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Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates Voyage Tips and guide

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    Here we determine which articles are featured on the Main Page as Destination of the month (DotM), Off the Beaten Path (OtBP) and Featured travel topics (FTT).



    You can nominate any article you would like to see featured. Any destination, region, itinerary or event that passes the "What is an article?" test is eligible for nomination.

    However, before nominating, please check that the article follows these basic guidelines:

    • The nominated article should have an article status of guide or star. This includes having at least one good picture, and listings/headers/etc. that match our manual of style.
    • The nominated article must not have been featured since Wikivoyage became a WMF project in 2013.
    • If the article has been nominated previously but failed, any objections should be addressed before nominating it again.
      • Check the slush pile.
      • If you think a once-slushed destination is now ready to go, list it as new, but with a pointer to the slush pile entry.
      • The article should preferably be nominated 3 to 12 months before the intended feature date; ready to feature as is, or with edits that can be done well before featuring.

    Well-known and/or popular destinations should be nominated as Destination of the Month, while more obscure destinations should be nominated for Off the Beaten Path. Featured Travel Topic includes travel topics, phrasebooks, itineraries, and other articles not part of the geographic hierarchy, as well as airports (as they are not usually destinations in their own right). Where applicable, you should propose a good time to visit the destination as a month to be featured.

    The basic format of a nomination is as follows:

    | place=Destination
    | blurb='''[[Destination]]''' is a place of contrasts, and as such it...
    | status=Guide
    | time=March-June
    | nominatedBy=~~~~
    | comment=Great article and it's just luvvly-jubbly in the springtime.
    | DotMImage=[[File:Destinationimage.jpg|thumb|300px]]

    Add a nomination to the end of the appropriate section.



    You can comment on any nomination based on timeliness and adherence to the criteria above, just add a bullet point (*) and your signed opinion.

    Great article and it's just luvvly-jubbly in the springtime. TravelNut 25:25, 31 Feb 2525 (UTC)
    * Looks nice, but shouldn't the Do section contain more than just quilting contests? ~~~~

    Please note that the following are not considered valid reasons to oppose a nomination:

    • "I don't like it." All objections have to be based on the guidelines above: poor formatting, missing information, etc. Personal opinions, dislikes, etc. do not count.
    • "Wrong time of year." Articles are supported or opposed based on their content. Timing can be worked out later.
    • "Wrong type of place." Articles are supported or opposed based on their content. Whether it's DotM or OtBP can be worked out later.



    If an article gets several comments in favor and none against for a week or so, it's eligible to be placed in an appropriate time-slot in the Upcoming queue. If the objections are relatively minor and are being worked on, add them to the Upcoming queue tentatively (add a question mark "?" after the article). Feel free to move the queue around or swap articles if it makes sense. If a nomination clearly does not make the grade and if the objections are not easily fixable, they go into the Slush pile.

    Once a nomination has been scheduled, an appropriate banner image and text blurb must be selected. Go to Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates/Banners to start that discussion.



    Discussions for previously selected destinations are kept in the Archive.





    The following queue should contain about the next few months' worth of upcoming destinations. Note that new DotMs are rotated in on the 1st of each month, OtBPs on the 11th and travel topics on the 21st.

    Month DotM OtBP FTT
    July 2024 Glacier National Park (Montana) – pending stronger consensus to support Mount Buller – pending stronger consensus to support Right to access in the Nordic countries
    August 2024 Windsor (Ontario) – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Ath – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Voyages of James Cook – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support
    September 2024 Košice – pending stronger consensus to support Minot – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Flight baggage - pending fixes and stronger consensus to support
    October 2024 Yerevan – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Sekigahara Ohlone Wilderness Trail – pending fixes (?) and stronger consensus to support
    November 2024 Perth – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Presidente Prudente – pending fixes and stronger consensus to support Western food in Asia
    December 2024 Manama – pending (fixes? and) stronger consensus to support Yarrangobilly Caves – pending stronger consensus to support Churches in Antarctica – pending stronger consensus to support

    Try to avoid two overlapping or back-to-back features from the same country, as well as long streaks of features from the same continent. It is customary to wait 24 months between articles from the same or nearby cities.

    The schedule is not cast in stone. However, any change made to the schedule should have a compelling reason behind it, and should be effected as far in advance as possible of the article's scheduled term on the Main Page. In particular, unless absolutely necessary, we discourage nominee articles from being slushed or rescheduled after banners have been made for them, which usually happens 2–3 months before being featured.

