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Camino de Santiago Voyage Tips and guide

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    The Camino de Santiago (in English also The Way of St. James, Galician: O Camiño de Santiago, Ruta Xacobea), often referred to colloquially as simply the Camino in English or El Camino in Spanish, is one of the most important Christian pilgrimages in Europe and increasingly famous throughout the world, with Santiago de Compostela, Spain, as the final destination. In 2024 there were about half a million pilgrims recorded along the routes.

    While originally a Christian pilgrimage, the Camino is nowadays often undertaken with cultural, spiritual or personal motives, not necessarily religious ones. Unlike most other pilgrimages, in which only the pilgrimage place is important, the journey itself also plays a big role. For many it is about the challenge, nature, switching off from everyday life, or self-reflection. You can do it regardless of your confessional background; many of the people you meet on the trail are not really religious, some are of other faiths. Most pilgrims are open-minded.


    The west façade of the Santiago de Compostela cathedral is where pilgrims of this route end their journey.

    The pilgrimage goes to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in north-western Spain, where tradition has it that the remains of the apostle Saint James are buried. According to the legend, after being executed by King Herod in 44 AD in Jerusalem, St. James' body was taken by boat to Galicia, where he had been preaching prior to his return to Israel, and carried inland to where Santiago de Compostela is now. The discovery of his tomb in the 10th century by the king of Asturias led to the advent of a pilgrimage route from all across Europe that ends here. The pilgrimage is believed by some to be one of three pilgrimages for which the sins of the pilgrim will be forgiven, the other two being to Rome and the Holy Land.

    European pilgrims have been going on foot or by sea from their home countries to Santiago de Compostela. Since the turn of the millennium however, the trail has increased in popularity among non-Europeans and non-Christians through depictions in various books and movies. Since then, facilities for wayfinding and accommodation have gotten significantly better to cater more visitors.

    There are several routes that can be taken, the most popular being the French Way, which begins in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France. The routes have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Other popular routes include the Portuguese Way from Porto, the Primitive Way, and the Northern Way. It is however very common to start significantly closer; to get a certificate of accomplishment (compostela), one needs to walk or ride on horseback for at least the final 100 km to Santiago or cycle for at least 200 km.

    These starting points offer the distance of at least 100 km:

    • Sarria on the Camino Francés
    • Tui / Valança on the Camino Portuguese
    • Vigo on the Camino Portuguese da Costa
    • Vilalba on the Camino del Norte
    • Lugo on the Camino Primitivo
    • Ferrol on the Camino Ingles by skipping A Coruña
    • Ourense on the Via de la Plata
    • Fisterra via Muxía on the Camino de Finisterre

    In media


    The Camino de Santiago has been prominently featured in numerous media, signifying the importance of the spiritual journey on its tracks.

    • The Pilgrimage (Paulo Coelho, 1987). Coelho, failing a test to become a master in his esoteric order, journeys along the Camino de Santiago to recover a sacred sword that symbolizes his spiritual fulfillment. Guided by his mentor, Petrus, Coelho encounters various challenges and profound experiences that force him to confront his fears, desires, and doubts.
    • The Way (Emilio Estevez, 2010). Originally reaching the French Camino to retrieve his son's deceased body, Thomas Avery (Martin Sheen) ends up walking the whole route to cope with grief. In the process, his journey is accompanied with five other pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela, each with their own stories and purpose of walking the way.
    • Pilgrimage (BBC Two, 2018). In the first series of this documentary, seven UK celebrities experiences the spiritual and physical challenges of the way.



    Since the route choice and starting points are completely arbitrary, it is up to you to decide by factoring in the time you have to your disposal, the season, the terrain, the trail surfaces, the infrastructure along the way, and whether you want to often walk with other people or have the trail mostly to yourself.

    By far the most pilgrims start on the Camino Frances in Sarria, so this section to Santiago is the busiest. Somewhat busy are the sections from Porto to Santiago, from León to Sarria as well as from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port through the Pyrenees. All other trails have fewer pilgrims.

