Has status [?] 30511 / 30510 = 100.003%
Should have status [?] 30507 / 30532 = 99.918%
Total check [?] 33102 / 33101 = 100.003%
Has {{geo}} coords [?] 28794 / 28863 = 99.761%
Has {{IsPartOf}} [?] 28863 / 28849 = 100.049%
Has {{IsPartOf}} param. [?] 28862 / 28863 = 99.997%
Has {{pagebanner}} [?] 33088 / 33096 = 99.976%
Has custom banner [?] 23045 / 30863 = 74.669%
Has standard banner [?] 2225 / 2223 = 100.09%
Cities with mapframe [?] 20376 / 20912 = 97.437%
Cities with routebox [?] 8530 / 20912 = 40.79%