    Whenever an article becomes a current feature, it should be removed from the list, the discussion archived, and (when changing out Featured Travel Topics) a new month added to the end of the queue.

    Next changes


    Decisions regarding which images to use as the banners are made at Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates/Banners.

    The section below provides an opportunity to see what the upcoming featured articles will look like on the Main Page using the banners that are currently most popular on the above page.



    On the date of the scheduled change, the DotM, OtBP, or FTT should be changed as close to midnight UTC as possible. This can only be done by administrators. When the featured page is changed, please follow the following procedures to do so and archive content to the appropriate pages. At each stage, please double-check that you are correctly moving content. Several steps involves copy pasting of the file names of the Main Page banners – former, current, and next – so it can be useful to open those in tabs first.

    1. Update the featured articles on the main page by replacing the current 'banner' template section with those of the appropriate banner for the new DotM/OtBP/FTT found in the Next change section above.
    2. Update the Photo credits page with the banner's original image, title and attribution.
    3. Add the former featured article to the appropriate archive page: Previous Destinations of the month, Previously Off the beaten path, or Previous Featured travel topics.
    4. Remove Template:Featurenomination from newly featured article.
    5. For the former featured article, add the appropriate parameter to the pagebanner template (directly after the image filename) to label the page as having been featured previously.
      • For former DotMs, add: |dotm=yes
      • For former OtBPs, add: |otbp=yes
      • For former FTTs, add: |ftt=yes
    6. Archive the newly featured article's nomination. Simply cut-and-paste the nomination section of the newly featured article from this page to Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates/Archive.
    7. Update the Next change section above by adding the banner from the discussion page. View the table in the Schedule section above to determine what next month's change will be, then update the image and blurb in the "Next change" section with that found in the upcoming featured article's nomination.
    8. In the schedule, use <s> and </s> to strikethrough the newly featured article. Remove the row from the table if the newly featured article is the FTT.
    9. Archive the newly featured article's banner by cutting-and-pasting all banner suggestions and the associated discussion into Wikivoyage:Destination of the month candidates/Banners/Archive.

    Nominations for Destination of the Month


    Place: Windsor (Ontario)
    Blurb: Much more than just "South Detroit", the multicultural southernmost city of Canada features many outdoor activities, and a rich culture life (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: May-Sep, "The late summer is the best time to visit the city"
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: A combination we haven't had for a while is a large North American city featured during the summer. According to the article history, the article has been edited frequently in 2023, still it could be useful to go through the listings and check that everything listed is still in business/operational a couple of months before we feature it. Some listings also have no descriptions at all, especially in the Cope section.


    Place: Košice
    Blurb: Slovakia's second city is a bit off the tourist radar, still with a great deal of historical sites, scenic outdoors and interesting events to enjoy (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: May-Sep
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: This would be our first ever Slovakian feature. It's translated from a Star article in French WV which is why the article is extensive and tidy. While many listings have an older date, I did run everything through Google Maps when translating (it's pointless translating outdated stuff) so they are up to date as of January 2023. However, as this would go on the Main Page probably in September 2024 it's closer to two than one year after the translation, so listings could be checked again for up-to-date-ness a little before we run it.


    Place: Yerevan
    Blurb: Cascades, fountains and grand buildings await you in the Armenian capital (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Apr-May, Sep-Oct. October for Yerevan Birthday?
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: I recently upgraded the status to guide (somehow I remember it already was at guide status at some point, maybe it's another article downgraded for no apparent reason?) as it's really extensive. Sometime closer to when it's featured we need to check that places we've listed still exist, and that prices aren't too much off. Part of the lead section could be moved to Understand.


    Place: Perth
    Blurb: Maybe the most isolated world city still has a cosmopolitan vibe and features beaches, wineries and as well as cute quokkas on Rottnest Island (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Spring or autumn
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: It's been a while since our last WA feature, so why not head to the by far largest city there? Most parts of the articles look OK but See would need to be expanded, some sections could use photos and it wouldn't hurt to check through the listings in the districts. I'd imagine the article would be featured in November or so, so there's no rush.