    An average person generally hikes 20 km per day, however, you can adjust depending on your general health conditions; it is not uncommon for pilgrims to pace slower, rest for at least one day in a town, or skip to another using a bus or train. If you are slow hiker, pick a route on which the accommodations are nearby. On these routes most albergues (hostels) are max. 10 km away from each other: Camino Frances, C. del Norte, C. Finisterre, C. Portugués da Costa, C. Portugués from Porto, C. Ingles from Ferrol, C. Primitivo from Oviedo to Grandas de Salime, and C. Mozárabe from Almeria to Granada.

    When to go


    Generally all caminos can be travelled all year round. Check the climate diagram of some towns of a route, so you get an impression of the temperatures and the rainfall. Take into account that a mountain pass is colder than a nearby town in a valley. On the caminos the winter months are usually pretty cold during the night and in the morning.

    Many accommodations are closed during November to March, with a few more open during April and October. During this time, you might have to walk slightly further than normal. At the most common stopover points however, there is always at least one open place, especially the municipal hostel.

    • If any route can be suggested all—year—round, it's the Camino a Finisterre.
    • In February, these routes can be suggested: Camino Frances from Sarria, the Camino Portugues between Lisbon and Porto, the Silver Route between Seville and Mérida, and the Camino Ingles.
    • From March to June all routes offer good weather, although it will still be rainy at times in Galicia.
    • In July and August, all routes offer good weather, although the northern coast or the Portuguese coastal route would be the most ideal thanks to the sea breeze. Finding accommodation at both routes can however be a challenge as the same places of stay for the pilgrims can be rented out for domestic tourists. Meanwhile, the Via de La Plata at the desert can be excruciatingly hot and dry.
    • In September and October all caminos are worth a hike. Watch out however for rain at times on the northern Spain and Galicia.

    In general, it is also advisable to start and end your journey outside the weekends, as local pilgrims would likely arrive after and before their work days, respectively.

    The next holy years are in 2027, 2032, 2038 and 2049. In these years the sections of the last 100 km to Santiago have about the double number of pilgrims, so finding accommodation will be more difficult. If you don't have a religious motivation, but want to have the certificate, the holy years are better avoided. If you neither have a religious motivation nor want to have the certificate, hike in a holy year only on sections that are more than 100 km away from Santiago. The holy years should not be confused with the Catholic jubilee years, which are celebrated every 25 or 50 years, with extraordinary jubilees in addition depending on need. The jubilee years don't have any effect on the number of pilgrims who hike to Santiago.


    At the trail, you don't need to bring more than what you think you need!

    As this itinerary involves multiple days of long walking and staying in 'rudimentary' facilities along the way, it is a very good idea to travel light by bringing only the bare essentials. In general, the following items are recommended:

    • A compact sleeping bag or in summer, a sleeping bag liner
    • At most two hiking trousers, preferably with zip off legs
    • At most three pieces of each upper body clothing, quick dry at best (Many facilities provide laundry to wash your clothes.)
    • A towel, quick dry at best
    • A raincoat or poncho, and a warm coat if necessary
    • From April to September: a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen or day creme with sun protection factor (due to a high UV index in these months)
    • Vaseline or deer tallow cream (to be rubbed on feet for blister prevention)
    • At least two footwear (one for hiking and one for hostel, as most would ask to take off outside shoes)
    • A phone and its charger (In addition to take a photo, you can use it to download apps that list villages near you and accommodation options, in addition to a way finder if you get lost or stay somewhere off the trail.)
    • A water bottle. (There are fountains along the way or you can fill up with tap water for free at Spanish restaurants)
    • Toiletries as allowed for your flight
    • Necessary & emergency medication
    • For blister pretreatment, a moleskin tape or blister cushion
    • (optional) Headlights or flashlight for early morning hike or if rummaging through your items at night
    • (optional) earplugs, especially if sleeping in shared accommodation

    Walking long distance for multiple days carries the risk of blisters forming due to the friction between your hot and damp feet and footwear or socks. Good footwear is essential for conquering the terrain, but make sure you wear it in before the trip to avoid blisters early on the journey. If blisters do show up, cover them with moleskin tape or blister cushions and treat with vaseline. A hiking stick would also be helpful to support your legs, especially on steeper terrain and decline.

