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User talk:Riwnodennyk Voyage Tips and guide

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    Hello, Riwnodennyk! Welcome to Wikivoyage.

    To help get you started contributing, we've created a tips for new contributors page, full of helpful links about policies and guidelines and style, as well as some important information on copyleft and basic stuff like how to edit a page. If you need help, check out Help, or post a message in the travellers' pub. New users are also welcome to post any questions or concerns to the arrivals lounge. If you want some practice editing, please do so on our graffiti wall. If you are familiar with Wikipedia, take a look over some of the differences here. If you want to contribute with information about the place where you live, see Wikivoyage:Welcome, locals. SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta.wikimedia) 12:34, 10 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

    Naming conventions, when not to plunge forward


    Hello, Riwnodennyk. I join in welcoming you. However, I also want to mention that there is a flip side of this site's plunge forward recommendations - when not to plunge forward. Please read Wikivoyage:Naming conventions. This is an English-language guidebook. We use the most common English-language spellings, regardless of what spelling is official locally in a country. And I've never seen any spelling other than Odessa. So please use that spelling. I am going to move the article back. If you think you have a case to argue that the spelling with one S is used more often in English, start a thread at Talk:Odessa and see if you can convince a consensus. I don't think you'll be able to, but you're welcome to try, and if you do, then and only then will we change the name we use.

    While I'm at it, it's because of the chaos after the Russian Revolution that Ukraine was able to briefly assert its independence. The explanation is clear: Russia was distracted, so it couldn't assert its domination during those years. Changing that to "the chaos after the Ukrainian Revolution" makes the passage pretty nonsensical.

    Thanks, and all the best,

    Ikan Kekek (talk) 18:15, 11 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

    And now, you're trying to claim the spelling Odessa is never used in English anymore, whereas note my remarks from 3 1/2 years ago! I also just made a bunch of edits to Ukraine for accuracy and per Wikivoyage:Be fair#Political disputes. Ukraine is fighting for its life. I personally strongly support your struggle. But this is a travel guide, not a place for political polemics, regardless of what's going on anyplace. Reporting accurately on threats to life and limb that are relevant to travelers is good; using phrases like "Soviet occupation" is unnecessary and puts a travel guide in a position of taking sides in a polemical argument about the nature of a decades-long period of history. Please stop doing that on this site. Thanks, and stay safe! Ikan Kekek (talk) 16:12, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
    Hi @Ikan Kekek! As of now, "Odessa" spelling has been outdated, and travelling users should be informed about that fact. Referencing "Odessa" as alternative is misleading Riwnodennyk (talk) 17:06, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
    This is English-language Wikivoyage, not Ukrainian-language Wikivoyage. I'm not arguing that "Odessa" is used more often in English-speaking countries like the U.S. anymore, but it is not "outdated." Ikan Kekek (talk) 17:25, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
    Also, as you know these edits of yours are controversial, don't use "fix grammar" as edit summary, but write something like "name change: Odessa → Odesa". Others may or may not agree on your edits, but trying to sneak such edits in makes you seem in opposition to the community – you lost my sympathy. –LPfi (talk) 19:29, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply
    Ok Riwnodennyk (talk) 21:01, 6 March 2025 (UTC)Reply


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