    I haven't had the chance to properly read through the article, but it might be a good idea to solicit the opinion of @Graham87:, who has previously lived in Perth. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 09:37, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I'd prefer not to deal with this, honestly, unless there are very specific questions that require local input. I don't know Perth that well from the average traveller's perspective, especially these days. Graham87 (talk) 11:59, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    That's fair enough. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 08:37, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    One other thing I noticed is that the static maps look horrendous (no offense, sorry). I can't tell which goes where, with several major freeways like the Tonkin Hwy missing. I can't do much since I've never been to Perth, though. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 03:39, 4 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Manama
    Blurb: Bahrain's capital is a great introduction to the Middle East with a huge mosque, a souq, a world heritage listed fort and an archaeological site at its outskirts. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Dec-Mar
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 16:58, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: There's been a while since we featured something from the Gulf states. All listings have geocoordinates, and recently expanded the Understand and See section. Needs a bit of expansion still, maybe..? And before it's featured, as always, we need to check that all the listed places are still in business.


    Place: Medan
    Blurb: A melting pot of cultures, Indonesia's fourth city is off the tourist radar for foreigners, but popular among Indonesians especially for its food culture. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Jan-Apr is the driest time of the year
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 16:58, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We've featured Indonesian destinations quite a few times, but now when I checked all of them are from Java, Bali or Nusa Tenggara. This one would be the first from the bigger islands further north. Could use an update (ie. listings checked up using Google Maps) before it's featured. And it needs pictures in other sections than See!


    Place: Recife
    Blurb: There are many sides to Recife, the city is steeped in colonial history but famed for its urban beaches too. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Oct-Feb (Carnival in late February!)
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 16:58, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Updated in late 2020/early 2021, nominated for a slot in early 2022. I mentioned then that the listings needed to be checked for up to datedness, but otherwise the article was in a quite good shape. Now almost half a year before the article was to be run, it was slushed because it hadn't been updated (also because there was a bad COVID situation in Brazil, nevertheless I can't remember this would have been a problem for any other article that was featured during the pandemic). So here it is again. Some edits have been made to the article by others in the meantime, to a large extent it's the same article. As I envision to see this on the main page perhaps for February's slot, it's better to make the up to date check later.


    Nominations for Off the Beaten Path


    Place: Mount Buller
    Blurb: One of Victoria's prime ski resorts holds an alpine charm: it's where snowy peaks meet a wide variety of ski slopes, and is just a 3–4-hour drive from Melbourne. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Southern winter for the ski season
    Nominated by: SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 10:17, 7 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We've never featured a ski resort from the Southern Hemisphere, but this article received a fresh rewrite from JML1148. This region of Australia has only ever had one feature before (Mount Kosciuszko summit trails), but I guess there are only so many places in the Australian Alps.

    I've replaced the image with c:File:Mt Buller village Stevage.jpg as suggested – it's only a placeholder image, though – we choose different images for banners closer to when an article is scheduled to be featured (roughly 2–3 months). Please keep working on it – nominations usually sit here for many months and articles don't need to be perfect at the time of nomination (also hence my speedy nomination). --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 10:30, 7 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Ath
    Blurb: Built around a medieval dungeon, buildings from many eras and styles can be seen in Ath. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: May-Sep. The Ducasse d'Ath festival takes place in late August
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 19:37, 29 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Even if there are several European DotMs and FTTs nominated for next summer, we have no OtBP candidate from Europe. How about featuring one of the articles I translated a few months ago, Ath would be the first Belgian OtBP? Yes, the lastedit dates in the article are from earlier years, but just because I use the wikicode editor and was too lazy to change those one by one. All listings that are there are up to date as of February 2023.


    Place: Minot
    Blurb: This air force and rail town is also - at least heritage-wise - a piece of Scandinavia on the Great Plains. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: May-Sep (Sep for the Norwegian Autumn Festival in early October)
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: A tidy article, however many coordinates are missing, there's room for a couple more images, and this article too needs to be checked for up-to-date-ness a bit before featuring.


    Place: New England National Park
    Blurb: Visit one of the world's best preserved Gondwana Rainforests in New South Wales with many of New England National Park's hiking trails showcasing exactly that. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Southern winter (ideally), though spring and autumn also work.
    Nominated by: SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 06:02, 29 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We have 25 Australian guide park articles – let's feature another one of them.


    Place: La Tremblade
    Blurb: Do you like surfing and oysters? Then, then this Charente-Maritime town facing the Atlantic definitely is for you! (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Apr-Oct, mid-summer might be quite hot though
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Translated from a Star article on French WV about year ago, so it should be fairly up to date despite what the timestamps say.


    Place: Presidente Prudente
    Blurb: Named after a president, this regional town has plenty of green spaces and interesting events around the year (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Spring or autumn probably
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We've never featured anything from Brazil as OtBP, so let's fix that. Speaking of fixing, there are some minor things to fix in the article. It's always nice with photos, but they need to be spread out more evenly and possibly some of them deleted. Some listings, especially in Drink, lack descriptions. Luckily there are the websites of the places listed, so it should be easy to get a picture of the place and write a short description. Finally the long list of Wi-Fi hotspots could perhaps be deleted.