    All of your items should fit in a hiking backpack and should weigh no more than 10% of your body weight. Suitcases are not ideal as you will walk on all types of roads, from asphalt to dirt to cobblestone. Alternatively, you can bring a suitcase or a large backpack that can be brought to your destination albergue by a luggage delivery service from the Spanish postal service (Correos) or other agencies for €5 to €7 per piece and walk the road with a daypack. Another service can also offer you to bring them to Santiago de Compostela and hold them for two weeks to one month, perfect if you plan to undergo another excursion after walking the Camino.

    Passport and stamps

    St. James pilgrim passport stamps in Spain for the Camino Frances

    While bringing a normal passport is necessary if for cross-country travel, a special pilgrim's passport (Spanish: credencial)is the document that can get you a compostela certificate for having walked the Camino. Even if you do not wish to get the certificate, however, this can be a perfect memento for your long travels. Some albergues require it to permit you to stay in their facility, or to give you a reduced pilgrims' price.

    This passport can usually be obtained at a pilgrim offices such as those operated by cathedrals along the way or Friends of the Camino, or before your departure online or from similar organizations in your home country. At each albergue, and sometimes in city centres and places to eat or drink, pilgrims receive a unique stamp on their passport, serving as proof that the pilgrim actually walked through the city or town in question. The passport also proves to the albergue owner that the passport holder is a true pilgrim, not just someone looking for a cheap place to stay.

    Stamps are also a way for cities and albergues to make their literal mark on a pilgrim's Santiago journey. To get a compostela at the end of your trip, you must have on your pilgrim's passport at least two stamps per day of travel. In Santiago de Compostela, shops will offer to emplasticar or laminate the passport to make a souvenir.



    By yourself


    A majority of pilgrims past and present organize their long hike themselves, from following a guide book religiously (pun intended) to coming with no reservations at all. In both cases however, you have to be relatively flexible, especially if you cannot figure out yet how far you can walk per day, or if you want to stick to someone you meet on your journey.

    By tour operators


    Many tour operators will arrange an accommodation for you from the get go, taking into account how much you can walk per day. When you arrive, you can simply walk with no rush to your intended destination. In many cases, they also offer backpack transport between your overnight accommodations.



    Talking amongst pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago is a fundamental part of the experience. Conversations can be deeply personal, casual, or even spiritual, depending on the people involved. Many pilgrims are open to sharing their personal stories, motivations, and struggles regarding the pilgrimage and life. The Camino fosters a sense of trust and camaraderie, allowing for conversations that might not happen in everyday life. The pilgrimage naturally creates an environment where people feel safe to speak openly and listen deeply.

    Discussions range from practical topics like where to eat and local specialties, differences between the routes, origin and culture of somebody, weather of the upcoming day, walked distance and accommodations to deeper themes such as personal transformation, life challenges, focussing on what's important in someone's life, and plans after the pilgrimage. Encounters are often brief and serendipitous. You might talk with someone for a few minutes, hours, or even days before parting ways, sometimes without ever exchanging names.

    While many enjoy talking, there is also a shared understanding that silence is valuable. Some walk in quiet contemplation, and others might choose specific days for silent walking.



    English is generally spoken among the pilgrims, in many albergues, and in the office at Santiago de Compostela where you can get your certificate. Depending on the population and the popularity of the route, many establishments along the way may have some staff that understand at least basic English. Should you require help from the locals however, picking up some basic native phrases, especially Spanish (or Portuguese if you are in Portugal, French in France), will come in very handy.

    Get in

    Main routes to Santiago de Compostela with dedicated accommodations for pilgrims

    By plane


    Depending on which route you are taking, the closest major international airport you can fly in to would be Biarritz, Bordeaux, Paris or Toulouse in France, Barcelona, Bilbao or Madrid in Spain, and Lisbon or Porto in Portugal. With the exception of Lisbon and Porto, which lay directly along the Portuguese Camino, and Bilbao directly on the Northern Camino, you have to connect using land transport to the towns along the routes.

    Smaller airports on the route that can also be of use are Zaragoza, Pamplona, San Sebastián, Logroño, Burgos (unserved as of April 2023), Santander, León, Oviedo-Asturias, Salamanca, Bragança, A Coruña, and Vigo.

