local baseline for classifying relative costs between Sleep listings.
    This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
    Budget Under $50
    Mid-range $50-100
    Splurge Over $100
    {{Climate | units = Metric
     | janhigh = 32 | febhigh = 33 | marhigh = 34
     | aprhigh = 35 | mayhigh = 34 | junhigh = 33
     | julhigh = 33 | aughigh = 33 | sephigh = 32
     | octhigh = 32 | novhigh = 32 | dechigh = 31
     | janlow = 21 | feblow = 23 | marlow = 25
     | aprlow = 26 | maylow = 26 | junlow = 25
     | jullow = 25 | auglow = 25 | seplow = 25
     | octlow = 24 | novlow = 23 | declow = 21
     | janprecip = 9 | febprecip = 29 | marprecip = 28
     | aprprecip = 64 | mayprecip = 220 | junprecip = 149
     | julprecip = 154 | augprecip = 196 | sepprecip = 344
     | octprecip = 241 | novprecip = 48 | decprecip = 9
     | description =
    Check Bangkok's
    '''[http://www.tmd.go.th/en/province.php?id=37 7-day forecast]'''
    Shows information about the climate of a destination.

    The units field can be set to Metric or Imperial depending on the local preference.

    For U.S. articles, a Climate Template Generator is available to automatically generate the correct wikitext for any location.
    Template index
    Climate chart (explanation)
    Average max. and min. temperatures in °C
    Precipitation+Snow totals in mm
    Check Bangkok's 7-day forecast
    Imperial conversion
    Average max. and min. temperatures in °F
    Precipitation+Snow totals in inches
    {{IATA|XXX}} Displays IATA airport codes. XXX IATA
     | image1 = I-4.svg (do not include "File:")
     | imagesize1 = 22 (optional, default: 22)
     | directionl1 = W (should be N, NW, W or SW) | majorl1 = End
     | minorl1 = [[Next minor city]] (optional)
     | directionr1 = E (should be S, SE, E or NE) | majorr1 = [[Orlando]]
     | minorr1 = [[Brandon (Florida)|Brandon]] (optional)
     | image2 = I-75.svg | imagesize2 = 22
     | directionl2 = N | majorl2 = [[Atlanta]] | minorl2 = [[Ocala]]
     | directionr2 = S | majorr2 = [[Miami]] | minorr2 = [[Bradenton]]
     | image3 = I-275.svg | imagesize3 = 22
     | directionl3 = N | majorl3 = End at [[File:I-75.svg|18px]]
     | directionr3 = S
     | majorr3 = [[Saint Petersburg (Florida)|St. Petersburg]]
     | minorr3 = [[Clearwater]]
     | image4 = US 41.svg | imagesize4 = 22 | directionl4 = N
     | majorl4 = [[Atlanta]] | minorl4 = [[Brooksville]]
     | directionr4 = S | majorr4 = [[Miami]] | minorr4 = [[Bradenton]]
    Shows routes through the city; for more than one route, add a space and then the road sign image through the |minorr1= parameter lines before the closing brackets, incrementing the numeric suffix as needed ("1" becomes "2", then "3", etc.). See Wikivoyage:Routebox navigation for more detailed instructions.
    Routes through Template index
    End  W  E  BrandonOrlando
    AtlantaOcala  N  S  BradentonMiami
    End at  N  S  ClearwaterSt.Petersburg
    AtlantaBrooksville  N  S  BradentonMiami

    {{Pagebanner|image}} Defines the details for the banner at the top of each article

     | location = LocationSingapore.png | capital = Singapore
     | currency = Singapore dollar (SGD)
     | population = 4,425,720 (July 2005 est.)
     | electricity = 230V/50Hz (British plug) | callingcode = +65
     | timezone = UTC +8 | emergencies = 999 | driving side = left