    Place: Yarrangobilly Caves
    Blurb: Nestled deep in Australia's Snowy Mountains, Yarrangobilly features not just caves, but thermal pools and great hikes as well. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Any time
    Nominated by: Jpatokal (talk) 00:18, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: It's been several years since we had an Australian OTBP, and both the caves and the pool are nice all year round. I intentionally chose a non-cave pic to give a better feel for the area, but open to alternatives.

    • Almost – as the person who started and wrote much of the article, thanks for the nomination! I might add some geolines to it (am familiar with the trails), but I can't see anything much missing from when I was there. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 07:29, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Sekigahara
    Blurb: This quaint mountain town and battlefield, where Tokugawa won control of Japan, gives visitors firsthand insight into feudal Japanese warfare. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: March-May; October
    Nominated by: Tuyuhun (talk) 11:34, 2 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: This town would be perfect for OTBP, given its importance in Japanese history and its well-developed tourist services. It is a small town with very few dining options and lodging (which might be an issue but might not depending on consensus), but it is close to larger Japanese cities like Maibara and Nagoya and would be a perfect day trip from Kyoto et al., especially since it is on a major train line. It is especially beautiful in the spring when the plum and cherry blossoms bloom, but the Battle of Sekigahara was in October of 1600, so it would also work for an October listing.

    • Support Can't see anything that would prevent this from being an OtBP. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 12:07, 2 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support Article looks good & the site is important. Pashley (talk) 15:00, 2 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support The article is good. Having visited once, I can attest that the historical sites are really not geared for English-speaking visitors, but the article doesn't pretend otherwise and it's fine for a mildly interesting day trip. Jpatokal (talk) 06:01, 3 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support. Well, if there are few places to eat and drink and sleep, we can't list any more than there actually is :). I think we should run the Sekigahara in October for the re-enactment of the battle as we will probably already have one Japanese feature sometime next spring (Public baths in Japan as FTT). --Ypsilon (talk) 08:50, 10 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Not Yet With zero "Eat" or "Buy" listings, this article has not earned guide status. We should not be saying things like "some decent restaurants and cafes opened both in the battlefield and around the station". Instead, those restaurants and cafes should be given listings. Sekigahara's website shows that the city has numerous restaurants. Similarly "souvenir shops around town" should be given listings. Other encampments should also be given listings. They will not overwhelm the article and they provide deeper understanding of the battle, especially in an article that says you won't understand if you don't speak Japanese. The article also doesn't list much outside of the battlefield. No War Land? No cave? No mention of the Nakasendo post town (Sekigahara-juku)? How about the opportunity to don samurai outfits? I have been to Sekigahara numerous times. It wasn't really on my radar to edit, but maybe I can try adding things here and there to get it up to standard. ChubbyWimbus (talk) 14:59, 30 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Khujand
    Blurb: Founded by Alexander the Great and beloved by Lenin, Tajikistan's second city is more than just a base for hiking into the nearby Fann Mountains. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Any time
    Nominated by: Tuyuhun (talk) 17:18, 13 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We've done one (1) Central Asian destination in all of DotM history (Karakol). It's high time we feature something else from the region. While I know that even major CA cities like Almaty might count as OtBP, I nominated Khujand because it's a hidden gem of the region and many mountaineering tourists use it as a base for treks into the Fann mountains when they visit Tajikistan. Many 'multi-Stan' tours now go through Khujand as well, since the Pamir Hwy is essentially a no-go with the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border being closed. It can be run at any month of the year since the climate is mild enough in the winter and not boiling hot in the summer. Summer or Fall would fit best with the mountaineering schedule.


    Place: Churches in Antarctica
    Blurb: While you won't be able to visit all Antarctic churches at once, the few churches on the frozen continent highlight how Christianity has truly reached every corner of the globe. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: sometime during the summer, between October and February.
    Nominated by: SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 10:43, 2 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Although I said I'll wait a bit before nominating this, I'll be out next week and there's no harm in nominating this early.

    As to the article itself, I realise this is a bit of a niche topic and no traveller visits Antarctica for its churches (unless they're a part of a maintenance crew or something alike) and also somewhat overgeneralised, Wikivoyage attracts many armchair travellers and thanks to the excellent work of Grahamsands, this is a good armchair article, in my opinion.