    At the end of the route, Santiago de Compostela has an airport that offers domestic flights and international flights within Europe.

    By ship


    From Plymouth and Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, there is a ferry service to Santander and Bilbao at the Northern Camino.

    By train


    Most major towns along the route are well connected by train, including traditional starting points for the short hikes like Sarria for the French Camino, Tui for the Portuguese Camino, and Ferrol for the short English Camino.

    For the official start of the French Camino at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, you can get in via Bayonne. The TGV train to Bayonne also usually terminates at Hendaye, the official start of the Northern Camino.

    Santiago de Compostela also has a frequent train connection to other Galician cities, in addition to the high-speed Avant and Alvia trains to Madrid and Barcelona.

    By bus


    Most towns and villages around the route are served well by major operators or public transport from major towns in Spain and Portugal.

    On foot


    Traditionally, continental European pilgrims would walk from the doorsteps of their home all the way to Santiago de Compostela. Even today, there are designated Jacobian shell signs outside Spain & Portugal that point out these specific routes. Many hikers, especially retirees, do take out time to walk or bike along this route either in its entirety for months or incrementally by continuing from where they left off.


    View from Alto del Perdón

    There is neither a set number of days one needs for walking the route nor set points where you should start or end the journey. You can even start and finish the route somewhere and continue where you left off whenever you wish to. However, a majority of pilgrims walk the final 100 km to Santiago or cycle for at least 200 km, to obtain the compostela, which would take at most one week. Plan on spending approximately one month for walking the whole route; the English Camino is doable also in one week thanks to its shorter distance.

    There are however great rewards for starting much further away. With a long journey, you will meet plenty of pilgrims from many nationalities, with whom you can strike a deep conversation or stick along during your walk, and they may end up at the dinner table with you or rest in the same accommodation on that same evening. Other times you can simply switch to another group should you have a change of interest or with whom you can walk at the same pace. Sometimes you may even bump into someone you met a couple of legs before; other times you may receive help from a stranger or give a help, only to never be seen again. At times you will also walk alone, where you can use the opportunity to appreciate the silence and view, reflect & pray, or be inspired from the music or podcast you listen to. The spirit of the Camino is said to be present more on what is happening during the walk itself rather than its final destination at Santiago de Compostela.


    Which way to go? Simply follow the shell!

    Once on the Camino, the pilgrim has three duties: to sleep, to eat, and to walk. Those duties are made less onerous by paying attention to the quality of the path, a large number of bars, restaurants, and cafes, and the albergues. There is no required minimum of distances to walk per day and you can call it a day whenever and wherever you wish. Most people walk an average of 25 kilometres every day, equivalent to a 6 to 7-hour walk depending on the pace and length of break.

    Alternatively it is possible to walk the Camino with various travel companies that have set itineraries and will transfer your luggage between your overnight locations, leaving you free to enjoy the Camino in style and comfort.



    More and more pilgrims decide to come to Santiago by bike, it's the second most used way of doing it. The first thing that you have to bear in mind is that it's not possible to do all the original way by bike; sometimes you will have to change the route a little bit to get to the end of the stages.

    Before starting, you have to decide what route to follow, and also the season in which to go. There is no perfect route for a cyclist; all of them have easy parts and other parts that are more difficult. Nevertheless, the easiest ways for cyclist are the French Way and the English Way. As for in which season to do it, it would be perfect in spring or autumn, avoiding the hardest months of the year: November, December and January; during these months, there's snow in many stages of the way. Avoid the hottest months: July and August, because you could suffer a heat stroke.

    Public transport


    While the ideal way to traverse the route is on foot, those who wish to expedite their journey to rejoin a group or skip stages with boring views, can make use of public transport along the way. However these are mostly local buses that are slow, infrequent, and do not cover the route as a whole. In the leg from Pamplona to Astorga along the French Way, there are buses that run almost every hour from dawn to dusk.


    On certain routes there are stands with a generous food donation
    See also: Spanish cuisine
    See also: Portuguese cuisine

    Depending on the village, there is usually at least one cafe that provide a simple breakfast such as a simple piece of pastry with coffee for only €2.