    Displays the quick reference box for country pages (not for use anywhere else). All parameters are optional and should be explicitly set only as a purposeful override to the Wikidata properties normally sourced by the template.
    Capital Singapore
    Currency Singapore dollar (SGD)
    Population 4,425,720 (July 2005 est.)
    Electricity 230V/50Hz (British plug)
    Country code +65
    Time zone UTC +8
    Emergencies 999
    Driving side left
     | regionmap = Macao-map.png
     | regionmaptext = Districts of Macau | regionmapsize = 250px
     | region1name = [[Macau/Peninsula|Macau Peninsula]]
     | region1color = #d56d76 | region1items =
     | region1description = The peninsula in the north.
     | region2name = [[Macau/Taipa|Taipa]]
     | region2color = #d5dc76 | region2items =
     | region2description = The northern island.
     | region3name = [[Macau/Cotai|Cotai]]
     | region3color = #d09440 | region3items =
     | region3description = A strip of reclaimed land.
     | region4name = [[Macau/Coloane|Coloane]]
     | region4color = #71b37b | region4items =
     | region4description = The southern island.
    Shows regions and a map of a huge city, country or region article.
    Districts of Macau
      Macau Peninsula
    The peninsula in the north.
    The northern island.
    A strip of reclaimed land.
    The southern island.
    {{PrintDistricts}} Add to articles using the Huge city article template ({{Hugecity skeleton}}) to point out that listings are on separate district pages; should be placed at the top the article's content.
    {{SeeDistricts}} Add to the top of each of the Sleep, Eat, Drink, Do and See listing sections of huge cities; indicates that listings are to be found within the district articles of the city.
    Individual listings can be found in Template index's district articles
    {{Attribution|[[User:Evan|Evan]],|Sapphire,|Phil}} Identifies external sources that contributed content to the article to comply with the attribution requirement of the Creative Commons BY-SA licenses; place at the bottom of an article.
    This article may contain pieces contributed by people external to Wikivoyage, namely: Evan, Sapphire, Phil

    {{Joke}} Indicates that an article was written as an April Fool's Day joke, and that no more edits should be made; place at the top of an article's content.
     | 2010
     | The next Olympics will be held in [[London 2012|London in 2012]].
    Indicates that an article was written for an event that has since concluded and that no more edits should be made; place at the top of an article's content.
    Template index: This event occurred in 2010 and is no longer open to the public. The next Olympics will be held in London in 2012.
    {{LunarNewYeardates}} Lists the names and dates of the upcoming Lunar years according to the Chinese calendar.
    Lunar New Year dates

    The year of the Dragon began on 4 Feb 2024 at 16:25, and the Lunar New Year was on 10 Feb 2024

    • The year of the Snake will begin on 3 Feb 2025 at 22:10, and the Lunar New Year will be on 29 January 2025
    • The year of the Horse will begin on 4 Feb 2026 at 4:02, and the Lunar New Year will be on 17 Feb 2026

    Contrary to popular belief, the change of the zodiac does not occur on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but instead occurs on Li Chun (立春 lì chūn), the traditional Chinese start of spring.

    {{Ramadandates}} Lists the dates of Ramadan.

    Ramadan is the 9th and holiest month in the Islamic calendar and lasts 29–30 days. Muslims fast every day for its duration and most restaurants will be closed until the fast breaks at dusk. Nothing (including water and cigarettes) is supposed to pass through the lips from dawn to sunset. Non-Muslims are exempt from this, but should still refrain from eating or drinking in public as this is considered very impolite. Working hours are decreased as well in the corporate world. Exact dates of Ramadan depend on local astronomical observations and may vary somewhat from country to country. Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

    • 1 March – 29 March 2025 (1446 AH)
    • 18 February – 19 March 2026 (1447 AH)
    • 8 February – 8 March 2027 (1448 AH)
    • 28 January – 25 February 2028 (1449 AH)

    If you're planning to travel to Template index during Ramadan, consider reading Travelling during Ramadan.


    Displays text in a language other than English with the correct wiki syntax around it. 須賀川

    {{Flag|United States}}

    Displays the national flag of the given country. United States


    Displays the boilerplate text needed in the Get in section of the article for every Schengen member. Template index is a member of the Schengen Agreement. See Travelling around the Schengen Area for more information on how the scheme works, what countries are members and what the requirements are for your nationality. In summary:
    • There are normally no immigration controls between countries that have signed and implemented the treaty; there may be such controls temporarily, such as in connection with important events and various crises.
    • There may be identity checks before boarding international flights or ferries, even between Schengen countries, carried out by the operators.
    • Citizens of the EEA countries and Switzerland do not need visas for travelling in the Schengen area, and may stay up to 90 days with no requirements other than having a valid ID card or passport. See European Union#EEA citizens.
    • Normal visas granted by any Schengen member are valid in all countries that have signed and implemented the treaty (with exceptions for some overseas territories). The granting country may offer additional rights (such as longer stays or right to work) that apply only locally.


    Displays the boilerplate text needed in the Buy section of every country using the Euro as an official currency. Template index uses the euro, like several other European countries. One euro is divided into 100 cents. The official symbol for the euro is €, and its ISO code is EUR. There is no official symbol for the cent.

    All banknotes and coins of this common currency are legal tender within all the countries, except that low-denomination coins (one and two cent) are phased out in some of them. The banknotes look the same across countries, while coins have a standard common design on the reverse, expressing the value, and a national country-specific design on the obverse. The obverse is also used for different designs of commemorative coins. The design of the obverse does not affect the coin's acceptability.