    Comment: We have plenty of travel topics nominated, and the travel topics have potential for new articles, with itineraries, and thematic articles such as these. Shall we allow geographic travel topics to run as DoTM and OtBP? /Yvwv (talk) 14:38, 2 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    If the alternative is to run a destination article that hasn't been updated since before the pandemic, I think such flexibility is preferable. Otherwise, probably not. Ikan Kekek (talk) 02:47, 20 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    I'd be open to featuring this in Off the beaten path, because it doesn't get much more OtBP than this. Jpatokal (talk) 02:55, 20 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Voyages of James Cook
    Blurb: Follow the steps of one of the most famous British explorers around the world! (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Anytime
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 19:46, 2 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We have several "Voyages of..." articles at guide status, so why not start nominating one of them for FTT?

    Comment: We tend to look for major anniversaries for historical articles. Cook's second voyage was made from 1772 to 1775, which is 250 years ago. Not sure whether there will be any public events to attend, however. /Yvwv (talk) 13:38, 3 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    • Put on hold? - This is a clean article with guide status, entirely written by established Wikivoyagers so I went ahead and nominated it for FTT some time ago. Now I'm scanning Commons for banner material for March's and April's featured articles, and looked more closely at the article to see which exact destinations the article is about. At that, I noticed that there are no POIs from New Zealand (see also Talk:Voyages of James Cook), and that part of the world is too important not to include. There are Mt Cook and the Cook strait but there must also be quite a few monuments of him, but the question is which of them are the most notable and should be included in the article? --Ypsilon (talk) 16:20, 31 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      I have added some NZ POIs and listings for the two replica Endeavour's which are afloat (UK and Australia). There are now three NZ listings - two are of the beaten track and one is a more central statue, but I am not sure if it is the most notable memorial. AlasdairW (talk) 22:46, 11 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Thanks, and I also added the Cook strait and mountain. --Ypsilon (talk) 09:28, 21 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Let's wait for a week or two, I just brought the issues to light and there's a good chance that we have editors familiar with Cook and NZ who can help. Ypsilon (talk) 16:41, 31 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support I think it is now in reasonable shape, although more could be done. We should also check that the places listed in the article are mentioned in the city articles which are linked in the listings. AlasdairW (talk) 23:21, 11 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Right to access in the Nordic countries
    Blurb: There's a lot of nature to explore in the Nordic countries, and most of it for free (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Summer probably, though you can enjoy nature here around the year
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Yet another complete guide article I've thought about nominating for quite some time. We already have one Nordic FTT article next summer (E8 through Finland and Norway). But as there are no other Nordic articles (DotM/OtBPs) nominated and this is about nature while the other is about a road and towns, I think there's space for this one too. We ran the closely related Hiking in the Nordic countries in August 2015, so there will be about 9 years between them.

    • Support as nominator. Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support Quite different from most travel topics we have. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 02:44, 30 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support. I think the article covers most relevant issues and it may be eye-opening for people from countries where the tradition is different (such as England and the USA). However, I'd like to hear from travellers not familiar with the concept: is there something that should be clarified? –LPfi (talk) 08:59, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      [edit conflict] The time slot in July is nice, as it's in the berry and mushroom season (which will continue through September) and also a common vacation time in Europe, with good hiking weather locally. –LPfi (talk) 09:30, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      As an outsider, I've found this concept pretty easy to understand when I visited Norway a few years back (and should find it relatively easy when I visit Iceland and Finland next year), but that's also because it's a bit more lax here than it is in the UK or US and accidentally trespassing won't get you into much issues (unlike some places where you can legally be shot). --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 09:05, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      (and as a side note, I so wish this concept applied everywhere instead of just the Nordics) --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 09:42, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support. As Scotland has more recently introduced some broadly similar rights with the Outdoor Access Code about 20 years ago, I found the article easy to understand and got a good grip also on what is different. I would like to see some links to definitive advice on access - government websites or possibly walking clubs etc. It would also be good to know who is responsible for enforcing these rights - to who do I report the farmer shouting "get off my land!". AlasdairW (talk) 21:50, 12 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      There is no definite advice, as these right aren't codified in law (other than as a side effect of other legislation). Government websites, walking clubs etc. do give advice, but they are not "official sites/primary sources" on the issue, so whatever they say should instead be included in our article, to the extent we see it as important.
      For the same reason nobody is enforcing those rights. If a farmer tells you to get off some specific part of their land, you should comply, as they probably have good reason. On the other hand, if you don't and they threaten you, then you can take them to court for illegal threats, or they could take you to court for causing damage to their crop.
      It seems this aspect of the rights should be explained more clearly in the article. One thing that I see difficult to convey, is how well this works in practice, through nearly everybody's respect for the rights, and most people behaving. There is little reason for a landowner to patrol their forest in hunt of hikers. This can be seen in court cases being very rare – no hikers or berry pickers try to test the limits.
      LPfi (talk) 07:26, 13 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      Did this help? –LPfi (talk) 09:37, 13 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      Thanks that helps. The question on enforcement came because the Scottish code has been challenged by landowners, although the traditional access that it was codifying rarely was. As this is a topic touching on legal areas, I think we should either have a strong disclaimer in the lede ("consult a lawyer for advice"), or link to other sites which give similar advice. For example, these tourist office pages appear to support what we are saying: Visit Sweden, Visit Norway and Visit Finland. This helps to protect WV and editors from being sued if something is wrong. It also helps readers unfamiliar with the ideas to see them expressed in different words elsewhere. AlasdairW (talk) 22:12, 13 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • Support. This is an excellent travel topic! Excellent to see support for this nomination from locals as well. --Comment by Selfie City (talk) (contributions) 16:39, 13 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Flight baggage
    Blurb: There are many things to take into consideration when packing for a flight - check out our guide for useful advice! (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Anytime
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: A look at Previous Featured travel topics reveals we don't very often run articles that aren't bound to a specific geographical location. But here's one. I think everything relevant is included.