    During lunch and dinner, many restaurants serve "pilgrim's menu" (menú del peregrino) or simply "today's menu" (menú del dia) that consists of a three-course-meal plus a choice of drink for usually €15. These are however more often of standard or cheap quality; consider also regional specialties that are often more delicious for a similar price. During siesta time (usually 4 to 7PM), kitchens are normally closed and choices are typically limited to cold sandwiches (bocadillo), potato omelet (tortilla de patatas) and drinks. Those missing fast food and international flavours however, may struggle to find one until arriving in the larger towns.

    Many hostels, especially those located in villages with few or no restaurants, organize a so-called community dinner exclusively for staying patrons for an additional fee, usually also containing a three-course menu with wine or water. Because of the intimate atmosphere, this time is typically used by pilgrims to get to know each other.

    If self-cater is your choice, many also have a kitchen for meal preparation and a dining area, while some have only a sink and a microwave. Supermarkets are available at almost every village and are open Monday to Saturday, although the smaller ones would close in the afternoon for siesta and open for shorter hours on Saturdays.

    On the way, there are sometimes a table set up with assorted snacks and drinks, all for a small donation from pilgrims.


    There are plenty of accommodation options on the trail

    The services for travellers vary between the busy legs in Spain and Portugal, and the routes leading to there. Specifically, in France you usually have to stay at normal hostels, gîtes etc., although you may get a pilgrim discount.

    A staple for the journey along the Camino is a stay at a hostel (albergue in Spanish, auberge in French), where pilgrims spend the night to rest before continuing their journey the following day. While cheap, it has at least the basic necessities such as a bed in a shared room and a shower. Some also provide self-service laundry and a common kitchen. The common space offers a good opportunity to meet other pilgrims. However, noise can be an issue and earplugs are often necessary in case someone in your room snores really loud or making a noise while getting up early.

    Different types of hostels exist:

    • Those operated by the municipal government or churches are normally very cheap (usually €5–15/night as of Nov 2024). They offer a room that can have anything from a couple of bunk beds to hundreds of them. The toilets and showers are communal. Some are equipped with kitchen for self cooking, while the better ones also have a self-service laundry. These hostels accept guests on a first-come first-served basis, do not accept reservations, have a curfew and strict checkout times, and only allow a one-night stay.
    • Private hostels are slightly more expensive at €15–30/night (Nov 2024) but with better amenities, take reservations, and are usually more flexible with checkout times. Dinner is also offered for an additional cost. Some also offer private rooms.
    • Some accommodations are donation based, which as good as it sounds, does not necessarily mean a free pass! Give about €10 for the stay and 5€ per main meal (dinner, breakfast) you got. (updated November 2024)

    During peak season such as before Easter, St. James' day, local fiestas, and in summer, it is not uncommon that accommodations in some town are fully occupied—plan ahead by reserving in advance or starting your walk earlier, or change your destination to the preceding or following town. In exceptional cases, the village can arrange an alternative place to sleep, such as laying out mattresses in a sports or municipal hall. The hostels can also try calling other nearby accommodations to help you find a bed, should you show up at one where they have nothing left. In winter however, many of them are closed, forcing pilgrims to walk a little bit further than usual to find one.

    If you yearn for something more comfortable, some pensions and hostals can also be found along the way, with private rooms from €25 to €60 per night (Nov 2024). These are however mostly limited to the larger villages and towns; you will in most cases need to plan ahead and risk missing out on the pilgrims you meet on the way, with whom you wish to continue interacting.

    Camping along the way is uncommon considering the nature of the trip; to camp outside camping grounds you should seek landowner permission.



    This section is an attempt to encourage sharing practical information about travelling the Camino. Peregrinos or pèlerins (Spanish and French for "pilgrim") should feel free to use the information in this article and contribute to it. Albergues, restaurants and other accommodations all change with time, and this information should be updated accordingly.

    There are several different routes that can be called The Way of St. James, such as those listed below. There are also many stopping points along each route, and none are mandatory. The stopping points listed will vary for each peregrino, just like every peregrino's experience will be different. The route listings are by no means complete, but are an attempt to share information about the possibilities.