    Maps, listings and geocoding

    These templates are used to generate points of interest for dynamic maps, geographic co-ordinates and individual listings.

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display

    | name=Exploratorium | url=https://www.exploratorium.edu/
    | email= | address=Pier 15, 698 The Embarcadero
    | lat=37.8013 | long=-122.3988 | directions=at Green St
    | phone=+1 415 528-4360 | tollfree= | fax=
    | hours=Tu-Su 10AM-5PM; open W until 10PM, closed M
    | price=Adults: $25, Students/seniors/youth: $19,
    Children age 5 and under: Free
    | content=A great kid friendly option, with lots of
    interactive exhibits teaching about science,
    with intriguing displays about the mind, natural systems,
    sound, sight, and much much more.

    Used to display a See listing in hCard microformat. 1 Exploratorium, Pier 15, 698 The Embarcadero (at Green St), +1 415 528-4360. Tu-Su 10AM-5PM; open W until 10PM, closed M. A great kid friendly option, with lots of interactive exhibits teaching about science, with intriguing displays about the mind, natural systems, sound, sight, and much much more. Adults: $25, Students/seniors/youth: $19, Children age 5 and under: Free.

    {{do | …}}
    {{buy | …}}
    {{eat | …}}
    {{sleep | …}}
    {{drink | …}}
    {{go | …}}]]
    {{listing | …}}

    Used to display a Do/Buy/Eat/Drink/Sleep listing in hCard microformat, similar to {{see | …}}. The base template is {{listing}}, all other hCards are derived from it. Co-ordinates may be specified for use on dynamic maps.
    {{marker|type=|name=|lat=|long=}} Specifies the latitude and longitude of a point of interest for inclusion on a dynamic map. Similar to {{listing}} but provides just a name and co-ordinates for inclusion inline with text. 1 Palace of Fine Arts
    {{mapframe|lat|long|zoom=|height=|width=|layer=|staticmap=|align=|name=}} Displays a PoiMap2 dynamic map on the current page using OpenStreetMap and co-ordinates from listings and markers.
    {{PoiMap2detail|lat|long|zoom=|layer=|Description}} Links to a PoiMap2 dynamic map without embedding it in the current page. Useful for long itinerary where multiple "Detailed map" links may be needed to cover the entire route in detail.
    Detailed map
    {{geo|lat|long}} Specifies the latitude and longitude of the page/city location and adds a "Map" icon to the upper-right corner of the article page that links to the same full-screen dynamic OpenStreetMap as the {{PoiMap2detail}} template above. Full screen dynamic map


    Used to display icons indicating the services available at listings in hCard microformat. Food Fuel Lodging Toilets EV Charger Convenience store icon Handicapped accessible

    Talk pages

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{talk page}} Talk page of a Wikivoyager
    This is a Wikivoyage talk page.

    If you find this page on any site other than Wikivoyage, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikivoyage itself. The original page is located at https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyage:Template_index.

    {{swept}} Indicates if a discussion has been swept in from the Traveller's Pub
    Swept in from the pub
    {{subst:unsigned|username}} Annotates unsigned posts to make discussions easier to follow. This template must be substituted. —The preceding comment was added by DenisYurkin (talkcontribs)
    {{subst:wikipedian}} Welcomes a new user believed to be familiar with Wikipedia on their user talk page. This template must be substituted. Hello, Template index! Welcome to Wikivoyage...
    {{subst:welcome}} Welcomes a new user on their user talk page. This template must be substituted. Hello, Template index! Welcome to Wikivoyage...
    {{subst:welcomebusiness}} Welcomes a new user (likely business owner) on their user talk page. This template must be substituted. Hello, Template index! Welcome to Wikivoyage...Please also have a look at welcome, business owners, welcome, tourism professionals and the don't tout guidelines.
    {{subst:tout}} Tells a new user that they have been touting, and explains way. This template, also, must be substituted. Hello, Template index! Thank you for contributing to Wikivoyage, but please note that one or more of your recent edits has been reverted...
    {{talk archive}} Marks a page as an archive that should not be edited.
    {{airport expedition}} Indicates an article is part of the Airport Expedition
    {{Wikipedia|WP article name}} Identifies content reused from articles on Wikipedia, also to comply with the Attribution requirement of the Creative Commons BY-SA license. Placed at the talk page of the article, as stated in the template's description. If you place it in the article itself it will not produce anything.
    This article contains content imported from the English Wikipedia article on Portugal. View the page revision history for a list of the authors.

    User pages

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{User page}} Identify a page as belonging to the Userspace of a Wikivoyager
    This is a Wikivoyage user page.