    Place: Ohlone Wilderness Trail
    Blurb: The wilderness outside San Francisco offers some serious hiking with beautiful views (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Spring or fall per Ohlone Wilderness Trail#Climate
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 15:46, 27 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: ...and yet another topic I've been thinking about nominating for quite some time. If there's something important missing, I think SelfieCity who's written most of the article can add it.

    Actually, I just discovered that the dynamic map already contains the trail, it appears on the dynamic map when you open its menu (in the upper right corner) and tick the "Hiking" box. Is there some way to have it displayed on the map by default, that'd probably be faster than drawing/coding the trail from scratch? --Ypsilon (talk) 10:54, 18 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • My understanding is that geolines have never been a requirement for featuring. However, I agree that they make hiking itinerary articles better, so I have connected the relevant Wikidata item with OpenStreetMap and added a mapshape template to the article. Assuming I've done it correctly, once everything has had a chance to sync we should hopefully see the geoline in the article's map. —Granger (talk · contribs) 15:33, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      Thanks. That's more time-effective than drawing it from scratch and hosting it locally. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs | meta) 07:07, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    • I would want some more information about what you can expect from the campsites and whether there are some facilities along the route. If this is clear for locals, the info should go into some hiking/park travel topic, and that article should be referenced for the info. –LPfi (talk) 20:10, 2 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
      I agree more information is needed about the campsites. Do they have potable water? Non-potable water? Toilets of any kind? Are campfires allowed? If so, are there permanent firepits, and is there a feasible way to obtain firewood? Which ones require reservations, and how can they be reserved? Maybe SelfieCity can help clarify. —Granger (talk · contribs) 04:44, 3 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

    Place: Western food in Asia
    Blurb: What's a Maharaja Mac, Shanghai-style borscht or "soy sauce Western food"? Check out this article for an unusual culinary tour around Asia! (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Any
    Nominated by: Ypsilon (talk) 18:56, 1 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: I guess it's good to run as it is, though if there's something important missing, feel free to add it.


    Place: Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/MV Aster
    Blurb: The M.V. Aster was scuttled in 1997 the Hout Bay of the Cape Peninsula near Cape Town, as a diver-friendly artificial reef. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Star (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Southern summer: Late 2024 or early 2025
    Nominated by: Yvwv (talk) 12:01, 4 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: We have been featuring the best of Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/Dive sites articles; the last one in early 2022, which is now past the recommended 24 month cooldown between neighboring destinations. These articles alleviate the shortage of features from Africa, without compromising on quality.


    Place: Public baths in Japan
    Blurb: Bathing Japanese style is a pleasure, and a visit to a Japanese hot spring should be on the agenda of every visitor. (should not exceed ~145 characters)
    Article status: Guide (must be guide or above).
    Time to feature: Any time of year, except maybe midsummer
    Nominated by: Jpatokal (talk) 22:28, 4 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Comment: Needs a bit of cleanup but contentwise this is great. Not entirely convinced that "Toilets" belongs in here though.



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