    The French Way

    The French Way
    Main article: French Way

    The French Way (Spanish: Camino Francés) is the most popular of the routes of the Way of St. James and thus has the best infrastructure. For a description of the route from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port across the French border, please refer to the main article. For the routes to there from different points in France, see Routes to Santiago de Compostela from France.

    While most of the route is fairly gentle with only a few long ascents, some days can be challenging. If one begins in France, the route passes over two major mountain chains and several smaller ones. There is a joke that the Camino never meets a mountain it doesn't cross. While that is not really true, there are many ascents and descents, and some of the latter can be quite steep. Over the past 20 years a great deal of effort has gone into improving the walkers' route, and most of the route is now well marked, reasonably well surfaced, and separated from the increasingly heavy traffic on Spanish highways.

    An avid pilgrim will most likely start this route from its official start at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port across the French border, while Spanish domestic travelers favor the start from Roncesvalles just before the border and the Pyrenees. Those who do not have one whole month to spare however, can spend as little as five days by starting from Sarria, only 116 km to Santiago de Compostela, enough coverage to obtain a certificate. In between, you can start from León or Astorga for easy access from Madrid and perfect for a two-week hike, and Pamplona or Logroño for the easiest access from Barcelona with a three-week hike.

    With an alternative starting point, the Aragonese Way comes down from the Somport pass in the Pyrenees and makes its way down through the old kingdom of Aragon, adjoining the French Way at Puente la Reina.

    The Portuguese Way

    A boardwalk on the Portuguese coastal Way: Coastal sand dunes of Póvoa de Varzim
    Main article: Portuguese Way

    The Portuguese Way is the second most popular Camino route, increasingly busy but still quieter by a huge margin than the French Way. This trail takes you from Lisbon in Portugal through Porto, crossing the Spanish border at Tui to Santiago de Compostela, although most people start the route from the latter two cities due to better infrastructure and a friendlier summer heat. Porto is a little more than 200 km from the goal, and Tui is 100 km away.

    From Porto, the route splits into a coastal route and an interior route, before rejoining at Redondela, just outside Vigo in Spain. You can however easily switch between both routes on the way for a change of scenery. While it does not have as many hills or mountains to conquer, the main challenge would be walking on asphalt or cobblestone through towns, which can stress your feet.

    The Northern Way

    Sea view on el Camino del Norte, approaching Onton

    The Northern Way (Camino del Norte) combs the northern rim of the Iberian peninsula along the Basque Country and Cantabria. Officially starting from Irún, it passes other large towns such as Bilbao, Santander, and Gijón. While being a more bearable option for a summer walk to escape the heat of the Spanish interior, it too has a fair share of ascents and descents, especially as you are away from the beach during the last 100 kilometers to Santiago de Compostela.

    The Original Way

    On the Camino Primitivo, you will pass through trails grazing the mountains of Northern Spain.

    The Original Way (Camino Primitivo) is the first ever documented trail to Santiago de Compostela, as stated by the historical manuscripts of the Spanish King Alfonso II in the 9th century. Directly cutting through the mountains with hilly contours and only a few villages and towns, it is often named the toughest Camino, yet the shorter distance than the Northern Way (321 km from Oviedo) and its quietness are the enticing factors.

    The English Way


    The English Way (Camino Inglés) is a relatively short Camino trail from the north, traditionally for pilgrims who traveled to Spain by sea and disembarked in Ferrol or A Coruña. To earn a compostela however, you must walk from Ferrol (114 km), as its larger counterpart, A Coruña, is only 75 km to Santiago de Compostela.

    Less travelled routes


    These routes are less frequented, still there are dedicated accommodations for walking pilgrims along the way.

    The Silver Route


    The Silver Route, or Via de la Plata, goes from Seville in Andalusia crossing the Extremadura region, Salamanca, and Zamora. From here, the route splits into two branches: one passing through Ourense and the other leading to Astorga where it joins the French Way. Walking the route for beginners and in the summer is not ideal due to the hot and arid summer weather, in addition to the accommodations that are rather far between. The total length of this camino is about 1,000 km.

    In 2024 about half of all pilgrims on the Via de la Plata started in Ourense, hiking only about 105 km to Santiago. On this section the accommodations are less far between.

