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Wikivoyage:Maintenance panel Voyage Tips and guide

You can check the original Wikivoyage article Here

    This page brings together all maintenance-related items and statistics. Mouse over the underlined words for help.

    Pages and tools Special pages Maintenance categories Standard templates
    Problem #
       Banner to WD 893 ba 
       Banner image 7,804    
       Broken image 211    
       Cat-less region 12 or 
       City-ify 5 mc 
       Coord. error 2 ge 
       Crop banner 11 ba 
       Dead external link 7,261 dl 
       Dead link former 1,422 df 
       DeStar nominations 1 ds 
       District discuss. 4 dd 
       Diff Coord 292 dc 
       Districtify 26 md 
       Duplicate arg. 68    
       Email format 3 ef 
       Empty regions 15 or 
       Event 67 ev 
       Expt. categories 37 ex 
       Expt. templates 92 ex 
       Geo: param. 151 ge 
       Geo: zoom 48 ge 
       IATA code 463 ia 
       Lacks IPO cat. 50 ip 
       Lacks IPO par. 18 ip 
       Lacks POT cat. 20 pt 
       Lacks POT par. 1 pt 
       Lic. review 7 lr 
       Link to disamb. 1 ip 
       Marker without link 407  
       Merge 4 mg 
       Phone format 18 lf 
       Phone ctry. code 35 lc 
       Quickbar info. 43 qb 
       Region discuss. 4 rd 
       Routebox: icon 30 rb 
       Script error 12    
       Style 81 st 
       Translate 34 tl 
       Transcribe 3 ts 
       Vfd 4 vd 
       Warning box 117 wb 
       Wiki-pedia/data 2,757 wd 
        Blacklisted links 0    
        Convert error 0  
        Copy to Comm. 0 cc 
        Copyvio 0 cv 
        Exp. articles 0 ex 
        Has ref tags 0    
        Lacks WP link 0 nw 
        Merge tag errors 0 mg 
        Speedy 0 de 
        Touty 0 ad 

    Has status  [?]
    30325 / 30344 = 99.937%

    Should have status  [?]
    30315 / 30345 = 99.901%

    Total check  [?]
    32909 / 32928 = 99.942%

    Has {{geo}} coords  [?]
    28662 / 28705 = 99.85%

    Has {{IsPartOf}}  [?]
    28705 / 28687 = 100.063%

    Has {{IsPartOf}} param.  [?]
    28687 / 28705 = 99.937%

    Has {{pagebanner}}  [?]
    32910 / 32904 = 100.018%

    Has custom banner  [?]
    22893 / 30697 = 74.577%

    Has standard banner  [?]
    2213 / 2215 = 99.91%

    Cities with mapframe  [?]
    20139 / 20923 = 96.253%

    Cities with routebox  [?]
    8509 / 20923 = 40.668%

    Stub Outline Usable Guide Star Unranked Total (line) Total (auto)
       Outline    Usable    Guide    Star
    District 159 od 681 ud 202 gd 28 sd 1,070 of 129 hc
    City 12,219 oc 7,997 uc 680 gc 27 sc 20,923
    Airport 39 oa 43 ua 18 ga 0 sa 100
    Park 1,046 op 640 up 85 gp 6 sp 1,777
    Rural area 407 or 306 ur 19 gr 1 sr 733
    Dive guide 89 od 120 ud 95 gd 7 sd 311
    Region 2,462 or 706 ur 47 gr 1 sr 335 er 3,551
    Country 151 oc 57 uc 6 gc 1 sc 215
    Continent 2 on 5 un 0 gn 0 sn 7
    Destinations 16,574 10,555 1,171 72 335 A discrepancy exists between this total and the automatic total to the right. If this total is higher than the total to the right, one or more articles lack the {{IsPartOf}} template. If it is lower, one or more articles lack a status evaluation template. To find such articles, see the respective What's missing links in the Standard templates section above.  28,687 28,705 ip
    Itinerary 213 oi 225 ui 55 gi 5 si 498 496 it
    Travel topics 580 ot 459 ut 117 gt 2 st 1158 1,157 pt
    Events 2 oe 0 ue 0 ge 0 se 2
    Phrasebooks 204 op 54 up 45 gp 2 sp 305 308 pg
    Unspecified 10 sb 0 ur 10 0 ghost articles (help/edit)
    Gallery 2 gp 2
    Disambiguation 2,216 da 2,216
    Inactive 11 h 11
    Title/Index 21‎ ti 21
    Ghost articles 0‎ 0‎
    Total 10 17,574 11,292 1,369 80 2585 A discrepancy exists between this total and the total to the right. There may be uncategorized pages, pages missing required templates, or redirect pages which include templates/categories, or the number of ghost articles may need to be recalculated. See the note on ghost articles above right.  32,910 32,928
    Page statistics
    Content pages 32,928
    All pages 173,778
    Uploaded files 1,823
    Edit statistics
    Page edits 4,987,497
    Edits/page 28.7
    User statistics
    Registered users (list) 2,317,311
    Active users (list) 564
    Bots (list) 26
    Administrators (list) 36
    Bureaucrats (list) 3
    Autopatrollers (list) 566
    Administrator tools
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    User rights Upload
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    Global block whitelist
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