    If you find this page on any site other than Wikivoyage, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikivoyage itself. The original page is located at https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyage:Template_index.

    {{Interwiki}} Display a table with links and images to a Wikivoyager's user page on the other Wikivoyage sister projects
    Template index's Wikimedia accounts:
    Commons Wikipedia Wiktionary Wikibooks Wikinews Wikivoyage
    Wikisource Wikiquote Wikiversity Wikispecies Meta Foundation

    All images, files, etc. on Wikivoyage must be published according to our copyleft. When uploading a file it is imperative that you select a compatible license:

    Wiki Markup Purpose Template Display
    {{cc-by-sa-1.0}} the default license for Wikivoyage before 2010
    Some rights reserved Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms in Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0. The full text of this license may be found here: CC by-sa 1.0 Attribution-Share-a-like

    Some rights reserved Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms in Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0. The full text of this license may be found here: CC by-sa 2.0 Attribution-Share-a-like

    Some rights reserved Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms in Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5. The full text of this license may be found here: CC by-sa 2.5 Attribution-Share-a-like

    {{cc-by-sa-3.0}} the default license for Wikivoyage from 2010
    Some rights reserved Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms in Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0. The full text of this license may be found here: CC by-sa 3.0 Attribution-Share-a-like

    {{cc-by-sa-all}} licenses the image under all current and future versions of cc-by-sa
    Some rights reserved Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike version 1.0 or any later version. The full text of these licenses may be found here:
    CC by-sa 1.0, CC by-sa 2.0, CC by-sa 2.5, CC by-sa 3.0, CC by-sa 4.0

    {{dual-gfdl-cc-by-sa-3.0}} for images licensed under both cc-by-sa 3.0 and GFDL
    Some rights reserved This picture is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 3.0 and any later versions, and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Attribution-Share-a-like

    {{dual-gfdl-cc-by-sa-any}} for images licensed under any version of cc-by-sa and GFDL
    Some rights reserved This picture is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and any later versions, and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Attribution-Share-a-like

    {{cc-zero}} for images licensed under the CC-0 Public Domain dedication
    {{PD-author}} use this if the author of the image has released it into the Public Domain
    {{PD-old}} use this if the image is in the public domain because the author died more than 70 years ago
    {{PD-self}} use this if you are the author of the image, and have released it into the Public Domain
    {{PD-USGov}} use this if it is an image created by an employee of the US federal government, during the course of their duties
    {{Non-free image|articles=
    For non-free images uploaded locally
    {{Wikivoyage-screenshot}} For screenshots uploaded locally

    {{License review|~~~|~~~~~}} Indicating the license of a file has been verified by an administrator or reviewer

    Inserting boilerplate text

    Wikivoyage has a number of article skeletons that can be used to format articles. The following substitution texts can be used to quickly insert the article skeleton template into newly created articles. When the article is saved the shortcut is replaced with the text. This is a one-off substitution and can only be undone by deleting the inserted text - use with care.

    Nomination templates

    These templates are used on Wikivoyage-namespace pages to help unify the presentation of nominations and other internal site processes.

    | place=Place Name
    | status=articlestatus
    | time=featuretime
    | comment=Commentary
    | nominatedBy=~~~~
    | DotMImage=Image
    | DotMBlurb=BlurbForFrontPage
    This template is used for nominations on the Wikivoyage:Destination of the Month candidates page.

    Place: Nusa Lembongan
    Blurb: {{{blurb}}} (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: star (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: June-September would be best
    Nominated by: LtPowers 10:56, 8 September 2011 (EDT)
    Comment: This is one of my absolute favorite places because they have sideways fish that look like blended wing body airplanes.


    The following special templates were used by Wikitravel Press to control the appearance of printed text. They have no impact on the appearance of articles and can be safely ignored. They are retained for possible future use in other printed travel guides.

    Add an entry to the index for this point
    Force a page break here

    Policy pages

    {{historical}} Marks a policy page as historical and not in active use.
    {{nutshell|text}} Describes a certain policy in a nutshell. It is placed at the top of a policy page.
    • {{IsPartOf}} Generation of breadcrumbs for destination article.
    • {{PartOfTopic}} Generation of breadcrumbs for travel topic article.
    • {{PartOfItinerary}} Generation of breadcrumbs for itinerary article (single continent level).

    Graffiti wall

    Similar to Wikivoyage:Graffiti wall, you can use Template:Graffiti wall to play with a major edit to existing template before making it live for an existing (and widely used) template.


    {{cbignore}} – A no-op template marking an URL to be ignored by bots that would otherwise mark it as dead. This can be relevant for sites that misbehave when accessed by bots. When seen on editing, you might want to check manually that the link works.

    See also


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