    The Camino de Baztan


    A pilgrim interested in walking less crowded routes may consider starting before the more popular starting lines, including beginning in Bayonne and crossing the Valley of Baztan to Pamplona. This takes just under a week and is less travelled than the Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port route to Pamplona. Beware of the poorly marked trail during the last two days, though one needs only follow the valley.

    The Camino de Salvador


    This route is about 120 km long and connects the Camino Frances in León with the Camino Primitivo and the Camino Norte in Oviedo.

    The Camino Mozárabe


    The Camino Mozárabe starts in three different towns: Almería, Málaga and Jaén. The section between Almeria and Granada features the Tabernas Desert, the Sierra Nevada National Park, oasis villages and stunning views of snow capped mountains. Between Almeria and Granada most accommodations are max. 10 km away from each other making it suitable for slow hikers. In Mérida this camino joins the Silver Route.

    The Camino de Madrid


    The Camino de Madrid goes northwards from Madrid, through Segovia and near Valladolid, joining the Camino Francés at Sahagún.

    Other routes


    These routes have few or no dedicated accommodation for walking pilgrims which makes it necessary to pay normal hotel prices of around 60€ per night (as of 2025). Otherwise taking a bike is suggested to overcome the longer distances between the accommodations.

    The Catalan Way

    The Catalan ways of St. James and Ebro Way of Saint James
    Main article: Catalan Way of St. James

    The Catalan Way of St. James (Camí de Sant Jaume) is one of the pilgrimage routes within the broader Camino de Santiago, passing through Catalan lands. It consists of various paths that converge toward the Aragonese territories, passing through Montserrat, and diverge from Tàrrega toward Lleida, Alcarràs, and Zaragoza, connecting with the French Way of Saint James via Logroño, or toward Alfarràs, Jaca, and the Monastery of Sant Joan de la Penya, linking with the Aragonese Way.

    One major route originates at El Port de la Selva and Sant Pere de Rodes or Coll de Panissars and La Jonquera, heading towards Montserrat. Another route starts in Barcelona and leads to Montserrat. Additionally, there's a route from Tarragona to Lleida, passing through Santes Creus, l'Espluga de Francolí, Vallbona de les Monges, and Juneda, with a variant from Vallbona de les Monges to Castellnou de Seana. Lastly, there's a branch from Tortosa to Batea.

    The Ebro Way

    Main article: Ebro Way of St. James

    The Ebro Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago del Ebro, also known as the Camino Jacobeo del Ebro) is a symbolic route that begins at the mouth of the Ebro (specifically at a monument elevated on a small dune dedicated to the virgins of the Jacobean Route) and continues uphill. the course of the river from which it takes its name. In the city of Logroño it joins the French Way that comes from Roncesvalles. The Camino de Santiago del Ebro is very well signposted and runs in many sections along the GR-99 route, known as the Camino del Ebro. The route offers magnificent views of the Ebro Delta, passing through spectacular landscapes of Terra Alta, the arid areas of Bajo Cinca and Bajo Ebro or next to the great Mequinenza Reservoir. Its central axis is the city of Zaragoza and its Basilica del Pilar. This route is very pleasant in terms of slopes but hard in terms of shadows, which are scarce in all stages. It is considered an easy route to do by bicycle, for which it has accommodation and hostels in all stages.

    The Camino de Santiago de Soria


    Sometimes known as the Camino Castellano-Aragonés, this camino leaves the Camino del Ebro at Gallur and goes past Soria to Santo Domingo de Silos, where it joins the Camino de la Lana.

    The Camino de la Lana


    The Camino de la Lana (sometimes Ruta de la Lana), or wool road, leaves Alicante and heads mainly northwards for 670 km, joining the Camino Francés at Burgos.

    The Camino de Levante


    The Camino de Levante starts at Valencia and crosses Castile-La Mancha, passing through towns and cities including Toledo, El Toboso, Ávila and Medina del Campo, joining the Via de la Plata at Zamora.

    The Camino del Sureste


    The Camino del Sureste starts at Alicante and follows a broadly similar route as the Camino del Levante from Albacete until Medina del Campo, where the routes bifurcate, with the Sureste heading northwards to Tordesillas, joining the Via de la Plata at Benavente, while the Levante goes westwards to Toro and Zamora.

    The Camino de Torres


    The Camino de Torres starts in Salamanca, goes past Ciudad Rodrigo, crosses the Portuguese border near Almeida, continues past Braga and joins the Camino Portugués at Ponte de Lima.

    The Tunnel Way


    The Tunnel Way is also known as the Tunnel Route, the Basque Inland Route and the San Adrian Route.

    Stay healthy




    Because of the journey's nature, it is expected that this long walk for multiple days will test your fitness level to the limit. In summer, this is worsened by possible dehydration in the hot weather, in winter you have cold temperatures and rain or snow.

    Take it easy on the first few days of the hike, as your body adapts to this new fitness regiment over time. Rest as needed, preferably every two to three hours. And if your whole body feels tired by the afternoon, end your trip for the day and look for a place of stay if you haven't reserved any. A combination of too long daily walks and too heavy backpacks can cause problems, such as fatigue, shin splints or a pulled leg muscle, potentially delaying your plans or even terminating your trip early.

    Pharmacies are normally only found in the larger villages and are closed on Sundays, although some do open after-hours and Sundays for emergency. Common painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can be bought without prescription.



    Especially in summer, it is necessary to keep yourself hydrated while walking through the Spanish and Portuguese arid weather. Many built water sources can be found along the way; those that are not potable are always indicated with a cross sign on a tap or in writing. Be aware though that there are stages with no water fountains for at least ten kilometres. Otherwise, in Spain you can always ask for free tap water refills at restaurants (agua del grifo).



    Friction between your socks and shoes overtime can cause a burning sensation on your feet, causing blisters. See Hiking#Stay healthy for advice.

    Bed bugs


    Bed bugs are uncommon, but it can be a huge issue if a place suffers from it. Hiding in bed seams and dark places, they are active at night, biting the bloods of people that sleep. Bed bug bites are itching, flat and bumpy, with reddish lesions. These are commonly prevalent in the summer months, as more pilgrims bring items from outside, transporting a bug or its eggs with it. Once present, they easily spread to other visitors.

    To prevent bringing bed bugs on your bed, never place your backpack on the bed. Use the disposable sheet and pillow case even if you use a sleeping bag.

    In case you have a bug bite, assume that all your items are also infested. Alert staff at your current and following accommodation. At the nearest laundromat, wash all clothes in hot water and dryer with a temperature of at least 60 °C. Place your backpack and shoes in a large plastic bag and leave outside in the sun as long as possible. Get a cream and antihistamine at the nearest pharmacy.

    Stay safe


    The number for emergency services is 112. Spanish police such as the Guardia Civil in the countryside (emergency call 062) and Policía Nacional in towns (emergency call 091) do frequent patrols and stand by on the trail to check the wellbeing of pilgrims. If you cannot speak Spanish, it is recommended to use the Alertcops app to report incidents to police. The app is also useful in case you are lost on the trail and need rescue.



    Despite the religious aspect of the trail, it doesn't guarantee a 100% crime-free journey. In municipal albergues, there have been sporadic reports of property theft, in which locals posing as pilgrims check in to the albergue, steal money and documents from other pilgrims' bags, and leave in the middle of the night.

    Keep your backpack and all valuable items in a locker, if available. Otherwise, it is recommended to keep your documents and wallet on your side while sleeping, such as in the sleeping bag (some have pockets for this, but you can just have your wallet or money belt with you there) or under the pillow.



    If you have an existing subscription with an EU-based mobile provider, in most cases you should be able to use your minutes, SMS, and data package at no extra cost. This should save you the hassle of purchasing another SIM and a prepaid bundle. See European Union#Connect and check with your network provider.

    If you are coming from outside the EU and especially planning a long-term hike, it is worth comparing the roaming package of your home operator with a European SIM card. For supported unlocked phones, an eSIM is another alternative, for those without data included in their home country plan, which involves no swapping out of physical SIMs (don't forget to turn off the data on your regular SIM).

    Almost all hostals, hotels and private hostels provide Wi-Fi, while some municipal and parochial albergues do so.

    This itinerary to Camino de Santiago is a usable article. It explains how to get there and touches on all the major points along the way. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.


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